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TreasureMouse - An Agent For Wikileaks

Welcome to TreasureMouse's official GitHub repo !

TreasureMouse is an agent for wikileaks. As the first step of wikileaks' legal entry into China, it mainly provides wikileaks with new information and common readers. WikiLeaks, also known as WikiLeaks or WikiLeaks, is a borderless nonprofit Internet media that helps insiders keep organizations, businesses and governments operating in the sun. Julian Paul Assange is generally regarded as the founder, editor and director of wikileaks. Christian Hrafenson, Joseph Farrell and Sarah Harrison are the only other members of their group known to the public to be associated with wikileaks. Christian Hrafenson also worked with Assange, Inga Ragnar Ingarsen, and Gavin Mikael Faydian in the Sunshine Media Products division.

TreasureMouse as wikipedia decryption's platform, is mainly used to reveal all kinds of Internet inside information source, is a small white can quickly grow into big cafes and fast learning to the knowledge of the Internet, in the rat of the hidden treasure can quickly learn insider knowledge from all walks of life, even knew insider information can exchange trading in the rats of the hidden treasure. From the constant exchange and communication to quickly supplement the treasure rat database, so that more newcomers can get the answer they want here.

TreasureMouse integrates the core technical advantages of distributed cloud storage, blockchain technology, and big data application technology, integrates and classifies each application scene or data and skills, and puts the data on the platform. With the gradual enrichment of data, the use of knowledge and skills published more and more, but also a strong TreasureMouse value system.

Getting Started

This repository

This repo is where you will find the code that can use to run an AElf node. It also contains a tests folder that centralizes all the unit tests.


We strongly recommend you follow official documentation that will guide you through installing dependencies and running the node, these two guides will get you started:


If you have a reasonable understanding of blockchain technology and at least some notions of C# you can of course contribute. We also appreciate other types of contributions such as documentation improvements or even correcting typos in the code if you spot any.

We expect every contributor to be respectful and constructive so that everyone has a positive experience.

Reporting an issue

We currently only use GitHub for tracking issues, feature request and pull requests. If you're not familiar with these tools have a look at the GitHub documentation.

Bug report

If you think you have found a bug in our system feel free to open a GitHub issue, but first:

  • check with GitHub's search engine that the bug doesn't already exist.
  • in the request give as much information as possible such as: the OS, the version of TreasureMouse, how to reproduce...

Missing feature

We also use the GitHub issue tracker for features. If you think that some piece of functionality is missing in TreasureMouse, you can open an issue with the following in mind:

  • check for similare feature requests already open.
  • provide as much detail and context as possible.
  • be as convincing as possible as to why we need this feature and how everybody can benefit from it.

Pull request

For any non trivial modification of the code, the pull requests should be associated with an issue that was previously discussed. During the time you implement and are not yet ready for review, prefix the PR's title with [WIP] and also don't forget to do the following:

  • add a description in the pull request saying which issue you are fixing/implementing.
  • be as explicit as possible about the changes in the description.
  • add the tests corresponding to your modifications.
  • pull requests should be made against the dev branch.

When you are ready for a review by the core team, just remove [WIP] from your PR's title and others will review. This will either lead to a discussion or to a refactor of the code. The Travis CI system makes sure that every pull request is built for Windows, Linux, and macOS, and that unit tests are run automatically. The CI passing is a pre-condition for the PR to be merged as well as the approval from the core team.


We use Semantic Versioning (SemVer) for versioning, if you're intereted in closely following TreasureMouse's developement please check out the SemVer docs.


TreasureMouse is licenced under [MIT]


No description, website, or topics provided.



Code of conduct





No releases published


No packages published
