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This repository is responsible for running all functional tests against DSS apis, testing that the system functions as a whole. While all apis have their own unit tests; In most cases there is more than one microservice that is being tested, a service bus & sql audit tables being checked. The original solution was wrote in full framework (4.61), all Specflow features being migrated across into a new format with some code refactoring.

Apis being tested

Backend Services being tested indirectly


Developer Setup

To configure the tests to be run locally, edit the appsettings.local.json file to include the sql connection string and the cosmos shared key and tests can be either ran from Visual Studio or the Command Prompt.

To run these functional tests locally; create appsettings.local.json file locally with the required application settings. This file is in the .gitignore file and will not be checked into source control.

  • dotnet test or
  • donet test --filter "TestCategory=customers" -v detailed //e.g. actions, customers,actionplans etc