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a couple of Windows desktop apps to help map out a folder of GPS's tagged photos into a KMZ file
inspired by PhotoKML ( but it didnt do exactly what I wanted so wrote my own version.

that didnt work out so well as I discovered the camera time had not been updated to match the local time....FixExifTimeStamp is the result.

It runs through the folder list comparing Exif datetaken with the GPS date, adjusted for local time based upon the Lat/Long
Unlike other exif updaters i found, this one allows for different corrections for different cameras.

Relies heavily on the ExifLibrary GIT project by Ozgur Ozcitak.
It is available as a nuget but I dodnt want the .NetStd libraries, so have included it as source for .net4.7.2
DotNetZip (Henrik/Dino Chiesa)
GeoTimeZone (Matt Johnson-Pint,Simon Bartlett)
TimeZoneConvertor (Matt Johnson-Pint)

Thumbnail based on code from c-sharpcorner. (ManojKalla)