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A Minecraft world ageing application created by Minecraft Fourm user "Commander_Keen" on 4/18/2011

Please note this hasn't been updated since 2011, so it will need a fair amount of updating to work with newer version on Minecraft, the last update this had was to make it compatible with the new level formart and blocks in Minecraft version 1.3

Please see original fourm post:

Or archived version here:*/

Teeth of Time is a 3rd party Minecraft tool designed to simulate time decay and nature reclaiming on Minecraft worlds. This is done in a very realistic way, making blocks to fall off or tople and lay on the ground. Nature takes over human creations by covering them in grass, trees and other natural features. Everything is fully customisable, configs can be easily made, stored and chosed at start of the application.


*Unsupported blocks fall, supported blocks topple

*Blocks decay into others (cobble into mossy cobble, etc.)

*Nature takes over human creations, using Minecraft itself to repopulate all chunks

*A Perlin filter to add non-uniform destruction and more detail

*Ability to ruin either the whole world or selected chunks only

*Everything can be customised in config files wich can be easily chosen at start of the app

*Multiple "official" configs included, with varying degree of decay


*Fluids recalculation

*GUI frontend provided to run the program

*Batch file compatible

*Mod compatible

-Teeth of Time runs on the C# library Substrate created by Jaquadro.