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Prover SpecWriter

Prover SpecWriter is a project that makes it easy to record interactions between and targeted at objects living in a CLR process; and then serialize these interactions to a specification or unit-test.

Suggested Areas of Use

The component has proven useful when dealing with legacy systems without unit tests, as 'baseline' interaction tests can quickly be set up and run as a part of a test suite testing for regressions.

Another possible use-case is recording of game-play or GUI interactions. It can be hard to produce realistic test-data when interactions are stateful - SpecWriter gives you the ability to create this state from the ground up, written as a test-fixture.


The API should be almost fully documented with C# XML docs in the code.

In its initial release, it is based around the Castle Windsor Dynamic Proxy, and as such, you configure SpecWriterFacility:


You can also configure further formatters, loggers, variable formatters and other nice things with the configuration API:

    static void AddSpecWriterFacility(WindsorContainer container) {
        f => {
          f.UseLogger(new SpecWriterNLogger());
          // ... etc
	// snippet from SpecWriterFacility, configurable options:
	public void UseLogger(Logger aLogger) {
      logger = aLogger;

    public void UseVariableFormatter<T>()
      where T : VariableFormatter {
      variableFormatter = typeof (T);

    public void UseFormatter<T>(string key) 
      where T : Formatter {
      formatters.Add(key, typeof(T));

    public void UseContentWriter<T>()
      where T : ContentWriter {
      contentWriter = typeof (T);

    public void UseRecordKeeper<T>() 
      where T : RecordDataKeeper {
      recordDataKeeper = typeof (T);

    public void UseSerializer<T>()
      where T : Serializer {
      serializer = typeof (T);

    public void UsePrintContextFactory<T>()
      where T : PrintContextFactory {
      printContextFac = typeof (T);

The methods are documented, so use Intellisense to explore what options you have available.

The facility will place interceptors around components marked with [RecordInteractions]:


You can provide a SpecWriter implementation. Here's a unit test with MSpecWriter that also showcases the two major controlling interfaces for the functionality, RecordingControlPanel and RecordDataKeeper:

public class When_printing_interceptions_to_spec {
  static RecordingControlPanel control;
  static S actor;

  Establish context = () => {
    container = WindsorContainerFactory.GetTracingContainer<S, A>(
      f => { },
      out dataKeeper,
      out control,
      out actor);

    control.Trace(() => {
      actor.Do5(new FormattingDTO(354));
      actor.Do5(new FormattingDTO(45));

    subject = container.Resolve<ContentWriter>();

  static IWindsorContainer container;

  Cleanup after = () => {
    container.Dispose(actor, control, dataKeeper);

  Because printing_with_context = () => {
    var ctx = new SpecContextImpl(
      "calling A some times".Replace(" ", "_"),
      variable => new SimpleNameEnumerator(variable),

    output = subject.WriteContext(ctx);

  It should_output_subject_name = () => output.ShouldMatch(string.Format("{0} = Bootstrap", _subjectName));
  It should_output_call_to_subject_1 = () => output.ShouldContain("subject.Do5(new FormattingDTO(354));");
  It should_output_call_to_subject_2 = () => output.ShouldContain("subject.Do5(new FormattingDTO(45));");
  It should_output_call_to_Boostrappy = () => output.ShouldContain("= Bootstrappy.AUnderTest(out cleanup);");

  [Ignore("for debugging only")] 
  It can_print_to_console = () => Console.WriteLine(output);

  static RecordDataKeeper dataKeeper;
  static ContentWriter subject;
  static string output;
  const string _subjectName = "subject";
  const string _bootstrapName = "Bootstrappy";

  public interface S {
    int Do5(FormattingDTO factor);

  class A : S {
    public int Do5(FormattingDTO factor) {
      return 5*factor.Val;

Controlling the Component

To control the component you can use RecordingControlPanel and RecordDataKeeper, as you saw above. These are registered in the container, and you can optionally create replace them, or create and resolve from a child container to override them. The keys of the components are visible in the facility source code (on the type SpecWriterFacility).

A simple Web GUI

We have included a simple GUI that covered our use-cases.

A simple SpecWriter GUI


Intercept an interation with a CLR object and print a MSpec from that interaction, that exercises the object the exact same way.






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