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This project provides a library with a set of constraint classes that can be used to validate arbitrary values, like application settings. The constraints can be expressed in strings, so they can be stored along with the validated values. It also contains classes to consistently serialize and deserialize various data types into strings that can then be stored in formats like XML or databases.


  • .NET Framework 4.6 or newer for desktop applications
  • Universal Windows Platform (UWP) 10.0 (Windows 10) or newer for Windows Store Apps and Windows 10 IoT.


The project uses the following NuGet packages that are either found on or my own feed (see below):

  • NerdyDuck.CodedExceptions


The neutral resource language for all texts is English (en-US). Currently, the only localization available is German (de-DE). If you like to add other languages, feel free to send a pull request with the translated resources!

How to get

More information

For examples and a complete class reference, please see the Wiki. ❗ Work in progress.


The project is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.


#####2016-04-14 / v1.1.2 / DAK

  • Updated reference for NerdyDuck.CodedExceptions to v1.2.1.
  • Switched exception error codes from literals to ErrorCodes enumeration, including comment text from ErrorCodes.csv.
  • Universal project compiled against Microsoft.NETCore.UniversalWindowsPlatform 5.1.0.

#####2016-04-06 / v1.1.1 / DAK

  • Updated reference for NerdyDuck.CodedExceptions to v1.2.0.
  • Added deployment project to compile all projects and create/push the NuGet package in one go. Removed separate NuGet project. Removes also dependency on NuGet Packager Template.
  • Extracted file signing into its own reusable MSBuild target file.
  • Extracted resource generation for desktop project into its own reusable MSBuild target file.
  • Created a MSBuild target for automatic T4 transformations on build. Removes dependency on Visual Studio Modeling SDK.

#####2016-01-27 / v1.1.0 / DAK

#####2016-01-11 / v1.0.1 / DAK

  • Changed target version for UWP library to Windows 10 build 10586; minimum version remains build 10240.
  • Changed automatic signing of assemblies from post-compiler batch script to msbuild task.
  • Compiled against NerdyDuck.CodedExceptions v1.1.2 .

#####2015-12-09 / v1.0.0 / DAK

  • Initial release.


Validation and serialization of arbitrary (parameter) values stored as strings for .NET







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