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Projeto 3 Linguagens de Progrmação I 2019/2020 - Roguelike


Nelson salvador n21904295 | Pedro Coutinho n21905323 | Miguel Martinho n21901530

Nelson Salvador:

  • Sistema de highscore
  • Input system
  • Map and object sync trough dictionary
  • PowerUps
  • PowerUps Spawns
  • debugging

Pedro Coutinho:

  • Enemy Spawn
  • Enemy movement
  • Action messages
  • Map generation
  • debugging

Miguel Martinho:

  • Report
  • Player movement
  • Collision system
  • Gameloop
  • UI
  • Main menu
  • debugging

Program Architecture

Program starts with input given by player on row and column size. Then creates the menu and takes input for the multiple menu options. If the player chooses to start a new game, a new game instance will be created. This game instance will create a map and a player instance and have it as a property. With each new level a new map will be generated, along with the new positions of the new objects trough the Generate method from the class map. The player instance will remain the same trough out the levels the only thing that changes is his starting position which is randomly generated with the new map.

The method StartGame is responsible for the main gameloop and for essentially running the game. The player makes gives his 2 directional inputs which are fed to the GetInput method, which separates the directional inputs and tells the CheckMove method where the player wishes to move. CheckMove method verifies if the player can move to said direction by comparing the tile given by GetInput to the information on said tile in the dictionary. If it has an object the player will either not be able to move there if there is an enemy or a wall or be able to pick up a PowerUp. After the 2 moves have been made, the enemies will move. A for each function will run trough the enemy list to make sure each enemy can move close to the player, if the move that is closest to the player is against a wall, they will move in a random direction. The EnemySelect will compare every move an enemy can make a choose the one with the samllest distance to the player. if the enemy sees he has 2 possible moves with the same distance he will make the first one he checked. When the enemy hits a wall the method EnemyRandomMove will ensure the enemy moves into a random available direction by making various compares with the tiles closest to him.

In terms of the Map class, it has a dictionary that stores the type of any object in-game, and an instance of a class if that object has various types or if its important to know their coordinates.

UML Diagram


Help with the dictionary


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