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Project structure

The nebulon powershell module consists of the following projects:

  • nebSharp - a .NET Standard library implementing the nebulon ON API
  • nebPowerAutomation - the powershell module, makes use of nebSharp. Targets the .NET 4.8 Framework.

The .NET library may be used in addition to the PowerShell module, i.e. for a .NET Core web-application or other Microsoft centric management tools, i.e. a Windows Admin Center gateway plugin.

Building the project

This section includes instructions to setup a build server using Windows 10. Your build server needs the .NET Framwork Dev Pack installed in order to build the libraries and the powershell module.

In the project root directory follow these steps:

Restore nuget packages

nuget restore

Build the solution components

MSBuild.exe NebPowerAutomation.sln -verbosity:quiet