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An infrastructure libraries for Unity & C#


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  1. F_ABFetcher : Asset Bundle Loader ( official plugin included: )
    1. Provide a asset bundle loader ABFetcherLoaderBase to initialized asset bundle, and to be called as a loader.
    2. Provide a loading script ABDownloaderBase with states to check all specified bundle files.
    3. Inherited Classes :
      1. AssetBundleManager: Official asset bundle manager (static).
      2. LoaderExample: use AssetBundleManager, to provide handler after the protected methods are called. ( ex. LoadAssetAsync_Callback )
      3. ABFetcherLoaderBase: Inherited from LoaderExample, and provide public method to be called by other process.
      4. ABDownloaderBase: Abstract class that is inherited from ABFetcherLoaderBase with states to be ready to check a list of CheckItem.
      5. ABDownloader: Inherited from ABDownloaderBase to use ABSetupInfo to check the versions of each bundles.
    4. Besides load asset handler and level handler, provide bundle loading handler.
  2. F_ConversationManager : Conversation(dialogs) manager
    1. A conversation manager traverse all stories and takes.
    2. Story: a indices of takes.
    3. Take: all information to present a take.
  3. F_DataCenter : Generic data storage to save all data as string.
    1. Use data storage to check basic conditions be triggered.
  4. F_EditorTools :
    1. version incrementation and set to project setting. by a file Assets/Resources/version.txt
    2. Clean caching by Caching.CleanCache() or Caching.ClearCache().
    3. Delete playerprefs by PlayerPrefs.DeleteAll()
    4. font replacement among UnityEngine.UI.Text or GUIText by selected Font
  5. F_EnumConverter : Genric enum converter to integer EnumIntConverter and string EnumStrConverter
  6. F_MathTools : [DotNet] float equal by specified value and float.Epsilon
  7. F_SpreadSheetLoader :
    1. load a tab base table to List< string [] >.
  8. F_StateMachine : State machine with recording time and calling transition methods.
  9. F_SystemDateTime : [DotNet] Time convertion from Date(-62135596800000) to System.DateTime
  10. F_Timer : count down timer CountDownTimer with functionalities of Active(), Rewind(), Pospone(), ElapsedTime(), RemainingTime()
  11. Platform(iOS&Android)
    1. F_PlatformString: Conversation between NSString* and char* _String in iOS
    2. F_Clipboard: Clip and paste between clipboard (iOS by UIPasteboard, Android by android.content.ClipData.)
    3. F_PlayerSettingTools: project setting tools, set UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.bundleVersion, and short vertion of iOS by CFBundleShortVersionString


An utility for NGUI (need to depend on NGUI plugin)

  1. DisplayFPS.cs : use UILabel to display a average/min/max FPS of Time.deltaTime.
  2. NGUIPanelHelper.cs : Use NGUIUICollector to collect UI component and update them.
  3. NGUIUICollector.cs : To collect UILabel and UISprite in dictionary.
  4. NGUIInvokeButton.cs : As OnClick() has been called, call the OnClick() of specified UIButton.
  5. OnEscapeInvokeNGUIButtons.cs : Vis KeyCode.Escapem calling OnClick() to a button by a stack with push/pop.
  6. SetNGUILocalization and NGUISetLocalization.cs : set Localization.language.


  1. ClickOpenFacebookApp.cs : OnClick() to open facebook with checking app existence.
  2. CoordinateTools.cs : Update2DFrom3DWorldPos() Coordinate calculation from 2d to 3d.
  3. DontDestroyGameObject.cs : Automatically set not destroy game object at beginning by using GameObject.DontDestroyOnLoad()
  4. OnClickChangeScene.cs : By OnClick() to change scene by UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager.LoadScene()
  5. OnClickOpenBrower.cs : By OnClick() to open browswer, support web player, WebGL player, and other platforms.
  6. OnDoubleEscapeLeaveGame.cs : double escape leaving game by Application.Quit().
  7. OnEscapeLeaveGame.cs : Chheck pressing escape(KeyCode.Escape) to leave game by Application.Quit().
  8. UnityFind.cs : find gameobject and component under gameobject.
  9. WaitSecChangeScene.cs : wait seconds and change scene by using UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager.LoadScene()


  1. A console project which generates C# class by a definition file.
  2. Export SimpleJSONHelper to parse from SimpleJSON.JSONNode to class.
  3. Export a SeqOperatorSimpleJSON from a collector of SeqOperatorBase

Definition of format

int a
string b
float c


  1. Execute file.
  2. Parse csv file to JSON structure array.


  1. (need to logon google account to access file)
  2. Execute file.
  3. Load google spreed sheet to a JSON file.


  1. Execute file.
  2. Benchmark of performance of several C# compatible JSON methods


  1. Execute file.
  2. An implementation of Conversation Manager.


  1. need to depend on Unity Test Environment
  2. A Test of F_SystemDateTime.


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