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Library to parse items in the simc profile format into functional objects.


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Simc Profile Parser

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A library to parse items in the simc import format into functional objects.

PLEASE NOTE: This library is still a work in progress and is being created to support another project. Please raise an issue if something isn't working as you would expect or throws a NotYetImplemented exception and it may be prioritised.



Instance Creation

A new instance can be manually created.

ISimcGenerationService sgs = new SimcGenerationService();

To provide logging to the new instance and its children, supply an ILoggerFactory:

ISimcGenerationService sgs = new SimcGenerationService(myLoggerFactory);

Using Dependency Injection

To implement this using Dependency Injection register it alongside your other services configuration using the AddSimcProfileParser() extension method when configuring your DI services:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

Then you request an instance of ISimcGenerationService through DI in your class constructors:

class MyClass
    private readonly ISimcGenerationService _simcGenerationService;

    public MyClass(ISimcGenerationService simcGenerationService)
        _simcGenerationService = simcGenerationService;


Parsing profile files/strings

Generating a profile object from a simc import file named import.simc:

ISimcGenerationService sgs = new SimcGenerationService();

// Using async
var profile = await sgs.GenerateProfileAsync(File.ReadAllText("import.simc"));

Console.WriteLine($"Profile object created for player {profile.Name}.");

You can also generate a profile object from individual lines of an import file:

ISimcGenerationService sgs = new SimcGenerationService();

var lines = new List<string>()

var profile = await sgs.GenerateProfileAsync(lines);

Console.WriteLine($"Profile object created for a level {profile.Level}");
Console.WriteLine($"They are weilding {profile.Items.FirstOrDefault().Name}.");

Creating a single item

There are some basic options to manually create an item using ISimcGenerationService.GenerateItemAsync.

ISimcGenerationService sgs = new SimcGenerationService();

var itemOptions = new SimcItemOptions()
    ItemId = 177813,
    Quality = ItemQuality.ITEM_QUALITY_EPIC,
    ItemLevel = 226

var item = await sgs.GenerateItemAsync(spellOptions);

There are other options that can be set, including bonus ids, gems and the original drop level:

public uint ItemId { get; set; }
public int ItemLevel { get; set; }
public IList<int> BonusIds { get; set; }
public IList<int> GemIds { get; set; }
public ItemQuality Quality { get; set; }
public int DropLevel { get; set; }

Creating a single spell

There are some basic options to manually create a spell using ISimcGenerationService.GenerateSpellAsync.

There are two types of generatable spells:

  • Player Scaling: the type that scale with the player level / class, such as racials.
  • Item Scaling: the type that scales with the item quality/level, such as trinkets.

Generating an item scaling spell (id 343538) for a rare trinket at ilvl 226:

ISimcGenerationService sgs = new SimcGenerationService();

var spellOptions = new SimcSpellOptions()
    ItemLevel = 226,
    SpellId = 343538,
    ItemQuality = ItemQuality.ITEM_QUALITY_EPIC,
    ItemInventoryType = InventoryType.INVTYPE_TRINKET

var spell = await sgs.GenerateSpellAsync(spellOptions);

Generating an player scaling spell (id 274740):

ISimcGenerationService sgs = new SimcGenerationService();

var spellOptions = new SimcSpellOptions()
    SpellId = 274740,
    PlayerLevel = 70

var spell = await sgs.GenerateSpellAsync(spellOptions);

The spell object has a property ScaleBudget which can be multiplied with a coeffecient from a spells effect if required. Otherwise typically the BaseValue/ScaledValue of the effect will be what you're looking for.


For bugs please search issues then create a new issue if needed.

For help using this library, please check the wiki or visit discord.


Library to parse items in the simc profile format into functional objects.








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