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PolarisILSKit is a .NET Standard 2.0 library for communicating with the Polaris ILS, available as a package from the NuGet Gallery.

This project is based on the CLC Polaris API Helper Library (which is available in the NuGet Gallery as PolarisApiLibrary). It includes bug fixes and enhancements to the original PolarisApiLibrary package.

Using the Polaris API Helper Library

Staff account credentials are only required for protected methods and overriding public methods


Install-Package PolarisILSKit -Pre


Public Method

var papi = new PapiClient
                AccessID = "your-access-id",
                AccessKey = "your-access-secret",
                BaseUrl = ""

            var patron = papi.PatronCirculateBlocksGet("123000000456", "0000");
            Console.WriteLine($"Hello {patron.Data.NameFirst}");

Protected Method

var papi = new PapiClient
                AccessID = "your-access-id",
                AccessKey = "your-access-secret",
                BaseUrl = "",
                StaffOverrideAccount = new PolarisUser
                    Domain = "domain",
                    Username = "staff",
                    Password = "password"

            var value = papi.SA_GetValueByOrg(1, "orgphone1");

Public Method Override

var papi = new PapiClient
                AccessID = "your-access-id",
                AccessKey = "your-access-secret",
                BaseUrl = "",
                StaffOverrideAccount = new PolarisUser
                    Domain = "domain",
                    Username = "staff",
                    Password = "password"

            var patron = papi.PatronBasicDataGetOverride("123000000456");
            Console.WriteLine($"Hello {patron.Data.PatronBasicData.NameFirst}");


The basis of this project (CLC Polaris API Helper Library) was released under the GPL v3.0 license requiring all changes to be released under the same license.