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Optimizely CyberSource Connector Implementation on Quicksilver


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Episerver CyberSource Connector Reference Implementation


This repository is a fork from official EpiServer Quicksilver repository (

This repository serves as an Episerver CyberSource Connector Reference Implementation of the LL.EpiserverCyberSourceConnector.Core, LL.EpiserverCyberSourceConnector.Site, LL.EpiserverCyberSourceConnector.CommerceManager NuGet packages with all the front-end and back-end files for the available payment methods.

Available payment methods in the current version: Credit Card, PayPal, Google Pay, and Apple Pay.

Support for Serialized Carts is not supported in the current version of LL.EpiserverCyberSourceConnector.* NuGet packages

Episerver CyberSource Connector Reference Implementation Installation

  1. Follow the installation steps from the official EpiServer Quicksilver repository (
  2. Configure Visual Studio to add this package source: This allows LL.EpiserverCyberSourceConnector.Core, LL.EpiserverCyberSourceConnector.Site, LL.EpiserverCyberSourceConnector.CommerceManager NuGet packages to be downloaded when the solution is built.
  3. Start the site (Debug-Start from Visual studio) and browse to http://localhost:50244 to finish the installation. Login with

LL.EpiserverCyberSourceConnector.Site Settings

On the site change the following settings in web.config appSettings:

  • <add key="cybs.keysDirectory" value="CHANGE-THIS" /> to your path on disk for the CyberSource license key file
  • <add key="cybs.merchantId" value="CHANGE-THIS" /> to your CyberSource Merchant ID
  • <add key="cybs.orgId" value="CHANGE-THIS" /> to the Org Id value requested from CyberSource. This value is needed for enabling Device Fingerprinting for Decision Manager fraud check system. Device Fingerprinting data is sent to CyberSource only if this value is populated.
  • <add key="cybs.sendToProduction" value="false" /> change this value to true when going on production

Note: The above settings need to be applied to both Web and Commerce Manager projects.


The following files are added on NuGet install on the Commerce Manager Project:

  • Apps\Order\Payments\Plugins\CyberSourceCreditCard:
    • ConfigurePayment.ascx
    • CybersourceCreditCardPaymentMetaClass.xml
  • Apps\Order\Payments\Plugins\CyberSourcePayPal:
    • ConfigurePayment.ascx
    • CybersourcePayPalPaymentMetaClass.xml
  • Apps\Order\Payments\Plugins\CyberSourceGooglePay:
    • ConfigurePayment.ascx
    • CybersourceGooglePayPaymentMetaClass.xml
  • Apps\Order\Payments\Plugins\CyberSourceApplePay:
    • ConfigurePayment.ascx
    • CybersourceApplePayPaymentMetaClass.xml

Commerce Manager configuration

Based on the required payment method please refer to the corresponding configuration section.

Setting up the Credit Card payment provider in Commerce Manager

Open the Episerver Commerce Manager back-end site. Then, follow these steps.

  1. Go to Administration > Order System > Payments > English. The last option is the language in which you want to make the payment available.
  2. Click New to create a new payment method.
    • For System keyword, select CyberSourceCreditCard, the name of the folder created during deployment.
    • For Class Name, select LL.EpiserverCyberSourceConnector.Core.Payments.CreditCard.CyberSourceCreditCardGateway
    • For Payment Class, select LL.EpiserverCyberSourceConnector.Core.Payments.CreditCard.CyberSourceCreditCardPayment
  3. Click OK to save the CyberSourceCreditCard payment method.
  4. Open the CyberSourceCreditCard payment method for additional editing.
  5. Go to the Parameters tab and enter the following:
    • Transaction Type - the payment buyers will perform with CyberSource Credit Card. The default value is Authorization, whereby a payment is authorized only, not yet captured. If you specify Sale, the payment is immediately transferred from a buyer's account to the merchant's account
    • Decision Manager Enabled - enables Decision Manager(Advanced Fraud Screen). It will take effect only if the Decision Manager is active on the CyberSource account. If Decision Manager is enabled and orgId is enabled (see above) Device Fingerprinting fraud check also occurs for Authorization and Sale transactions. For more information about Device Fingerprinting fraud check the Decision Manager/Documentation/Guides Section in the CyberSource Dashboard.
    • Secure Acceptance Secret Key - obtained from the CyberSource dashboard during the Secure Acceptance setup. Secure Acceptance API is used to obtain the payment token from CyberSource without the sensitive Credit Card data hitting the back-end.
    • Secure Acceptance Access Key - obtained from the CyberSource dashboard during the Secure Acceptance setup
    • Secure Acceptance Profile Id - obtained from the CyberSource dashboard after a Secure Acceptance profile has been created
    • Secure Acceptance Unsigned Data Field Names - sensitive credit card details sent to Secure Acceptance. Default value is card_type,card_number,card_expiry_date.
    • Add Phone Number To Secure Acceptance Request - checkbox to add the optional customer phone number field to the Secure Acceptance request
    • Secure Acceptance Transaction Type - default value is create_payment_token for creating a payment token only. This token then is used for Authorization or Sale transaction type mentioned above. Secure Acceptance is capable of also Authorization and Sale transaction types, but the back-end checkout flow must be changed to accommodate this change.
  6. Open the Markets tab and add the expected markets for this payment.
  7. In Commerce Manager, go to Administration > Order System > Meta Classes.
  8. Click Import/Export, select Import MetaData.
  9. To populate the MetaData import screen, drag and drop the meta class file to upload, from Commerce Manager project Apps\Order\Payments\Plugins\CyberSourceCreditCardCybersourceCreditCardPaymentMetaClass.xml.
  10. Select the CybersourceCreditCardPaymentMetaClass.xml in the MetaData import screen. Click Start Import.

2. PayPal

Setting up the PayPal payment provider in Commerce Manager

Open the Episerver Commerce Manager back-end site. Then, follow these steps.

  1. Go to Administration > Order System > Payments > English. The last option is the language in which you want to make the payment available.
  2. Click New to create a new payment method.
    • For System keyword, select CyberSourcePayPal, the name of the folder created during deployment.
    • For Class Name, select LL.EpiserverCyberSourceConnector.Core.Payments.PayPal.CyberSourcePayPalGateway
    • For Payment Class, select LL.EpiserverCyberSourceConnector.Core.Payments.PayPal.CyberSourcePayPalPayment
  3. Click OK to save the CyberSourcePayPal payment method.
  4. Open the CyberSourcePayPal payment method for additional editing.
  5. Go to the Parameters tab and enter the following:
    • Transaction Type - the payment buyers will perform with CyberSource PayPal. The default value is Authorization, whereby a payment is authorized only, not yet captured. If you specify Sale, the payment is immediately transferred from a buyer's account to the merchant's account
    • Decision Manager Enabled - enables Decision Manager(Advanced Fraud Screen). It will take effect only if the Decision Manager is active on the CyberSource account. If Decision Manager is enabled and orgId is enabled (see above) Device Fingerprinting fraud check also occurs for Authorization and Sale transactions. For more information about Device Fingerprinting fraud check the Decision Manager/Documentation/Guides Section in the CyberSource Dashboard.
    • Success Url - an endpoint that PayPal will call after the user presses Continue on the PayPal Page. Please see PayPalPaymentController.Purchase action for a sample
    • Cancel Url - an endpoint that PayPal will call after the user presses Cancel and return to seller's website on the PayPal Page
  6. Open the Markets tab and add the expected markets for this payment.
  7. In Commerce Manager, go to Administration > Order System > Meta Classes.
  8. Click Import/Export, select Import MetaData.
  9. To populate the MetaData import screen, drag and drop the meta class file to upload, from Commerce Manager project Apps\Order\Payments\Plugins\CyberSourcePayPal\CybersourcePayPalPaymentMetaClass.xml.
  10. Select the CybersourcePayPalPaymentMetaClass.xml in the MetaData import screen. Click Start Import.

3. Google Pay

Setting up the Google Pay payment provider in Commerce Manager

Open the Episerver Commerce Manager back-end site. Then, follow these steps.

  1. Go to Administration > Order System > Payments > English. The last option is the language in which you want to make the payment available.
  2. Click New to create a new payment method.
    • For System keyword, select CyberSourceGooglePay, the name of the folder created during deployment.
    • For Class Name, select LL.EpiserverCyberSourceConnector.Core.Payments.GooglePay.CyberSourceGooglePayGateway
    • For Payment Class, select LL.EpiserverCyberSourceConnector.Core.Payments.GooglePay.CyberSourceGooglePayPayment
  3. Click OK to save the CyberSourceGooglePay payment method.
  4. Open the CyberSourceGooglePay payment method for additional editing.
  5. Go to the Parameters tab and enter the following:
    • Transaction Type - the payment buyers will perform with CyberSource Google Pay. The default value is Authorization, whereby a payment is authorized only, not yet captured. If you specify Sale, the payment is immediately transferred from a buyer's account to the merchant's account
    • Decision Manager Enabled - enables Decision Manager(Advanced Fraud Screen). It will take effect only if the Decision Manager is active on the CyberSource account. If Decision Manager is enabled and orgId is enabled (see above) Device Fingerprinting fraud check also occurs for Authorization and Sale transactions. For more information about Device Fingerprinting fraud check the Decision Manager/Documentation/Guides Section in the CyberSource Dashboard.
  6. Open the Markets tab and add the expected markets for this payment.
  7. In Commerce Manager, go to Administration > Order System > Meta Classes.
  8. Click Import/Export, select Import MetaData.
  9. To populate the MetaData import screen, drag and drop the meta class file to upload, from the Commerce Manager project Apps\Order\Payments\Plugins\CyberSourceGooglePay\CyberSourceGooglePayPaymentMetaClass.xml.
  10. Select the CybersourceGooglePayPaymentMetaClass.xml in the MetaData import screen. Click Start Import.

4. Apple Pay

Setting up the Apple Pay payment provider in Commerce Manager

Open the Episerver Commerce Manager back-end site. Then, follow these steps.

  1. Go to Administration > Order System > Payments > English. The last option is the language in which you want to make the payment available.
  2. Click New to create a new payment method.
    • For System keyword, select CyberSourceApplePay, the name of the folder created during deployment.
    • For Class Name, select LL.EpiserverCyberSourceConnector.Core.Payments.ApplePay.CyberSourceApplePayGateway
    • For Payment Class, select LL.EpiserverCyberSourceConnector.Core.Payments.ApplePay.CyberSourceApplePayPayment
    1. Click OK to save the CyberSourceApplePay payment method.
  3. Open the CyberSourceApplePay payment method for additional editing.
  4. Go to the Parameters tab and enter the following:
    • Transaction Type - the payment buyers will perform with CyberSource Apple Pay. The default value is Authorization, whereby a payment is authorized only, not yet captured. If you specify Sale, the payment is immediately transferred from a buyer's account to the merchant's account
    • Decision Manager Enabled - enables Decision Manager(Advanced Fraud Screen). It will take effect only if the Decision Manager is active on the CyberSource account. If Decision Manager is enabled and orgId is enabled (see above) Device Fingerprinting fraud check also occurs for Authorization and Sale transactions. For more information about Device Fingerprinting fraud check the Decision Manager/Documentation/Guides Section in the CyberSource Dashboard.
    • Certificate Thumbprint Key, the Thumbprint Key of the Merchant certificate installed on the server the application is deployed after it is generated from Apple Developer portal
    • Initiative Context, the URL address of the front-end site (Quicksilver)
    • Display Name in Payment Sheet, name of the company that will receive the money; this will be displayed in Apple Pay payment sheet pop-up on the Apple device
  5. Open the Markets tab and add the expected markets for this payment.
  6. In Commerce Manager, go to Administration > Order System > Meta Classes.
  7. Click Import/Export, select Import MetaData.
  8. To populate the MetaData import screen, drag and drop the meta class file to upload, from the Commerce Manager project Apps\Order\Payments\Plugins\CyberSourceApplePay\CyberSourceApplePayPaymentMetaClass.xml.
  9. Select the CybersourceApplePayPaymentMetaClass.xml in the MetaData import screen. Click Start Import.

Front-end site reference implementation

Note that this is a reference implementation and it can be used as a starting point for your project. This reference implementation is based on the Quicksilver project template

Based on the required payment method please refer to the corresponding section.

Files modified from the official EpiServer Quicksilver repository

Below is a list of files that were modified or added from the official EpiServer Quicksilver repository. Please look for comments //CyberSource Connector Code Changes that mark the changed areas.

    • Modified:
      • App_Code\Helpers.cshtml
      • Views\Checkout\SingleShipmentCheckout.cshtml
      • Views\Checkout\MultiShipmentCheckout.cshtml
      • Views\Checkout\OrderSummary.cshtml
  2. Scripts:
    • Added: Scripts\cybersSource-utilities.js
  3. Controllers:
    • Modified:
      • Features\Checkout\Controllers\CheckoutController.cs
  4. Other:
    • Modified:
      • Features\Checkout\Service\ CheckoutService.cs,
      • Features\Checkout\ViewModelFactories\CheckoutViewModelFactory.cs

1. Credit Card


  1. Contact CyberSource Customer Support to set up your CyberSource merchant account
  2. Setup in CyberSource Dashboard a Secure Acceptance Profile
  3. For more details refer to official CyberSource Credit Card Simple Order API and Secure Acceptance API documentation

Setting up the Credit Card payment provider on the front-end site

The following files were added:

    • Shared\ _CyberSourceCreditCard.cshtml, _CyberSourceCreditCardCheckout.cshtml, _CyberSourceCreditCardConfirmation.cshtml
  2. Scripts:
    • Scripts\ secure-acceptance-sample.js
  3. Controllers:
    • Features\Payment\Controllers\SecureAcceptanceController.cs

Credit Card Components

Credit Card implementation features two CyberSource APIs:

  1. Secure Acceptance API
    • This API is used to generate a payment token in CyberSource without the sensitive credit card data hitting the back-end.
    • For more details please refer to the official CyberSource Secure Acceptance API documentation
  2. Simple Order API
    • This API is used for Authorization / Authorization & Capture (Sale) of the payment in CyberSource. The code for making Simple Order API requests resides in the LL.EpiserverCyberSourceConnector.* NuGet packages.
    • For more details refer to the official CyberSource Credit Card Simple Order API documentation

2. Pay Pal


  1. Contact CyberSource Customer Support to set up your CyberSource merchant account
  2. Follow the prerequisites steps from the official CyberSource PayPal using Alternative Pay documentation

Setting up the PayPal payment provider on the front-end site

The following files were added:

    • Shared\ _CyberSourcePayPal.cshtml, _CyberSourcePayPalConfirmation.cshtml
  2. Controllers:
    • Features\Payment\Controllers\PayPalPaymentController.cs

3. Google pay


  1. Contact CyberSource Customer Support to set up your CyberSource merchant account
  2. Follow the prerequisites steps from the official CyberSource Google Pay documentation

Setting up the Google Pay payment provider on the front-end site

The following files were added:

    • Shared\ _CyberSourceGooglePayCheckout.cshtml, _CyberSourceGooglePayConfirmation.cshtml, _CyberSourceGooglePay.cshtml
  2. Scripts:
    • Scripts\ google-pay-sample.js
  3. Controllers:
    • Features\Payment\Controllers\GooglePayPaymentController.cs

4. Apple Pay


  1. Contact CyberSource Customer Support to set up your CyberSource merchant account
  2. Follow the prerequisites steps from the official CyberSource Apple Pay documentation

Setting up the Apple Pay payment provider on the front-end site

The following files were added:

    • Shared\ _CyberSourceApplePayCheckout.cshtml, _CyberSourceApplePayConfirmation.cshtml, _CyberSourceApplePay.cshtml
  2. Scripts:
    • Scripts\ google-pay-sample.js
  3. Styles:
    • Styles\ApplePayStyling.css
  4. Controllers:
    • Features\Payment\Controllers\ApplePayPaymentController.cs
  5. Models:
    • Features\Payment\Models\ MerchantSessionRequest.cs, ValidateMerchantSessionModel.cs
  6. Services:
    • Features\Payment\Services\ CertificateService.cs


  • JavaScript 40.1%
  • ASP.NET 23.8%
  • C# 16.1%
  • CSS 10.7%
  • HTML 8.0%
  • Less 0.8%
  • Other 0.5%