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This project is a basic template that provides the following capabilities out of the box:

  • Authentication
  • Database Setup
  • API configuration


The template is configured for two types of authentication.

  1. Cookie-Based Authentication (for standard MVC websites) - Relies on Session
  2. Basic Authentication (for APIs) - Relies on Authorization header.

Both configurations are set up with a users table in the database. See the database section for more information.

NOTE: If you do not require authentication in your application you may remove the following files:

  • Providers/Auth
  • Models/Account, Models/Authentication, and Models/User.cs
  • DAL/IUserDAL.cs and DAL/UserSqlDAL.cs
  • Controllers/AccountController.cs and Controllers/AuthenticationController.cs
  • ViewComponents/NavBarViewComponent.cs
  • Shared/Components/NavBar
  • Tests/Providers
  • Tests/DAL/UserSqlDALTests.cs

Also be sure to remove the depenencies defined in Startup.cs and the reference to NavBarComponent in the _Layout.cshtml file.

1. Cookie-Based Authentication

Cookie-Based Authentication is used if you are developing a standard MVC website. An IAuthProvider is provided in WebApplication.Web.Providers.Auth and supports the following methods that may be used from parts of your application:

  • bool IsLoggedIn { get; } - Indicates if the user is currently logged in.
  • User GetCurrentUser() - Returns the current user.
  • bool SignIn(string username, string password) - Attempts to authenticate a user.
  • void LogOff() - Logs the user out of the system.
  • ChangePassword(string existingPassword, string newPassword) - Changes the user's password.
  • void Register(string username, string password, string role) - Register's a new user.
  • bool UserHasRole(string[] roles) - Confirms if a user has one of the roles provided.

An implementation has already been made for this interface: SessionAuthProvider. Should you wish to use it, keep the following dependencies mapped in your Startup.cs file:

services.AddSingleton<IHttpContextAccessor, HttpContextAccessor>();
services.AddScoped<IAuthProvider, SessionAuthProvider>();
services.AddTransient<IUserDAL>(m => new UserSqlDAL(@"Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=WorkoutDB;Integrated Security=True"));

An AccountController is provided enabling all of the above functions leaving the implementation of the View up to you.

Limiting Actions to Authenticated Users

If you have any actions in your MVC application that need to be restricted to authenticated users (or users with proper permission), you can use the following attribute above your controller actions:

  • [AuthorizationFilter] - Restricts usage to users that are logged in.
  • [AuthorizationFilter("Admin")] - Restricts usage to users that only have the Admin role.
  • [AuthorizationFilter("Role 1", "Role 2", ...)] - Restricts usage to users that only have the Role 1 role OR the Role 2 role, etc.

2. Basic Authentication

For applications developing REST-based APIs for support with a front-end, the Cookie-Based authentication approach will not work. Instead every request that is sent to the API must provide an Authorization header with the credentials. This form is called Basic Authentication. Each request will effectively authenticate the user ensuring that they are allowed access to the data.

Server-Side Usage

To restrict actions within your API to require this level of authentication, add the following attribute above your actions:

  • [BasicAuthorization] - Restricts API usage to authenticated users.
  • [BasicAuthorization("Admin")] - Restricts API usage to users that only have the Admin role.
  • [BasicAuthorization("Role 1", "Role 2", ...)] - Restricts API usage to users that only have the Role 1 role OR the Role 2 role, etc.

The only dependency configuration that you need to keep in your Startup.cs file is:

services.AddTransient<IUserDAL>(m => new UserSqlDAL(@"Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=WorkoutDB;Integrated Security=True"));

An AuthenticationController is provided supporting user registration and retrieving the user.

Client-Side USage

To make a fetch call that requires the Authorization header, your fetch request will need to be modified to include the user's credentials.

Example Request Getting the Current User

// base-64 encode the username:password
const header = btoa(`${username}:${password}`);
fetch('https://localhost:44391/api/authentication/user', {
    method: 'GET',            
    headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',               
        'Authorization': 'Basic ' + header
.then(response => {
	// Check to see if the request authenticated.
    if (response.status >= 400 && response.status < 500) {        
        return {message: "Error authenticating"};
    return response.json();
.then(json => { 
	// Log the output

The call to create a new user does not require authentication. It supports anonymous requests.

Example Request Creating a User

fetch('https://localhost:44391/api/authentication/register', {
    method: 'POST',
    body: JSON.stringify({
        username: username,
        password: password
    headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',               
.then(response => {
    if (response.status === 200) {                
		// User was created
        return {message: 'authenticated'};
    else { 
		// Something went wrong (user exists, params missing)
        return response.json();
.then(json => { 
	// Log the output


A sql script (schema.sql) is provided that can be used to create your database. Define the structure of your database here.

  • NOTE: If you need additional data beyond the existing user table, you may add to it but know that you will also need to update all references in the code accordingly where the User object is leveraged.
  • NOTE 2: If you do not need user data, be sure to remove references to it from schema.sql

Another sql script (data.sql) is provided for you to use if you need to reset the data or stage data in your database.

API Configuration

Lastly the project has been configured to support a REST API. The following was added:

  1. CORS-Enabled to allow cross-origin requests. Requests are allowed from a pre-defined set of addresses (:5500 and :8080) but can be modified if necessary.
  2. Swagger support added to generate your REST API documentation. Be sure to comment your classes and methods.