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An intelligent way to browse UNF professor ratings.


All dependencies must be the latest versions.

  • .NET Core (to run the ASP.NET Core server.)
    • NuGet (to download the packages needed for the project)
    • Both of the above will be installed for you if you open the project in Visual Studio
  • PostgreSQL or SQL Server (to store the scraped ISQ data)
  • npm + Node.js (to compile the frontend application)

Getting the project

The easiest way to download the project is using git

$ git clone

If terminals scare you, you can also click "Download as .zip" like a plebian.

Running the project

For best results, use Visual Studio on Windows and Rider on OSX/Linux.

Once you have cloned the project, you will need to start up your database server if it is not already running. Once it is, you will need to set the following environment variables so ISQExplorer can connect to your server:

  • ISQEXPLORER_DB_PROVIDER - postgres if you are using a PostgreSQL server, or sqlserver if you are using SQL Server (sqlserver by default).
  • ISQEXPLORER_DB_HOST - The IP address of the database server to use (localhost by default).
  • ISQEXPLORER_DB_PORT - The port of the database server to use (5432 for PostgreSQL and 1433 for SQL Server by default).
  • ISQEXPLORER_DB_DATABASE - The name of the database to use within the database server (ISQExplorer by default). This database should be empty or filled only with ISQExplorer's tables.
  • ISQEXPLORER_DB_USER - The username to login to the SQL server with (root by default). When creating the initial database, this user needs permissions to create tables within the ISQEXPLORER_DB_DATABASE. When running the app, this user needs permissions to insert into and read from tables within the ISQEXPLORER_DB_DATABASE.
  • ISQEXPLORER_PASSWORD - The password of the above user. This is an empty string by default.
  • ISQEXPLORER_DB_SSL - 1 to enable SSL, or 0 to disable it (unset by default).
  • ISQEXPLORER_DB_SSL_ALLOW_SELF_SIGNED - 1 to allow self-signed certificates with SSL, 0 to disable them (unset by default).
  • ISQEXPLORER_DB_SQLSERVER_TRUSTED_CONNECTION - 1 to use Windows authentication on SQL Server instead of a username/password, 0 to use a username/password (set by default only if no other environment variables are given.).

Linux Database Migration

Once your database server is running and the above environment variables are set, navigate to the project's root directory and type the following

$ dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate
$ dotnet ef database update

This will initialize the ISQEXPLORER_DB database with the tables needed for ISQExplorer.

If you wish to remove these tables, use

$ dotnet ef database drop
$ dotnet ef migrations remove InitialCreate

Windows Database Migration

Once your database server is running and the above environment variables are set, open PowerShell in your project's root directory, or in Visual Studio go to Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Package Manager Console and type the following

PM> Add-Migration InitialCreate
PM> Update-Database

This will initialize the ISQEXPLORER_DB database with the tables needed for ISQExplorer.

If you wish to remove these tables, use

PM> Drop-Database
PM> Remove-Migration

Once the above has been done, you can simply open the solution in your IDE of choice and run the project.

Contributing guidelines



An intelligent way to browse UNF professor ratings.







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