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This repository demonstrates sending transactions to Vantiv DevHub.


##Step 1: Find Configuration Information and Setup

Login to your DevHub account, create an application, and click on that application to integrate. You will see a webpage like the following. You will need the LicenseId, the AcceptorID, and the endpoint URL's. Here are a few key resources to be aware of once you create an account and scope an application.

Image of DevHub developer dashboard

To open this project in Visual Studio 2015:

  • Open Visual Studio 2015
  • File > New > Project From Existing Code...
  • Choose C# from dropdown menu, Select Next
  • In the "Where are the files?" section, browse to the files
  • Name the new project
  • Select your desired project type, Console Application is fine

Before using the sample application please locate the src\request\Config.cs You'll need to enter the license Id you obtained in the portal into the "license" field. To learn more about how the code is setting the license, please reference the file src\request\Request.cs to see how it's set in the HTTPS header.

public static string license = "";
public static string baseEndpoint = "";
public static int version = 1;
public static WebProxy proxy = null;
public static string proxyAuth = "";

JSON.NET must be installed prior to use. Use the following command in the NuGet Package Manager Console:

Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json

Then add "Newtonsoft.Json" references to the project.

##Step 2: Build the Request


In the file src\Test.cs you can simply uncomment the transactions you'd like to try out. For example, the following will send an example of an Authorization transactions.

//^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^CONFIGURE THE API^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^//

//   Uncomment the sample transaction below that you would like to test

// sampleCreditAuthorizationCompletion();
// sampleCreditCaptureGivenAuth();

To provide a more basic understanding of the message the sample code is sending, here's an example. Please note that although string building is an option, we generally recommend a more structured approach when sending transactions. Below in the header you'll see [Your License Id]. You'll need to replace [Your License Id] with the actual license Id you obtain in the DevHub portal.

POST /payment/sp2/credit/v1/authorization
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: VANTIV license="[Your License Id]"
Content-Length: 764

      "BillingName":"John and Mary Smith",
      "BillingAddress1":"1 Main St.",

##Step 3: Send the Request

Although the src\Test.cs will handle setting everything for you, we wanted to call out how it works. Please reference the src\request\Request.cs The "send()" function handles converting the object to a Json string as well as setting the header information for the request.

public string send()
	if (Config.doNotSend)
		return this.toJSON();
	using (WebClient connection = new WebClient())
			//Concatenate query params
			string queryParamString = "";
			if (queryParams.Count != 0)
				queryParamString = "?";
				foreach (string key in queryParams.Keys)
					queryParamString += key + "=" + queryParams[key] + "&";
				queryParamString = queryParamString.Substring(0, queryParamString.Length);
			//Add query params to url
			Url url = new Url(this.url + queryParamString);
			connection.BaseAddress = url.Value;

			//Add proxy if needed
			if (Config.proxy != null)
				connection.Proxy = Config.proxy;
				if (Config.proxyAuth != null)
					connection.Headers.Add("Proxy-Authorization", "Basic " + Config.proxyAuth);

			//Add Vantiv license header
			connection.Headers.Add("Authorization", "VANTIV license=\"" + Config.license + "\"");

			//For all methods but GET
			if (!method.Equals("GET"))
				connection.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json");

				//Request is this object stringified to JSON
				string request = this.toJSON();

				//Print request if specified in Config.cs
				if (Config.printRequest)

				//Receive Response
				byte[] jsonOut = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(request);
				string response = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(connection.UploadData(connection.BaseAddress, jsonOut));

				//Print response if specified
				if (Config.printResponse)

				return response;

			//For GET requests
			using (Stream readStream = connection.OpenRead(connection.BaseAddress))
				using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(readStream))
					return streamReader.ReadToEnd();
		catch (WebException e)
				if (e.Response != null)
					using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(e.Response.GetResponseStream()))
			catch (Exception e1)
		catch (Exception e)
		return null;

##Step 4: Parse the Response

The response is returned from the "send()" function as a string.

An example of locating specific meta data in the response can be found by referencing the src\request\Utilities.cs The "getTransactionID()" function. In this case we are extracting the TransactionID.

 * Extracts the transactionID from a response object
 * @param response must be the response of a transaction
 * @return the transactionID as a String or null if not found
public static string getTransactionID(string response)
	JObject jObject = toJson(response);
	if (jObject == null)
		return null;
	foreach (JToken desc in jObject.Descendants())
		var temp = desc as JProperty;
		if (temp?.Name == "TransactionID")
			return temp.Value?.ToString();
	return null;

##Step 4: Validate a test

One of the key features of DevHub is the ability to provide automated scenario based validations of pre-defined tests in the portal. Here's an example of validating a test against the portal. Using the example JSON provided above, let's validate test "L_AC_1" in the "Authorization and Capture" set of tests. Please note that for certification, all of your tests must be run through the interface you write for your application. This example is only intended to show you how you can validate your solution.

First, follow the steps above to send an Authorization transaction.

In the response you'll see a "RequestID". The "RequestID" is used to uniquely identify the transaction sent through DevHub. We use this value to retrieve the message you just sent and validate it against a test defined in your application. In this case "L_AC_1".

Here's an example of the JSON response.

  "litleOnlineResponse": {
    "@version": "9.3",
    "@response": "0",
    "@message": "Valid Format",
    "authorizationResponse": {
      "@id": "4306abfcc9a56e42df996a965",
      "@reportGroup": "1243",
      "@customerId": "345",
      "orderId": "1",
      "response": "000",
      "responseTime": "2016-02-16T23:18:09",
      "postDate": "2016-02-16",
      "message": "Approved",
      "authCode": "11111 ",
      "fraudResult": {
        "avsResult": "01",
        "cardValidationResult": "M"
      "tokenResponse": {
        "tokenResponseCode": "802",
        "tokenMessage": "Account number was previously registered",
        "bin": "445701",
        "PaymentAccountID": "1111000194360009",
        "Type": "VI"
      "enhancedAuthResponse": {
        "virtualAccountNumber": "false"
      "TransactionID": "82917370336788986"
  "RequestID": "8f4e3838-576f-49e7-9e82-3d2e5b8f2906"

Now click into the feature you wish to validate. In this case the "Authorization and Capture"

Dashboard Feature

Enter the TestId followed by the RequestID returned in the response. Now click on the yellow validate button. The system will provide a summary of all items that passed along with those that need to be fixed.

Validate a test

##Folder Contents

> src
	> Test.cs : Used as a starting point to try out the API using the Sample Code.
	> request (folder)
		> Config.cs: Used to set the base endpoint URL, license, and optional proxy settings should your company have a proxy.
		> Request.cs: Contains examples of sending a transaction, converting an object to JSON as well as serializing the response to JSON.
		> SampleRequests.cs: The following data generator examples provide test values that can be set per each transaction type. 
		> Utilities.cs: Useful example of code like extracting values from a string response. 
		> Boarding (folder): Transaction types definitions commonly used by payment facilitator partners.
		> Check (folder): Transaction type definitions
		> Credit (folder): Transaction type definitions
		> Model (folder): Data definition of the API.
		> Services (folder): Transaction type definitions for items used across Check and Credit.

####Copyright (c) 2016 Vantiv, Inc. - All Rights Reserved.

Sample Code is for reference only and is solely intended to be used for educational purposes and is provided �AS IS� and �AS AVAILABLE� and without warranty. It is the responsibility of the developer to develop and write its own code before successfully certifying their solution.

This sample may not, in whole or in part, be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form without prior consent, in writing, from Vantiv, Inc.

Use, duplication or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions set forth in an executed license agreement and in subparagraph (c)(1) of the Commercial Computer Software-Restricted Rights Clause at FAR 52.227-19; subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, subparagraph (d) of the Commercial Computer Software--Licensing clause at NASA FAR supplement 16-52.227-86; or their equivalent.

Information in this sample code is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Vantiv, Inc. In addition to the foregoing, the Sample Code is subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Vantiv Terms and Conditions of Use ( and the Vantiv Privacy Notice (


c# sample for processing transactions to DevHub through Vantiv's eCommerce or card present solution.






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