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JudoPay SDK

The JudoPay SDK is a client for our JudoPay API, which provides card payment processing for mobile apps and websites.


The JudoPay SDK is distributed as a NuGet package using the package name of JudoPay.Net. You can install the SDK directly from within Visual Studio either using the NuGet package manager UI, or in the Package Manager Console:

Install-Package JudoPay.Net -Pre


You configure you JudoPay API client when invoking the JudoPaymentsFactory.Create method. This has three parameters; environment (Sandbox for development and testing, and Live for production), and api token and secret. You set you API token and secret up through our management dashboard after creating an account. You can create a testing account by clicking "Getting Started" in our documentation

var client = JudoPaymentsFactory.Create(JudoPayDotNet.Enums.Environment.Sandbox, "YOUR_API_TOKEN", "YOUR_API_SECRET");

Usage - Process a payment

Once you have your API client, you can easily process a payment:

var cardPaymentModel = new CardPaymentModel
	//the value of the payment
	Amount = 1.01m,
	Currency = "GBP",

	// the card details
	CardNumber = "4976000000000036",
	ExpiryDate = "1215",
	CV2 = "452",

	// identify the recipient
	JudoId = "500017",

	// provide an identifier for your customer
	YourConsumerReference = "MyCustomer004",

	// provide an identifier for this payment
	YourPaymentReference = "Payment523515",

client.Payments.Create(cardPaymentModel).ContinueWith(result =>
	var paymentResult = result.Result;

	if (paymentResult.Response.Result == "Success")
		Console.WriteLine("Payment successful. Transaction Reference {0}", paymentResult.Response.ReceiptId);


Usage - List transactions

You also have access to a complete feed of all transactions within your account:

client.Transactions.Get().ContinueWith(result =>

	if (!result.Result.HasError)
		foreach (var tx in recentTx.Result.Response.Results)
			Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", tx.ReceiptId, tx.Type, tx.Amount);
		Console.WriteLine("Call returned error. {0}", result.Result.Error.ErrorMessage);


JudoPay API client for Microsoft.Net







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