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Syncfusion / NMath Charting

In order to use and run these examples, the CenterSpace NMath suite and Syncfusion Chart package must be installed. Free trial verions of NMath are available for download here , and Syncfusion Essential Studio User Interface Edition can be downloaded here .

These classes are designed to allow users to quickly visualize data and the results of data analysis using the CenterSpace NMath suite with visualization provided by Syncfusion chart controls.

Class Usage

Class NMathChart and NMathStatsChart provide static methods for plotting NMath and NMath Stats numerical types using Syncfusion Essential Chart for Windows Forms controls.

Overloads of the ToChart() function are provided for common NMath types. ToChart() returns an instance of Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Chart.ChartControl, which can be customized as desired.

Polynomial poly = new Polynomial( new DoubleVector( 4, 2, 5, -2, 3 ) );
ChartControl chart = NMathChart.ToChart( poly, -1, 1 );
chart.Titles.Add("Hello World");

The default look of the chart is governed by static properties on this class: DefaultSize, DefaultTitleFont, DefaultAxisTitleFont, DefaultMajorGridLineColor, and DefaultMarker.

For prototyping and debugging console applications, the Show() function shows a given chart in a default form.

NMathChart.Show( chart );

Note that when the window is closed, the chart is disposed.

If you do not need to customize the chart, overloads of Show() are also provided for common NMath types.

NMathChart.Show( poly );

This is equivalent to calling:

NMathChart.Show( NMathChart.ToChart( poly ) );

The Save() function saves a chart to a file.

NMathChart.Save( chart, "chart.png" );

If you are developing a Windows Forms application using the Designer, add a ChartControl to your form, then update it with an NMath object using the appropriate Update() function after initialization.

public Form1()

  Polynomial poly = new Polynomial( new DoubleVector( 4, 2, 5, -2, 3 ) );
  NMathChart.Update( ref this.chart1, poly, -1, 1 );

Titles are added only if the given chart does not currently contain any titles; chart.Series[0] is replaced, or added if necessary.

For examples demonstrating the use of NMathChart and NMathStatsChart, see Examples.cs.


Control Charts using Nevron nChart and CenterSpace NMath






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