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Realtime scanner README

Clone the repository to your desired location, normally I would go and do

git clone c:\project\work\entt.rts

Extract the package from my OneDrive Download 10345

, since web already been extracted you may want to leave it out , except you still need to copy web/bin

Edit Elasticsearch config manually

Now edit elasticsearch\config\elasticsearch.yml{yourmachinename}_posentt{your-machinename}_posentt_001

ndex.number_of_shards: 1
index.number_of_replicas: 0

http.port: 9800

make sure you have setup your ERLANG_HOME and your JAVA_HOME correctly

Now run Setup.ps1 , use the "-" to override any setup parameters

verify your installation


Go to http://localhost:15672, see if the broker is running

SQL Server

Use LINQPad in utils to connect to your localdb\ProjectsV13 and see if there's PosEntt database created, check there are tables with Sph schemas and dbo for aspnet* objects


Go to http://localhost:9800/_cat/indices, you see at least posentt_sys


got to your config/applicationHost.config , now find the line when it says

      <site name="web.PosEntt" id="1">
        <application path="/" applicationPool="Clr4IntegratedAppPool">
          <virtualDirectory path="/" physicalPath="F:\project\work\entt.rts\web" />
          <binding protocol="http" bindingInformation="*:8080:localhost" />
        <logFile logFormat="W3C" directory="%IIS_USER_HOME%\Logs" />
        <traceFailedRequestsLogging directory="%IIS_USER_HOME%\TraceLogFiles" enabled="true" maxLogFileSizeKB="1024" />
      <applicationDefaults applicationPool="Clr4IntegratedAppPool" />
      <virtualDirectoryDefaults allowSubDirConfig="true" />

physicalPath should point to your web folder absolute path

there should be an entry fo web.posentt that point to your PWD\web with binding to port 50230

Setting up oal_dbo database

use the script in snippet folder

Building the solution

Before you do, create the Tables for each EntityDefinition (I'll update the sph.builder.exe to do this automatically)

sqlcmd -E -S "(localdb)\ProjectsV13" -d PosEntt -i sources\EntityDefinition\SalesOrder.sql

Do this for all of sql file

  • Delivery.sql
  • ItemCategory.sql
  • Product.sql
  • SalesOrder.sql
  • SapFiAccount.sql
  • SurchargeAddOn.sql

Then finally you can run tools\sph.builder.exe to build the solution for trouble shooting you could compile each component individually with

.\tool\sph.builder.exe sources\EntityDefinition\sales-order.json

Known bugs

  • SQL Adapter wrongly generating id column name as Id, this will cause compile error Fixed in 10325
  • sph.builder.exe did not re-create the SQL Table on compiling

Fixed in 10326

  • FormDialog and PartialView - doesn't effect entt.rts but the ost

Fixed in 10325

  • Table primary key is now ToPascal casing

Things fixed improved since 10324

  • Using Mono.Cecil for querying CLR metadata instead System.Reflection, this will allow us to compile things that has not been deployed without locking up the dll
  • sph.builder.exe will now compile all EntityDefinition dependencies, like the
    • ServiceContact,
    • QueryEndpoint
    • OperationEndpoint
    • ReceivePort
    • ReceiveLocation


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