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SDK for HTTP and gRPC services.



Specify HOSTNAME environment variable on your local machine to distinguish your local logs from the rest of the logs in the centralized Seq instance. If HOSTNAME is empty, OS user name will be used instead.

Specify SeqUrl with Seq url in the json settings or in the environment variables to forward logs to the Seq.

Specify ConsoleOutputLogLevel with Error or Warning in the json settings or in the environment variables to disable standart output in console.

Specify RemoteSettingsReadTimeout as a TimeSpan to override default remote settings reading time-out. Default timeout is 5 seconds.

Specify RemoteSettingsRequired with true to make remote settings mandatory. By default the remote settings are optional.

Specify ElasticsearchLogs.IndexPrefixName with the index name preffix in the json settings or in the environment variables to use specific index name Elasticsearch. By default IndexPrefixName = log.

Specify ElasticsearchLogs.NodeUrls with the URL addresses of Elasticsearch nodes in the json settings or in the environment variables to write logs to Elasticsearch.

	"ElasticsearchLogs": {
		"NodeUrls": ["http://elasticsearch-1.elk-logs:9200", "http://elasticsearch-2.elk-logs:9200", "http://elasticsearch-3.elk-logs:9200"],
		"IndexPrefixName": "logs"
ElasticsearchLogs__NodeUrls__1 = "http://elasticsearch-1.elk-logs:9200"
ElasticsearchLogs__NodeUrls__2 = "http://elasticsearch-2.elk-logs:9200"
ElasticsearchLogs__NodeUrls__3 = "http://elasticsearch-3.elk-logs:9200"

Specify Serilog.minimumLevel with Serilog config in the json settings or in the environment variables to manage log level.

	"Serilog": {
		"minimumLevel": {
			"default": "Information",
			"override": {
				"Microsoft": "Warning",
				"System": "Warning"

Verbose: Verbose is the noisiest level, rarely (if ever) enabled for a production app. Debug: Debug is used for internal system events that are not necessarily observable from the outside, but useful when determining how something happened. Information: Information events describe things happening in the system that correspond to its responsibilities and functions. Generally these are the observable actions the system can perform. Warning: When service is degraded, endangered, or may be behaving outside of its expected parameters, Warning level events are used. Error: When functionality is unavailable or expectations broken, an Error event is used. Fatal: The most critical level, Fatal events demand immediate attention.

Error response

For all unhandled exceptions, not-succesfull (x < 200 and x >= 300) HTTP status codes, and request validation violations SDK produces a error response like:

    "errors": {
        "": [
            "Summary error message"
        "requestField": [
            "Error related to the particular requestField"

There is action filter ErrorResponseActionFilter and middlware UnhandledExceptionsMiddleware which handles this. Bseides error response formatting ErrorResponseActionFilter validates request model so you don't need to do if(!ModelState.IsValid) return BadRequest(ModelState); in each action.

For the not-successfull HTTP status codes error response is formatted from the ModelState so, all you need to response an error is fill ModelState using ModelState.AddModelError(). Since ErrorResponseActionFilter overrides error response returned from a controller action, it is not needed to pass ModelState to BadRequest(), NotFound() and other methods which return IActionResult - just fill ModelState and return not-successful HTTP status code from the action.


JWT authentication

If you want to add JWT-based Bearer authentication for HTTP endpoints in your service, add AddJwtAuth call to your Startup constructor:

public class Startup : SwisschainStartup<AppConfig>
    public Startup(IConfiguration config) : base(config)
        AddJwtAuth(Config.Auth.JwtSecret, "");

If your JWT token contains tenant-id claim, you can use GetTenantId extension method to get current tenant ID of the HTTP request in your controllers:

public class WhoAmIController : ControllerBase
    public string Get()
        var tenantId = User.GetTenantId();
        return tenantId;

Your JWT token SHOULD containt:

  • exp claim RFC-7519
  • aud claim RFC-7519. JWT token should contain an audience specified in the AddJwtAuth call. It can contain an array of the audience still one of which is required by your service.

Debugging and developing

For the developing and debugging purposes you can get JWT token using Just put all required claims to the payload and the same secret as you've specified in AddJwtAuth call in your service.

Scope-based authorization

If you want to add scope-based authorization for HTTP endpoints in your service, add services.AddScopeBasedAuthorization call to your Startup.ConfigureServicesExt:

public class Startup : SwisschainStartup<AppConfig>
    public override void ConfigureServicesExt(IServiceCollection services)

Then you can use Authorize attribute on your controllers and action-methods to require scope for requests execution:

public class OrdersController : ControllerBase
    public async Task<IActionResult> Get()
    public async Task<IActionResult> Add()

Your JWT token should contain the scope (rfc8693) specified on your controller or action method. You can use Authorize attribute without any scope still just to require the request to be authorized.

Scopes format

<api-name><resources>:<operation>. You can use as granular scopes for your service as you need. For instance, you can omit operation, resource or event api-name, if you don't need it and make scopes more granular later on.