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LemonWay webservice_challenge Test by Achraf HAKIM

1) Poker planning

  • Developer = Achraf HAKIM
  • Total Hours = 11 hours
    • Monday, July 20th 2020 → 17h-19h
    • Tuesday, July 21st 2020 → 17h-23h
    • Wednesday, July 22nd 2020 → 17h-18h
    • Thursday, July 23rd 2020 → 08h-10h

2) Projects details & used Environments

2.1) WebServices Project

Type ASP.NET Web Service
Environment .NET Framework 4.7.2
Utility Create SOAP services (.asmx services)
Details Contains : 2 services for Fibonacci and XmlToJson & Controllers with the used algorithms & Logs using log4net library
Used libraries log4net for Logging Exceptions and traces + Newtonsoft.Json for Json manipulations + System.Numerics to use BigInteger type

2.2) UniTests Project

Type MS Test (for unit testing)
Environment .NET Core 2.1
Utility Create Unit tests that communicate with WebServices (Project) controllers
Details Contains 2 unit tests for Fibonacci and XmlToJson with the different test cases

2.3) ConsoleClient Project

Type Console App
Environment .NET Framework 4.7.2
Utility Create console client to test the different web services generated by WebServices (Project)
Details Contains a console program displaying the different test cases applied on the web services

2.4) WindowsFormClient Project

Type Windows Form App
Environment .NET Framework 4.7.2
Utility Create WinForm client to test the different web services generated by WebServices (Project) using an interface
Details A timeout of 2 seconds is added while calling web services to display the loading correctly (can be removed in the LemonWayClient.cs)

3) Fibonacci used algorithm explained

The objective is to calculate Fibonacci sequence for the nth element → F(n)

Definition of Fibonacci Sequence :

F(n)= F(n-1) + F(n-2) when n > 2 , F(1) = 1 and F(2) = 1

Based on that definition we can proove the doubling method to get the used formula in the web service :

doubling method demo

Important !

Please clone the project :

git clone

Then open the LemonWay.sln solution

To test the solution, please make sure to run the WebServices project before running the console or the WinForm clients.


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