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Hello! Welcome to my github! You can see some of my creations here:

*) AdriStore - a small online store application built originally in ASP.NET MVC, migrated to .NET Core 3.1 + EFCore. It uses Razor, Bootstrap and JQuery for the views.

*) MiniAgenda - a quick demo on how to build a small Agenda using React+Redux Thunk+Boostrap for the frontend + NodeJS/Express for the backend. The storage solution I chose is a simple text file in JSON format in MongoDB style.

*)ShoppingLists - a simple app written with Angular 10+Bootstrap as a frontend and Python+Flask as the backend. Right now the frontend is self-sufficient and in the next version I will integrate it with the backend

*)Data Science with Python - a few examples of data science algorithms such as K-Means clustering , Polynomic regressions I intend to add some more small samples like Bayes classificators and some Neural Networks using Numpy, Pandas,SciKit and MatPlotLib

*)AgendaAngular (Angular Contact List)- this project was made to practice different technologies centered around Angular. Here's the version history:

The frontend project showcases: NgRx , RxJS , Flexbox CSS mini-framework , Angular interceptors (for token header addition) , simple http.get communication with backend

The backend project showcases: ASP.NET Core API , Token checker middleware, IoC/DI for most repositories and configuration clases and a JSON hand-made storage support

In future releases: GraphQL (future releases) Full blown CSS framework (probably Angular Material)


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