Beispiel #1
 public bool Equals(PrecursorTextId other)
     return(PrecursorMz.Equals(other.PrecursorMz) &&
            Equals(IonMobility, other.IonMobility) &&
            Equals(Target, other.Target) &&
            Extractor == other.Extractor);
Beispiel #2
        public SpectrumFilterPair(PrecursorTextId precursorTextId, Color peptideColor, int id, double?minTime, double?maxTime,
                                  double highEnergyIonMobilityValueOffset, bool highAccQ1, bool highAccQ3)
            Id = id;
            ModifiedSequence = precursorTextId.Target;
            PeptideColor     = peptideColor;
            Q1              = precursorTextId.PrecursorMz;
            Extractor       = precursorTextId.Extractor;
            MinTime         = minTime;
            MaxTime         = maxTime;
            IonMobilityInfo = precursorTextId.IonMobility;
            HighEnergyIonMobilityValueOffset = highEnergyIonMobilityValueOffset;
            MinIonMobilityValue = IonMobilityInfo.IsEmpty ? null : IonMobilityInfo.IonMobility.Mobility - (IonMobilityInfo.IonMobilityExtractionWindowWidth ?? 0) / 2;
            MaxIonMobilityValue = IonMobilityInfo.IsEmpty ? null : MinIonMobilityValue + (IonMobilityInfo.IonMobilityExtractionWindowWidth ?? 0);
            HighAccQ1           = highAccQ1;
            HighAccQ3           = highAccQ3;

            Ms1ProductFilters = SimProductFilters = Ms2ProductFilters = EMPTY_FILTERS;

            if (Q1 == 0)
                Ms1ProductFilters = new[] { new SpectrumProductFilter(SignedMz.ZERO, 0) };
                SimProductFilters = Ms1ProductFilters;  // We want TIC and BPC for all scans, even if they have narrow machine settings and look like SIM
Beispiel #3
        public SpectrumFilterPair(PrecursorTextId precursorTextId, Color peptideColor, int id, double?minTime, double?maxTime,
                                  bool highAccQ1, bool highAccQ3)
            Id = id;
            ModifiedSequence = precursorTextId.Target;
            PeptideColor     = peptideColor;
            Q1        = precursorTextId.PrecursorMz;
            Extractor = precursorTextId.Extractor;

            if (minTime.HasValue && maxTime.HasValue)
                _filterByTime = true;
                _minTime      = minTime.Value;
                _maxTime      = maxTime.Value;
                // If not min and max, then it should be neither. Asymmetric limits not supported.
                Assume.IsTrue(!minTime.HasValue && !maxTime.HasValue);
            IonMobilityInfo     = precursorTextId.IonMobility;
            MinIonMobilityValue = IonMobilityInfo.IsEmpty ? null : IonMobilityInfo.IonMobility.Mobility - (IonMobilityInfo.IonMobilityExtractionWindowWidth ?? 0) / 2;
            MaxIonMobilityValue = IonMobilityInfo.IsEmpty ? null : MinIonMobilityValue + (IonMobilityInfo.IonMobilityExtractionWindowWidth ?? 0);
            HighAccQ1           = highAccQ1;
            HighAccQ3           = highAccQ3;

            Ms1ProductFilters = SimProductFilters = Ms2ProductFilters = EMPTY_FILTERS;

            if (Q1 == 0)
                Ms1ProductFilters = new[] { new SpectrumProductFilter(SignedMz.ZERO, 0, 0) };
                SimProductFilters = Ms1ProductFilters;  // We want TIC and BPC for all scans, even if they have narrow machine settings and look like SIM
        public SpectrumFilterPair(PrecursorTextId precursorTextId, Color peptideColor, int id, double?minTime, double?maxTime,
                                  double?minDriftTimeMsec, double?maxDriftTimeMsec, double highEnergyDriftTimeOffsetMsec, bool highAccQ1, bool highAccQ3)
            Id = id;
            ModifiedSequence = precursorTextId.TextId;
            PeptideColor     = peptideColor;
            Q1               = precursorTextId.PrecursorMz;
            Extractor        = precursorTextId.Extractor;
            MinTime          = minTime;
            MaxTime          = maxTime;
            MinDriftTimeMsec = minDriftTimeMsec;
            MaxDriftTimeMsec = maxDriftTimeMsec;
            HighEnergyDriftTimeOffsetMsec = highEnergyDriftTimeOffsetMsec;
            HighAccQ1 = highAccQ1;
            HighAccQ3 = highAccQ3;

            Ms1ProductFilters = SimProductFilters = Ms2ProductFilters = EMPTY_FILTERS;

            if (Q1 == 0)
                Ms1ProductFilters = new[] { new SpectrumProductFilter(0, 0) };
Beispiel #5
        public SpectrumFilterPair(PrecursorTextId precursorTextId, Color peptideColor, int id, double?minTime, double?maxTime,
                                  double?minIonMobilityValue, double?maxIonMobilityValue, IonMobilityAndCCS ionMobilityInfo, bool highAccQ1, bool highAccQ3)
            Id = id;
            ModifiedSequence = precursorTextId.Target;
            PeptideColor     = peptideColor;
            Q1                  = precursorTextId.PrecursorMz;
            Extractor           = precursorTextId.Extractor;
            MinTime             = minTime;
            MaxTime             = maxTime;
            MinIonMobilityValue = minIonMobilityValue;
            MaxIonMobilityValue = maxIonMobilityValue;
            IonMobilityInfo     = ionMobilityInfo ?? IonMobilityAndCCS.EMPTY;
            HighAccQ1           = highAccQ1;
            HighAccQ3           = highAccQ3;

            Ms1ProductFilters = SimProductFilters = Ms2ProductFilters = EMPTY_FILTERS;

            if (Q1 == 0)
                Ms1ProductFilters = new[] { new SpectrumProductFilter(SignedMz.ZERO, 0) };
                SimProductFilters = Ms1ProductFilters;  // We want TIC and BPC for all scans, even if they have narrow machine settings and look like SIM
Beispiel #6
        public IsotopeDistInfo(MassDistribution massDistribution,
                               TypedMass monoisotopicMass,
                               Adduct adduct,
                               Func <double, double> calcFilterWindow,
                               double massResolution,
                               double minimumAbundance)
            _monoisotopicMass = monoisotopicMass;
            _adduct           = adduct.Unlabeled; // Don't reapply explicit isotope labels

            // Get peak center of mass values for the given resolution
            var q1FilterValues = MassDistribution.NewInstance(massDistribution, massResolution, 0).Keys.ToList();
            // Find the monoisotopic m/z and make sure it is exactly the expected number
            double monoMz        = _adduct.MzFromNeutralMass(_monoisotopicMass);
            double monoMzDist    = monoMz;
            int    monoMassIndex = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < q1FilterValues.Count; i++)
                double peakCenterMz = q1FilterValues[i];
                double filterWindow = calcFilterWindow(peakCenterMz);
                double startMz      = peakCenterMz - filterWindow / 2;
                double endMz        = startMz + filterWindow;
                if (startMz < monoMz && monoMz < endMz)
                    monoMzDist        = q1FilterValues[i];
                    q1FilterValues[i] = monoMz;
                    monoMassIndex     = i;
            // Insert a M-1 peak, even if it is not expected in the isotope mass distribution
            if (monoMassIndex == 0 && q1FilterValues.Count > 1)
                // Use the delta from the original distribution monoMz to the next peak
                q1FilterValues.Insert(0, monoMz + monoMzDist - q1FilterValues[1]);

            if (!q1FilterValues.Any())
                // This should never happen, but just in case it does happen, we safely exit the constructor
                ExpectedPeaks = ImmutableList.Singleton(new MzRankProportion(monoMz, 0, 1.0f));
                MonoMassIndex = BaseMassIndex = 0;

            var signedQ1FilterValues = q1FilterValues.Select(q => new SignedMz(q, adduct.AdductCharge < 0)).ToList();

            // Use the filtering algorithm that will be used on real data to determine the
            // expected proportions of the mass distribution that will end up filtered into
            // peaks
            // CONSIDER: Mass accuracy information is not calculated here
            var key    = new PrecursorTextId(signedQ1FilterValues[monoMassIndex], null, null, ChromExtractor.summed);
            var filter = new SpectrumFilterPair(key, PeptideDocNode.UNKNOWN_COLOR, 0, null, null, false, false);

            filter.AddQ1FilterValues(signedQ1FilterValues, calcFilterWindow);

            var expectedSpectrum = filter.FilterQ1SpectrumList(new[] { new MsDataSpectrum
                                                                           Mzs = massDistribution.Keys.ToArray(), Intensities = massDistribution.Values.ToArray(), NegativeCharge = (adduct.AdductCharge < 0)
                                                                       } });

            int startIndex = expectedSpectrum.Intensities.IndexOf(inten => inten >= minimumAbundance);

            if (startIndex == -1)
                // This can happen if the amino acid modifications are messed up,
                // and the peptide mass is negative or something.
                ExpectedPeaks = ImmutableList.Singleton(new MzRankProportion(monoMz, 0, 1.0f));
                MonoMassIndex = BaseMassIndex = 0;
            // Always include the M-1 peak, even if it is expected to have zero intensity
            if (startIndex > monoMassIndex - 1)
                startIndex = monoMassIndex - 1;
            if (startIndex < 0)
                startIndex = 0;
            int endIndex              = expectedSpectrum.Intensities.LastIndexOf(inten => inten >= minimumAbundance) + 1;
            int countPeaks            = endIndex - startIndex;
            var listProportionIndices = new List <KeyValuePair <float, int> >(countPeaks);

            for (int i = 0; i < countPeaks; i++)
                listProportionIndices.Add(new KeyValuePair <float, int>(
                                              expectedSpectrum.Intensities[i + startIndex], i));
            // Sort proportions descending.
            listProportionIndices.Sort((p1, p2) => Comparer.Default.Compare(p2.Key, p1.Key));

            // Set proportions and ranks back in the original locations
            var expectedProportionRanks = new KeyValuePair <float, int> [countPeaks];

            for (int i = 0; i < countPeaks; i++)
                expectedProportionRanks[listProportionIndices[i].Value] =
                    new KeyValuePair <float, int>(listProportionIndices[i].Key, i + 1);

            MonoMassIndex = monoMassIndex - startIndex;

            // Find the base peak and fill in the masses and proportions
            var expectedPeaks = new List <MzRankProportion>();

            for (int i = 0; i < countPeaks; i++)
                float expectedProportion = expectedProportionRanks[i].Key;
                int   rank = expectedProportionRanks[i].Value;
                expectedPeaks.Add(new MzRankProportion(q1FilterValues[i + startIndex], rank, expectedProportion));
                if (expectedProportion > expectedProportionRanks[BaseMassIndex].Key)
                    BaseMassIndex = i;
            ExpectedPeaks = expectedPeaks;
Beispiel #7
        public SpectrumFilter(SrmDocument document, MsDataFileUri msDataFileUri, IFilterInstrumentInfo instrumentInfo,
                              IRetentionTimePredictor retentionTimePredictor = null, bool firstPass = false)
            _fullScan          = document.Settings.TransitionSettings.FullScan;
            _instrument        = document.Settings.TransitionSettings.Instrument;
            _acquisitionMethod = _fullScan.AcquisitionMethod;
            if (instrumentInfo != null)
                _isWatersFile = instrumentInfo.IsWatersFile;
            IsFirstPass = firstPass;

            var comparer = PrecursorTextId.PrecursorTextIdComparerInstance;
            var dictPrecursorMzToFilter = new SortedDictionary <PrecursorTextId, SpectrumFilterPair>(comparer);

            if (EnabledMs || EnabledMsMs)
                if (EnabledMs)
                    _isHighAccMsFilter = !Equals(_fullScan.PrecursorMassAnalyzer,

                    if (!firstPass)
                        var key = new PrecursorTextId(SignedMz.ZERO, null, ChromExtractor.summed);  // TIC
                        dictPrecursorMzToFilter.Add(key, new SpectrumFilterPair(key, PeptideDocNode.UNKNOWN_COLOR, dictPrecursorMzToFilter.Count,
                                                                                _instrument.MinTime, _instrument.MaxTime, null, null, 0, _isHighAccMsFilter, _isHighAccProductFilter));
                        key = new PrecursorTextId(SignedMz.ZERO, null, ChromExtractor.base_peak);   // BPC
                        dictPrecursorMzToFilter.Add(key, new SpectrumFilterPair(key, PeptideDocNode.UNKNOWN_COLOR, dictPrecursorMzToFilter.Count,
                                                                                _instrument.MinTime, _instrument.MaxTime, null, null, 0, _isHighAccMsFilter, _isHighAccProductFilter));
                if (EnabledMsMs)
                    _isHighAccProductFilter = !Equals(_fullScan.ProductMassAnalyzer,

                    if (_fullScan.AcquisitionMethod == FullScanAcquisitionMethod.DIA &&
                        if (instrumentInfo != null)
                            _isWatersMse  = _isWatersFile;
                            _isAgilentMse = instrumentInfo.IsAgilentFile;
                        _mseLevel = 1;

                Func <double, double> calcWindowsQ1 = _fullScan.GetPrecursorFilterWindow;
                Func <double, double> calcWindowsQ3 = _fullScan.GetProductFilterWindow;
                _minTime = _instrument.MinTime;
                _maxTime = _instrument.MaxTime;
                bool canSchedule = CanSchedule(document, retentionTimePredictor);
                // TODO: Figure out a way to turn off time sharing on first SIM scan so that
                //       times can be shared for MS1 without SIM scans
                _isSharedTime = !canSchedule;

                // If we're using bare measured drift times from spectral libraries, go get those now
                var libraryIonMobilityInfo = document.Settings.PeptideSettings.Prediction.UseLibraryDriftTimes
                    ? document.Settings.GetIonMobilities(msDataFileUri)
                    : null;

                foreach (var nodePep in document.Molecules)
                    if (firstPass && !retentionTimePredictor.IsFirstPassPeptide(nodePep))

                    foreach (TransitionGroupDocNode nodeGroup in nodePep.Children)
                        if (nodeGroup.Children.Count == 0)

                        double?       minTime = _minTime, maxTime = _maxTime;
                        double?       startDriftTimeMsec = null, endDriftTimeMsec = null;
                        double        windowDT;
                        double        highEnergyDriftTimeOffsetMsec = 0;
                        DriftTimeInfo centerDriftTime               = document.Settings.PeptideSettings.Prediction.GetDriftTime(
                            nodePep, nodeGroup, libraryIonMobilityInfo, out windowDT);
                        if (centerDriftTime.DriftTimeMsec(false).HasValue)
                            startDriftTimeMsec            = centerDriftTime.DriftTimeMsec(false) - windowDT / 2; // Get the low energy drift time
                            endDriftTimeMsec              = startDriftTimeMsec + windowDT;
                            highEnergyDriftTimeOffsetMsec = centerDriftTime.HighEnergyDriftTimeOffsetMsec;

                        if (canSchedule)
                            if (RetentionTimeFilterType.scheduling_windows == _fullScan.RetentionTimeFilterType)
                                double?centerTime = null;
                                double windowRT   = 0;
                                if (retentionTimePredictor != null)
                                    centerTime = retentionTimePredictor.GetPredictedRetentionTime(nodePep);
                                    var prediction = document.Settings.PeptideSettings.Prediction;
                                    if (prediction.RetentionTime == null || !prediction.RetentionTime.IsAutoCalculated)
                                        centerTime = document.Settings.PeptideSettings.Prediction.PredictRetentionTimeForChromImport(
                                            document, nodePep, nodeGroup, out windowRT);
                                // Force the center time to be at least zero
                                if (centerTime.HasValue && centerTime.Value < 0)
                                    centerTime = 0;
                                if (_fullScan.RetentionTimeFilterLength != 0)
                                    windowRT = _fullScan.RetentionTimeFilterLength * 2;
                                if (centerTime != null)
                                    double startTime = centerTime.Value - windowRT / 2;
                                    double endTime   = startTime + windowRT;
                                    minTime = Math.Max(minTime ?? 0, startTime);
                                    maxTime = Math.Min(maxTime ?? double.MaxValue, endTime);
                            else if (RetentionTimeFilterType.ms2_ids == _fullScan.RetentionTimeFilterType)
                                var times = document.Settings.GetBestRetentionTimes(nodePep, msDataFileUri);
                                if (times.Length > 0)
                                    minTime = Math.Max(minTime ?? 0, times.Min() - _fullScan.RetentionTimeFilterLength);
                                    maxTime = Math.Min(maxTime ?? double.MaxValue, times.Max() + _fullScan.RetentionTimeFilterLength);

                        SpectrumFilterPair filter;
                        string             textId = nodePep.RawTextId; // Modified Sequence for peptides, or some other string for custom ions
                        var mz  = new SignedMz(nodeGroup.PrecursorMz, nodeGroup.PrecursorCharge < 0);
                        var key = new PrecursorTextId(mz, textId, ChromExtractor.summed);
                        if (!dictPrecursorMzToFilter.TryGetValue(key, out filter))
                            filter = new SpectrumFilterPair(key, nodePep.Color, dictPrecursorMzToFilter.Count, minTime, maxTime,
                                                            startDriftTimeMsec, endDriftTimeMsec, highEnergyDriftTimeOffsetMsec,
                                                            _isHighAccMsFilter, _isHighAccProductFilter);
                            dictPrecursorMzToFilter.Add(key, filter);

                        if (!EnabledMs)
                            filter.AddQ3FilterValues(from TransitionDocNode nodeTran in nodeGroup.Children
                                                     select nodeTran.Mz, calcWindowsQ3);
                        else if (!EnabledMsMs)
                            filter.AddQ1FilterValues(GetMS1MzValues(nodeGroup), calcWindowsQ1);
                            filter.AddQ1FilterValues(GetMS1MzValues(nodeGroup), calcWindowsQ1);
                            filter.AddQ3FilterValues(from TransitionDocNode nodeTran in nodeGroup.Children
                                                     where !nodeTran.IsMs1
                                                     select nodeTran.Mz, calcWindowsQ3);
                _filterMzValues = dictPrecursorMzToFilter.Values.ToArray();

                var listChromKeyFilterIds = new List <ChromKey>();
                foreach (var spectrumFilterPair in _filterMzValues)
                _productChromKeys = listChromKeyFilterIds.ToArray();

                // Sort a copy of the filter pairs by maximum retention time so that we can detect when
                // filters are no longer active.
                _filterRTValues = new SpectrumFilterPair[_filterMzValues.Length];
                Array.Copy(_filterMzValues, _filterRTValues, _filterMzValues.Length);
                Array.Sort(_filterRTValues, CompareByRT);

        public IsotopeDistInfo(MassDistribution massDistribution,
                               double monoisotopicMass,
                               bool isMassH, // Is monoisotopicMass M+H, or just M as in small molecule use?
                               int charge,
                               Func <double, double> calcFilterWindow,
                               double massResolution,
                               double minimumAbundance)
            _monoisotopicMass = monoisotopicMass;
            _charge           = charge;
            _isMassH          = isMassH;

            // Get peak center of mass values for the given resolution
            var q1FilterValues = MassDistribution.NewInstance(massDistribution, massResolution, 0).Keys.ToList();
            // Find the monoisotopic m/z and make sure it is exactly the expected number
            double monoMz        = isMassH ? SequenceMassCalc.GetMZ(_monoisotopicMass, _charge) : BioMassCalc.CalculateIonMz(_monoisotopicMass, _charge);
            double monoMzDist    = monoMz;
            int    monoMassIndex = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < q1FilterValues.Count; i++)
                double peakCenterMz = q1FilterValues[i];
                double filterWindow = calcFilterWindow(peakCenterMz);
                double startMz      = peakCenterMz - filterWindow / 2;
                double endMz        = startMz + filterWindow;
                if (startMz < monoMz && monoMz < endMz)
                    monoMzDist        = q1FilterValues[i];
                    q1FilterValues[i] = monoMz;
                    monoMassIndex     = i;
            // Insert a M-1 peak, even if it is not expected in the isotope mass distribution
            if (monoMassIndex == 0 && q1FilterValues.Count > 1)
                // Use the delta from the original distribution monoMz to the next peak
                q1FilterValues.Insert(0, monoMz + monoMzDist - q1FilterValues[1]);

            if (!q1FilterValues.Any())  // As is small molecule docs with mz values only, no formulas

            // Use the filtering algorithm that will be used on real data to determine the
            // expected proportions of the mass distribution that will end up filtered into
            // peaks
            // CONSIDER: Mass accuracy information is not calculated here
            var key    = new PrecursorTextId(q1FilterValues[monoMassIndex], null, ChromExtractor.summed);
            var filter = new SpectrumFilterPair(key, PeptideDocNode.UNKNOWN_COLOR, 0, null, null, null, null, 0, false, false);

            filter.AddQ1FilterValues(q1FilterValues, calcFilterWindow);

            var expectedSpectrum = filter.FilterQ1SpectrumList(new[] { new MsDataSpectrum
                                                                           Mzs = massDistribution.Keys.ToArray(), Intensities = massDistribution.Values.ToArray()
                                                                       } });

            int startIndex = expectedSpectrum.Intensities.IndexOf(inten => inten >= minimumAbundance);

            if (startIndex == -1)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
            // Always include the M-1 peak, even if it is expected to have zero intensity
            if (startIndex > monoMassIndex - 1)
                startIndex = monoMassIndex - 1;
            if (startIndex < 0)
                startIndex = 0;
            int endIndex              = expectedSpectrum.Intensities.LastIndexOf(inten => inten >= minimumAbundance) + 1;
            int countPeaks            = endIndex - startIndex;
            var listProportionIndices = new List <KeyValuePair <float, int> >(countPeaks);

            for (int i = 0; i < countPeaks; i++)
                listProportionIndices.Add(new KeyValuePair <float, int>(
                                              expectedSpectrum.Intensities[i + startIndex], i));
            // Sort proportions descending.
            listProportionIndices.Sort((p1, p2) => Comparer.Default.Compare(p2.Key, p1.Key));

            // Set proportions and ranks back in the original locations
            var expectedProportionRanks = new KeyValuePair <float, int> [countPeaks];

            for (int i = 0; i < countPeaks; i++)
                expectedProportionRanks[listProportionIndices[i].Value] =
                    new KeyValuePair <float, int>(listProportionIndices[i].Key, i + 1);

            // TODO: Can this be discarded?
            // MassDistribution = massDistribution;

            MonoMassIndex = monoMassIndex - startIndex;

            // Find the base peak and fill in the masses and proportions
            var expectedPeaks = new List <MzRankProportion>();

            for (int i = 0; i < countPeaks; i++)
                float expectedProportion = expectedProportionRanks[i].Key;
                int   rank = expectedProportionRanks[i].Value;
                expectedPeaks.Add(new MzRankProportion(q1FilterValues[i + startIndex], rank, expectedProportion));
                if (expectedProportion > expectedProportionRanks[BaseMassIndex].Key)
                    BaseMassIndex = i;
            ExpectedPeaks = expectedPeaks;
Beispiel #9
 public bool Equals(PrecursorTextId other)
     return(PrecursorMz.Equals(other.PrecursorMz) &&
            string.Equals(TextId, other.TextId) &&
            Extractor == other.Extractor);