Beispiel #1
        public void ResetValues()
            vitalData = vitalDef.GetDefaultData();

            /// Notify UI and other subscribed components of change
            for (int i = 0; i < onValueChangeCallbacks.Count; ++i)
        public VitalData Deserialize(byte[] buffer, ref int bitposition, bool keyframe = true)
            float     val  = (keyframe || buffer.ReadBool(ref bitposition)) ? (float)buffer.Read(ref bitposition, bitsForValue) : float.NegativeInfinity;
            VitalData data = new VitalData(
                (int)(buffer.ReadBool(ref bitposition) ? buffer.Read(ref bitposition, bitsForDecayDelay) : 0),
                (int)(buffer.ReadBool(ref bitposition) ? buffer.Read(ref bitposition, bitsForRegenDelay) : 0)

        public VitalData Extrapolate(VitalData prev)
            int   ticksuntilregen = prev.ticksUntilRegen > 0 ? prev.ticksUntilRegen - 1 : 0;
            int   ticksuntildecay = prev.ticksUntilDecay > 0 ? prev.ticksUntilDecay - 1 : 0;
            float preval          = prev.Value;
            float val             =
                (preval > FullValue && ticksuntildecay == 0) ? preval - _decayPerTick :
                (preval < FullValue && ticksuntilregen == 0) ? preval + _regenPerTick :

            return(new VitalData(val, ticksuntildecay, ticksuntilregen));
        public SerializationFlags Serialize(VitalData vitalData, VitalData prevVitalData, byte[] buffer, ref int bitposition, bool keyframe = true)
            var ticksuntildecay = vitalData.ticksUntilDecay;
            var ticksuntilregen = vitalData.ticksUntilRegen;

            //if (keyframe)
            //	buffer.Write((ulong)vitalData.Value, ref bitposition, bitsForValue);
            //	return SerializationFlags.HasChanged;
            int newval  = (int)vitalData.Value;
            int prevval = (int)prevVitalData.Value;

            bool haschanged = newval != prevval;

            if (keyframe)
                buffer.Write((ulong)newval, ref bitposition, bitsForValue);
                buffer.WriteBool(haschanged, ref bitposition);
                if (haschanged)
                    buffer.Write((ulong)newval, ref bitposition, bitsForValue);

            /// We always write the ticks until, even if we are marking this as having no content.
            if (ticksuntildecay > 0)
                buffer.WriteBool(true, ref bitposition);
                buffer.Write((ulong)ticksuntildecay, ref bitposition, bitsForDecayDelay);
                buffer.WriteBool(false, ref bitposition);

            if (ticksuntilregen > 0)
                buffer.WriteBool(true, ref bitposition);
                buffer.Write((ulong)ticksuntilregen, ref bitposition, bitsForRegenDelay);
                buffer.WriteBool(false, ref bitposition);

            return((haschanged || keyframe) ? SerializationFlags.HasChanged : SerializationFlags.None);
Beispiel #5
 public void Apply(VitalData vdata)
     Value = vdata.Value;
     vitalData.ticksUntilDecay = vdata.ticksUntilDecay;
     vitalData.ticksUntilRegen = vdata.ticksUntilRegen;