Beispiel #1
        public void btReportMonth_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //  Dim Sql As String = " SELECT day(dbo.Bill.Datetime) AS day, SUM((dbo.BillDetail.Price * dbo.BillDetail.Quantity) * (100 - dbo.BillDetail.Discount) / 100) AS Total FROM dbo.Bill INNER JOIN dbo.BillDetail ON dbo.Bill.BillID = dbo.BillDetail.BillID WHERE (YEAR(dbo.Bill.Datetime) = " & cbYear.SelectedItem & ") and MONTH(dbo.bill.datetime) = " & cbMonth.SelectedItem & " GROUP BY day(dbo.Bill.Datetime) "
            //Dim sql As String = "SELECT day(dbo.tb_Selling.DateCome) AS day, SUM((dbo.tb_SellDetail.foodPrice * dbo.tb_SellDetail.foodAmount) AS Total FROM dbo.tb_Selling INNER JOIN dbo.tb_SellDetail ON dbo.tb_Selling.SellID = dbo.tb_SellDetail.SellID WHERE (YEAR(dbo.tb_Selling.dateCome) = " & cbYear.SelectedItem & ") and MONTH(dbo.tb_Selling.dateCome) = " & cbMonth.SelectedItem & " GROUP BY day(dbo.tb_Selling.dateCome)"

            string sql2 = @"SELECT        DAY(dbo.tb_Selling.dateCome) AS day, SUM(dbo.tb_SellDetail.foodPrice * dbo.tb_SellDetail.foodAmount) AS Total
FROM            dbo.tb_SellDetail INNER JOIN
dbo.tb_Selling ON dbo.tb_SellDetail.SellID = dbo.tb_Selling.SellID
WHERE (YEAR(dbo.tb_Selling.dateCome) = " + System.Convert.ToString(cbYear.SelectedItem) + ") and MONTH(dbo.tb_Selling.dateCome) between " + System.Convert.ToString(cbMonth.SelectedItem) + " and  " + System.Convert.ToString(ComboBox1.SelectedItem) + " GROUP BY DAY(dbo.tb_Selling.dateCome)";

            DSReport dsr = new DSReport();
            MReport  rpt = new MReport();            //MonthYearReport
            var      da  = new SqlDataAdapter(sql2, ConstVar.connect.DatabaseConnection(ConstVar.constr));

            //da.Fill(dsr, "DTReportBillMonth")
            //If dsr.Tables("DTReportBillMonth").Rows.Count = 0 Then
            da.Fill(dsr, "DataTable1");
            if (dsr.Tables["DataTable1"].Rows.Count == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("ບໍ່ມີຂໍ້ມູນໃນເດືອນ ແລະ ປີທີເລືອກ");
                rpt.SetParameterValue("monthyear", cbMonth.Text + "/" + cbYear.Text);
                frm_MainReportChoosing.Default.CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = rpt;

        public virtual CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument CreateReport()
            MReport rpt = new MReport();

            rpt.Site = this.Site;