Beispiel #1
        public long lngOnlyGetSendWindowInfo(System.Security.Principal.IPrincipal p_objPrincipal, string m_strMedStoreid, out clsMedStoreWindowsVo m_objWindowsVo, bool m_blnWindowType)
            m_objWindowsVo = null;
            long lngRegs = 0;
            clsPrivilegeHandleService objPrivilege = new clsPrivilegeHandleService();

            lngRegs = objPrivilege.m_lngCheckCallPrivilege(p_objPrincipal, "com.digitalwave.iCare.middletier.HIS.clsWindowsCortrol", "lngGetSendWindowInfoByWindowid");
            if (lngRegs < 0) //没有使用的权限
            string strSQL = "";

            com.digitalwave.iCare.middletier.HIS.clsGetServerDate objDate = new clsGetServerDate();
            string strDateTime = objDate.m_GetServerDate().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");

                com.digitalwave.iCare.middletier.HRPService.clsHRPTableService objHRPSvc = new clsHRPTableService();
                System.Data.DataTable        p_dtWindow = new System.Data.DataTable();
                System.Data.IDataParameter[] paramArr   = null;
                strSQL = @"select  a.windowid_chr, a.windowname_vchr, a.medstoreid_chr, 0 as windowflag_int,
                                   sum(decode(c.sid_int, null, 0, 1)) as numcount, d.lastdate
                              from t_bse_medstorewin a,
                                   (select b.sid_int, b.sendwindowid_chr
                                       from t_opr_recipesend b
                                      where b.createdate_chr = ?
                                        and b.medstoreid_chr = ?
                                        and b.called_int = 0
                                        and b.pstatus_int in (1, 2)) c,
                                   (select max(b.senddate_dat) as lastdate, b.sendwindowid_chr
                                       from t_opr_recipesend b
                                      where b.createdate_chr = ?
                                        and b.medstoreid_chr = ?
                                        and b.pstatus_int = 3
                                      group by b.sendwindowid_chr) d
                             where a.windowid_chr = c.sendwindowid_chr(+)
                               and a.windowid_chr = d.sendwindowid_chr(+)
                               and a.medstoreid_chr = ?
                               and a.windowtype_int = 0
                               and a.workstatus_int = 1
                             group by a.windowid_chr, a.windowname_vchr, a.medstoreid_chr,

                objHRPSvc.CreateDatabaseParameter(5, out paramArr);
                paramArr[0].Value = strDateTime;
                paramArr[1].Value = m_strMedStoreid;
                paramArr[2].Value = strDateTime;
                paramArr[3].Value = m_strMedStoreid;
                paramArr[4].Value = m_strMedStoreid;
                lngRegs           = objHRPSvc.lngGetDataTableWithParameters(strSQL, ref p_dtWindow, paramArr);

                if (lngRegs > 0 && p_dtWindow.Rows.Count > 0)
                    if (m_blnWindowType == true)
                        p_dtWindow.DefaultView.Sort = "windowflag_int desc,numcount, lastdate";
                        p_dtWindow.DefaultView.Sort = " windowflag_int,numcount, lastdate";
                    p_dtWindow = p_dtWindow.DefaultView.ToTable();
                    DataRow drTemp = p_dtWindow.Rows[0];
                    if (m_objWindowsVo == null)
                        m_objWindowsVo = new clsMedStoreWindowsVo();
                    m_objWindowsVo.m_strSendWindowID      = drTemp["windowid_chr"].ToString();
                    m_objWindowsVo.m_strSendWindowName    = drTemp["windowname_vchr"].ToString();
                    m_objWindowsVo.m_intSendWindowOrderNo = int.Parse(drTemp["numcount"].ToString()) + 1;
                    p_dtWindow = null;
                    drTemp     = null;
                    m_objWindowsVo = null;
            catch (Exception objEx)
                com.digitalwave.Utility.clsLogText objLogger = new clsLogText();
                bool blnRes = objLogger.LogError(objEx);
Beispiel #2
        public long lngGetWindowIDByStorage(System.Security.Principal.IPrincipal p_objPrincipal, string storageID, out clsMedStoreWindowsVo m_objWindowsVo, bool CheckScope, bool m_blnWindowType, bool m_blnWindowRelation)
            m_objWindowsVo = null;
            long lngRegs = 0;
            clsPrivilegeHandleService objPrivilege = new clsPrivilegeHandleService();

            lngRegs = objPrivilege.m_lngCheckCallPrivilege(p_objPrincipal, "com.digitalwave.iCare.middletier.HIS.clsWindowsCortrol", "lngGetWindowIDByStorage");
            if (lngRegs < 0) //没有使用的权限
            string strSQL = "";

            if (CheckScope)
                strSQL = @"select  a.windowid_chr, a.windowname_vchr, a.medstoreid_chr, 0 as windowflag_int,
                                   sum(decode(c.sid_int, null, 0, 1)) as numcount
                              from t_bse_medstorewin a,
                                   (select b.sid_int, b.windowid_chr
                                       from t_opr_recipesend b
                                      where b.pstatus_int = 1
                                        and b.medstoreid_chr = ?
                                        and b.createdate_chr = ?) c
                             where a.windowid_chr = c.windowid_chr(+)
                               and a.medstoreid_chr = ?
                               and a.windowtype_int = 1
                               and a.workstatus_int = 1
                             group by a.windowid_chr, a.windowname_vchr, a.medstoreid_chr";
                strSQL = @"select  a.windowid_chr, a.windowname_vchr, a.medstoreid_chr, 0 as windowflag_int,
                                   sum(decode(c.sid_int, null, 0, 1)) as numcount
                              from t_bse_medstorewin a,
                                   (select b.sid_int, b.windowid_chr
                                       from t_opr_recipesend b
                                      where b.pstatus_int = 1
                                        and b.medstoreid_chr = ?
                                        and b.createdate_chr = ?) c
                             where a.windowid_chr = c.windowid_chr(+)
                               and a.medstoreid_chr = ?
                               and a.windowtype_int = 1
                               and a.winproperty_int = 0
                               and a.workstatus_int = 1
                             group by a.windowid_chr, a.windowname_vchr, a.medstoreid_chr";
            com.digitalwave.iCare.middletier.HIS.clsGetServerDate objDate = new clsGetServerDate();
            string strDateTime = objDate.m_GetServerDate().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");

                com.digitalwave.iCare.middletier.HRPService.clsHRPTableService objHRPSvc = new clsHRPTableService();
                System.Data.DataTable p_dtWindow = new System.Data.DataTable();

                System.Data.IDataParameter[] paramArr = null;
                objHRPSvc.CreateDatabaseParameter(3, out paramArr);
                paramArr[0].Value = storageID;
                paramArr[1].Value = strDateTime;
                paramArr[2].Value = storageID;
                lngRegs = objHRPSvc.lngGetDataTableWithParameters(strSQL, ref p_dtWindow, paramArr);

                if (lngRegs > 0 && p_dtWindow.Rows.Count > 0)
                    DataView dv = p_dtWindow.DefaultView;
                    if (m_blnWindowType == true)                   //对获取的表进行排序,
                        dv.Sort = " windowflag_int desc,numcount"; //将草药窗口而且队列最少的窗口排在前面
                        dv.Sort = "windowflag_int ,numcount";//将成药窗口而且队列最少的窗口排在前面
                    p_dtWindow = dv.ToTable();
                    int     m_intCount = p_dtWindow.Rows.Count;
                    DataRow dtRowTemp  = null;
                    for (int i = 0; i < m_intCount; i++)
                        dtRowTemp      = p_dtWindow.Rows[i];
                        m_objWindowsVo = new clsMedStoreWindowsVo();
                        m_objWindowsVo.m_strWindowID      = dtRowTemp["WINDOWID_CHR"].ToString();
                        m_objWindowsVo.m_strWindowName    = dtRowTemp["windowname_vchr"].ToString();
                        m_objWindowsVo.m_intWindowOrderNo = int.Parse(dtRowTemp["numcount"].ToString()) + 1;
                        if (m_blnWindowRelation == true)
                            this.lngGetSendWindowInfoByWindowid(p_objPrincipal, storageID, m_objWindowsVo.m_strWindowID, ref m_objWindowsVo);
                            this.lngGetSendWindowInfo(p_objPrincipal, storageID, CheckScope, ref m_objWindowsVo, m_blnWindowType);
                        if (m_objWindowsVo != null)//成功取到发药窗口信息
                    dv = null;
                    p_dtWindow = null;
                    dtRowTemp  = null;
                    m_objWindowsVo = null;//返回null到收费界面,作为取不到任何配药窗口信息的标识,请药房人员配好药房窗口设置;
            catch (Exception objEx)
                com.digitalwave.Utility.clsLogText objLogger = new clsLogText();
                bool blnRes = objLogger.LogError(objEx);
Beispiel #3
        public long m_lngGetWorkStorage(System.Security.Principal.IPrincipal p_objPrincipal, string strOldStorageID, out string strNewStorageID)
            long lngRes = 0;

            strNewStorageID = "";
            clsPrivilegeHandleService objPrivilege = new clsPrivilegeHandleService();

            lngRes = objPrivilege.m_lngCheckCallPrivilege(p_objPrincipal, "com.digitalwave.iCare.middletier.LIS.clsLisDeviceSvc", "m_lngAddNew");
            if (lngRes < 0)
            com.digitalwave.iCare.middletier.HRPService.clsHRPTableService objHRPSvc = new clsHRPTableService();
            if (lngRes < 0)
            com.digitalwave.iCare.middletier.HIS.clsGetServerDate objDate = new clsGetServerDate();
            string           strDateTime   = objDate.m_GetServerDate().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
            int              weekDay_int   = 0;//星期几 (1-周一\7-周日)
            clsGetServerDate getServerDate = new clsGetServerDate();

            switch (getServerDate.m_GetServerDate().DayOfWeek.ToString())
            case "Monday":
                weekDay_int = 1;

            case "Tuesday":
                weekDay_int = 2;

            case "Wednesday":
                weekDay_int = 3;

            case "Thursday":
                weekDay_int = 4;

            case "Friday":
                weekDay_int = 5;

            case "Saturday":
                weekDay_int = 6;

            case "Sunday":
                weekDay_int = 7;

            string    strSQL = @"SELECT   a.*
                              FROM t_bse_deptduty a
                              WHERE a.deptid_vchr =? and a.WEEKDAY_INT=?";
            DataTable dtDuty = new DataTable();

                System.Data.IDataParameter[] paramArr = null;
                objHRPSvc.CreateDatabaseParameter(2, out paramArr);
                paramArr[0].Value = strOldStorageID;
                paramArr[1].Value = weekDay_int;

                lngRes = objHRPSvc.lngGetDataTableWithParameters(strSQL, ref dtDuty, paramArr);
            DateTime _serverDate = getServerDate.m_GetServerDate();

            if (dtDuty.Rows.Count > 0)
                if (dtDuty.Rows[0]["WORKTIME_VCHR"] != System.DBNull.Value && dtDuty.Rows[0]["WORKTIME_VCHR"].ToString() != "")
                    string   _split = "|";
                    string[] objstr = dtDuty.Rows[0]["WORKTIME_VCHR"].ToString().Split(_split.ToCharArray());
                    for (int f2 = 0; f2 < objstr.Length; f2++)
                        _split = "-";
                        string[] objstr1 = objstr[f2].Split(_split.ToCharArray());
                        if (objstr1.Length == 2)
                            string date1 = _serverDate.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " " + objstr1[0];
                            string date2 = _serverDate.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " " + objstr1[1];
                            if (_serverDate >= DateTime.Parse(date1) && _serverDate <= DateTime.Parse(date2))
                                strNewStorageID = strOldStorageID;
                strNewStorageID = strOldStorageID;
            strNewStorageID = dtDuty.Rows[0]["OBJECTDEPTID_VCHR"].ToString();
Beispiel #4
        public long m_lngGetGiveWindID(System.Security.Principal.IPrincipal p_objPrincipal, string TreatwinID, out string windowsID, out int WaitNO)
            long lngRegs = 0;

            windowsID = "";
            WaitNO    = 1;
            clsPrivilegeHandleService objPrivilege = new clsPrivilegeHandleService();

            lngRegs = objPrivilege.m_lngCheckCallPrivilege(p_objPrincipal, "com.digitalwave.iCare.middletier.LIS.clsLisDeviceSvc", "m_lngAddNew");
            if (lngRegs < 0)
            if (lngRegs < 0)
            com.digitalwave.iCare.middletier.HIS.clsGetServerDate objDate = new clsGetServerDate();
            string strDateTime = objDate.m_GetServerDate().ToString("yyyyMMdd");
            string strSQL      = @"SELECT a.givewinid_chr,
          WHEN b.intcount IS NULL
             THEN 0
          ELSE b.intcount
       END AS intcount
  FROM (SELECT   MIN (order_int) AS df, a.givewinid_chr
            FROM t_opr_medstorewinrlt a, t_bse_medstorewin b
           WHERE a.treatwinid_chr =?
             AND a.givewinid_chr = b.windowid_chr
             AND b.workstatus_int = 1
        GROUP BY givewinid_chr) t1,
       (SELECT   MIN (order_int) AS df
            FROM t_opr_medstorewinrlt a, t_bse_medstorewin b
           WHERE a.treatwinid_chr = ?
             AND a.givewinid_chr = b.windowid_chr
             AND b.workstatus_int = 1
        GROUP BY treatwinid_chr) t2
        where t1.df =t2.df) a,
 (SELECT   max(ORDER_INT) AS intcount, windowid_chr
            FROM t_opr_medstorewinque where OUTPATRECIPEID_CHR like ?
        GROUP BY windowid_chr) b
 WHERE a.givewinid_chr = b.windowid_chr(+)";

                com.digitalwave.iCare.middletier.HRPService.clsHRPTableService objHRPSvc = new clsHRPTableService();
                System.Data.DataTable p_dtWindow = new System.Data.DataTable();

                System.Data.IDataParameter[] paramArr = null;
                objHRPSvc.CreateDatabaseParameter(3, out paramArr);
                paramArr[0].Value = TreatwinID;
                paramArr[1].Value = TreatwinID;
                paramArr[2].Value = strDateTime + "%";
                lngRegs           = objHRPSvc.lngGetDataTableWithParameters(strSQL, ref p_dtWindow, paramArr);
                if (p_dtWindow.Rows.Count > 0)
                    windowsID = p_dtWindow.Rows[0]["GIVEWINID_CHR"].ToString();
                    WaitNO    = int.Parse(p_dtWindow.Rows[0]["intcount"].ToString()) + 1;
            catch (Exception objEx)
                com.digitalwave.Utility.clsLogText objLogger = new clsLogText();
                bool blnRes = objLogger.LogError(objEx);
Beispiel #5
        public long lngGetWindowIDByStorage(System.Security.Principal.IPrincipal p_objPrincipal, string storageID, out string windowsID, out int WaiteNO, bool CheckScope)
//            windowsID = "";
//            WaiteNO = 1;
//            long lngRegs = 0;
//            //权限类
//            clsPrivilegeHandleService objPrivilege = new clsPrivilegeHandleService();
//            //检查是否有使用些函数的权限
//            lngRegs = objPrivilege.m_lngCheckCallPrivilege(p_objPrincipal, "com.digitalwave.iCare.middletier.HIS.clsReckoningReport", "lngGetWindowIDByStorage");
//            if (lngRegs < 0) //没有使用的权限
//            {
//                return -1;
//            }
//            string strSQL = "";
//            if (CheckScope)
//            {
//                strSQL = @"select   a.windowid_chr, a.medstoreid_chr,
//         decode (k.intcount, null, 0, k.intcount) as intcount1,
//         decode (k.intcount3, null, 0, k.intcount3) as intcount4
//    from t_bse_medstorewin a,
//         (select intcount, intcount3, b.windowid_chr, b.medstoreid_chr
//            from (select   max (order_int) as intcount, windowid_chr,
//                           medstoreid_chr
//                      from t_opr_medstorewinque
//                     where medstoreid_chr = ?
//                       and windowtype_int = 1
//                       and outpatrecipeid_chr like ?
//                  group by medstoreid_chr, windowid_chr) b,
//                 (select   count (order_int) as intcount3, windowid_chr,
//                           medstoreid_chr
//                      from t_opr_medstorewinque
//                     where medstoreid_chr = ?
//                       and windowtype_int = 1
//                       and outpatrecipeid_chr like ?
//                  group by medstoreid_chr, windowid_chr) c
//           where b.medstoreid_chr = c.medstoreid_chr
//             and b.windowid_chr = c.windowid_chr) k
//   where a.medstoreid_chr = ?
//     and a.windowtype_int = 1
//     and a.workstatus_int = 1
//     and a.medstoreid_chr = k.medstoreid_chr(+)
//     and a.windowid_chr = k.windowid_chr(+)
//order by intcount4
//            }
//            else
//            {
//                strSQL = @"select   a.windowid_chr, a.medstoreid_chr,
//         decode (k.intcount, null, 0, k.intcount) as intcount1,
//          decode (k.intcount3, null, 0, k.intcount3) as intcount4
//    from t_bse_medstorewin a,
//         (select intcount, intcount3, b.windowid_chr, b.medstoreid_chr
//            from (select   max (order_int) as intcount, windowid_chr,
//                           medstoreid_chr
//                      from t_opr_medstorewinque
//                     where medstoreid_chr = ?
//                       and windowtype_int = 1
//                       and outpatrecipeid_chr like ?
//                  group by medstoreid_chr, windowid_chr) b,
//                 (select   count (order_int) as intcount3, windowid_chr,
//                           medstoreid_chr
//                      from t_opr_medstorewinque
//                     where medstoreid_chr = ?
//                       and windowtype_int = 1
//                       and outpatrecipeid_chr like ?
//                  group by medstoreid_chr, windowid_chr) c
//           where b.medstoreid_chr = c.medstoreid_chr
//             and b.windowid_chr = c.windowid_chr) k
//   where a.medstoreid_chr = ?
//     and a.winproperty_int = 0
//     and a.windowtype_int = 1
//     and a.workstatus_int = 1
//     and a.medstoreid_chr = k.medstoreid_chr(+)
//     and a.windowid_chr = k.windowid_chr(+)
//order by intcount4";
//            }
//            com.digitalwave.iCare.middletier.HIS.clsGetServerDate objDate = new clsGetServerDate();
//            string strDateTime = objDate.m_GetServerDate().ToString("yyyyMMdd");
//            try
//            {
//                com.digitalwave.iCare.middletier.HRPService.clsHRPTableService objHRPSvc = new clsHRPTableService();
//                System.Data.DataTable p_dtWindow = new System.Data.DataTable();

//                System.Data.IDataParameter[] paramArr = null;
//                objHRPSvc.CreateDatabaseParameter(5, out paramArr);
//                paramArr[0].Value = storageID.Trim();
//                paramArr[1].Value = strDateTime.Trim() + "%";
//                paramArr[2].Value = storageID.Trim();
//                paramArr[3].Value = strDateTime.Trim() + "%";
//                paramArr[4].Value = storageID.Trim();
//                lngRegs = objHRPSvc.lngGetDataTableWithParameters(strSQL, ref p_dtWindow, paramArr);

//                if (p_dtWindow.Rows.Count > 0)
//                {
//                    windowsID = p_dtWindow.Rows[0]["WINDOWID_CHR"].ToString();
//                    WaiteNO = int.Parse(p_dtWindow.Rows[0]["intcount1"].ToString()) + 1;
//                }
//            }
//            catch (Exception objEx)
//            {
//                com.digitalwave.Utility.clsLogText objLogger = new clsLogText();
//                bool blnRes = objLogger.LogError(objEx);
//            }
//            return lngRegs;
            windowsID = "";
            WaiteNO   = 1;
            long lngRegs = 0;
            clsPrivilegeHandleService objPrivilege = new clsPrivilegeHandleService();

            lngRegs = objPrivilege.m_lngCheckCallPrivilege(p_objPrincipal, "com.digitalwave.iCare.middletier.HIS.clsReckoningReport", "lngGetWindowIDByStorage");
            if (lngRegs < 0) //没有使用的权限
            string strSQL = "";

            com.digitalwave.iCare.middletier.HIS.clsGetServerDate objDate = new clsGetServerDate();
            string strDateTime = objDate.m_GetServerDate().ToString("yyyyMMdd");

            if (CheckScope)
                strSQL = @"select   a.windowid_chr, a.medstoreid_chr,
                     decode (k.intcount, null, 0, k.intcount) as intcount1,
                     decode (k.intcount3, null, 0, k.intcount3) as intcount4
                from t_bse_medstorewin a,
                     (select intcount, intcount3, b.windowid_chr, b.medstoreid_chr
                        from (select   max (order_int) as intcount, windowid_chr,
                                  from t_opr_medstorewinque
                                 where medstoreid_chr = '" + storageID.Trim() + @"'
                                   and windowtype_int = 1
                                   and outpatrecipeid_chr like '" + strDateTime + @"%'
                              group by medstoreid_chr, windowid_chr) b,
                             (select   count (order_int) as intcount3, windowid_chr,
                                  from t_opr_medstorewinque
                                 where medstoreid_chr = '" + storageID.Trim() + @"'
                                   and windowtype_int = 1
                                   and outpatrecipeid_chr like '" + strDateTime + @"%'
                              group by medstoreid_chr, windowid_chr) c
                       where b.medstoreid_chr = c.medstoreid_chr
                         and b.windowid_chr = c.windowid_chr) k
               where a.medstoreid_chr = '" + storageID.Trim() + @"'
                 and a.windowtype_int = 1
                 and a.workstatus_int = 1
                 and a.medstoreid_chr = k.medstoreid_chr(+)
                 and a.windowid_chr = k.windowid_chr(+)
            order by intcount4
                strSQL = @"select   a.windowid_chr, a.medstoreid_chr,
                     decode (k.intcount, null, 0, k.intcount) as intcount1,
                      decode (k.intcount3, null, 0, k.intcount3) as intcount4
                from t_bse_medstorewin a,
                     (select intcount, intcount3, b.windowid_chr, b.medstoreid_chr
                        from (select   max (order_int) as intcount, windowid_chr,
                                  from t_opr_medstorewinque
                                 where medstoreid_chr = '" + storageID.Trim() + @"'
                                   and windowtype_int = 1
                                   and outpatrecipeid_chr like '" + strDateTime + @"%'
                              group by medstoreid_chr, windowid_chr) b,
                             (select   count (order_int) as intcount3, windowid_chr,
                                  from t_opr_medstorewinque
                                 where medstoreid_chr = '" + storageID.Trim() + @"'
                                   and windowtype_int = 1
                                   and outpatrecipeid_chr like '" + strDateTime + @"%'
                              group by medstoreid_chr, windowid_chr) c
                       where b.medstoreid_chr = c.medstoreid_chr
                         and b.windowid_chr = c.windowid_chr) k
               where a.medstoreid_chr = '" + storageID.Trim() + @"'
                 and a.winproperty_int = 0
                 and a.windowtype_int = 1
                 and a.workstatus_int = 1
                 and a.medstoreid_chr = k.medstoreid_chr(+)
                 and a.windowid_chr = k.windowid_chr(+)
            order by intcount4";

                com.digitalwave.iCare.middletier.HRPService.clsHRPTableService objHRPSvc = new clsHRPTableService();
                System.Data.DataTable p_dtWindow = new System.Data.DataTable();
                lngRegs = objHRPSvc.lngGetDataTableWithoutParameters(strSQL, ref p_dtWindow);

                if (p_dtWindow.Rows.Count > 0)
                    windowsID = p_dtWindow.Rows[0]["WINDOWID_CHR"].ToString();
                    WaiteNO   = int.Parse(p_dtWindow.Rows[0]["intcount1"].ToString()) + 1;
            catch (Exception objEx)
                com.digitalwave.Utility.clsLogText objLogger = new clsLogText();
                bool blnRes = objLogger.LogError(objEx);