public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext aspNetContext)
            Connection con = new Connection(aspNetContext.Response.OutputStream,
                                            aspNetContext.Request.UserHostAddress, 0);

            // Construct a copy of the HttpRequest.Headers collection, because the one created by ASP.NET
            // is automagically modified whenever the response collection created by ASP.NET is modified.
            // There is no good way to mimic this behavior when running in our own web server, so to
            // maintain compatibility with our own server we use a copy of the ASP.NET request headers
            // so they won't be modified when we add to the response headers.
            NameValueCollection requestHeaders       = new NameValueCollection();
            NameValueCollection aspNetRequestHeaders = aspNetContext.Request.Headers;

            foreach (string headerName in aspNetRequestHeaders)
                foreach (string value in aspNetRequestHeaders.GetValues(headerName))
                    requestHeaders.Add(headerName, value);
            WebRequest request = new WebRequest(aspNetContext.Request.RequestType, requestHeaders,
                                                aspNetContext.Request.RawUrl, aspNetContext.Request.Path,
                                                aspNetContext.Request.QueryString, con.RemoteAddress);

            for (int fileIndex = 0; fileIndex < aspNetContext.Request.Files.Count; fileIndex++)
                string          fieldName  = aspNetContext.Request.Files.AllKeys[fileIndex];
                HttpPostedFile  aspNetFile = aspNetContext.Request.Files[fileIndex];
                WebUploadedFile file       = new WebUploadedFile(aspNetFile.FileName, aspNetFile.InputStream,
                                                                 aspNetFile.ContentLength, aspNetFile.ContentType);
                request.UploadedFiles.Add(fieldName, file);

            WebResponse response = new WebResponse(con, aspNetContext.Response.Headers,
                                                   aspNetContext.Response.Cookies, false);
            TSiteData siteData = (TSiteData)aspNetContext.Application[
                AspNetHttpModule <TSiteData, TSession> .SiteDataKey];
            WebSessionContainer <TSession>   sessionContainer = siteData.GetSessionContainer(request, response);
            WebContext <TSiteData, TSession> webContext       = new WebContext <TSiteData, TSession>(
                request, response, new ServerUtilities(new NullDiagOutput()), new SiteUtilities(aspNetContext.Server),
                siteData, sessionContainer.Session);

            WebPage <TSiteData, TSession> page = PageFactory.GetInstance(webContext);

Beispiel #2
        private static void ReadMultiPartFormData(Connection con, WebRequest request, string contentType, Stream bodyStream)
            request.PostVars = new NameValueCollection();
            int boundaryOffset = contentType.IndexOf("boundary=");

            if (boundaryOffset < 0)
            string          boundary        = contentType.Substring(boundaryOffset + 9);
            LookAheadStream lookAheadStream = new LookAheadStream(bodyStream, 200);

            // Read and discard the preamble.
            MultiPartMIMEStream multiPartStream = new MultiPartMIMEStream(lookAheadStream, "--" + boundary);

            for (; ;)
                byte[] discardBuffer = new byte[100];
                if (multiPartStream.Read(discardBuffer, 0, discardBuffer.Length) == 0)

            // Read and save any following parts.
            for (; ;)
                if (multiPartStream.LastPartRead || multiPartStream.TotalBytesRead == 0)
                multiPartStream = new MultiPartMIMEStream(lookAheadStream, "\r\n--" + boundary);
                bool connectionBroken;
                NameValueCollection headers = ReadAllHeaders(multiPartStream, out connectionBroken);
                if (connectionBroken)
                    con.ConnectionBroken = true;
                using (MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream())
                    using (BufferedStream partBody = new BufferedStream(memStream, 1024))
                        multiPartStream.CopyTo(partBody, 1024);
                        partBody.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                        string contentDisposition = headers.Get(HttpHeaders.ContentDisposition);
                        if (contentDisposition != null)
                            // save uploaded files in data structures compatible with the way ASP.NET exposes them
                            string[] parts         = contentDisposition.Split(';');
                            bool     formDataFound = false;
                            string   name          = null;
                            string   filename      = null;
                            foreach (string part in parts)
                                string trimmedPart = part.Trim();
                                if (trimmedPart == "form-data")
                                    formDataFound = true;
                                else if (trimmedPart.StartsWith("name=\""))
                                    name = trimmedPart.Substring(6, trimmedPart.Length - 7);
                                else if (trimmedPart.StartsWith("filename=\""))
                                    filename = trimmedPart.Substring(10, trimmedPart.Length - 11);
                            if (!formDataFound)
                                throw new InvalidDataException();
                            if (filename != null)
                                AddNameValuePair(request.PostVars, name, filename);
                                partBody.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                                string fileContentType = headers.Get(HttpHeaders.ContentType);
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileContentType))
                                    fileContentType = HttpHeaders.ContentType_TextPlain;
                                WebUploadedFile file = new WebUploadedFile(filename, partBody, partBody.Length, fileContentType);
                                request.UploadedFiles.Add(name, file);
                                string value;
                                bool   ignoreConnectionBroken;
                                Connection.ReadAsciiUntilEnd(partBody, out value, out ignoreConnectionBroken);
                                AddNameValuePair(request.PostVars, name, value);

            // Discard the epilogue
            for (; ;)
                byte[] discardBuffer = new byte[100];
                if (lookAheadStream.Read(discardBuffer, 0, discardBuffer.Length) == 0)