Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of a
        /// <c>PreferenceDataAccess</c> type.
        /// It checks if the table and stored procedure
        /// are already on the database, if not, it creates
        /// them.
        /// Sets the properties that allows to make queries
        /// by calling the LoadWhere method.
        /// </summary>
        public PreferenceDataAccess()
            dataAccess = DataAccessConnection.Instance;
            if (!dbChecked)

            if (properties == null)

            inMemoryEntities = new Dictionary <int, PreferenceEntity>();
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of a
        /// <c>ServiceCategoryDataAccess</c> type.
        /// It checks if the table and stored procedure
        /// are already on the database, if not, it creates
        /// them.
        /// Sets the properties that allows to make queries
        /// by calling the LoadWhere method.
        /// </summary>
        public ServiceCategoryDataAccess()
            dataAccess = DataAccessConnection.Instance;
            if (!dbChecked)

            if (properties == null)

            inMemoryEntities = new Dictionary <int, ServiceCategoryEntity>();
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of a
        /// <c>RegisterAssociationCategoriesDataAccess</c> type.
        /// It checks if the table and stored procedure
        /// are already on the database, if not, it creates
        /// them.
        /// Sets the properties that allows to make queries
        /// by calling the LoadWhere method.
        /// </summary>
        public RegisterAssociationCategoriesDataAccess()
            dataAccess = DataAccessConnection.Instance;
            if (!dbChecked)

            if (properties == null)

            inMemoryEntities = new Dictionary <int, RegisterAssociationCategoriesEntity>();
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Crea un procedimiento de eliminación para una tabla determinada
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tableName">Nombre de la tabla.</param>
        /// <param name="idColumnName">Nombre de la columna clave.</param>
        /// <returns>True si tiene éxito.</returns>
        public static bool CreateDeleteStoredProcedure(string tableName, string idColumnName)
            // Conectarse a la base de datos
            DataAccessConnection dataAccess   = DataAccessConnection.Instance;
            IDbConnection        dbConnection = dataAccess.GetNewConnection();


            // Crear el comando para crear el procedimiento
            string     procedure = "CREATE PROCEDURE Delete" + tableName + "( @" + idColumnName + " int) AS DELETE FROM [" + tableName + "] WHERE " + idColumnName + " = @" + idColumnName;
            IDbCommand command   = dataAccess.GetNewCommand(procedure, dbConnection);


Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Retorna el proximo Id para una tabla.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nameId">Nombre del campo clave de la tabla.</param>
        /// <param name="tableName">Nombre de la tabla.</param>
        /// <param name="connection">La conexión con la base de datos.</param>
        /// <param name="transaction">La transacción a usar.</param>
        /// <returns>Un entero indicando el próximo Id a usar.</returns>
        public static int GetNextId(string nameId, string tableName, IDbConnection connection, IDbTransaction transaction)
            DataAccessConnection dataAccess = DataAccessConnection.Instance;

            string     sqlCommand = "NextID" + tableName;
            IDbCommand command    = dataAccess.GetNewCommand(sqlCommand, connection, transaction);

            command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
            IDbDataParameter parameterId = dataAccess.GetNewDataParameter("@" + nameId, DbType.Int32);

            parameterId.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
            int nextId = (int)parameterId.Value;

Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to check and create table and stored procedures for this class.
        /// </summary>
        private static void DbChecked()
            if (dbChecked)
            string[] fieldsName = new string[] { "idPreference", "active", "level", "idCustomer", "idCategory" };
            Type[]   fieldsType = new Type[] { typeof(int), typeof(bool), typeof(double), typeof(int), typeof(int) };

            bool existsTable = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedTable("Preference");

            if (!existsTable)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateTable("Preference", fieldsName, true, fieldsType);
            bool existsProcedureDelete = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedStoredProcedure("DeletePreference");
            bool existsProcedureSave   = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedStoredProcedure("SavePreference");
            bool existsProcedureUpdate = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedStoredProcedure("UpdatePreference");

            if (!existsProcedureDelete)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateDeleteStoredProcedure("Preference", "idPreference");

            if (!existsProcedureSave)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateSaveStoredProcedure("Preference", fieldsName, fieldsType);

            if (!existsProcedureUpdate)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateUpdateStoredProcedure("Preference", "idPreference", fieldsName, fieldsType);

            dbChecked = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to check and create table and stored procedures for this class.
        /// </summary>
        private static void DbChecked()
            if (dbChecked)
            string[] fieldsName = new string[] { "idStore", "name", "telephoneNumber", "internalPhoneNumber", "contactName", "ownerName", "email", "webAddress", "localNumber", "idMall", "idDataModel" };
            Type[]   fieldsType = new Type[] { typeof(int), typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(int), typeof(int) };

            bool existsTable = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedTable("Store");

            if (!existsTable)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateTable("Store", fieldsName, true, fieldsType);
            bool existsProcedureDelete = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedStoredProcedure("DeleteStore");
            bool existsProcedureSave   = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedStoredProcedure("SaveStore");
            bool existsProcedureUpdate = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedStoredProcedure("UpdateStore");

            if (!existsProcedureDelete)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateDeleteStoredProcedure("Store", "idStore");

            if (!existsProcedureSave)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateSaveStoredProcedure("Store", fieldsName, fieldsType);

            if (!existsProcedureUpdate)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateUpdateStoredProcedure("Store", "idStore", fieldsName, fieldsType);

            dbChecked = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to check and create table and stored procedures for this class.
        /// </summary>
        private static void DbChecked()
            if (dbChecked)
            string[] fieldsName = new string[] { "idTable", "name", "isStorage", "idDataModel", "idComponent" };
            Type[]   fieldsType = new Type[] { typeof(int), typeof(string), typeof(bool), typeof(int), typeof(int) };

            bool existsTable = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedTable("Table");

            if (!existsTable)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateTable("Table", fieldsName, true, fieldsType);
            bool existsProcedureDelete = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedStoredProcedure("DeleteTable");
            bool existsProcedureSave   = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedStoredProcedure("SaveTable");
            bool existsProcedureUpdate = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedStoredProcedure("UpdateTable");

            if (!existsProcedureDelete)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateDeleteStoredProcedure("Table", "idTable");

            if (!existsProcedureSave)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateSaveStoredProcedure("Table", fieldsName, fieldsType);

            if (!existsProcedureUpdate)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateUpdateStoredProcedure("Table", "idTable", fieldsName, fieldsType);

            dbChecked = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to check and create table and stored procedures for this class.
        /// </summary>
        private static void DbChecked()
            if (dbChecked)
            string[] fieldsName = new string[] { "idConnectionWidget", "idTarget", "idSource", "idCustomerServiceData" };
            Type[]   fieldsType = new Type[] { typeof(int), typeof(int), typeof(int), typeof(int) };

            bool existsTable = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedTable("ConnectionWidget");

            if (!existsTable)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateTable("ConnectionWidget", fieldsName, true, fieldsType);
            bool existsProcedureDelete = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedStoredProcedure("DeleteConnectionWidget");
            bool existsProcedureSave   = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedStoredProcedure("SaveConnectionWidget");
            bool existsProcedureUpdate = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedStoredProcedure("UpdateConnectionWidget");

            if (!existsProcedureDelete)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateDeleteStoredProcedure("ConnectionWidget", "idConnectionWidget");

            if (!existsProcedureSave)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateSaveStoredProcedure("ConnectionWidget", fieldsName, fieldsType);

            if (!existsProcedureUpdate)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateUpdateStoredProcedure("ConnectionWidget", "idConnectionWidget", fieldsName, fieldsType);

            dbChecked = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to check and create table and stored procedures for this class.
        /// </summary>
        private static void DbChecked()
            if (dbChecked)
            string[] fieldsName = new string[] { "idPermission", "allowRead", "allowUpdate", "allowNew", "allowDelete", "businessClassName", "idGroup" };
            Type[]   fieldsType = new Type[] { typeof(int), typeof(bool), typeof(bool), typeof(bool), typeof(bool), typeof(string), typeof(int) };

            bool existsTable = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedTable("Permission");

            if (!existsTable)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateTable("Permission", fieldsName, true, fieldsType);
            bool existsProcedureDelete = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedStoredProcedure("DeletePermission");
            bool existsProcedureSave   = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedStoredProcedure("SavePermission");
            bool existsProcedureUpdate = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedStoredProcedure("UpdatePermission");

            if (!existsProcedureDelete)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateDeleteStoredProcedure("Permission", "idPermission");

            if (!existsProcedureSave)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateSaveStoredProcedure("Permission", fieldsName, fieldsType);

            if (!existsProcedureUpdate)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateUpdateStoredProcedure("Permission", "idPermission", fieldsName, fieldsType);

            dbChecked = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to check and create table and stored procedures for this class.
        /// </summary>
        private static void DbChecked()
            if (dbChecked)
            string[] fieldsName = new string[] { "idGroup", "name", "description", "isGroupActive" };
            Type[]   fieldsType = new Type[] { typeof(int), typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(bool) };

            bool existsTable = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedTable("Group");

            if (!existsTable)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateTable("Group", fieldsName, true, fieldsType);
            bool existsProcedureDelete = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedStoredProcedure("DeleteGroup");
            bool existsProcedureSave   = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedStoredProcedure("SaveGroup");
            bool existsProcedureUpdate = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedStoredProcedure("UpdateGroup");

            if (!existsProcedureDelete)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateDeleteStoredProcedure("Group", "idGroup");

            if (!existsProcedureSave)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateSaveStoredProcedure("Group", fieldsName, fieldsType);

            if (!existsProcedureUpdate)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateUpdateStoredProcedure("Group", "idGroup", fieldsName, fieldsType);

            dbChecked = true;
Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to check and create table and stored procedures for this class.
        /// </summary>
        private static void DbChecked()
            if (dbChecked)
            string[] fieldsName = new string[] { "idCampaign", "description", "name", "startDate", "stopDate", "idUser" };
            Type[]   fieldsType = new Type[] { typeof(int), typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(System.DateTime), typeof(System.DateTime), typeof(int) };

            bool existsTable = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedTable("Campaign");

            if (!existsTable)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateTable("Campaign", fieldsName, true, fieldsType);
            bool existsProcedureDelete = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedStoredProcedure("DeleteCampaign");
            bool existsProcedureSave   = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedStoredProcedure("SaveCampaign");
            bool existsProcedureUpdate = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedStoredProcedure("UpdateCampaign");

            if (!existsProcedureDelete)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateDeleteStoredProcedure("Campaign", "idCampaign");

            if (!existsProcedureSave)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateSaveStoredProcedure("Campaign", fieldsName, fieldsType);

            if (!existsProcedureUpdate)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateUpdateStoredProcedure("Campaign", "idCampaign", fieldsName, fieldsType);

            dbChecked = true;
Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to check and create table and stored procedures for this class.
        /// </summary>
        private static void DbChecked()
            if (dbChecked)
            string[] fieldsName = new string[] { "idRegisterAssociation", "idRegister", "idTable" };
            Type[]   fieldsType = new Type[] { typeof(int), typeof(int), typeof(int) };

            bool existsTable = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedTable("RegisterAssociation");

            if (!existsTable)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateTable("RegisterAssociation", fieldsName, true, fieldsType);
            bool existsProcedureDelete = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedStoredProcedure("DeleteRegisterAssociation");
            bool existsProcedureSave   = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedStoredProcedure("SaveRegisterAssociation");
            bool existsProcedureUpdate = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedStoredProcedure("UpdateRegisterAssociation");

            if (!existsProcedureDelete)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateDeleteStoredProcedure("RegisterAssociation", "idRegisterAssociation");

            if (!existsProcedureSave)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateSaveStoredProcedure("RegisterAssociation", fieldsName, fieldsType);

            if (!existsProcedureUpdate)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateUpdateStoredProcedure("RegisterAssociation", "idRegisterAssociation", fieldsName, fieldsType);

            dbChecked = true;
Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to check and create table and stored procedures for this class.
        /// </summary>
        private static void DbChecked()
            if (dbChecked)
            string[] fieldsName = new string[] { "idMall", "serverName", "mallName" };
            Type[]   fieldsType = new Type[] { typeof(int), typeof(string), typeof(string) };

            bool existsTable = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedTable("Mall");

            if (!existsTable)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateTable("Mall", fieldsName, true, fieldsType);
            bool existsProcedureDelete = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedStoredProcedure("DeleteMall");
            bool existsProcedureSave   = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedStoredProcedure("SaveMall");
            bool existsProcedureUpdate = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedStoredProcedure("UpdateMall");

            if (!existsProcedureDelete)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateDeleteStoredProcedure("Mall", "idMall");

            if (!existsProcedureSave)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateSaveStoredProcedure("Mall", fieldsName, fieldsType);

            if (!existsProcedureUpdate)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateUpdateStoredProcedure("Mall", "idMall", fieldsName, fieldsType);

            dbChecked = true;
Beispiel #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to check and create table and stored procedures for this class.
        /// </summary>
        private static void DbChecked()
            if (dbChecked)
            string[] fieldsName = new string[] { "idConnectionPoint", "connectionType", "xCoordinateRelativeToParent", "yCoordinateRelativeToParent", "idParentComponent", "idComponent", "idConnectionWidget" };
            Type[]   fieldsType = new Type[] { typeof(int), typeof(int), typeof(double), typeof(double), typeof(int), typeof(int), typeof(int) };

            bool existsTable = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedTable("ConnectionPoint");

            if (!existsTable)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateTable("ConnectionPoint", fieldsName, true, fieldsType);
            bool existsProcedureDelete = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedStoredProcedure("DeleteConnectionPoint");
            bool existsProcedureSave   = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedStoredProcedure("SaveConnectionPoint");
            bool existsProcedureUpdate = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedStoredProcedure("UpdateConnectionPoint");

            if (!existsProcedureDelete)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateDeleteStoredProcedure("ConnectionPoint", "idConnectionPoint");

            if (!existsProcedureSave)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateSaveStoredProcedure("ConnectionPoint", fieldsName, fieldsType);

            if (!existsProcedureUpdate)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateUpdateStoredProcedure("ConnectionPoint", "idConnectionPoint", fieldsName, fieldsType);

            dbChecked = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to check and create table and stored procedures for this class.
        /// </summary>
        private static void DbChecked()
            if (dbChecked)
            string[] fieldsName = new string[] { "idDeviceProfile", "deviceType", "deviceModel", "macAddress", "windowsMobileVersion", "idCustomer" };
            Type[]   fieldsType = new Type[] { typeof(int), typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(int) };

            bool existsTable = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedTable("DeviceProfile");

            if (!existsTable)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateTable("DeviceProfile", fieldsName, true, fieldsType);
            bool existsProcedureDelete = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedStoredProcedure("DeleteDeviceProfile");
            bool existsProcedureSave   = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedStoredProcedure("SaveDeviceProfile");
            bool existsProcedureUpdate = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedStoredProcedure("UpdateDeviceProfile");

            if (!existsProcedureDelete)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateDeleteStoredProcedure("DeviceProfile", "idDeviceProfile");

            if (!existsProcedureSave)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateSaveStoredProcedure("DeviceProfile", fieldsName, fieldsType);

            if (!existsProcedureUpdate)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateUpdateStoredProcedure("DeviceProfile", "idDeviceProfile", fieldsName, fieldsType);

            dbChecked = true;
Beispiel #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to check and create table and stored procedures for this class.
        /// </summary>
        private static void DbChecked()
            if (dbChecked)
            string[] fieldsName = new string[] { "idUserActionClientData", "actionType", "start", "stop", "idTable", "idRegister", "idComponent", "idService" };
            Type[]   fieldsType = new Type[] { typeof(int), typeof(int), typeof(System.DateTime), typeof(System.DateTime), typeof(int), typeof(int), typeof(int), typeof(int) };

            bool existsTable = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedTable("UserActionClientData");

            if (!existsTable)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateTable("UserActionClientData", fieldsName, true, fieldsType);
            bool existsProcedureDelete = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedStoredProcedure("DeleteUserActionClientData");
            bool existsProcedureSave   = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedStoredProcedure("SaveUserActionClientData");
            bool existsProcedureUpdate = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedStoredProcedure("UpdateUserActionClientData");

            if (!existsProcedureDelete)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateDeleteStoredProcedure("UserActionClientData", "idUserActionClientData");

            if (!existsProcedureSave)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateSaveStoredProcedure("UserActionClientData", fieldsName, fieldsType);

            if (!existsProcedureUpdate)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateUpdateStoredProcedure("UserActionClientData", "idUserActionClientData", fieldsName, fieldsType);

            dbChecked = true;
Beispiel #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to check and create table and stored procedures for this class.
        /// </summary>
        private static void DbChecked()
            if (dbChecked)
            string[] fieldsName = new string[] { "idUser", "userName", "password", "name", "surname", "phoneNumber", "isUserActive", "charge", "idStore" };
            Type[]   fieldsType = new Type[] { typeof(int), typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(bool), typeof(string), typeof(int) };

            bool existsTable = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedTable("User");

            if (!existsTable)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateTable("User", fieldsName, true, fieldsType);
            bool existsProcedureDelete = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedStoredProcedure("DeleteUser");
            bool existsProcedureSave   = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedStoredProcedure("SaveUser");
            bool existsProcedureUpdate = DataAccessConnection.DBCheckedStoredProcedure("UpdateUser");

            if (!existsProcedureDelete)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateDeleteStoredProcedure("User", "idUser");

            if (!existsProcedureSave)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateSaveStoredProcedure("User", fieldsName, fieldsType);

            if (!existsProcedureUpdate)
                DataAccessConnection.CreateUpdateStoredProcedure("User", "idUser", fieldsName, fieldsType);

            dbChecked = true;
Beispiel #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to Load a CampaignEntity from database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="propertyName">A string with the name of the field or a
        /// constant from the class that represent that field</param>
        /// <param name="expValue">The value that will be inserted on the where
        /// clause of the sql query</param>
        /// <param name="loadRelation">If is true load the relations</param>
        /// <returns>A list containing all the entities that match the where clause</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
        /// If <paramref name="propertyName"/> is null or empty.
        /// If <paramref name="propertyName"/> is not a property of CampaignEntity class.
        /// If <paramref name="expValue"/> is null.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="UtnEmallDataAccessException">
        /// If an DbException occurs in the try block while accessing the database.
        /// </exception>
        public Collection <CampaignEntity> LoadWhere(string propertyName, object expValue, bool loadRelation, OperatorType operatorType)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName) || expValue == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("The argument can not be null or be empty", "propertyName");
            if (!properties.ContainsKey(propertyName))
                throw new ArgumentException("The property " + propertyName + " is not a property of this entity", "propertyName");
            Collection <CampaignEntity> campaignList;

            bool closeConnection = false;

                // Open a new connection with a database if necessary
                if (dbConnection == null || dbConnection.State.CompareTo(ConnectionState.Closed) == 0)
                    closeConnection = true;
                    dbConnection    = dataAccess.GetNewConnection();

                string op = DataAccessConnection.GetOperatorString(operatorType);
                // Build the query string

                string cmdText = "SELECT idCampaign, description, name, startDate, stopDate, idUser, timestamp FROM [Campaign] WHERE " + propertyName + " " + op + " @expValue";
                // Create the command

                IDbCommand sqlCommand = dataAccess.GetNewCommand(cmdText, dbConnection, dbTransaction);
                // Add parameters values to the command

                IDbDataParameter parameter = dataAccess.GetNewDataParameter();
                parameter.ParameterName = "@expValue";
                Type parameterType = properties[propertyName];
                parameter.DbType = DataAccessConnection.GetParameterDBType(parameterType);

                parameter.Value = expValue;
                // Create a DataReader

                IDataReader reader = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader();
                campaignList = new Collection <CampaignEntity>();
                CampaignEntity campaign;
                List <int>     listId = new List <int>();
                // Add list of Ids to a list
                while (reader.Read())
                // Close the reader

                // Load the entities

                foreach (int id in listId)
                    campaign = Load(id, loadRelation, null);
            catch (DbException dbException)
                // Catch DbException and rethrow as custom exception
                throw new UtnEmallDataAccessException(dbException.Message, dbException);
                // Close connection if it was opened by myself
                if (closeConnection)
Beispiel #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to Save a CampaignEntity in the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="campaign">CampaignEntity to save</param>
        /// <param name="scope">Interna structure to avoid circular reference locks. Provide an instance when calling from other data access object.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
        /// If <paramref name="campaign"/> is not a <c>CampaignEntity</c>.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="UtnEmallDataAccessException">
        /// If an DbException occurs in the try block while accessing the database.
        /// </exception>
        public void Save(CampaignEntity campaign, Dictionary <string, IEntity> scope)
            if (campaign == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("The argument can't be null");
            // Create a unique key to identify the object in the internal scope
            string scopeKey = campaign.Id.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) + "Campaign";

            if (scope != null)
                // If it's on the scope return it, don't save again
                if (scope.ContainsKey(scopeKey))
                // Create a new scope if it's not provided
                scope = new Dictionary <string, IEntity>();

                // Open a DbConnection and a new transaction if it isn't on a higher level one
                if (!isGlobalTransaction)
                    dbConnection = dataAccess.GetNewConnection();
                    dbTransaction = dbConnection.BeginTransaction();

                string commandName = "";
                bool   isUpdate    = false;
                // Check if it is an insert or update command

                if (campaign.IsNew || !DataAccessConnection.ExistsEntity(campaign.Id, "Campaign", "idCampaign", dbConnection, dbTransaction))
                    commandName = "SaveCampaign";
                    isUpdate    = true;
                    commandName = "UpdateCampaign";
                // Create a db command
                IDbCommand sqlCommand = dataAccess.GetNewCommand(commandName, dbConnection, dbTransaction);
                sqlCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                // Add parameters values to current command

                IDbDataParameter parameter;
                if (isUpdate)
                    parameter       = dataAccess.GetNewDataParameter("@idCampaign", DbType.Int32);
                    parameter.Value = campaign.Id;

                FillSaveParameters(campaign, sqlCommand);
                // Execute the command
                if (isUpdate)
                    IDbDataParameter parameterIdOutput = dataAccess.GetNewDataParameter("@idCampaign", DbType.Int32);
                    parameterIdOutput.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;

                    campaign.Id = Convert.ToInt32(parameterIdOutput.Value, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);

                scopeKey = campaign.Id.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) + "Campaign";
                // Add entity to current internal scope

                scope.Add(scopeKey, campaign);
                // Save collections of related objects to current entity
                // Save objects related to current entity
                // Update
                // Close transaction if initiated by me
                if (!isGlobalTransaction)
                // Update new and changed flags

                campaign.IsNew   = false;
                campaign.Changed = false;
            catch (DbException dbException)
                // Rollback transaction
                if (!isGlobalTransaction)
                // Rethrow as custom exception
                throw new UtnEmallDataAccessException(dbException.Message, dbException);
                // Close connection if initiated by me
                if (!isGlobalTransaction)
                    dbConnection  = null;
                    dbTransaction = null;
Beispiel #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Crea una nueva tabla con indices de clave foranea
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="table">El nombre de la tabla a crear.</param>
        /// <param name="fieldsName">Los nombres de los campos.</param>
        /// <param name="fieldsType">Los tipos de los campos.</param>
        /// <param name="indexColumns">Los nombres de los campos a indizar.</param>
        /// <returns>True si tiene éxito.</returns>
        public static bool CreateTable(string table, string[] fieldsName, bool isIdIdentity, Type[] fieldsType, string[] indexColumns)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(table))
                throw new ArgumentException("Must provide a name for the table.", "table");
            if (fieldsName.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Must provide at least one field name.", "table");
            if (fieldsType.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Must provide at least one field type.", "fieldsType");
            if (fieldsName.Length != fieldsType.Length)
                throw new ArgumentException("Quantity oif fields names and types must be equal.", "fieldsType");

            // Agrega el campo timestamp
            string[] fields = new string[fieldsName.Length + 1];
            fieldsName.CopyTo(fields, 0);
            fields[fields.Length - 1] = "timestamp";
            fieldsName = fields;

            // Agrega el tipo del campo timestamp
            Type[] fieldsNewTypes = new Type[fieldsType.Length + 1];
            fieldsType.CopyTo(fieldsNewTypes, 0);
            fieldsNewTypes[fieldsNewTypes.Length - 1] = Type.GetType("System.DateTime");
            fieldsType = fieldsNewTypes;

            // Crear el comando SQL para la creación de la tabla
            string cmdText = "CREATE TABLE [" + table + "] (";

            cmdText += "" + fieldsName[0] + " " + GetSQLTypeName(fieldsType[0]) + " PRIMARY KEY";
            if (isIdIdentity)
                cmdText += " IDENTITY";
            for (int i = 1; i < fieldsName.Length; i++)
                cmdText += ",[" + fieldsName[i] + "] " + GetSQLTypeName(fieldsType[i]);
            cmdText += ")";

            // Conectarse a la base de datos
            DataAccessConnection dataAccess   = DataAccessConnection.Instance;
            IDbConnection        dbConnection = dataAccess.GetNewConnection();


            // Ejecutar el comando
            IDbCommand command = dataAccess.GetNewCommand(cmdText, dbConnection);


            // Crear los índices
            if (indexColumns != null && indexColumns.Length > 0)
                string cmdIndex;
                for (int i = 0; i < indexColumns.Length; i++)
                    cmdIndex = "CREATE INDEX IDX_" + table + "_" + indexColumns[i] +
                               " ON [" + table + "] (" + indexColumns[i] + ");";
                    command.CommandText = cmdIndex;

            // Cerrar la conexión
