/// <summary>
        /// finish the wrapping and cretae the intersection
        /// </summary>
        public void FinalizeIntersection()
            // finalize the intersection polygon
            Polygon sq = this.CreateSquarePolygon(this.WrapInitial.Value, this.WrapFinal.Value).Inflate(1.0);
            Polygon interPoly = this.CreateIntersectionPolygon(sq);

            // check poly not null
            if (interPoly != null)
                // inflate the inter poly
                interPoly = interPoly.Inflate(0.05);

                // retreive all exits involved in this intersection
                Dictionary<IAreaSubtypeWaypointId, ITraversableWaypoint> exits = this.IntersectionExits(sq);

                // make sure the inter contains an exit
                if (exits.Count > 0)
                    // make stopped exits, necessarily these are arbiter waypoints not perimeter points
                    List<ArbiterStoppedExit> ases = this.CreateStoppedExits(exits.Values);

                    // construct intersection id
                    ITraversableWaypoint[] exitArray = new ITraversableWaypoint[exits.Count];
                    exits.Values.CopyTo(exitArray, 0);
                    ArbiterIntersectionId aii = new ArbiterIntersectionId(exitArray[0].Exits[0].InterconnectId);

                    // determine incoming lanes
                    Dictionary<ArbiterLane, LinePath.PointOnPath> incoming = this.DetermineIncoming(interPoly);

                    // create the intersection
                    ArbiterIntersection ai = new ArbiterIntersection(
                        this.DetermineInvolved(exits.Values, incoming),

                    // create safety zones

                    // update poly

                    /*List<Polygon> ps = new List<Polygon>();
                    foreach (ITraversableWaypoint itw in exits.Values)
                        foreach (ArbiterInterconnect ait in itw.Exits)
                    ai.IntersectionPolygon = this.GetIntersectionPolygon(ps, ai.AllExits, ai.AllEntries);*/
                    //ai.IntersectionPolygon = UrbanChallenge.Arbiter.Core.Common.Tools.PolygonToolkit.PolygonUnion(ps);
                        List<Polygon> ps = new List<Polygon>();
                        foreach (ITraversableWaypoint itw in exits.Values)
                            foreach (ArbiterInterconnect ait in itw.Exits)
                        ai.IntersectionPolygon = this.GetIntersectionPolygon(ps, ai.AllExits, ai.AllEntries);

                        if (ai.IntersectionPolygon.IsComplex)
                            EditorOutput.WriteLine("Intersection polygon complex, defaulting");
                            throw new Exception("complex polygon exception");
                    catch (Exception)
                        EditorOutput.WriteLine("Error in union polygon generation, using better default");

                        catch (Exception)
                            EditorOutput.WriteLine("Error in my simple polygon generation, plain default");
                            List<Coordinates> cs = new List<Coordinates>();
                            foreach (ITraversableWaypoint itw in ai.AllEntries.Values)
                            foreach (ITraversableWaypoint itw in ai.AllExits.Values)
                                foreach (ArbiterInterconnect aint in itw.Exits)
                            ai.IntersectionPolygon = Polygon.GrahamScan(cs);

                        // add intersection
                        arn.ArbiterIntersections.Add(aii, ai);

                        // add to exit lookup
                        foreach (IAreaSubtypeWaypointId awi in exits.Keys)
                            if (arn.IntersectionLookup.ContainsKey(awi))
                                arn.IntersectionLookup[awi] = ai;
                                arn.IntersectionLookup.Add(awi, ai);

                        // add to display objects
                    catch (Exception e)
                        EditorOutput.WriteLine("Error adding intersection: " + aii.ToString());
                        EditorOutput.WriteLine("Error adding intersection: " + e.ToString());

            // reset the tool
            this.WrapFinal = null;
            this.WrapInitial = null;
        private void IntersectionReParseAllButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // tool
            IntersectionPulloutTool ipt = new IntersectionPulloutTool(this.arn, rd, ed, false);

            // save old
            ArbiterIntersection[] ais = new ArbiterIntersection[this.arn.ArbiterIntersections.Count];
            this.arn.ArbiterIntersections.Values.CopyTo(ais, 0);

            // remove all old
            /*for(int i =0; i < ais.Length; i++)
                ArbiterIntersection ai = ais[i];


                foreach (ITraversableWaypoint aw in ai.AllExits.Values)

            // refinalize
            for (int j = 0; j < ais.Length; j++)
                ArbiterIntersection ai = ais[j];
                ipt.FinalizeIntersection(ai.IntersectionPolygon.Inflate(3.0), ai);
        /// <summary>
        /// finish the wrapping and cretae the intersection
        /// </summary>
        public void FinalizeIntersection(Polygon interPoly, ArbiterIntersection ai)
            // check poly not null
            if (interPoly != null)
                this.WrappingHelpers = new List<Coordinates>();

                Rect r = interPoly.CalculateBoundingRectangle();
                Coordinates bl = new Coordinates(r.x, r.y);
                Coordinates tr = new Coordinates(r.x + r.width, r.y + r.height);
                Polygon sqPoly = this.CreateSquarePolygon(bl, tr).Inflate(1.0);

                //interPoly = this.CreateIntersectionPolygon(interPoly);
                //interPoly = interPoly.Inflate(0.05);

                // retreive all exits involved in this intersection
                Dictionary<IAreaSubtypeWaypointId, ITraversableWaypoint> exits = this.IntersectionExits(sqPoly);//interPoly);

                // make sure the inter contains an exit
                if (exits.Count > 0)
                    // make stopped exits, necessarily these are arbiter waypoints not perimeter points
                    List<ArbiterStoppedExit> ases = this.CreateStoppedExits(exits.Values);

                    // construct intersection id
                    ITraversableWaypoint[] exitArray = new ITraversableWaypoint[exits.Count];
                    exits.Values.CopyTo(exitArray, 0);
                    ArbiterIntersectionId aii = new ArbiterIntersectionId(exitArray[0].Exits[0].InterconnectId);

                    // determine incoming lanes
                    Dictionary<ArbiterLane, LinePath.PointOnPath> incoming = this.DetermineIncoming(interPoly);

                    // create the intersection
                    ai.IntersectionPolygon = interPoly;
                    ai.Center = interPoly.BoundingCircle.center;
                    ai.StoppedExits = ases;
                    ai.IncomingLanePoints = incoming;
                    ai.AllExits = exits;
                    ai.AllEntries = this.IntersectionEntries(sqPoly);
                    ai.PriorityLanes = this.DetermineInvolved(exits.Values, incoming);

                    // update poly

                        List<Polygon> ps = new List<Polygon>();
                        foreach (ITraversableWaypoint itw in exits.Values)
                            foreach (ArbiterInterconnect ait in itw.Exits)
                        ai.IntersectionPolygon = this.GetIntersectionPolygon(ps, ai.AllExits, ai.AllEntries);

                        if (ai.IntersectionPolygon.IsComplex)
                            EditorOutput.WriteLine("Intersection polygon complex, defaulting");
                            throw new Exception("complex polygon exception");
                    catch (Exception)
                        EditorOutput.WriteLine("Error in union polygon generation, using better default");

                        catch (Exception)
                            EditorOutput.WriteLine("Error in my simple polygon generation, plain default");
                            List<Coordinates> cs = new List<Coordinates>();
                            foreach (ITraversableWaypoint itw in ai.AllEntries.Values)
                            foreach (ITraversableWaypoint itw in ai.AllExits.Values)
                                foreach (ArbiterInterconnect aint in itw.Exits)
                            ai.IntersectionPolygon = Polygon.GrahamScan(cs);

                    // add intersection
                    /*arn.ArbiterIntersections.Add(aii, ai);

                    // add to exit lookup
                    foreach (IAreaSubtypeWaypointId awi in exits.Keys)
                        arn.IntersectionLookup.Add(awi, ai);

                    // add to display objects
        public void CreateSafetyImplicitZones(ArbiterIntersection ai)
            if (ai.StoppedExits.Count > 0)
                foreach (ITraversableWaypoint itw in ai.AllExits.Values)
                    if (itw is ArbiterWaypoint && !itw.IsStop)
                        ArbiterWaypoint aw = (ArbiterWaypoint)itw;
                        ArbiterLane al = aw.Lane;
                        LinePath.PointOnPath end = aw.Lane.LanePath().GetClosestPoint(aw.Position);

                        double dist = -30;
                        LinePath.PointOnPath begin = al.LanePath().AdvancePoint(end, ref dist);
                        if (dist != 0)
                            EditorOutput.WriteLine("safety zone too close to start of lane, setting start to start of lane: " + aw.ToString());
                            begin = al.LanePath().StartPoint;
                        ArbiterSafetyZone asz = new ArbiterSafetyZone(al, end, begin);

                        if (aw != null && aw.IsExit == true)
                            asz.isExit = true;
                            asz.Exit = aw;

                        // add to display
        private void UpdateIntersectionPolygon(ArbiterIntersection aInt)
            // get previous polygon
            Polygon interPoly = new Polygon();

            // add all turn points
            foreach (ArbiterInterconnect ai in aInt.PriorityLanes.Keys)

            // wrap it to get intersection polygon
            interPoly = Polygon.GrahamScan(interPoly);

            // get outer edges of poly
            List<LinePath> polyEdges = new List<LinePath>();
            for (int i = 0; i < interPoly.Count; i++)
                Coordinates init = interPoly[i];
                Coordinates fin = i == interPoly.Count - 1 ? interPoly[0] : interPoly[i + 1];
                polyEdges.Add(new LinePath(new Coordinates[] { init, fin }));

            // get all edges of all the turns
            List<LinePath> other = new List<LinePath>();
            foreach (ArbiterInterconnect ai in aInt.PriorityLanes.Keys)
                for (int i = 0; i < ai.TurnPolygon.Count; i++)
                    Coordinates init = ai.TurnPolygon[i];
                    Coordinates fin = i == ai.TurnPolygon.Count - 1 ? ai.TurnPolygon[0] : ai.TurnPolygon[i + 1];
                    other.Add(new LinePath(new Coordinates[] { init, fin }));

            // test points
            List<Coordinates> testPoints = new List<Coordinates>();

            // path segs of inner turns
            List<LinePath> innerTurnPaths = new List<LinePath>();

            // check all inner points against all turn edges
            foreach (ArbiterInterconnect ai in aInt.PriorityLanes.Keys)
                // check for inner point
                if (ai.InnerCoordinates.Count == 3)
                    // inner point of the turn on the inside

                    // add to paths
                    innerTurnPaths.Add(new LinePath(new Coordinates[] { ai.InnerCoordinates[0], ai.InnerCoordinates[1] }));
                    innerTurnPaths.Add(new LinePath(new Coordinates[] { ai.InnerCoordinates[1], ai.InnerCoordinates[2] }));

            // list of used segments
            List<LinePath> closed = new List<LinePath>();

            // check all other intersections of turn polygon edges
            foreach (LinePath seg in innerTurnPaths)
                foreach (LinePath otherEdge in other)
                    if (!seg.Equals(otherEdge) && !closed.Contains(otherEdge))
                        double x1 = seg[0].X;
                        double y1 = seg[0].Y;
                        double x2 = seg[1].X;
                        double y2 = seg[1].Y;
                        double x3 = otherEdge[0].X;
                        double y3 = otherEdge[0].Y;
                        double x4 = otherEdge[1].X;
                        double y4 = otherEdge[1].Y;

                        // get if inside both
                        double ua = ((x4 - x3) * (y1 - y3) - (y4 - y3) * (x1 - x3)) / ((y4 - y3) * (x2 - x1) - (x4 - x3) * (y2 - y1));
                        double ub = ((x2 - x1) * (y1 - y3) - (y2 - y1) * (x1 - x3)) / ((y4 - y3) * (x2 - x1) - (x4 - x3) * (y2 - y1));

                        if (0.05 < ua && ua < 0.95 && 0.5 < ub && ub < 0.95)
                            double x = x1 + ua * (x2 - x1);
                            double y = y1 + ua * (y2 - y1);
                            testPoints.Add(new Coordinates(x, y));


            // loop through test points
            foreach(Coordinates inner in testPoints)
                // list of replacements
                List<LinePath> toReplace = new List<LinePath>();

                // loop through outer
                foreach (LinePath edge in polyEdges)
                    // flag to replace
                    bool replace = false;

                    // make sure this goes to a valid edge section
                    LinePath.PointOnPath closest = edge.GetClosestPoint(inner);
                    if (!closest.Equals(edge.StartPoint) && !closest.Equals(edge.EndPoint) &&
                        !(closest.Location.DistanceTo(edge.StartPoint.Location)  < 0.5) &&
                        !(closest.Location.DistanceTo(edge.EndPoint.Location)  < 0.5))
                        // create seg (extend a bit)
                        Coordinates expansion = closest.Location - inner;
                        LinePath seg = new LinePath(new Coordinates[] { inner, closest.Location + expansion.Normalize(1.0) });

                        // set flag
                        replace = true;

                        // loop through other edges
                        foreach (LinePath otherEdge in other)
                            double x1 = seg[0].X;
                            double y1 = seg[0].Y;
                            double x2 = seg[1].X;
                            double y2 = seg[1].Y;
                            double x3 = otherEdge[0].X;
                            double y3 = otherEdge[0].Y;
                            double x4 = otherEdge[1].X;
                            double y4 = otherEdge[1].Y;

                            // get if inside both
                            double ua = ((x4 - x3) * (y1 - y3) - (y4 - y3) * (x1 - x3)) / ((y4 - y3) * (x2 - x1) - (x4 - x3) * (y2 - y1));
                            double ub = ((x2 - x1) * (y1 - y3) - (y2 - y1) * (x1 - x3)) / ((y4 - y3) * (x2 - x1) - (x4 - x3) * (y2 - y1));

                            if (0.01 < ua && ua < 0.99 && 0 < ub && ub < 1)
                                replace = false;

                    // check if should replace
                    if (replace)
                        // add analyzed to adjacent

                // loop through replacements
                foreach (LinePath ll in toReplace)
                    LinePath[] tmpArrayPoly = new LinePath[polyEdges.Count];
                    List<LinePath> tmpPoly = new List<LinePath>(tmpArrayPoly);

                    // get index of edge
                    int index = tmpPoly.IndexOf(ll);

                    // remove

                    // add correctly to outer
                    tmpPoly.Insert(index, new LinePath(new Coordinates[] { ll[0], inner }));
                    tmpPoly.Insert(index + 1, new LinePath(new Coordinates[] { inner, ll[1] }));

                    // poly
                    Polygon temp = new Polygon();
                    foreach(LinePath lpTemp in tmpPoly)

                    // make sure none of original outside
                    bool ok = true;
                    foreach (LinePath lp in other)
                        if (!temp.IsInside(lp[1]) && !temp.Contains(lp[1]))
                            ok = false;

                    // set if created ok
                    if (ok)
                        polyEdges = tmpPoly;

            // create final
            List<Coordinates> finalPoly = new List<Coordinates>();
            foreach (LinePath outerEdge in polyEdges)
            interPoly = new Polygon(finalPoly);

            aInt.IntersectionPolygon = interPoly;
            aInt.Center = interPoly.GetCentroid();
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ourExit"></param>
        public IntersectionMonitor(ITraversableWaypoint ourExit, ArbiterIntersection ai, VehicleState ourState, IConnectAreaWaypoints desired)
            // set intersection
            this.Intersection = ai;

            // create monitors
            this.AllMonitors = new List<IIntersectionQueueable>();
            this.PriorityMonitors = new List<IIntersectionQueueable>();
            this.IntersectionPriorityQueue = new List<IIntersectionQueueable>();
            this.InsideIntersectionVehicles = new List<IntersectionVehicleMonitor>();
            this.NonStopPriorityAreas = new List<IDominantMonitor>();
            this.PreviouslyWaiting = new List<IDominantMonitor>();
            this.AllMonitors = new List<IIntersectionQueueable>();
            this.cooldownTimer = new Stopwatch();

            #region Stopped Exits

            // get ours
            IIntersectionQueueable ourMonitor = null;

            // get stopped exits
            foreach(ArbiterStoppedExit ase in ai.StoppedExits)
                // add a monitor
                SubmissiveEntryMonitor sem = new SubmissiveEntryMonitor(this, ase.Waypoint, ase.Waypoint.Equals(ourExit));

                // add to monitors

                // check not our
                    // initial update

                    // check if add first
                    // set ours
                    ourMonitor = sem;
                    this.OurMonitor = ourMonitor;

            // check if our monitor exists
            if (ourMonitor != null)
                // add ours


            #region Priority Areas Over Interconnect

            // check contains priority lane for this
            if (ai.PriorityLanes.ContainsKey(desired.ToInterconnect))
                // loop through all other priority monitors over this interconnect
                foreach (IntersectionInvolved ii in ai.PriorityLanes[desired.ToInterconnect])
                    // check area type if lane
                    if (ii.Area is ArbiterLane)
                        // add lane to non stop priority areas
                        this.NonStopPriorityAreas.Add(new DominantLaneEntryMonitor(this, ii));
                    // otherwise is zone
                    else if (ii.Area is ArbiterZone)
                        // add lane to non stop priority areas
                            new DominantZoneEntryMonitor((ArbiterPerimeterWaypoint)ii.Exit, ((ArbiterInterconnect)desired), false, this, ii));
                        throw new ArgumentException("unknown intersection involved area", "ii");
            // otherwise be like, wtf?
                ArbiterOutput.Output("Exception: intersection: " + this.Intersection.ToString() + " priority lanes does not contain interconnect: " + desired.ToString() + " returning can go");
                //ArbiterOutput.Output("Error in intersection monitor!!!!!!!!!@Q!!, desired interconnect: " + desired.ToInterconnect.ToString() + " not found in intersection: " + ai.ToString() + ", not setting any dominant monitors");


            #region Entry Area

            if (desired.FinalGeneric is ArbiterWaypoint)
                this.EntryAreaMonitor = new LaneEntryAreaMonitor((ArbiterWaypoint)desired.FinalGeneric);
            else if (desired.FinalGeneric is ArbiterPerimeterWaypoint)
                this.EntryAreaMonitor = new ZoneAreaEntryMonitor((ArbiterPerimeterWaypoint)desired.FinalGeneric, (ArbiterInterconnect)desired,
                    false, this, new IntersectionInvolved(ourExit, ((ArbiterPerimeterWaypoint)desired.FinalGeneric).Perimeter.Zone,
                throw new Exception("unhandled desired interconnect final type");


            #region Our Monitor

            // check ours
            if (ourExit is ArbiterWaypoint)
                this.OurMonitor = new DominantLaneEntryMonitor(this,
                    new IntersectionInvolved(ourExit, ((ArbiterWaypoint)ourExit).Lane,
                    desired is ArbiterInterconnect ? ((ArbiterInterconnect)desired).TurnDirection : ArbiterTurnDirection.Straight));
            else if (ourExit is ArbiterPerimeterWaypoint)
                // add lane to non stop priority areas
                this.OurMonitor =
                    new DominantZoneEntryMonitor((ArbiterPerimeterWaypoint)desired.InitialGeneric, ((ArbiterInterconnect)desired), true, this,
                    new IntersectionInvolved(ourExit, ((ArbiterPerimeterWaypoint)desired.InitialGeneric).Perimeter.Zone,


            // add to all
            foreach (IIntersectionQueueable iiq in this.NonStopPriorityAreas)

            // update all

            // check if we need to populate previously waiting
            if(this.OurMonitor is IDominantMonitor)
                // cast our
                IDominantMonitor ours = (IDominantMonitor)this.OurMonitor;

                // loop through to determine those previously waiting
                foreach (IDominantMonitor idm in this.NonStopPriorityAreas)
                    if(idm.Waypoint != null && !idm.Waypoint.IsStop && idm.WaitingTimerRunning)
 public IntersectionStartupState(ArbiterIntersection ai)
     this.Intersection = ai;