Beispiel #1
 public static bool VCDialog(string command, IEnumerable <string> assetPaths)
     if (!assetPaths.Any())
     return(UserDialog.DisplayDialog(command + " following assest in Version Control?", "\n" + assetPaths.Aggregate((a, b) => a + "\n" + b), "Yes", "No"));
        private static void HandleMixedRevision(VCMixedRevisionException e)
            var answer = UserDialog.DisplayDialog("Mixed Revision", "Cannot merge into mixed-revision working copy, try updating first", "Update", "Cancel");

            if (answer)
        private static void HandleNewerVersion(VCNewerVersionException e)
            var answer = UserDialog.DisplayDialog("Newer Version", "There is a newer version of the file on the server so you need to 'Update' first and then try again", "Update", "Cancel");

            if (answer)
Beispiel #4
        public static bool GetLock(string assetpath, OperationMode operationMode = OperationMode.Normal)
            var status = VCCommands.Instance.GetAssetStatus(assetpath);

            if (operationMode == OperationMode.Normal || UserDialog.DisplayDialog("Force " + Terminology.getlock, "Are you sure you will steal the file from: [" + status.owner + "]", "Yes", "Cancel"))
                return(VCCommands.Instance.GetLock(new[] { assetpath }, operationMode));
Beispiel #5
        private static void VCForceGetLockGameobjectContext(MenuCommand command)
            string assetPath = command.context.GetAssetPath();
            VersionControlStatus assetStatus = VCCommands.Instance.GetAssetStatus(assetPath);

            if (assetStatus.lockStatus == VCLockStatus.LockedOther)
                if (UserDialog.DisplayDialog("Force " + Terminology.getlock, "Are you sure you will steal the file from: [" + assetStatus.owner + "]", "Yes", "Cancel"))
                    VCCommands.Instance.GetLock(new[] { assetPath }, OperationMode.Force);
        private static bool DisplayConfirmationDialog(string command, string assetPath, VersionControlStatus assetStatus)
            bool acceptOperation = true;

            if (assetStatus.lockStatus == VCLockStatus.LockedOther)
                acceptOperation = UserDialog.DisplayDialog(command + " on repository?", assetPath + "\nis " + Terminology.getlock + " by [" + assetStatus.owner + "], are you sure you want to " + command + "?", command, "Cancel");
            if (acceptOperation && assetStatus.fileStatus == VCFileStatus.Modified)
                acceptOperation = UserDialog.DisplayDialog(command + " on repository?", assetPath + "\nFile is modified on repository, are you sure you want to " + command + "?", command, "Cancel");
Beispiel #7
        public static void ValidateIgnoreFolders(bool forceValidate)
            string workDirectory = Application.dataPath.Remove(Application.dataPath.LastIndexOf("/Assets", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
            var    ignores       = VCCommands.Instance.GetIgnore(workDirectory);

            if (ignores != null)
                bool needSetIgnore = !ignores.Contains("Library") || !ignores.Contains("Temp");
                if (needSetIgnore || forceValidate)
                    const string title   = "Fix ignores?";
                    const string message = "Do you want UVC to automatically fix file and folder ignores?";
                    if (UserDialog.DisplayDialog(title, message, "Fix it", "No"))
                        VCCommands.Instance.SetIgnore(workDirectory, defaultIgnores);
        public static void ResolveConflict(string assetPath, string basepath, string theirs, string yours)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(assetPath))
                var workingDirectory = GetWorkingDirectory();
                var path             = Path.GetDirectoryName(assetPath);
                var file             = Path.GetFileName(assetPath);
                basepath = Path.GetFullPath(basepath);
                theirs   = Path.GetFullPath(theirs);
                yours    = Path.GetFullPath(yours);
                string   merge         = Path.GetFullPath(assetPath);
                DateTime lastWriteTime = File.GetLastWriteTime(assetPath);

                var(toolpath, args) = GetMergeCommandLine(basepath, theirs, yours, merge);
                var mergeCommand = new CommandLineExecution.CommandLine(toolpath, args, workingDirectory);
                Task.Run(() =>
                    while (true)
                        if (File.GetLastWriteTime(assetPath) != lastWriteTime)
                }).ContinueWithOnNextUpdate(modified =>
                    VCCommands.Instance.Status(new[] { assetPath }, StatusLevel.Local);
                    if (VCCommands.Instance.GetAssetStatus(assetPath).fileStatus == VCFileStatus.Conflicted)
                        if (UserDialog.DisplayDialog("Merge Successful?", $"Did the merge complete successfully?\n'{assetPath}'", "Yes", "No"))
                            VCCommands.Instance.Resolve(new[] { assetPath }, ConflictResolution.Mine);
                            VCCommands.Instance.Status(StatusLevel.Previous, DetailLevel.Normal);
                Task.Run(() => mergeCommand.Execute());
Beispiel #9
        public static bool UserSelectedVersionControlSystem()
            if (VCSettings.VersionControlBackend == VCSettings.EVersionControlBackend.None)
                bool response = UserDialog.DisplayDialog("Version Control Selection", "Select which Version Control System you are using", "SVN", "None");
                if (response) // SVN
                    VCSettings.VersionControlBackend = VCSettings.EVersionControlBackend.Svn;

                 * int response = UserDialog.DisplayDialogComplex("Version Control Selection", "Select which Version Control System you are using", "SVN", "P4 Beta", "None");
                 * if (response == 0) // SVN
                 * {
                 *  VCSettings.VersionControlBackend = VCSettings.EVersionControlBackend.Svn;
                 * }
                 * else if (response == 1) // Perforce
                 * {
                 *  VCSettings.VersionControlBackend = VCSettings.EVersionControlBackend.P4_Beta;
                 * }*/
            return(VCSettings.VersionControlBackend != VCSettings.EVersionControlBackend.None);
Beispiel #10
        public bool CommitDialog(List <string> assets, bool includeDependencies = true, bool showUserConfirmation = false, string commitMessage = "")
            int initialAssetCount = assets.Count;

            if (initialAssetCount == 0)

            UnityAssetpathsFilters.AddFilesInFolders(ref assets);
            AssetpathsFilters.AddFolders(ref assets, vcc);
            AssetpathsFilters.AddMoveMatches(ref assets, vcc);

            List <string> dependencies = new List <string>();

            if (includeDependencies)
                dependencies = assets.GetDependencies().ToList();
                UnityAssetpathsFilters.AddFilesInFolders(ref dependencies);
                AssetpathsFilters.AddFolders(ref dependencies, vcc);
            var allAssets     = assets.Concat(dependencies).Distinct().ToList();
            var localModified = allAssets.LocalModified(vcc);

            if (assets.Contains(SceneManagerUtilities.GetCurrentScenePath()))

            var localOnly = allAssets.LocalOnly(vcc);

            if (localOnly.Any())
                           title: "Commit Warning!",
                           message: "You have chosen your own content above content from the server, which have made the asset 'Local Only'\n" +
                           "To reduce the risk of removing someones work, you will have to verify you wish to 'commit anyway'\n\n" +
                           $"{localOnly.Aggregate((a, b) => a + "\n" + b)}",
                           ok: "Commit Anyway",
                           cancel: "Cancel"

            if (VCSettings.RequireLockBeforeCommit && localModified.Any())
                string title   = $"{Terminology.getlock} '{Terminology.localModified}' files?";
                string message = $"You are trying to commit files which are '{Terminology.localModified}'.\nDo you want to '{Terminology.getlock}' these files first?";
                if (UserDialog.DisplayDialog(title, message, Terminology.getlock, "Abort"))
            if (showUserConfirmation || initialAssetCount < (assets.Count() + dependencies.Count()))
                return(OpenCommitDialogWindow(assets, dependencies));
            return(Commit(assets, commitMessage));
Beispiel #11
 private static bool PromptUserForBackend(VCSettings.EVersionControlBackend backend)
     return(UserDialog.DisplayDialog("Use " + backend + " ?", "The only valid version control found is '" + backend + "'. \nUse " + backend + " as version control?", "Yes", "No"));