/// <summary>
        /// Handles the <see cref="DialogTileset"/> form, checks all the directories and builds the <see cref="Tileset"/> object.
        /// </summary>
        public void NewTileset()
            using (var dialog = new DialogTileset())
                var result = dialog.ShowDialog();
                if (result != DialogResult.OK) return;

                var name = dialog.TilesetName;
                var path = dialog.FilePath;
                int width = dialog.TileWidth;
                int height = dialog.TileHeight;

                if (CheckTileset(name))
                    MessageBox.Show(@"A tileset with this name already exists.", @"New Tileset");

                var index = 1;
                while (true)
                    var exit = true;
                    foreach (var tmp in Tilesets)
                        if (tmp.ID == index)
                            exit = false;

                    if (exit)


                string newName = name + Path.GetExtension(path);
                string newPath = Path.Combine(ProjectManager.Instance.Project.TilesetPath, newName);
                File.Copy(path, newPath);

                path = newPath;

                var tileset = new Tileset(index, name, path, width, height);



                if (TilesetAdded != null)
                    TilesetAdded.Invoke(this, new TilesetAddedEventArgs(tileset));

        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the <see cref="DialogTileset"/> form and updates the <see cref="Tileset"/> object with the new data.
        /// </summary>
        public void EditTileset(int id)
            var tileset = GetTileset(id);

            if (tileset == null) return;

            using (var dialog = new DialogTileset(tileset.Name, tileset.Image, tileset.TileWidth, tileset.TileHeight))
                var result = dialog.ShowDialog();
                if (result != DialogResult.OK) return;

                var name = dialog.TilesetName;
                var path = dialog.FilePath;
                int tileWidth = dialog.TileWidth;
                int tileHeight = dialog.TileHeight;

                if (tileset.Name.ToLower() != name.ToLower())
                    if (CheckTileset(name))
                        MessageBox.Show(@"A tileset with this name already exists.", @"Edit Tileset");

                UpdateTileset(id, name, path, tileWidth, tileHeight);