Beispiel #1
        int computeStackLevels_Gauss(MultiDimFloatTexture tex, ref MultiDimFloatTexture[] _lvls)

             * static char str[256];
             * //SimpleTimer tm("\n[Exemplar::computeStackLevels] %02d min %02d sec %d ms\n");
             * List<MultiDimFloatTexture > tmplvls;
             * // compute stack of averages on large texture
             * // . finest level
             * MultiDimFloatTexture first=tex;
             * MultiDimFloatTexture lvl  =first;
             * tmplvls.clear();
             * tmplvls.push_back(tex);
             * int numlvl=(int)(0.01 + log2((float)lvl.width()));
             * int l=0;
             * // . compute successive filtered versions - FIXME: stack alignement ??
             * do
             * {
             * MultiDimFloatTexture *next=first.applyGaussianFilter_Separable((1 << l)*2+1); // FIXME size ?
             * if (lvl != first)
             * delete (lvl);
             * lvl=next;
             * tmplvls.push_back(lvl);
             * l++;
             * }  while ((1 << l) < lvl.width());
             * // clamp stack
             * int w=tex.getWidth()/2;
             * int h=tex.getHeight()/2;
             * _lvls.clear();
             * int sz=w;
             * l=0;
             * for (vector<MultiDimFloatTexture *>::iterator L=tmplvls.begin();L!=tmplvls.end();L++)
             * {
             * int oi=0,oj=0;
             * MultiDimFloatTexture *clamped=(*L).extract<MultiDimFloatTexture>(w/2+oi,h/2+oj,w,h);
             * _lvls.push_back(clamped);
             #ifdef SAVE_STACK
             * CTexture *tmp=clamped.toRGBTexture();
             * sprintf(str,"__stack_gauss_clamped_%d.png",l);
             * CTexture::saveTexture(tmp,str);
             * delete (tmp);
             * l++;
             * sz >>= 1;
             * if (sz < 1)
             * break;
             * }
             * // free memory
             * for (vector<MultiDimFloatTexture *>::iterator L=tmplvls.begin();L!=tmplvls.end();L++)
             * if ((*L) != tex)
             * delete ((*L));
             * return ((int)_lvls.size());
             * */
Beispiel #2
        bool loadAnalysisFile(StreamReader f)
            // compatibility check
            //CLM this seems like a bunch of shit......
            //this should be a per-exemplar dataset, not global?
            //and it should actually be goddamn used!
            //or alteast just a goddamn header version cehck?

            int v;

            v = Convert.ToInt32(f.ReadLine());
            Globals.Assert(v >= Globals.K_NEAREST);//return (eAnalyserLoadResult.ANALYSER_DATA_EXISTS);

            v = Convert.ToInt32(f.ReadLine());
            Globals.Assert(v == 0);// (eAnalyserLoadResult.ANALYSER_DATA_EXISTS);

            v = Convert.ToInt32(f.ReadLine());
            Globals.Assert(v == Globals.NEIGHBORHOOD_RADIUS_RECOLOR);// (eAnalyserLoadResult.ANALYSER_DATA_EXISTS);

            v = Convert.ToInt32(f.ReadLine());

            v = Convert.ToInt32(f.ReadLine());
            Globals.Assert(v == Globals.NUM_RECOLORED_PCA_COMPONENTS);// (eAnalyserLoadResult.ANALYSER_DATA_EXISTS);

            v = Convert.ToInt32(f.ReadLine());
            Globals.Assert(v == Globals.NUM_RUNTIME_PCA_COMPONENTS);// (eAnalyserLoadResult.ANALYSER_DATA_EXISTS);

            v = Convert.ToInt32(f.ReadLine());
            Globals.Assert(v == 1); // (eAnalyserLoadResult.ANALYSER_DATA_EXISTS);
            v = Convert.ToInt32(f.ReadLine());
            Globals.Assert(v == 1); // (eAnalyserLoadResult.ANALYSER_DATA_EXISTS);

            //read number of levels
            m_iNbLevels = Convert.ToInt32(f.ReadLine());

            m_PCASynth = new List <PCA /*PCA_SYNTH*/>(m_iNbLevels);
            m_PCASynth_4Drecoloring = new List <PCA /*PCA_SYNTH*/>(m_iNbLevels);

            int nbex = Convert.ToInt32(f.ReadLine()); // for backward compatibility

            Globals.Assert(nbex == 1);
            //return false;// eAnalyserLoadResult.ANALYSER_DATA_EXISTS;

            //load our PCA Synth Vectors
            for (int i = 0; i < m_iNbLevels; i++)
                m_PCASynth.Add(new PCA() /*PCA_synth*/);
                bool success = m_PCASynth[i].load(f);


            //load our exemplar

            //load our PCA synth 4d recolored data
            bool recompute = false;
            bool updated   = false;

            for (int l = 0; l < (int)m_iNbLevels; l++)
                m_PCASynth_4Drecoloring.Add(new PCA() /*PCA_synth*/);
                bool success = m_PCASynth_4Drecoloring[l].load(f);


            return(true);// eAnalyserLoadResult.ANALYSER_DONE;
Beispiel #3
        bool loadExemplarData(StreamReader f)
            //grab our ID
            m_iExemplarId = Convert.ToInt32(f.ReadLine());

            // read exemplar flags
            int flags = Convert.ToInt32(f.ReadLine());

            m_bToroidal = (flags & (int)eExemplarFlags.EXEMPLAR_TOROIDAL_FLAG) != 0 ? true : false;

            // read periods
            m_iPeriodX = Convert.ToInt32(f.ReadLine());
            m_iPeriodY = Convert.ToInt32(f.ReadLine());

            // read number of levels
            m_iNbLevels = Convert.ToInt32(f.ReadLine());

            // read exemplar name & load our image stack
            String exname = f.ReadLine();
            MultiDimFloatTexture image = new MultiDimFloatTexture(exname);

                bool succede = computeStackLevels(image, m_bToroidal, ref m_Stack) == m_iNbLevels;

            //read our presentation flagss
            String name    = null;
            int    present = Convert.ToInt32(f.ReadLine());

            if ((present & (int)eExemplarFlags.FLAG_CONSTRAINT) != 0)
                // read constraint texture name
                name = f.ReadLine();
                MultiDimFloatTexture constraint = new MultiDimFloatTexture(name);
                    bool succede = (computeStackLevels(constraint, m_bToroidal, ref m_Constraints) == m_iNbLevels);
            if ((present & (int)eExemplarFlags.FLAG_FMAP) != 0)
                // NOTE: feature map is no longer saved
                //       this is done for backward comp.
                name = f.ReadLine();
            if ((present & (int)eExemplarFlags.FLAG_PRTCOLORMAP) != 0)
                name = f.ReadLine();

            //load our Knearest neighbors (see TONG et al. 2002 "Synthesis of bidirectional texture functions on arbitrary surfaces.")
            mKNS = new KNearestSimilartySet(f, this, m_iNbLevels);

            // load recolored exemplar (see HOPPE et al. 2006 "Appearance Space Texture Synthesis")
            m_RecoloredStack = new MultiDimFloatTexture[m_iNbLevels];
            for (int l = 0; l < m_iNbLevels; l++)
                name = f.ReadLine();
                m_RecoloredStack[l] = new MultiDimFloatTexture(name);


Beispiel #4
        void computeSynthNeighborhoods()
            ScopeTimer tm = new ScopeTimer("[computeSynthNeighborhoods]");

            m_SynthNeighborhoods = new NeighborhoodSynth[mNumLevels][];

            // foreach level
            for (int level = 0; level < mNumLevels; level++)
                MultiDimFloatTexture recolored_level = null;

                if (Globals.isDefined("4D"))
                    // . keep only 4 dimension from recolored exemplar
                    MultiDimFloatTexture level_4D = new MultiDimFloatTexture(mOwner.recoloredStack(level).width(), mOwner.recoloredStack(level).height(), mOwner.recoloredStack(level).numComp());
                    int w = level_4D.getWidth();
                    int h = level_4D.getHeight();
                    Globals.Assert(w == mOwner.stack(level).getWidth() && h == mOwner.stack(level).height());
                    Globals.Assert(level_4D.numComp() == Globals.NUM_RECOLORED_PCA_COMPONENTS);
                    for (int i = 0; i < w; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < h; j++)
                            // . copy first four channels
                            for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++)
                                level_4D.set(mOwner.recoloredStack(level).get(i, j, c), i, j, c);
                            // . zero out all channels above 4
                            for (int c = 4; c < level_4D.numComp(); c++)
                                level_4D.set(0, i, j, c);
                    recolored_level = level_4D;
                    // . keep all dimensions
                    recolored_level = mOwner.recoloredStack(level);

                m_SynthNeighborhoods[level] = new NeighborhoodSynth[recolored_level.width() * recolored_level.height()];

                stack_accessor_v2 access = new stack_accessor_v2(level);

                for (int j = 0; j < recolored_level.height(); j++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < recolored_level.width(); i++)
                        int index = i + j * recolored_level.width();
                        m_SynthNeighborhoods[level][index] = new NeighborhoodSynth();
                            (!mOwner.isToroidal()) && level < (mNumLevels - Globals.NUM_LEVELS_WITHOUT_BORDER),
                            //(!m_bToroidal) && l < FIRST_LEVEL_WITH_BORDER,
                            level, i, j);

            tm = null;