/// <summary>
		/// Creates the authentication requests for a given user-supplied Identifier.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="identifier">The identifier to create a request for.</param>
		/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
		/// <returns>
		/// A sequence of authentication requests, any one of which may be
		/// used to determine the user's control of the <see cref="IAuthenticationRequest.ClaimedIdentifier" />.
		/// </returns>
		private async Task<IEnumerable<IAuthenticationRequest>> CreateRequestsCoreAsync(Identifier identifier, CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
			ErrorUtilities.VerifyArgumentNotNull(identifier, "identifier"); // NO CODE CONTRACTS! (yield return used here)
			IEnumerable<IAuthenticationRequest> requests;
			var requestContext = new HttpRequestWrapper(this.Context.Request);
			var results = new List<IAuthenticationRequest>();

			// Approximate the returnTo (either based on the customize property or the page URL)
			// so we can use it to help with Realm resolution.
			Uri returnToApproximation;
			if (this.ReturnToUrl != null) {
				string returnToResolvedPath = this.ResolveUrl(this.ReturnToUrl);
				returnToApproximation = new Uri(requestContext.GetPublicFacingUrl(), returnToResolvedPath);
			} else {
				returnToApproximation = this.Page.Request.Url;

			// Resolve the trust root, and swap out the scheme and port if necessary to match the
			// return_to URL, since this match is required by OpenID, and the consumer app
			// may be using HTTP at some times and HTTPS at others.
			UriBuilder realm = OpenIdUtilities.GetResolvedRealm(this.Page, this.RealmUrl, requestContext);
			realm.Scheme = returnToApproximation.Scheme;
			realm.Port = returnToApproximation.Port;

			// Initiate OpenID request
			// We use TryParse here to avoid throwing an exception which 
			// might slip through our validator control if it is disabled.
			Realm typedRealm = new Realm(realm);
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ReturnToUrl)) {
				requests = await this.RelyingParty.CreateRequestsAsync(identifier, typedRealm, requestContext);
			} else {
				// Since the user actually gave us a return_to value,
				// the "approximation" is exactly what we want.
				requests = await this.RelyingParty.CreateRequestsAsync(identifier, typedRealm, returnToApproximation, cancellationToken);

			// Some OPs may be listed multiple times (one with HTTPS and the other with HTTP, for example).
			// Since we're gathering OPs to try one after the other, just take the first choice of each OP
			// and don't try it multiple times.
			requests = requests.Distinct(DuplicateRequestedHostsComparer.Instance);

			// Configure each generated request.
			foreach (var req in requests) {
				if (this.IsPopupAppropriate(req)) {
					// Inform ourselves in return_to that we're in a popup.
					req.SetUntrustedCallbackArgument(UIPopupCallbackKey, "1");

					if (req.DiscoveryResult.IsExtensionSupported<UIRequest>()) {
						// Inform the OP that we'll be using a popup window consistent with the UI extension.
						// But beware that the extension MAY have already been added if we're using
						// the OpenIdAjaxRelyingParty class.
						if (!((AuthenticationRequest)req).Extensions.OfType<UIRequest>().Any()) {
							req.AddExtension(new UIRequest());

						// Provide a hint for the client javascript about whether the OP supports the UI extension.
						// This is so the window can be made the correct size for the extension.
						// If the OP doesn't advertise support for the extension, the javascript will use
						// a bigger popup window.
						req.SetUntrustedCallbackArgument(PopupUISupportedJSHint, "1");

				// Add the extensions injected into the control.
				foreach (var extension in this.Extensions) {

				// Add state that needs to survive across the redirect, but at this point
				// only save those properties that are not expected to be changed by a
				// LoggingIn event handler.
				req.SetUntrustedCallbackArgument(ReturnToReceivingControlId, this.ClientID);

				// Apply the control's association preference to this auth request, but only if
				// it is less demanding (greater ordinal value) than the existing one.
				// That way, we protect against retrying an association that was already attempted.
				var authReq = (AuthenticationRequest)req;
				if (authReq.AssociationPreference < this.AssociationPreference) {
					authReq.AssociationPreference = this.AssociationPreference;

				if (this.OnLoggingIn(req)) {
					// We save this property after firing OnLoggingIn so that the host page can
					// change its value and have that value saved.
					req.SetUntrustedCallbackArgument(UsePersistentCookieCallbackKey, this.UsePersistentCookie.ToString());


			return results;