GetGroupNumbers() public method

public GetGroupNumbers ( ) : int[]
return int[]
Beispiel #1
        protected Rule(string parsePattern)
            RulePattern = new Regex(parsePattern, RegexOptions.Singleline);

            var regexGroupsAmount = RulePattern.GetGroupNumbers().Length;
            if (regexGroupsAmount != 4)
                throw new Exception(string.Format(IncorrectPatternMsg, this.GetType().FullName));
Beispiel #2
 static int GetGroupNumbers(IntPtr L)
     LuaScriptMgr.CheckArgsCount(L, 1);
     System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex obj = (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex)LuaScriptMgr.GetNetObjectSelf(L, 1, "System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex");
     int[] o = obj.GetGroupNumbers();
     LuaScriptMgr.PushArray(L, o);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the named groups.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="This">This Regex.</param>
        /// <returns>A dictionary with all named groups and their indexes.</returns>
        public static Dictionary <int, string> GetNamedGroups(this Regex This)
            Contract.Requires(This != null);
            var groupNames   = This.GetGroupNames();
            var groupNumbers = This.GetGroupNumbers();

            return(Enumerable.Range(0, Math.Min(groupNames.Length, groupNumbers.Length)).Where(i => groupNames[i] != groupNumbers[i].ToString("0")).ToDictionary(i => groupNumbers[i], i => groupNames[i]));
Beispiel #4
 public UriPattern(string template)
     template = template.TrimEnd('*').ToUpperInvariant();
     Tokens = GetTokens(template);
     TokenSet = new HashSet<string>(Tokens);
     TokensCount = Tokens.Length;
     var segments = BuildRegex(template);
     var finalPattern = EscapePattern.Replace(segments, PathGroup);
     TemplatePattern = new Regex(finalPattern, RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
     Groups = TemplatePattern.GetGroupNumbers().Length;
        public TrimMiddleProcessor(string trimFromStr)
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(trimFromStr))
                trimMiddle = new Regex(trimFromStr, RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Singleline);

                if (trimMiddle.GetGroupNumbers().Length < 2)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Regex must have at least two groups, exmaple: (group1)(group2)");
Beispiel #6
 static public int GetGroupNumbers(IntPtr l)
     try {
         System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex self = (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex)checkSelf(l);
         var ret = self.GetGroupNumbers();
         pushValue(l, true);
         pushValue(l, ret);
     catch (Exception e) {
         return(error(l, e));
Beispiel #7
 public Column(Config.Column column)
     Name = column.Name;
     Select = column.Select;
     if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(column.Match))
         Regex = new Regex(column.Match, RegexOptions.Compiled);
         if (Regex.GetGroupNumbers().Length != 2)
             throw new Exception("Invalid regular expression pattern: " + column.Match + "\n The expression must contain exactly one group (in parentheses)");
Beispiel #8
 public UriPattern(string template)
     template = template.TrimEnd('*').ToUpperInvariant();
     this.Template = template;
     Tokens = GetTokens(template);
     TokenMap = new Dictionary<string, int>();
     for (int i = 0; i < Tokens.Length; i++)
         TokenMap[Tokens[i]] = i;
     TokensCount = Tokens.Length;
     if (TokensCount == 0 && !template.Contains("?") && !template.Contains("{"))
         ExtractMatcher = StaticExtractMatch;
         ExtractMatcher = DynamicExtractMatch;
     var segments = BuildRegex(template);
     var finalPattern = EscapePattern.Replace(segments, PathGroup);
     TemplatePattern = new Regex(finalPattern, RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
     Groups = TemplatePattern.GetGroupNumbers().Length;
Beispiel #9
 public static void Main(string[] args)
     Regex regex = new Regex(@"\w+=\w+");
     Match match = regex.Match("          @@@@123=123=");
     if (match.Success)
     int[] groupnums = regex.GetGroupNumbers();
     while (match.Success)
         match = match.NextMatch();
        public string ScanForTokens(string line, Regex pattern, string FS)
            List<string> sb = new List<string>();
            Match m = pattern.Match(line);

            // Only return submatches if found, otherwise return any matches.
            while (m.Success) {
                int[] gnums = pattern.GetGroupNumbers();
                if (gnums.Length > 1) {
                    for (int i = 1; i < gnums.Length; i++) {
                        string token = m.Groups[gnums[i]].ToString();
                } else {
                    // Only include the substring that was matched.
                m = m.NextMatch();
            return String.Join(FS, sb.ToArray());
Beispiel #11
		public void Execute ()
			string result;

			for (int compiled = 0; compiled < 2; ++compiled) {
				RegexOptions real_options = (compiled == 1) ? (options | RegexOptions.Compiled) : options;
				try {
					Regex re = new Regex (pattern, real_options);
					int [] group_nums = re.GetGroupNumbers ();
					Match m = re.Match (input);

					if (m.Success) {
						result = "Pass.";

						for (int i = 0; i < m.Groups.Count; ++ i) {
							int gid = group_nums [i];
							Group group = m.Groups [gid];

							result += " Group[" + gid + "]=";
							foreach (Capture cap in group.Captures)
								result += "(" + cap.Index + "," + cap.Length + ")";
					} else {
						result = "Fail.";
				catch (Exception e) {
					error = e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace + "\n\n";

					result = "Error.";

				Assert.AreEqual (expected, result,
								 "Matching input '{0}' against pattern '{1}' with options '{2}'", input, pattern, real_options);
		/// <summary>
		/// Создание экземпляра раскрасивальщика с дополнительными опциями для регулярного выражения.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="name">Имя схемы</param>
		/// <param name="xmlSource">Исходный xml-поток</param>
		/// <param name="options">Regex опции</param>
		public CodeFormatter(string name, Stream xmlSource, RegexOptions options)
				var regexString = new StringBuilder();

				#pragma warning disable 618
				var validatingReader =
					new XmlValidatingReader(new XmlTextReader(xmlSource))
						ValidationType = ValidationType.Schema
				#pragma warning restore 618


				var doc = new XmlDocument();

				var namespaceManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable);
				namespaceManager.AddNamespace("cc", "");

				// Поиск коневого элемента
				var root = doc.SelectSingleNode("cc:language", namespaceManager);

				// Установка regex опций, если есть
				Debug.Assert(root != null, "root != null");
				if (root.Attributes != null && root.Attributes["options"] != null)

				// Выборка шаблонов
				var syntax = root.SelectNodes("cc:pattern", namespaceManager);
				Debug.Assert(syntax != null);
				for (var i = 0; i < syntax.Count; i++)
					if (i > 0)
					Debug.Assert(syntax[i].Attributes != null, "syntax[i].Attributes");
					regexString.AppendFormat("(?<{0}>", syntax[i].Attributes["name"].Value);

					var prefix = syntax[i].Attributes["prefix"] != null ? syntax[i].Attributes["prefix"].Value : null;
					var postfix = syntax[i].Attributes["postfix"] != null ? syntax[i].Attributes["postfix"].Value : null;

					// Выборка элементов шаблона
					var items = syntax[i].SelectNodes("cc:entry", namespaceManager);
					Debug.Assert(items != null);
					for (var j = 0; j < items.Count; j++)
						if (j > 0)


				// Создание регулярного выражения
				ColorerRegex = new Regex(regexString.ToString(), options);
				// Чтение параметров регулярного выражения
				CountGroups = ColorerRegex.GetGroupNumbers().Length;
				var numbers = ColorerRegex.GetGroupNumbers();
				var names = ColorerRegex.GetGroupNames();
				GroupNames = new string[numbers.Length];
				for (var i = 0; i < numbers.Length; i++)
					GroupNames[numbers[i]] = names[i];
			catch (XmlException xmlException)
				throw new FormatterException(
					string.Format("Language color pattern source xml stream is not valid:{0} - {1}", name, xmlException.Message),
			catch (XmlSchemaException schemaException)
				throw new FormatterException(
					string.Format("Language color pattern source xml stream is not valid:{0} - {1}", name, schemaException.Message),
Beispiel #13
        public LSL_String llHTTPRequest(string url, LSL_List parameters, string body)
            // Partial implementation: support for parameter flags needed
            //   see
            // parameter flags support are implemented in ScriptsHttpRequests.cs
            //   in StartHttpRequest

            IHttpRequestModule httpScriptMod =
            List<string> param = new List<string>();
            bool  ok;
            Int32 flag;

            for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Data.Length; i += 2)
                ok = Int32.TryParse(parameters.Data[i].ToString(), out flag);
                if (!ok || flag < 0 ||
                    flag > (int)HttpRequestConstants.HTTP_PRAGMA_NO_CACHE)
                    Error("llHTTPRequest", "Parameter " + i.ToString() + " is an invalid flag");

                param.Add(parameters.Data[i].ToString());       //Add parameter flag

                if (flag != (int)HttpRequestConstants.HTTP_CUSTOM_HEADER)
                    param.Add(parameters.Data[i+1].ToString()); //Add parameter value
                    //Parameters are in pairs and custom header takes
                    //arguments in pairs so adjust for header marker.

                    //Maximum of 8 headers are allowed based on the
                    //Second Life documentation for llHTTPRequest.
                    for (int count = 1; count <= 8; ++count)
                        //Enough parameters remaining for (another) header?
                        if (parameters.Data.Length - i < 2)
                            //There must be at least one name/value pair for custom header
                            if (count == 1)
                                Error("llHTTPRequest", "Missing name/value for custom header at parameter " + i.ToString());

                        if (HttpStandardHeaders.Contains(parameters.Data[i].ToString(), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            Error("llHTTPRequest", "Name is invalid as a custom header at parameter " + i.ToString());


                        //Have we reached the end of the list of headers?
                        //End is marked by a string with a single digit.
                        if (i+2 >= parameters.Data.Length ||

                        i += 2;

            Vector3 position = m_host.AbsolutePosition;
            Vector3 velocity = m_host.Velocity;
            Quaternion rotation = m_host.RotationOffset;
            string ownerName = String.Empty;
            ScenePresence scenePresence = World.GetScenePresence(m_host.OwnerID);
            if (scenePresence == null)
                ownerName = resolveName(m_host.OwnerID);
                ownerName = scenePresence.Name;

            RegionInfo regionInfo = World.RegionInfo;

            Dictionary<string, string> httpHeaders = new Dictionary<string, string>();

            string shard = "OpenSim";
            IConfigSource config = m_ScriptEngine.ConfigSource;
            if (config.Configs["Network"] != null)
                shard = config.Configs["Network"].GetString("shard", shard);

            httpHeaders["X-SecondLife-Shard"] = shard;
            httpHeaders["X-SecondLife-Object-Name"] = m_host.Name;
            httpHeaders["X-SecondLife-Object-Key"] = m_host.UUID.ToString();
            httpHeaders["X-SecondLife-Region"] = string.Format("{0} ({1}, {2})", regionInfo.RegionName, regionInfo.RegionLocX, regionInfo.RegionLocY);
            httpHeaders["X-SecondLife-Local-Position"] = string.Format("({0:0.000000}, {1:0.000000}, {2:0.000000})", position.X, position.Y, position.Z);
            httpHeaders["X-SecondLife-Local-Velocity"] = string.Format("({0:0.000000}, {1:0.000000}, {2:0.000000})", velocity.X, velocity.Y, velocity.Z);
            httpHeaders["X-SecondLife-Local-Rotation"] = string.Format("({0:0.000000}, {1:0.000000}, {2:0.000000}, {3:0.000000})", rotation.X, rotation.Y, rotation.Z, rotation.W);
            httpHeaders["X-SecondLife-Owner-Name"] = ownerName;
            httpHeaders["X-SecondLife-Owner-Key"] = m_host.OwnerID.ToString();
            string userAgent = config.Configs["Network"].GetString("user_agent", null);
            if (userAgent != null)
                httpHeaders["User-Agent"] = userAgent;

            string authregex = @"^(https?:\/\/)(\w+):(\w+)@(.*)$";
            Regex r = new Regex(authregex);
            int[] gnums = r.GetGroupNumbers();
            Match m = r.Match(url);
            if (m.Success) {
                for (int i = 1; i < gnums.Length; i++) {
                    //System.Text.RegularExpressions.Group g = m.Groups[gnums[i]];
                    //CaptureCollection cc = g.Captures;
                if (m.Groups.Count == 5) {
                    httpHeaders["Authorization"] = String.Format("Basic {0}", Convert.ToBase64String(System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(m.Groups[2].ToString() + ":" + m.Groups[3].ToString())));
                    url = m.Groups[1].ToString() + m.Groups[4].ToString();

            UUID reqID
                = httpScriptMod.StartHttpRequest(m_host.LocalId, m_item.ItemID, url, param, httpHeaders, body);

            if (reqID != UUID.Zero)
                return reqID.ToString();
                return null;
Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the CellEndEdit of the <see cref="DataGridView"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void DgvColumnsCellEndEdit(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
            // Edit and delete is only possible if the cell is not in edit mode.

              if (e.ColumnIndex == 1 && e.RowIndex > 0)
            string valueToValidate = dgvColumns.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[e.ColumnIndex].Value.ToString();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueToValidate))
            Regex validationRgx = new Regex(valueToValidate);

            if (validationRgx.GetGroupNumbers().Length == 1)
              dgvColumns.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[e.ColumnIndex].Value = string.Format(
                , valueToValidate);
            // Catch all invalid input values.
Beispiel #15
		public NmpArray ExtractSubexpressions( string regExStr, int maxItems )
			// ******
			NmpArray array = new NmpArray();

			try {
				Regex rx = new Regex( regExStr );
				MatchCollection mc = rx.Matches( theString );
				// find all matches for a regular expression and for each one return an
				// array of all subexpression whether captured or no, subexpressions that
				// are not captured (such as alterations that don't match) will be returned
				// as the empty string
				// so either return a List<string []> or 
				string [] groupNames = rx.GetGroupNames();
				int [] groupIndexes = rx.GetGroupNumbers();

				int matchIndex = 0;
				foreach( Match match in mc ) {
					NmpArray subExpressions = new NmpArray();
					for( int iGroup = 0; iGroup < match.Groups.Count; iGroup++ ) {
						string key;
						if( 0 == iGroup ) {
							key = "match";
						else {
							if( string.IsNullOrEmpty(groupNames[iGroup]) ) {
							key = groupNames[ iGroup ];
						// ******
						subExpressions.Add( key, match.Groups[ iGroup ].Value );
					// match.Value may not be unique
					array.AddArray( (matchIndex++).ToString(), subExpressions );
					// note: we are NOT inhibiting Matches from generating as many matches as it
					// can, only limiting the number we return

					if( 0 == --maxItems ) {
			catch ( ArgumentException ex ) {
				throw ex;
			// ******
			return array;
Beispiel #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a table of catch group numbers that correspond to the group names in a table.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>Table of integers of group numbers.</returns>
 public int[] GetGroupNumbers()
Beispiel #17
        public LSL_String llHTTPRequest(string url, LSL_List parameters, string body)
            // Partial implementation: support for parameter flags needed
            //   see
            // parameter flags support are implemented in ScriptsHttpRequests.cs
            //   in StartHttpRequest

            IHttpRequestModule httpScriptMod =
            List<string> param = new List<string>();
            foreach (object o in parameters.Data)

            Vector3 position = m_host.AbsolutePosition;
            Vector3 velocity = m_host.Velocity;
            Quaternion rotation = m_host.RotationOffset;
            string ownerName = String.Empty;
            ScenePresence scenePresence = World.GetScenePresence(m_host.OwnerID);
            if (scenePresence == null)
                ownerName = resolveName(m_host.OwnerID);
                ownerName = scenePresence.Name;

            RegionInfo regionInfo = World.RegionInfo;

            Dictionary<string, string> httpHeaders = new Dictionary<string, string>();

            string shard = "OpenSim";
            IConfigSource config = m_ScriptEngine.ConfigSource;
            if (config.Configs["Network"] != null)
                shard = config.Configs["Network"].GetString("shard", shard);

            httpHeaders["X-SecondLife-Shard"] = shard;
            httpHeaders["X-SecondLife-Object-Name"] = m_host.Name;
            httpHeaders["X-SecondLife-Object-Key"] = m_host.UUID.ToString();
            httpHeaders["X-SecondLife-Region"] = string.Format("{0} ({1}, {2})", regionInfo.RegionName, regionInfo.RegionLocX, regionInfo.RegionLocY);
            httpHeaders["X-SecondLife-Local-Position"] = string.Format("({0:0.000000}, {1:0.000000}, {2:0.000000})", position.X, position.Y, position.Z);
            httpHeaders["X-SecondLife-Local-Velocity"] = string.Format("({0:0.000000}, {1:0.000000}, {2:0.000000})", velocity.X, velocity.Y, velocity.Z);
            httpHeaders["X-SecondLife-Local-Rotation"] = string.Format("({0:0.000000}, {1:0.000000}, {2:0.000000}, {3:0.000000})", rotation.X, rotation.Y, rotation.Z, rotation.W);
            httpHeaders["X-SecondLife-Owner-Name"] = ownerName;
            httpHeaders["X-SecondLife-Owner-Key"] = m_host.OwnerID.ToString();
            string userAgent = config.Configs["Network"].GetString("user_agent", null);
            if (userAgent != null)
                httpHeaders["User-Agent"] = userAgent;

            string authregex = @"^(https?:\/\/)(\w+):(\w+)@(.*)$";
            Regex r = new Regex(authregex);
            int[] gnums = r.GetGroupNumbers();
            Match m = r.Match(url);
            if (m.Success) {
                for (int i = 1; i < gnums.Length; i++) {
                    //System.Text.RegularExpressions.Group g = m.Groups[gnums[i]];
                    //CaptureCollection cc = g.Captures;
                if (m.Groups.Count == 5) {
                    httpHeaders["Authorization"] = String.Format("Basic {0}", Convert.ToBase64String(System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(m.Groups[2].ToString() + ":" + m.Groups[3].ToString())));
                    url = m.Groups[1].ToString() + m.Groups[4].ToString();

            UUID reqID
                = httpScriptMod.StartHttpRequest(m_host.LocalId, m_item.ItemID, url, param, httpHeaders, body);

            if (reqID != UUID.Zero)
                return reqID.ToString();
                return null;
Beispiel #18
		public void Execute ()
            //We do not support RightToLeft, so skip
		    if ((options & RegexOptions.RightToLeft) > 0) return;
            string result;

			for (int compiled = 0; compiled < 2; ++compiled) {
				RegexOptions real_options = (compiled == 1) ? (options | RegexOptions.Compiled) : options;
				    Regex re = new Regex(pattern, real_options);
				    int[] group_nums = re.GetGroupNumbers();
				    Match m = re.Match(input);

				    if (m.Success)
				        result = "Pass.";

				        for (int i = 0; i < m.Groups.Count; ++ i)
				            int gid = group_nums[i];
				            Group group = m.Groups[gid];

				            result += " Group[" + gid + "]=";
				            foreach (Capture cap in group.Captures)
				                result += "(" + cap.Index + "," + cap.Length + ")";
				        result = "Fail.";
				catch (NotSupportedException e)
                    //we do not support conditions. skip
				    if (e.Message.StartsWith("Conditions")) return;

                    result = "NotSupportedException.";
				catch (Exception e) {
					error = e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace + "\n\n";

					result = "Error.";

			    //if (expected.StartsWith("Fail.") || expected.StartsWith("Error."))
			        Assert.AreEqual (expected, result, "Matching input '{0}' against pattern '{1}' with options '{2}'", input, pattern, real_options);
Beispiel #19
 private static string findMatchedGroupName(Regex regex, Match match)
     string[] names = regex.GetGroupNames();
     int[] numbers = regex.GetGroupNumbers();
     for (int i = 1; i < numbers.Length; i++)
         if (match.Groups[numbers[i]].Success)
             return names[i];
     throw null;
        public static void matchMappingArtifacts(BuildArtifactsMapping mapping, string projectDirectory, Dictionary<string, string> resultMap)
            string rootDirectory = BuildArtifactsMapping.getRootDirectory(mapping);

            /*Incase we have none relative pattern, we need to add the project path for the 
             * regular expression not to recognize it as part of the capturing groups. 
            //if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rootDirectory) || !System.IO.Path.IsPathRooted(rootDirectory))
            if (!System.IO.Path.IsPathRooted(rootDirectory))
                mapping.input = projectDirectory + "\\" + mapping.input;
                rootDirectory = projectDirectory + "\\" + rootDirectory; 

            if (Directory.Exists(rootDirectory) || File.Exists(rootDirectory))
                IEnumerable<string> fileList;
                //Incase we have a path with a file
                if (File.Exists(rootDirectory))
                    fileList = new string[] { rootDirectory };
                    fileList = Directory.GetFiles(rootDirectory, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);

                string regexNormalize = NormalizeRegexInput(mapping);
                Regex regex = new Regex(regexNormalize);
                int inputGroupsNum = regex.GetGroupNumbers().Length - 1;

                ISet<Int32> placeHoldersSet = BuildArtifactsMapping.getPlaceHoldersList(mapping, inputGroupsNum);

                foreach (string file in fileList)
                    Match fileMatcher = regex.Match(file);
                    if (fileMatcher.Success)
                        /* In case we didn't receive an output pattern, 
                        *   the target will be the root of the repository
                        if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mapping.output))
                            FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(file);
                            resultMap.Add(file, fileInfo.Name);
                            List<string> replacementList = new List<string>();
                            string repositoryPath = mapping.output;

                            foreach (int groupIndex in placeHoldersSet) 
                                repositoryPath = repositoryPath.Replace("$" + groupIndex, fileMatcher.Groups[groupIndex].Value);

                            if (!resultMap.ContainsKey(file))
                                resultMap.Add(file, repositoryPath);
Beispiel #21
		void GroupNumbers_1 (string s, int n)
			Regex r = new Regex (s);
			int [] grps = r.GetGroupNumbers ();
			Assert.AreEqual (n, grps.Length, "#1:" + r);

			int sum = 0;
			for (int i = 0; i < grps.Length; ++i) {
				sum += grps [i];
				// group numbers are unique
				for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j)
					Assert.IsTrue (grps [i] != grps [j], "#2:" + r + " (" + i + "," + j + ")");
			// no gaps in group numbering
			Assert.AreEqual ((n * (n - 1)) / 2, sum, "#3:" + r);
Beispiel #22
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the core of the app. The RegEx execution and processing function.
        /// It's being run on a separated thread.
        /// </summary>
        private void AsyncTest()
            int rtbSelectionStart = int.MinValue;
            int rtbSelectionLength = int.MinValue;
            int matchesFound = 0;
            int matchesProcessed = 0;
            DateTime startMoment = DateTime.Now;

            // Every line in this function is susceptible of a ThreadAbortException
            // Which is how the user is able to stop it.
                // Adjustments in the UI
                statusStatusBarPanel.Text = "Making UI Adjustments...";
                testButton.Text = RUNNING_MODE_BUTTON_TEXT;
                matchesStatusBarPanel.Text = string.Empty;
                executionTimeStatusBarPanel.Text = string.Empty;

                // Create the options object based on the UI checkboxes
                statusStatusBarPanel.Text = "Configuring the RegEx engine...";
                RegexOptions regexOptions = new RegexOptions();
                if (ignoreCaseCheckBox.Checked) regexOptions |= RegexOptions.IgnoreCase;
                if (cultureInvariantCheckBox.Checked) regexOptions |= RegexOptions.CultureInvariant;
                if (multiLineCheckBox.Checked) regexOptions |= RegexOptions.Multiline;
                if (singleLineCheckBox.Checked) regexOptions |= RegexOptions.Singleline;
                if (indentedInputCheckBox.Checked) regexOptions |= RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace;

                statusStatusBarPanel.Text = "Creating the RegEx Engine and parsing the RegEx string...";
                // Creates the RegEx engine passing the RegEx string and the options object
                Regex regex = new Regex(regExTextBox.Text, regexOptions);

                statusStatusBarPanel.Text = "Evaluating the RegEx against the Test Text...";
                // This executes the Regex and collects the results
                // The execution isn't done until a member of the matchCollection is read.
                // So I read the Count property for the regex to really execute from start to finish
                MatchCollection matchCollection = regex.Matches(textRichTextBox.Text);
                matchesFound = matchCollection.Count;

                // Also do the RegEx replacement if the user asked for it
                if (replaceModeCheckBox.Checked)
                    statusStatusBarPanel.Text = "Evaluating the RegEx Replace against the Test Text...";
                    resultsRichTextBox.Text = regex.Replace(textRichTextBox.Text, repExTextBox.Text);

                statusStatusBarPanel.Text = "Preparing the Results grid...";
                // Setup the results ListView
                for (int i = resultListView.Columns.Count; i > 3; i--) //Skip the first 3 columns

                // Add the Capture Group columns to the Results ListView
                int[] groupNumbers = regex.GetGroupNumbers();
                string[] groupNames = regex.GetGroupNames();
                string groupName = null;

                foreach (int groupNumber in groupNumbers)
                    if (groupNumber > 0)
                        groupName = "Group " + groupNumber;
                        if (groupNames[groupNumber] != groupNumber.ToString()) groupName += " (" + groupNames[groupNumber] + ")";
                        resultListView.Columns.Add(groupName, 100, HorizontalAlignment.Left);

                // Store/Backup the user's cursor and selection on the RichTextBox
                rtbSelectionStart = textRichTextBox.SelectionStart;
                rtbSelectionLength = textRichTextBox.SelectionLength;

                // This pauses the drawing to speed-up the work

                // Reset previous highligths in the RichTextBox and save current position.
                textRichTextBox.SelectionColor = Color.Black;

                statusStatusBarPanel.Text = "Processing the " + matchesFound + " matchs...";
                // Process each of the Matches!
                foreach (Match match in matchCollection)
                    //Add it to the grid
                    ListViewItem lvi = resultListView.Items.Add(match.ToString());
                    for (int c = 1; c < match.Groups.Count; c++)
                        Group group = match.Groups[c];
                        if (group.Captures.Count == 1)
                            StringBuilder capturedValues = new StringBuilder();
                            foreach (Capture capture in group.Captures)
                                if (capturedValues.Length > 0)

                                    capturedValues.Append(" ¦ ");

                    //Highligth the match in the RichTextBox
                    textRichTextBox.Select(match.Index, match.Length);
                    textRichTextBox.SelectionColor = Color.Red;


                statusStatusBarPanel.Text = "Test success.";
            catch (ThreadAbortException)
                statusStatusBarPanel.Text = "Test aborted by the user.";
            catch (Exception e)
                statusStatusBarPanel.Text = "Test aborted by an error.";
                // Any other Exception is shown to the user
                MessageBox.Show(e.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                // Restore the btnText functionality
                testButton.Text = STOPPED_MODE_BUTTON_TEXT;

                // Restore RichTextBox's cursor position to the original user's position
                if (rtbSelectionStart != int.MinValue && rtbSelectionLength != int.MinValue)
                    textRichTextBox.Select(rtbSelectionStart, rtbSelectionLength);

                if (matchesProcessed == matchesFound)
                    matchesStatusBarPanel.Text = string.Format("{0} match(es).", matchesProcessed);
                    matchesStatusBarPanel.Text = string.Format("{0} match(es) of {1} found.", matchesProcessed, matchesFound);

                // Calculate execution time
                TimeSpan executionTimeSpan = DateTime.Now.Subtract(startMoment);
                if (executionTimeSpan.TotalHours > 1) executionTimeStatusBarPanel.Text = string.Format("{0} hs.", executionTimeSpan.TotalHours.ToString("##.##"));
                else if (executionTimeSpan.TotalMinutes > 1) executionTimeStatusBarPanel.Text = string.Format("{0} mins.", executionTimeSpan.TotalMinutes.ToString("##.##"));
                else if (executionTimeSpan.TotalSeconds > 1) executionTimeStatusBarPanel.Text = string.Format("{0} s.", executionTimeSpan.TotalSeconds.ToString("##.##"));
                else if (executionTimeSpan.TotalMilliseconds > 1) executionTimeStatusBarPanel.Text = string.Format("{0} ms.", executionTimeSpan.TotalMilliseconds.ToString("#"));

                // This reverts the rendering of the controls (turned off for performance)
Beispiel #23
        public LSL_String llHTTPRequest(string url, LSL_List parameters, string body)
            // Partial implementation: support for parameter flags needed
            //   see
            // parameter flags support are implemented in ScriptsHttpRequests.cs
            //   in StartHttpRequest

            IHttpRequestModule httpScriptMod =
            List<string> param = new List<string>();
            bool  ok;
            Int32 flag;

            for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Data.Length; i += 2)
                ok = Int32.TryParse(parameters.Data[i].ToString(), out flag);
                if (!ok || flag < 0 ||
                    flag > (int)HttpRequestConstants.HTTP_PRAGMA_NO_CACHE)
                    Error("llHTTPRequest", "Parameter " + i.ToString() + " is an invalid flag");

                param.Add(parameters.Data[i].ToString());       //Add parameter flag

                if (flag != (int)HttpRequestConstants.HTTP_CUSTOM_HEADER)
                    param.Add(parameters.Data[i+1].ToString()); //Add parameter value
                    //Parameters are in pairs and custom header takes
                    //arguments in pairs so adjust for header marker.

                    //Maximum of 8 headers are allowed based on the
                    //Second Life documentation for llHTTPRequest.
                    for (int count = 1; count <= 8; ++count)
                        //Enough parameters remaining for (another) header?
                        if (parameters.Data.Length - i < 2)
                            //There must be at least one name/value pair for custom header
                            if (count == 1)
                                Error("llHTTPRequest", "Missing name/value for custom header at parameter " + i.ToString());

                        if (HttpStandardHeaders.Contains(parameters.Data[i].ToString(), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            Error("llHTTPRequest", "Name is invalid as a custom header at parameter " + i.ToString());


                        //Have we reached the end of the list of headers?
                        //End is marked by a string with a single digit.
                        if (i+2 >= parameters.Data.Length ||

                        i += 2;

            Vector3 position = m_host.AbsolutePosition;
            Vector3 velocity = m_host.Velocity;
            Quaternion rotation = m_host.RotationOffset;
            string ownerName = String.Empty;
            ScenePresence scenePresence = World.GetScenePresence(m_host.OwnerID);
            if (scenePresence == null)
                ownerName = resolveName(m_host.OwnerID);
                ownerName = scenePresence.Name;

            RegionInfo regionInfo = World.RegionInfo;

            Dictionary<string, string> httpHeaders = new Dictionary<string, string>();

            string shard = "OpenSim";
            IConfigSource config = m_ScriptEngine.ConfigSource;
            if (config.Configs["Network"] != null)
                shard = config.Configs["Network"].GetString("shard", shard);

            httpHeaders["X-SecondLife-Shard"] = shard;
            httpHeaders["X-SecondLife-Object-Name"] = m_host.Name;
            httpHeaders["X-SecondLife-Object-Key"] = m_host.UUID.ToString();
            httpHeaders["X-SecondLife-Region"] = string.Format("{0} ({1}, {2})", regionInfo.RegionName, regionInfo.RegionLocX, regionInfo.RegionLocY);
            httpHeaders["X-SecondLife-Local-Position"] = string.Format("({0:0.000000}, {1:0.000000}, {2:0.000000})", position.X, position.Y, position.Z);
            httpHeaders["X-SecondLife-Local-Velocity"] = string.Format("({0:0.000000}, {1:0.000000}, {2:0.000000})", velocity.X, velocity.Y, velocity.Z);
            httpHeaders["X-SecondLife-Local-Rotation"] = string.Format("({0:0.000000}, {1:0.000000}, {2:0.000000}, {3:0.000000})", rotation.X, rotation.Y, rotation.Z, rotation.W);
            httpHeaders["X-SecondLife-Owner-Name"] = ownerName;
            httpHeaders["X-SecondLife-Owner-Key"] = m_host.OwnerID.ToString();
            string userAgent = config.Configs["Network"].GetString("user_agent", null);
            if (userAgent != null)
                httpHeaders["User-Agent"] = userAgent;

            // See if the URL contains any header hacks
            string[] urlParts = url.Split(new char[] {'\n'});
            if (urlParts.Length > 1)
                // Iterate the passed headers and parse them
                for (int i = 1 ; i < urlParts.Length ; i++ )
                    // The rest of those would be added to the body in SL.
                    // Let's not do that.
                    if (urlParts[i] == String.Empty)

                    // See if this could be a valid header
                    string[] headerParts = urlParts[i].Split(new char[] {':'}, 2);
                    if (headerParts.Length != 2)

                    string headerName = headerParts[0].Trim();
                    string headerValue = headerParts[1].Trim();

                    // Filter out headers that could be used to abuse
                    // another system or cloak the request
                    if (headerName.ToLower() == "x-secondlife-shard" ||
                        headerName.ToLower() == "x-secondlife-object-name" ||
                        headerName.ToLower() == "x-secondlife-object-key" ||
                        headerName.ToLower() == "x-secondlife-region" ||
                        headerName.ToLower() == "x-secondlife-local-position" ||
                        headerName.ToLower() == "x-secondlife-local-velocity" ||
                        headerName.ToLower() == "x-secondlife-local-rotation" ||
                        headerName.ToLower() == "x-secondlife-owner-name" ||
                        headerName.ToLower() == "x-secondlife-owner-key" ||
                        headerName.ToLower() == "connection" ||
                        headerName.ToLower() == "content-length" ||
                        headerName.ToLower() == "from" ||
                        headerName.ToLower() == "host" ||
                        headerName.ToLower() == "proxy-authorization" ||
                        headerName.ToLower() == "referer" ||
                        headerName.ToLower() == "trailer" ||
                        headerName.ToLower() == "transfer-encoding" ||
                        headerName.ToLower() == "via" ||
                        headerName.ToLower() == "authorization")

                    httpHeaders[headerName] = headerValue;

                // Finally, strip any protocol specifier from the URL
                url = urlParts[0].Trim();
                int idx = url.IndexOf(" HTTP/");
                if (idx != -1)
                    url = url.Substring(0, idx);

            string authregex = @"^(https?:\/\/)(\w+):(\w+)@(.*)$";
            Regex r = new Regex(authregex);
            int[] gnums = r.GetGroupNumbers();
            Match m = r.Match(url);
            if (m.Success)
                for (int i = 1; i < gnums.Length; i++)
                    //System.Text.RegularExpressions.Group g = m.Groups[gnums[i]];
                    //CaptureCollection cc = g.Captures;
                if (m.Groups.Count == 5)
                    httpHeaders["Authorization"] = String.Format("Basic {0}", Convert.ToBase64String(System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(m.Groups[2].ToString() + ":" + m.Groups[3].ToString())));
                    url = m.Groups[1].ToString() + m.Groups[4].ToString();

            HttpInitialRequestStatus status;
            UUID reqID
                = httpScriptMod.StartHttpRequest(m_host.LocalId, m_item.ItemID, url, param, httpHeaders, body, out status);

            if (status == HttpInitialRequestStatus.DISALLOWED_BY_FILTER)
                Error("llHttpRequest", string.Format("Request to {0} disallowed by filter", url));

            if (reqID != UUID.Zero)
                return reqID.ToString();
                return null;
Beispiel #24
		public static string Replace(string pattern, string replacement, string str)

				// convert Posix pattern to .NET regular expression and create regular expression object
				Regex r = new Regex(ConvertPosix2DotNetExpr(pattern));

				// convert Posix replacement to .NET regular expression
				// (there may be \\digit references to pattern) and replace
				return r.Replace(str, ConvertPosix2DotNetRepl(replacement, r.GetGroupNumbers()));
			catch (PhpException)
				// PhpExceptions rethrow immediately
			catch (System.Exception e)
				// all other exceptions convert to PhpException, we want to handle they in the same way
				// (display to user in web browser etc.)
				PhpException.Throw(PhpError.Warning, e.Message);
				return null;
Beispiel #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform Regular Expression Test
        /// </summary>
        private void DoTest()
            // Setup options
            RegexOptions ro = new RegexOptions();
            if (mnuIgnore.Checked) ro = ro | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase;
            if (mnuMultiLine.Checked) ro = ro | RegexOptions.Multiline;
            ro = ro | RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace;

            // Create Regular Expression Engine
            Regex re = null;
            MatchCollection mc = null;
            try {
                string reg = txtRegEx.Text;

                if (txtRegEx.SelectionLength > 0)
                    reg = txtRegEx.SelectedText;

                //reg = reg.Replace("\r\n", "").Replace("\n", "").Replace("\t", "");

                re = new Regex(reg, ro);
                mc = re.Matches(rtbText.Text);
            catch (Exception ex){
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            // Setup ListView
            int[] ag = re.GetGroupNumbers();


            lvResult.Columns.Add("Match", 435, HorizontalAlignment.Left);
            lvResult.Columns.Add("Position", 87, HorizontalAlignment.Left);
            lvResult.Columns.Add("Length", 98, HorizontalAlignment.Left);

            foreach(int c in ag) {
                if (c > 0)
                    lvResult.Columns.Add("Group " + c.ToString(), 100, HorizontalAlignment.Left);


            // Setup RichTextBox
            rtbText.HideSelection = true;
            rtbText.SelectionColor = Color.Black;

            // Match!
            foreach(Match m in mc) {
                ListViewItem lvi = lvResult.Items.Add(m.ToString());


                for (int c=1; c<m.Groups.Count; c++) {

                rtbText.Select(m.Index, m.Length);
                rtbText.SelectionColor = Color.Red;

            // Reset RichTextBox
            rtbText.SelectionColor = Color.Black;

            // Show matching count
            sbpMatchCount.Text = "Match count: " + mc.Count.ToString();
        /// <summary>
        /// creates a new PatternTokenizer returning tokens from group (-1 for split functionality) </summary>
        public PatternTokenizer(AttributeFactory factory, TextReader input, Regex pattern, int group)
              : base(factory, input)
            this.termAtt = AddAttribute<ICharTermAttribute>();
            this.offsetAtt = AddAttribute<IOffsetAttribute>();
   = group;

            // Use "" instead of str so don't consume chars
            // (fillBuffer) from the input on throwing IAE below:
            this.matcher = pattern.Match("");
            this.pattern = pattern;

            // confusingly group count depends ENTIRELY on the pattern but is only accessible via matcher
            var groupCount = pattern.GetGroupNumbers().Length;
            if (group >= 0 && group > groupCount)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("invalid group specified: pattern only has: " + groupCount + " capturing groups");

Beispiel #27
		public void Instance_Deny_Unrestricted ()
			Regex r = new Regex (String.Empty);
			Assert.AreEqual (RegexOptions.None, r.Options, "Options");
			Assert.IsFalse (r.RightToLeft, "RightToLeft");

			Assert.AreEqual (1, r.GetGroupNames ().Length, "GetGroupNames");
			Assert.AreEqual (1, r.GetGroupNumbers ().Length, "GetGroupNumbers");
			Assert.AreEqual ("0", r.GroupNameFromNumber (0), "GroupNameFromNumber");
			Assert.AreEqual (0, r.GroupNumberFromName ("0"), "GroupNumberFromName");

			Assert.IsTrue (r.IsMatch (String.Empty), "IsMatch");
			Assert.IsTrue (r.IsMatch (String.Empty, 0), "IsMatch2");

			Assert.IsNotNull (r.Match (String.Empty), "Match");
			Assert.IsNotNull (r.Match (String.Empty, 0), "Match2");
			Assert.IsNotNull (r.Match (String.Empty, 0, 0), "Match3");

			Assert.AreEqual (1, r.Matches (String.Empty).Count, "Matches");
			Assert.AreEqual (1, r.Matches (String.Empty, 0).Count, "Matches2");

			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, r.Replace (String.Empty, new MatchEvaluator (Evaluator)), "Replace");
			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, r.Replace (String.Empty, new MatchEvaluator (Evaluator), 0), "Replace2");
			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, r.Replace (String.Empty, new MatchEvaluator (Evaluator), 0, 0), "Replace3");
			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, r.Replace (String.Empty, String.Empty), "Replace4");
			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, r.Replace (String.Empty, String.Empty, 0), "Replace5");
			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, r.Replace (String.Empty, String.Empty, 0, 0), "Replace6");

			Assert.AreEqual (2, r.Split (String.Empty).Length, "Split");
			Assert.AreEqual (2, r.Split (String.Empty, 0).Length, "Split2");
			Assert.AreEqual (2, r.Split (String.Empty, 0, 0).Length, "Split3");

			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, r.ToString (), "ToString");
Beispiel #28
        private void Foo()
            string text = "abracadabra1abracadabra2abracadabra3";
            string pat = @"(abra(cad)?)+";

            Regex r = new Regex(pat);

            int[] gnums = r.GetGroupNumbers();

            Match m = r.Match(text);

            while (m.Success)
                for (int i = 1; i < gnums.Length; i++)
                    Group g = m.Groups[gnums[i]];

                    Console.WriteLine("Group" + gnums[i] + "=[" + g.ToString() + "]");

                    CaptureCollection cc = g.Captures;

                    for (int j = 0; j < cc.Count; j++)
                        Capture c = cc[j];
                        Console.WriteLine(" Capture" + j + "=[" + c.ToString()+ "] Index=" + c.Index + " Length=" + c.Length);
                m = m.NextMatch();
Beispiel #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the converted replacement from the cache or perform conversion and cache.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="regex"></param>
        /// <param name="replacement"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static string ConvertReplacement(Regex/*!*/regex, string/*!*/replacement)
            int[] group_numbers = regex.GetGroupNumbers();
            int max_number = (group_numbers.Length > 0) ? group_numbers[group_numbers.Length - 1] : 0;

            return ConvertReplacement(max_number, replacement);
Beispiel #30
        static void Main(string[] args)
            #region parse and check command line parameters

            if (args.Length < 2)
            bool recursive = MyGlobalMethods.Contains(args, "-r");
            bool regexp = MyGlobalMethods.Contains(args, "-x");
            bool dirsToo = MyGlobalMethods.Contains(args, "-d");
            bool notReal = MyGlobalMethods.Contains(args, "-t");
            bool caseSensitive = MyGlobalMethods.Contains(args, "-s");
            string inPattern = args[args.Length - 2];
            string outPattern = args[args.Length - 1];

            Regex inReg;
            RegexOptions regOpt = RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant | RegexOptions.ECMAScript;
            if (!caseSensitive)
                regOpt |= RegexOptions.IgnoreCase;
            if (regexp)
                inReg = new Regex(inPattern, regOpt);
                if (inReg.GetGroupNumbers().Length <= 1)
                    Console.WriteLine("You have to use at least one group in your Regexp!");
            //we escape all chars but the wildcard character '*'
                inReg = new Regex(Regex.Escape(inPattern).Replace(@"\*", "(.*)"), regOpt);


            #region build regex pattern

            int i = 0;
            while (outPattern.Contains("*"))
                outPattern = MyGlobalMethods.ReplaceFirst(outPattern, "*", "\\" + i.ToString());


            var curDir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();

            var matches = startRename(inReg, outPattern, curDir, recursive, dirsToo, notReal);

            if (matches == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Sorry, I couldn't find a file or directory matching '" + inReg.ToString() + "'");
                Console.WriteLine("Remember that '^' is a escape character in DOS and you probably have to use '^^'.");