newPost() public method

Creates a new post. The publish boolean is used to determine whether the item should be published or not.
public newPost ( string blogid, string username, string password, Subtext.Framework.XmlRpc.Post post, bool publish ) : string
blogid string The blogid.
username string The username.
password string The password.
post Subtext.Framework.XmlRpc.Post The post.
publish bool if set to true [publish].
return string
Beispiel #1
        public void NewPost_WithNullCategories_DoesNotTHrowException()
            var blog = new Blog { Id = 42, UserName = "******", Password = "******", AllowServiceAccess = true, Host = "localhost" };

            var subtextContext = new Mock<ISubtextContext>();
            subtextContext.Setup(c => c.Blog).Returns(blog);
            Entry publishedEntry = null;
            var entryPublisher = new Mock<IEntryPublisher>();
            entryPublisher.Setup(publisher => publisher.Publish(It.IsAny<Entry>())).Returns(42).Callback<Entry>(
                entry => publishedEntry = entry);

            var api = new MetaWeblog(subtextContext.Object, entryPublisher.Object);
            var post = new Post
                categories = null,
                description = "A unit test",
                title = "A unit testing title",
                dateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow

            // act
            string result = api.newPost(blog.Id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), "username", "password", post,

            // assert
            int entryId = int.Parse(result);
            Assert.AreEqual(42, entryId);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, publishedEntry.Categories.Count, "Should not have added categories.");
Beispiel #2
        public void newPost_WithCategory_CreatesEntryWithCategory()
            var repository = new DatabaseObjectProvider();
            var blog = new Blog { Id = 42, UserName = "******", Password = "******", AllowServiceAccess = true, Host = "localhost" };

            var entryPublisher = new Mock<IEntryPublisher>();
            Entry publishedEntry = null;
            entryPublisher.Setup(publisher => publisher.Publish(It.IsAny<Entry>())).Callback<Entry>(e => publishedEntry = e);
            var subtextContext = new Mock<ISubtextContext>();
            subtextContext.Setup(c => c.Blog).Returns(blog);
            subtextContext.Setup(c => c.Repository).Returns(repository);
            subtextContext.Setup(c => c.ServiceLocator).Returns(new Mock<IDependencyResolver>().Object);

            var api = new MetaWeblog(subtextContext.Object, entryPublisher.Object);
            var post = new Post
                categories = new[] { "CategoryA" },
                description = "A unit test",
                title = "A unit testing title",
                dateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow

            api.newPost("42", "username", "password", post, true);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, publishedEntry.Categories.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("CategoryA", publishedEntry.Categories.First());
Beispiel #3
        public void NewPost_WithFutureDate_SyndicatesInTheFuture()
            var blog = new Blog { Id = 42, UserName = "******", Password = "******", AllowServiceAccess = true, Host = "localhost" };

            var subtextContext = new Mock<ISubtextContext>();
            subtextContext.Setup(c => c.Blog).Returns(blog);
            Entry publishedEntry = null;
            var entryPublisher = new Mock<IEntryPublisher>();
            entryPublisher.Setup(publisher => publisher.Publish(It.IsAny<Entry>())).Returns(42).Callback<Entry>(
                entry => publishedEntry = entry);
            DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;

            var api = new MetaWeblog(subtextContext.Object, entryPublisher.Object);
            var post = new Post();
            post.categories = null;
            post.description = "A unit test";
            post.title = "A unit testing title";
            post.dateCreated = now.AddDays(1);

            // act
            string result = api.newPost(blog.Id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), "username", "password", post, true);

            // assert
            Assert.Greater(publishedEntry.DateSyndicated, now.AddDays(.75));
            Assert.LowerEqualThan(publishedEntry.DateSyndicated, now.AddDays(1));
Beispiel #4
        public void NewPostWithEnclosureCreatesEntryWithEnclosure()
            var blog = new Blog { Id = 42, UserName = "******", Password = "******", AllowServiceAccess = true, Host = "localhost" };

            var subtextContext = new Mock<ISubtextContext>();
            subtextContext.Setup(c => c.Blog).Returns(blog);
            FrameworkEnclosure publishedEnclosure = null;
            subtextContext.Setup(c => c.Repository.Create(It.IsAny<FrameworkEnclosure>())).Callback<FrameworkEnclosure>(
                enclosure => publishedEnclosure = enclosure);
            var entryPublisher = new Mock<IEntryPublisher>();
            entryPublisher.Setup(publisher => publisher.Publish(It.IsAny<Entry>())).Returns(42);
            DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;
            DateTime utcNow = now.ToUniversalTime();

            var api = new MetaWeblog(subtextContext.Object, entryPublisher.Object);
            var post = new Post();
            post.categories = null;
            post.description = "A unit test";
            post.title = "A unit testing title";
            post.dateCreated = utcNow.AddDays(1);

            var postEnclosure = new Enclosure();
            postEnclosure.url = "";
            postEnclosure.type = "audio/mp3";
            postEnclosure.length = 123456789;
            post.enclosure = postEnclosure;

            // act
            string result = api.newPost(blog.Id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), "username", "password", post,

            // assert
            Assert.AreEqual("", publishedEnclosure.Url);
            Assert.AreEqual("audio/mp3", publishedEnclosure.MimeType);
            Assert.AreEqual(123456789, publishedEnclosure.Size);
Beispiel #5
        public void NewPostWithFutureDateSyndicatesInTheFuture()
            string hostname = UnitTestHelper.GenerateRandomString();
            Assert.IsTrue(Config.CreateBlog("", "username", "password", hostname, ""));
            UnitTestHelper.SetHttpContextWithBlogRequest(hostname, "");
            Config.CurrentBlog.AllowServiceAccess = true;

            MetaWeblog api = new MetaWeblog();
            Post post = new Post();
            post.categories = null;
            post.description = "A unit test";
            post.title = "A unit testing title";
            post.dateCreated = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);

            string result = api.newPost(Config.CurrentBlog.Id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), "username", "password", post, true);
            int entryId = int.Parse(result);

            Entry entry = Entries.GetEntry(entryId, PostConfig.None, true);
            Assert.IsNotNull(entry, "Guess the entry did not get created properly.");
            Assert.IsTrue(entry.DateSyndicated > DateTime.Now.AddDays(.75));
            Assert.IsTrue(entry.DateSyndicated <= DateTime.Now.AddDays(1));
Beispiel #6
        public void NewPostWithEnclosureCreatesEntryWithEnclosure()
            string hostname = UnitTestHelper.GenerateRandomString();
            Assert.IsTrue(Config.CreateBlog("", "username", "password", hostname, ""));
            UnitTestHelper.SetHttpContextWithBlogRequest(hostname, "");
            Config.CurrentBlog.AllowServiceAccess = true;

            MetaWeblog api = new MetaWeblog();
            Post post = new Post();
            post.categories = null;
            post.description = "A unit test";
            post.title = "A unit testing title";
            post.dateCreated = DateTime.Now;

            Enclosure postEnclosure = new Enclosure();
            postEnclosure.url = "";
            postEnclosure.type = "audio/mp3";
            postEnclosure.length = 123456789;
            post.enclosure = postEnclosure;

            string result = api.newPost(Config.CurrentBlog.Id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), "username", "password", post, true);
            int entryId = int.Parse(result);

            Entry entry = Entries.GetEntry(entryId, PostConfig.None, true);
            Assert.IsNotNull(entry, "Guess the entry did not get created properly.");
            Assert.IsNotNull(entry.Enclosure,"Should have created the enclosure as well.");
            Assert.AreEqual("", entry.Enclosure.Url,"Not the expected enclosure url.");
            Assert.AreEqual("audio/mp3", entry.Enclosure.MimeType, "Not the expected enclosure mimetype.");
            Assert.AreEqual(123456789, entry.Enclosure.Size,"Not the expected enclosure size.");
Beispiel #7
        public void NewPostWithCategoryCreatesEntryWithCategory()
            string hostname = UnitTestHelper.GenerateRandomString();
            Assert.IsTrue(Config.CreateBlog("", "username", "password", hostname, ""));
            UnitTestHelper.SetHttpContextWithBlogRequest(hostname, "");
            Config.CurrentBlog.AllowServiceAccess = true;

            LinkCategory category = new LinkCategory();
            category.IsActive = true;
            category.Description = "Test category";
            category.Title = "CategoryA";

            MetaWeblog api = new MetaWeblog();
            Post post = new Post();
            post.categories = new string[] {"CategoryA"};
            post.description = "A unit test";
            post.title = "A unit testing title";
            post.dateCreated = DateTime.Now;

            string result = api.newPost(Config.CurrentBlog.Id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), "username", "password", post, true);
            int entryId = int.Parse(result);

            Entry entry = Entries.GetEntry(entryId, PostConfig.None, true);
            Assert.IsNotNull(entry, "Guess the entry did not get created properly.");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, entry.Categories.Count, "We expected one category. We didn't get what we expected.");
            Assert.AreEqual("CategoryA", entry.Categories[0], "The wrong category was created.");
Beispiel #8
        public void NewPost_WithFutureDate_SyndicatesInTheFuture()
            var blog = new Blog { Id = 42, UserName = "******", Password = "******", AllowServiceAccess = true, Host = "localhost" };

            var subtextContext = new Mock<ISubtextContext>();
            subtextContext.Setup(c => c.Blog).Returns(blog);
            Entry publishedEntry = null;
            var entryPublisher = new Mock<IEntryPublisher>();
            entryPublisher.Setup(publisher => publisher.Publish(It.IsAny<Entry>())).Returns(42).Callback<Entry>(
                entry => publishedEntry = entry);
            var utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow;
            var now = new DateTime(utcNow.Year, utcNow.Month, utcNow.Day, utcNow.Hour, utcNow.Minute, utcNow.Second, DateTimeKind.Unspecified);

            var api = new MetaWeblog(subtextContext.Object, entryPublisher.Object);
            var post = new Post
                           categories = null,
                           description = "A unit test",
                           title = "A unit testing title",
                           dateCreated = now.AddDays(1)

            // act
            api.newPost(blog.Id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), "username", "password", post, true);

            // assert
            Assert.Greater(publishedEntry.DateSyndicated, now.AddDays(.75));
            Assert.LowerEqualThan(publishedEntry.DateSyndicated, now.AddDays(1));
            Assert.AreEqual(publishedEntry.DatePublishedUtc.Kind, DateTimeKind.Utc);