Beispiel #1
        public Consts()
            actionsData = new actionStruct[(int)CharacterState.Count];
            actionsData[(int)CharacterState.BuyingFood]._actionDuration            = 60;
            actionsData[(int)CharacterState.BuyingFood]._actionPriority            = 4;
            actionsData[(int)CharacterState.Eating]._actionDuration                = 60;
            actionsData[(int)CharacterState.Eating]._actionPriority                = 5;
            actionsData[(int)CharacterState.LookingForPlaceToLive]._actionPriority = 10;
            actionsData[(int)CharacterState.Sleeping]._actionDuration              = 480;
            actionsData[(int)CharacterState.Sleeping]._actionPriority              = 20;
            actionsData[(int)CharacterState.Working]._actionPriority               = 50;
            actionsData[(int)CharacterState.Idle]._actionDuration = 0;
            actionsData[(int)CharacterState.Idle]._actionPriority = 99;

            hut_hp              = new Status(100);
            farm_hp             = new Status(50);
            granary_hp          = new Status(200);
            employmentoffice_hp = new Status(1000);

            farmerBeginTime = new Gametime(0, 5, 0);
            farmerEndTime   = new Gametime(0, 15, 0);

            granaryKeeperBeginTime = new Gametime(0, 8, 0);
            granaryKeeperEndTime   = new Gametime(0, 20, 0);

            builderBeginTime = new Gametime(0, 5, 0);
            builderEndTime   = new Gametime(0, 23, 0);
Beispiel #2
        public int _locationID;                                //location ID where the person is currently located


        #region Constructor

        public Character()
            _name      = "";
            _id        = 0;
            _fame      = 0;
            _age       = 0;
            _jobID     = -1;
            _mindset   = new CharacterMindset();
            _bodyneeds = new CharacterBodyNeeds();
            _currentActionFinishTime = new Gametime(0, 0, 0);
            _health                   = new CharacterHealth();
            _characterActions         = new characterActionPriorityQueue();     //the list of actions the character wants to do
            _characterPreviousActions = new List <actionHistory>();
            _characterinventory       = new CharacterInventory();
            _locationID               = Consts.stronghold_yard;
            _homeID                   = Consts.stronghold_yard;

            //eating events
            _bodyneeds._hungryEvent += this.OnHungryEventHandler;             //hungry event listener

            //determining gender 50-50
            if (Consts.rand.Next(1, 1000) > 500)
                _gender = Gender.Male;
                _gender = Gender.Female;
Beispiel #3
 public Building(int buildingIDValue, int ownerIDValue, int typeValue, string nameValue, Status hpValue, int costToBuildValue, Status levelValue, Gametime startBuildTimeValue,
                 int numberOfManBuildingHoursValue, BuildingState buildStateValue)
     _buildingID     = buildingIDValue;
     _ownerID        = ownerIDValue;
     _type           = typeValue;
     _name           = String.Copy(nameValue);
     _hp             = new Status(hpValue);
     _costToBuild    = costToBuildValue;
     _level          = new Status(levelValue);
     _startBuildTime = new Gametime(startBuildTimeValue);
     _numberOfManBuildingHoursLeft = numberOfManBuildingHoursValue;
     _buildingState           = buildStateValue;
     _numberOfCurrentBuilders = 0;
Beispiel #4
        public int compareTimeOnly(Gametime targetTime)
            int thisTotalMinutes       = this._hour * 60 + this._minute;
            int targetTimeTotalMinutes = targetTime._hour * 60 + targetTime._minute;

            if (thisTotalMinutes == targetTimeTotalMinutes)
            else if (thisTotalMinutes > targetTimeTotalMinutes)
        }        //compares the times of the both gametime objects and return 0 if equal, -1 if this object is greater , 1 if targetTime is greater
Beispiel #5
 public void Clone(Job targetJob)
     //Consts.writeEnteringMethodToDebugLog(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().ReflectedType + "." + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name);
     _jobID      = targetJob.JobID;
     _buildingID = targetJob.BuildingID;
     _ownerID    = targetJob.OwnerID;
     _workerID   = targetJob.WorkerID;
     _jobName    = String.Copy(targetJob.JobName);
     _startDate  = new Gametime();
     _endDate = new Gametime();
     _startTime = new Gametime();
     _endTime = new Gametime();
     _payroll   = targetJob.Payroll;
     _jobStatus = targetJob.JobStatus;
     //Consts.writeExitingMethodToDebugLog(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().ReflectedType + "." + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name);
Beispiel #6
 public Job(int jobID, int buildingID, int ownerID, int workerID, string jobName, Gametime startDate, Gametime endDate, Gametime startTime, Gametime endTime, int payroll, JobStatus jobStatus)
     if (startDate <= endDate &&
         startTime <= endTime)
         _jobID      = jobID;
         _buildingID = buildingID;
         _ownerID    = ownerID;
         _workerID   = workerID;
         _jobName    = String.Copy(jobName);
         _startDate  = new Gametime();
         _endDate = new Gametime();
         _startTime = new Gametime();
         _endTime = new Gametime();
         _payroll   = payroll;
         _jobStatus = jobStatus;
        public BuildingWithJobsAndInventory(int buildingIDValue, int ownerIDValue, int typeValue, string nameValue, Status hpValue, int costToBuildValue, Status levelValue, Gametime startBuildTimeValue,
                                            int numberOfManBuildingHoursValue, int[] jobsList, LinkedList <InventoryItem> inventoryList, BuildingState buildingStateValue, Status maxInvCapacityValue)
            : base(buildingIDValue, ownerIDValue, typeValue, nameValue, hpValue, costToBuildValue, levelValue, startBuildTimeValue, numberOfManBuildingHoursValue, buildingStateValue)
            if (jobsList != null)
                _jobs = new int[jobsList.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < jobsList.Length; i++)
                    _jobs[i] = jobsList[i];
                _jobs = null;

            _inventory = new LinkedList <InventoryItem>();
            if (inventoryList != null)
                InventoryItem tempItem;
                foreach (InventoryItem item in inventoryList)
                    tempItem = new InventoryItem(item);
                _inventory = null;

            _inventoryCapacity = new Status(maxInvCapacityValue);
Beispiel #8
        public void OnGameTickPassedHandler(object sender, EventArgs e)
            LinkedList <int> numberLinkList = new LinkedList <int>();

            int[]         commonerUpdateOrder = new int[Program._aStronghold._commoners.Count];
            int           index, buildingID;
            InventoryItem item;
            Job           job;
            Character     person;

            #region updateStrongholdLeaderDecisionMaker

            if (Program._aStronghold._leader._decisionmaker.listOfActionsToDo.Count != 0)
                bool notEnoughFunds = false;
                int  buildResults   = -1;

                foreach (ActionsToDo todo in Program._aStronghold._leader._decisionmaker.listOfActionsToDo)
                    #region build to do action
                    if (todo._action == action.Build)
                        #region build hut todo
                        if (todo._objectTypeID == Consts.hut)
                            if (todo._parameters == parameters.None)
                                buildResults = Program._aStronghold.buildHut(Consts.hut_buildtime);
                            else if (todo._parameters == parameters.BuildImmediate)
                                buildResults = Program._aStronghold.buildHut(Consts.immediatebuildtime);
                        #region build granary todo
                        else if (todo._objectTypeID == Consts.granary)
                            if (todo._parameters == parameters.None)
                                buildResults = Program._aStronghold.buildGranary(Consts.granary_buildtime);
                            else if (todo._parameters == parameters.BuildImmediate)
                                buildResults = Program._aStronghold.buildGranary(Consts.immediatebuildtime);
                        #region build farm todo
                        else if (todo._objectTypeID ==
                            if (todo._parameters == parameters.None)
                                buildResults = Program._aStronghold.buildFarm(Consts.farm_buildtime);
                            else if (todo._parameters == parameters.BuildImmediate)
                                buildResults = Program._aStronghold.buildFarm(Consts.immediatebuildtime);
                        #region build employmentoffice todo
                        else if (todo._objectTypeID == Consts.employmentoffice)
                            if (todo._parameters == parameters.None)
                                buildResults = Program._aStronghold.buildEmploymentOffice(Consts.employmentoffice_buildtime);
                            else if (todo._parameters == parameters.BuildImmediate)
                                buildResults = Program._aStronghold.buildEmploymentOffice(Consts.immediatebuildtime);
                        if (buildResults == -1)
                            notEnoughFunds = true;

                if (notEnoughFunds)
                    Program._aStronghold._leader._decisionmaker.insertPhenomenon(Consts.stronghold, Consts.stronghold_treasury, subobject.Capacity, behaviour.Empty, parameters.None);
            }            //there are some actions to do


            #region randomize update order for characters
            //create commonerUpdateOrderArray
            for (int x = 1; x <= Program._aStronghold._commoners.Count; x++)
            }            //build the link list so we can randomize off it.

            for (int x = 0; x < Program._aStronghold._commoners.Count; x++)
                index = Consts.rand.Next(0, numberLinkList.Count);
                commonerUpdateOrder[x] = numberLinkList.ElementAt(index);
            }            //picking randomly from numberlist and populating the order in the array

            #region update character actions

            for (int x = 0; x < Program._aStronghold._commoners.Count; x++)
                person = ((Character)Program._aStronghold._commoners[commonerUpdateOrder[x]]);                 //goes through commoner order list

                if (person._health.hp.HealthState == HealthState.Alive)
                    job = Program._aStronghold.searchJobByID(person._jobID);

                    if (person._characterActions.Count > 0)
                        person._currentActionFinishTime = person._characterActions.Peek().FinishTime;

                    if (person._currentActionFinishTime > Program._gametime)
                    }                    //person is doing something - wait until action is over
                    else                 //person is finished doing action, do results
                        switch (person._characterActions.Peek().Action)
                            #region buyingfood
                        case CharacterState.BuyingFood:
                            if (person._characterPreviousActions.Last()._action == CharacterState.BuyingFood)
                            }                            //if person has been trying to buy food twice in a row then have the
                                LinkedList <Building> granaries = Program._aStronghold.searchBuildingsByType(Consts.granary);
                                InventoryItem         food;
                                int totalFood      = 0;
                                int granaryIDToBuy = -1;

                                if (granaries.Count != 0)
                                    foreach (BuildingWithJobsAndInventory granary in granaries)
                                        if (granary.BuildingState == BuildingState.Built)
                                            food = granary.searchInventoryByID(Consts.FOOD_ID);
                                            if (food != null)
                                                totalFood += food.Quantity;
                                                if (granary.InventoryCapacity.Current != 0)
                                                    granaryIDToBuy = granary.BuildingID;

                                    if (person._characterinventory.searchForItemByName(Consts.GOLD_NAME).Quantity == 0)
                                    else if (totalFood == 0)
                                        if (granaryIDToBuy != -1)
                                        //else no granaries were found
                                    }                                    //else buy food from granaryIDTobuy

                            #region eating
                        case CharacterState.Eating:
                            person._bodyneeds.HungerState = HungerState.JustAte;
                            person._characterActions.Dequeue();                             //action is finished

                            #region lookingforplacetolive
                        case CharacterState.LookingForPlaceToLive:
                            if (person._homeID == Consts.stronghold_yard)
                                buildingID         = person.findPlaceToLive();
                                person._homeID     = buildingID;
                                person._locationID = buildingID;
                            }                            //person is looking for place to live, returns STRONGHOLD_YARD if does not find any

                            if (person._homeID != Consts.stronghold_yard)
                            }                            //person found place to live

                            #region sleeping
                        case CharacterState.Sleeping:
                            person._bodyneeds.SleepState = SleepState.Awake;

                            #region working
                        case CharacterState.Working:
                            item = person._characterinventory.retrieveItemInInventory(null, Consts.GOLD_ID);
                            if (item != null)
                                item.Quantity += job.Payroll;
                            }                            //person has gold
                                person._characterinventory.putInInventory(new InventoryItem(Consts.GOLD_NAME, Consts.GOLD_ID, Consts.GOLD_WEIGHT, job.Payroll));
                            }                            //person doesn't have gold, put gold into inventory
                            if (String.Compare(job.JobName, Consts.builderName) == 0)
                                Building building;
                                Program._aStronghold.searchBuildingByID(job.BuildingID, out building);

                                if (building != null)
                                    job.BuildingID = Consts.stronghold_yard;
                            }                            //builder stops working , need to take builder off building

                    #region person current action
                    if (person._characterActions.Count > 0)
                        if (person._characterActions.Peek().Action == CharacterState.Idle)
                            Gametime finishTime;
                            #region Hunger check
                            //Check if hungry
                            if (person._bodyneeds.HungerState == HungerState.JustAte)
                                person._bodyneeds.HungerState  = HungerState.Full;
                                person._health.hp.Regeneration = 1;
                            }                            //just ate last round, this round character is full
                            else if (person._bodyneeds.HungerState == HungerState.Full &&
                                     Program._gametime >= person._bodyneeds.LastAteTime + (int)Consts.hungerTimer.Normal)
                                person._bodyneeds.HungerState  = HungerState.Normal;
                                person._health.hp.Regeneration = 0;
                            }                            //pass normal hunger time and loses hp regeneration
                            else if (person._bodyneeds.HungerState == HungerState.Normal &&
                                     Program._gametime > person._bodyneeds.LastAteTime + (int)Consts.hungerTimer.Full)
                                person._bodyneeds.HungerState = HungerState.Hungry;
                            }                            //pass hungry hunger time
                            else if (person._bodyneeds.HungerState == HungerState.Hungry)
                                person._bodyneeds.HungerState  = HungerState.Hungry;
                                person._health.hp.Regeneration = -1;
                            }                            //if hungry and then remains hungry and loses hp every game tick
                            #region Sleep check
                            if (Program._gametime > person._bodyneeds.LastSleptTime + (int)Consts.sleepTimer.Awake)
                                person._bodyneeds.SleepState = SleepState.MustSleep;
                                finishTime = Program._gametime + Consts.actionsData[(int)CharacterState.Sleeping]._actionDuration;
                                person._characterActions.insertItemIntoQueue(new CharacterAction(CharacterState.Sleeping, Consts.actionsData[(int)CharacterState.Sleeping]._actionPriority, finishTime));
                            #region Employment check
                            if (person._jobID == -1)                             //&& person wants to look for job)
                                LinkedList <Job> listOfAvailableJobs = Program._aStronghold.getAllAvailableJobs();
                                if (listOfAvailableJobs.Count > 0)
                                    Job availableJob = new Job();

                                    if (Program._aStronghold.hasAtLeastOneBuilderEmployed())
                                        //randomly picks an available job
                                        availableJob = listOfAvailableJobs.ElementAt(Consts.rand.Next(0, listOfAvailableJobs.Count - 1));
                                    }                                    //if there is at least one builder in stronghold
                                        availableJob = Program._aStronghold.searchFirstAvailableJobByName(Consts.builderName);
                                    }                                    //choose builder job for applying

                                    Building building = new Building();
                                    Program._aStronghold.searchBuildingByID(availableJob.BuildingID, out building);

                                    if (building.BuildingState == BuildingState.Built)
                                    }                            //building that is providing with the job must be built first
                                }                                //there are jobs in stronghold
                                    if (!Program._aStronghold.farmsHasAvailableJobs() && !Program._aStronghold.hasEnoughPlannedOrConstruction(
                                        Program._aStronghold._leader._decisionmaker.insertPhenomenon(Consts.stronghold, Consts.stronghold_jobs, subobject.Capacity, behaviour.Empty, parameters.None); //no jobs
                                    }                                                                                                                                                                  //if there are no available jobs in the farms and no farms are currently planned or under construction
                                }                                                                                                                                                                      //no available jobs in stronghold
                            }                                                                                                                                                                          //person applies for first job in the list
                                if (job != null)
                                    if (Program._gametime >= job.StartDate && Program._gametime < job.EndDate)
                                        if (Program._gametime.compareTimeOnly(job.StartTime) <= 0 &&                                        //gametime >= job start time
                                            Program._gametime.compareTimeOnly(job.EndTime) > 0)                                             //gametime <= job end time
                                            bool needToWork = true;
                                            if (String.Compare(job.JobName, Consts.builderName) == 0)
                                                LinkedList <Building> allPlannedBuildings = Program._aStronghold.searchBuildingsByBuildingState(BuildingState.UnderConstruction);
                                                if (allPlannedBuildings.Count == 0)
                                                    needToWork = false;
                                                }                                                //no buildings to build so finish working
                                                else if (job.BuildingID != allPlannedBuildings.First.Value.BuildingID)
                                                    job.BuildingID = allPlannedBuildings.First.Value.BuildingID;
                                                }                                        //assign builder to building only if the builder is not already assigned
                                            }                                            //if person is a builder

                                            if (needToWork)
                                                Gametime workTimeRelative = new Gametime(Program._gametime.Day, job.EndTime.Hour, job.EndTime.Minute);
                                                if (job.EndDate >= workTimeRelative)
                                                    finishTime = workTimeRelative;
                                                    finishTime = job.EndDate;
                                                person._characterActions.insertItemIntoQueue(new CharacterAction(CharacterState.Working, Consts.actionsData[(int)CharacterState.Working]._actionPriority, finishTime));
                                        }                                //gametime is between job start time and end time
                                    }                                    //job position is open
                                        Program._aStronghold._allJobs.Find(job).Value.JobStatus = JobStatus.Closed;
                                        person._jobID = -1;
                                    }                    //job is no longer available - taken off the market
                                }                        //person is already employed
                            }                            //person already employed or doesn't want to work
                            #region Accomondation check

                            if (person._locationID == Consts.stronghold_yard && person._homeID == Consts.stronghold_yard)
                                finishTime = Program._gametime;
                                person._characterActions.insertItemIntoQueue(new CharacterAction(CharacterState.LookingForPlaceToLive, Consts.actionsData[(int)CharacterState.LookingForPlaceToLive]._actionPriority, finishTime));

                        else if (person._characterActions.Peek().Action == CharacterState.Eating)
                            person._health.staminaUsedThisTick = 3;
                        else if (person._characterActions.Peek().Action == CharacterState.LookingForPlaceToLive)
                            person._health.staminaUsedThisTick = 5;
                        else if (person._characterActions.Peek().Action == CharacterState.Sleeping)
                            person._locationID = person._homeID;
                        else if (person._characterActions.Peek().Action == CharacterState.Working)
                            person._health.staminaUsedThisTick = 10;
                            person._locationID = job.BuildingID;
                            if (String.Compare(job.JobName, Consts.builderName) == 0)
                                LinkedList <Building> allPlannedBuildings = Program._aStronghold.searchBuildingsByBuildingState(BuildingState.UnderConstruction);
                                if (allPlannedBuildings.Count == 0)
                                }                                //no buildings to build so finish working

                    #region person health update
                    //person health is updated at the end of each tick
                    person._health.hp.Current         += person._health.hp.Regeneration;
                    person._health.stamina.Current     = person._health.stamina.Current + person._health.stamina.Regeneration - person._health.staminaUsedThisTick;
                    person._health.staminaUsedThisTick = 0; //reset the stamina usage at the end of gametick
                }                                           //if person is alive then update actions


            #region update building actions

            int totalFoodProduced = 0;
            foreach (Building building in Program._aStronghold._buildingsList)
                #region building construction phases

                if (building.BuildingState != BuildingState.Built)
                    //update man working hours
                    building.NumberOfManBuildingHoursLeft -= building.NumberOfCurrentBuilders;

                    //update building constructor status
                    if ((building.NumberOfManBuildingHoursLeft < 0 && building.BuildingState != BuildingState.Built))
                        building.BuildingState = BuildingState.Built;
                    }                                                                                                    //building is finished
                    else if (Program._gametime >= building.StartBuildTime && building.NumberOfManBuildingHoursLeft >= 0) //&& building.BuildingState != BuildingState.UnderConstruction)
                        building.BuildingState = BuildingState.UnderConstruction;
                    }            //building is underconstruction
                }                //update building phases only if the building is not built

                if (Program._gametime.isMidnight())
                    if (building.Type == && building.BuildingState == BuildingState.Built)
                        int[] jobList = ((BuildingWithJobsAndInventory)building).Jobs;
                        for (int i = 0; i < jobList.Length; i++)
                            if (null != jobList && jobList[i] > 0)
                                if (Program._aStronghold.searchJobByID(jobList[i]).JobStatus == JobStatus.Taken)
                                    totalFoodProduced += Consts.numberOfFoodProducedPerFarmer;
                                } //job is taken and hence producing food
                            }     //job list has jobs
                    }             //transfer farm foods to granary at end of the day
                }                 //occurs at the end of each day

            bool          notthrown = false;
            InventoryItem foodTransferredToGranary = new InventoryItem(Consts.FOOD_NAME, Consts.FOOD_ID, Consts.FOOD_WEIGHT, totalFoodProduced);
            int           foodLeftAfterTransfer    = totalFoodProduced;
            if (totalFoodProduced > 0)
                foreach (Building building in Program._aStronghold._buildingsList)
                    if (building.Type == Consts.granary && !notthrown && building.BuildingState == BuildingState.Built)
                        BuildingWithJobsAndInventory granary = building as BuildingWithJobsAndInventory;
                        if (granary.hasEnoughStorageSpace())
                            //Building result;

                            //Program._aStronghold.searchBuildingByID(granary.BuildingID, out result);

                            if (granary.InventoryCapacity.Max - granary.InventoryCapacity.Current >= foodTransferredToGranary.Quantity)
                                foodLeftAfterTransfer = 0;
                                notthrown             = true;
                            }                            //no surplus of food left after transfer
                                foodLeftAfterTransfer = foodTransferredToGranary.Quantity - (granary.InventoryCapacity.Max - granary.InventoryCapacity.Current);
                            }                            //surplus of food , need to throw some out

                        }                        //granary has enough room to store
                if (!notthrown)
                    //food wasted
                    if (!Program._aStronghold.hasEnoughPlannedOrConstruction(Consts.granary))
                        Program._aStronghold._leader._decisionmaker.insertPhenomenon(Consts.stronghold, Consts.granary, subobject.Existence, behaviour.Empty, parameters.None);
            }    //transfer food only if food produced is > 0
        }        //actions to do in every game tick
Beispiel #9
 public void CopyGameTime(Gametime target)
     _minute = target.Minute;
     _day    = target.Day;
     _hour   = target.Hour;
Beispiel #10
 public Gametime(Gametime target)