private string _PatternToFind = "APP_PARAM_APPFLAG_SENSORS_"; // Pattern to use to detect sensors group

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        // Constructor ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Try to read "AppConfig.h" for getting current flags enabled
        /// </summary>
        public CommandActiveSensorsFlag()
            List<string> Buffer = null;
            TextFile AppConfigFile = new TextFile();

            // First step : Read "../AppConfig.h"
            //Buffer = AppConfigFile.Load("../AppConfig.h");

            if (Buffer == null)
              //              Buffer = AppConfigFile.Load();

            if(Buffer == null)

            // Extratct data from buffer
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Write the current data stored into this object into a specific file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Filename">Name of the file to use for storing data</param>
        /// <returns>True if the file has been written, false otherwise</returns>
        public bool WriteFile(String OutputFilename, String PatternFilename)
            bool Ret = false;
            String ReadPatternLine = null;
            String CheckPatternLine = null;
            int CurrentLoop = -1;
            List<String> PatternBlock = null;

            if ((OutputFilename != null) && (PatternFilename != null) && (_Items.Count() > 0))
                // Create the output file and open the pattern file
                TextFile PatternFile = new TextFile(PatternFilename);
                _File = new TextFile();

                if (_File != null)
                    for (int i = 1; i <= PatternFile.GetSize(); i++)
                        // Check all line to change patterns into real value
                        ReadPatternLine = PatternFile.GetLine(i);

                        if (ReadPatternLine != null)
                            // Check line to remove unused char
                            CheckPatternLine = ReadPatternLine;
                            CheckPatternLine = CheckPatternLine.Replace("\t", "");

                            if (CheckPatternLine == "// LoopID = 'LOOPID'")
                                // Create the pattern block
                                PatternBlock = new List<string>();
                                CurrentLoop++;  // Update the current LoopID
                                _File.AddLine(ReadPatternLine.Replace("'LOOPID'", CurrentLoop.ToString()));

                            if(CheckPatternLine == "// StructuredFileLoopEnd")
                                if((PatternBlock != null) && (PatternBlock.Count() > 1))
                                    // Extact values ordered by GID
                                    List<StructValueList> KeyValues = ExtractValues(CurrentLoop);
                                    if (KeyValues != null)
                                        int PatternIterator = 1;    // The first line contains the LOOPID

                                        // Check all items and write only items from current Loop
                                        foreach (StructValueList Values in KeyValues)
                                            // Create pattern line
                                            if (PatternIterator >= PatternBlock.Count())
                                                PatternIterator = 1;    // The first line contains the LOOPID

                                            string ExportLine = PatternBlock[PatternIterator];

                                            // We have found value for the current GID, we split it to add them to the specific loop
                                            string[] KeyToAdd = Values.KeyList.Split('|');
                                            string[] ValueToAdd = Values.ValueList.Split('|');

                                            // Change the 'PATTERN_COUNTER' value
                                            ExportLine = ExportLine.Replace("'PATTERN_COUNTER'", Values.CaseID.ToString());

                                            // Write values into final string
                                            for (int j = 0; j < KeyToAdd.Length; j++)
                                                ExportLine = ExportLine.Replace("'" + KeyToAdd[j] + "'", ValueToAdd[j]);

                                            // Write final line

                                // Clear PatternBlock
                                PatternBlock = null;

                            if (PatternBlock == null)
                                foreach(StructuredFileKey PatternKey in _Items)
                                    if(PatternKey.GetLoopID() == -1)
                                        ReadPatternLine = ReadPatternLine.Replace("'" + PatternKey.GetName() + "'", PatternKey.GetValue());

                                // We are reading a pattern block, we add this line into PatternBlock


            return (Ret);
Beispiel #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Open an existing Structured file by using the filename 
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Pathname"></param>
 public StructuredFile(String Pathname)
     _File = new TextFile(Pathname);
Beispiel #4
 // Constructeur ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 /// <summary>
 /// Open an existing Structured file by openning a dialog box
 /// </summary>
 public StructuredFile()
     _File = new TextFile();
Beispiel #5
        // Public ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public void Parse(String PatternFilename)
            List<String> PatternLine = null;
            List<String> PatternLoop = null;
            List<String> LineToCheck = null;
            List<String> LoopToCheck = null;
            String CurrentLine, TestLine, ResultPattern, ResultValue;

            int iCurrentLine = 0, PatternLen = 0, iterator = 0, PatternLoopInitialValue = 0;

            TextFile PatternFile = new TextFile(PatternFilename);

            if ((_File == null) || (null == PatternFile))

            // Clear unused data

            // Search for Loops
            for (iCurrentLine = 1; iCurrentLine <= PatternFile.GetSize(); iCurrentLine++)
                // Read the current line from patter file
                CurrentLine = PatternFile.GetLine(iCurrentLine);

                // Search for inital tag
                if (CurrentLine == "// StructuredFileLoopBegin")
                    // Read the next line
                    CurrentLine = PatternFile.GetLine(iCurrentLine);
                    PatternLen = 0;

                    if (PatternLoop == null)
                        PatternLoopInitialValue = 0;
                        PatternLoopInitialValue = PatternLoop.Count();

                    // Search for final tag into Pattern File
                    while ((CurrentLine != "// StructuredFileLoopEnd") && (iCurrentLine <= PatternFile.GetSize()))
                        if (PatternLoop == null)
                            PatternLoop = new List<string>();

                        if (LoopToCheck == null)
                            LoopToCheck = new List<string>();

                        // Check equivalent line into _File
                        TestLine = _File.GetLine(iCurrentLine);

                        // Add lines into the loop checker (if TestLine is valid)
                        if (TestLine != "// StructuredFileLoopEnd")
                            if(CurrentLine != "// LoopID = 'LOOPID'")   // This line is not included into the pattern

                            // Remove added line (for current file)
                        // Remove added line (for pattern file)

                        CurrentLine = PatternFile.GetLine(iCurrentLine);

                    iterator = PatternLoopInitialValue + 1; // Initial value is computed before adding the first LoopPattern value
                    CurrentLine = _File.GetLine(iCurrentLine);

                    // Search for final tag into current File
                    while ((CurrentLine != "// StructuredFileLoopEnd") && (iCurrentLine <= _File.GetSize()))

                        // Add lines to the loop checker

                        // Remove added lines

                        CurrentLine = _File.GetLine(iCurrentLine);

                        if (iterator > PatternLoopInitialValue + PatternLen)
                            iterator = PatternLoopInitialValue + 1;



            // Clear unchanged line between the Pattern File and currentFile
            for (int i = 1; i <= _File.GetSize(); i++)
                if (PatternFile.GetLine(i) != _File.GetLine(i))
                    if (PatternLine == null)
                        PatternLine = new List<string>();

                    if (LineToCheck == null)
                        LineToCheck = new List<string>();

                    // Add line we have to compare


            // Create the result list for non-loop values
            if (PatternLine != null)
                if (_Items == null)
                    _Items = new List<StructuredFileKey>();

                // Lecture ligne a ligne et sauvegarde des infos
                for (iCurrentLine = 0; iCurrentLine < PatternLine.Count(); iCurrentLine++)
                    int iCurrentPatternChar = 0, iCurrentValueChar = 0;
                    // Traitement de la ligne en cours
                    for (iCurrentValueChar = 0; iCurrentValueChar < LineToCheck[iCurrentLine].Length; iCurrentValueChar++)
                        // Si nous n'avons pas d'overflow
                        if (iCurrentPatternChar < PatternLine[iCurrentLine].Length)
                            if (PatternLine[iCurrentLine].Substring(iCurrentPatternChar, 1) != LineToCheck[iCurrentLine].Substring(iCurrentValueChar, 1))

                                int iStartPatternChar = iCurrentPatternChar;
                                // Des que nous voyons une difference dans les lignes
                                // On recherche la fin du pattern
                                while ((iCurrentPatternChar < PatternLine[iCurrentLine].Length) && (PatternLine[iCurrentLine].Substring(iCurrentPatternChar, 1) != "'"))

                                ResultPattern = PatternLine[iCurrentLine].Substring(iStartPatternChar, iCurrentPatternChar - iStartPatternChar);

                                // Read the next char to get the end of pattern block

                                if (iCurrentPatternChar < PatternLine[iCurrentLine].Length)
                                    int iFirstChar = iCurrentValueChar - 1;
                                    string sLastChar = PatternLine[iCurrentLine].Substring(iCurrentPatternChar, 1);

                                    // Lecture de la valeur reelle dans la liste LineToCheck
                                    while ((iCurrentValueChar < LineToCheck[iCurrentLine].Length) && (LineToCheck[iCurrentLine].Substring(iCurrentValueChar, 1) != sLastChar))

                                    // if the correct kay has been found
                                    if (LineToCheck[iCurrentLine].Substring(iCurrentValueChar, 1) == sLastChar)
                                        ResultValue = LineToCheck[iCurrentLine].Substring(iFirstChar, iCurrentValueChar - iFirstChar);
                                        _Items.Add(new StructuredFileKey(-1, iCurrentLine, ResultPattern, ResultValue));

                        // Incremente la valeur pour suivre iCurrentValueChar

            // Create result list for loop values
            if (PatternLoop != null)
                int CurrentLoopID = -1;

                if (_Items == null)
                    _Items = new List<StructuredFileKey>();

                // Lecture ligne a ligne et sauvegarde des infos
                for (iCurrentLine = 0; iCurrentLine < PatternLoop.Count(); iCurrentLine++)
                    if (PatternLoop[iCurrentLine] == "// LoopID = 'LOOPID'")
                        CurrentLoopID = int.Parse(LoopToCheck[iCurrentLine].Substring("// LoopID = ".Length));
                    else if (PatternLoop[iCurrentLine] == "// StructuredFileLoopEnd")
                        CurrentLoopID = -1;
                        int iCurrentPatternChar = 0, iCurrentValueChar = 0;
                        // Traitement de la ligne en cours
                        for (iCurrentValueChar = 0; iCurrentValueChar < LoopToCheck[iCurrentLine].Length; iCurrentValueChar++)
                            // Si nous n'avons pas d'overflow
                            if (iCurrentPatternChar < PatternLoop[iCurrentLine].Length)
                                if (PatternLoop[iCurrentLine].Substring(iCurrentPatternChar, 1) != LoopToCheck[iCurrentLine].Substring(iCurrentValueChar, 1))


                                    int iStartPatternChar = iCurrentPatternChar;
                                    // Des que nous voyons une difference dans les lignes
                                    // On recherche la fin du pattern
                                    while ((iCurrentPatternChar < PatternLoop[iCurrentLine].Length) && (PatternLoop[iCurrentLine].Substring(iCurrentPatternChar, 1) != "'"))

                                    ResultPattern = PatternLoop[iCurrentLine].Substring(iStartPatternChar, iCurrentPatternChar - iStartPatternChar);

                                    // Read the next char to get the end of pattern block

                                    if (iCurrentPatternChar < PatternLoop[iCurrentLine].Length)
                                        int iFirstChar = iCurrentValueChar - 1;
                                        string sLastChar = PatternLoop[iCurrentLine].Substring(iCurrentPatternChar, 1);

                                        // Lecture de la valeur reelle dans la liste LineToCheck
                                        while ((iCurrentValueChar < LoopToCheck[iCurrentLine].Length) && (LoopToCheck[iCurrentLine].Substring(iCurrentValueChar, 1) != sLastChar))

                                        if (iCurrentValueChar < LoopToCheck[iCurrentLine].Length)
                                            // if the correct key has been found
                                            if (LoopToCheck[iCurrentLine].Substring(iCurrentValueChar, 1) == sLastChar)
                                                ResultValue = LoopToCheck[iCurrentLine].Substring(iFirstChar, iCurrentValueChar - iFirstChar);
                                                _Items.Add(new StructuredFileKey(CurrentLoopID, iCurrentLine, ResultPattern, ResultValue));
                                            _Items.Add(new StructuredFileKey(CurrentLoopID, iCurrentLine, ResultPattern, "\t"));

                            // Incremente la valeur pour suivre iCurrentValueChar

        /// <summary>
        /// Write the current data stored into this object into a specific file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Filename">Name of the file to use for storing data</param>
        /// <returns>True if the file has been written, false otherwise</returns>
        public bool WriteFile(String OutputFilename, String PatternFilename)
            bool          Ret              = false;
            String        ReadPatternLine  = null;
            String        CheckPatternLine = null;
            int           CurrentLoop      = -1;
            List <String> PatternBlock     = null;

            if ((OutputFilename != null) && (PatternFilename != null) && (_Items.Count() > 0))
                // Create the output file and open the pattern file
                TextFile PatternFile = new TextFile(PatternFilename);
                _File = new TextFile();

                if (_File != null)
                    for (int i = 1; i <= PatternFile.GetSize(); i++)
                        // Check all line to change patterns into real value
                        ReadPatternLine = PatternFile.GetLine(i);

                        if (ReadPatternLine != null)
                            // Check line to remove unused char
                            CheckPatternLine = ReadPatternLine;
                            CheckPatternLine = CheckPatternLine.Replace("\t", "");

                            if (CheckPatternLine == "// LoopID = 'LOOPID'")
                                // Create the pattern block
                                PatternBlock = new List <string>();
                                CurrentLoop++;  // Update the current LoopID
                                _File.AddLine(ReadPatternLine.Replace("'LOOPID'", CurrentLoop.ToString()));

                            if (CheckPatternLine == "// StructuredFileLoopEnd")
                                if ((PatternBlock != null) && (PatternBlock.Count() > 1))
                                    // Extact values ordered by GID
                                    List <StructValueList> KeyValues = ExtractValues(CurrentLoop);
                                    if (KeyValues != null)
                                        int PatternIterator = 1;    // The first line contains the LOOPID

                                        // Check all items and write only items from current Loop
                                        foreach (StructValueList Values in KeyValues)
                                            // Create pattern line
                                            if (PatternIterator >= PatternBlock.Count())
                                                PatternIterator = 1;    // The first line contains the LOOPID
                                            string ExportLine = PatternBlock[PatternIterator];

                                            // We have found value for the current GID, we split it to add them to the specific loop
                                            string[] KeyToAdd   = Values.KeyList.Split('|');
                                            string[] ValueToAdd = Values.ValueList.Split('|');

                                            // Change the 'PATTERN_COUNTER' value
                                            ExportLine = ExportLine.Replace("'PATTERN_COUNTER'", Values.CaseID.ToString());

                                            // Write values into final string
                                            for (int j = 0; j < KeyToAdd.Length; j++)
                                                ExportLine = ExportLine.Replace("'" + KeyToAdd[j] + "'", ValueToAdd[j]);

                                            // Write final line

                                // Clear PatternBlock
                                PatternBlock = null;

                            if (PatternBlock == null)
                                foreach (StructuredFileKey PatternKey in _Items)
                                    if (PatternKey.GetLoopID() == -1)
                                        ReadPatternLine = ReadPatternLine.Replace("'" + PatternKey.GetName() + "'", PatternKey.GetValue());

                                // We are reading a pattern block, we add this line into PatternBlock

        // Public ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public void Parse(String PatternFilename)
            List <String> PatternLine = null;
            List <String> PatternLoop = null;
            List <String> LineToCheck = null;
            List <String> LoopToCheck = null;
            String        CurrentLine, TestLine, ResultPattern, ResultValue;

            int iCurrentLine = 0, PatternLen = 0, iterator = 0, PatternLoopInitialValue = 0;

            TextFile PatternFile = new TextFile(PatternFilename);

            if ((_File == null) || (null == PatternFile))

            // Clear unused data

            // Search for Loops
            for (iCurrentLine = 1; iCurrentLine <= PatternFile.GetSize(); iCurrentLine++)
                // Read the current line from patter file
                CurrentLine = PatternFile.GetLine(iCurrentLine);

                // Search for inital tag
                if (CurrentLine == "// StructuredFileLoopBegin")
                    // Read the next line
                    CurrentLine = PatternFile.GetLine(iCurrentLine);
                    PatternLen  = 0;

                    if (PatternLoop == null)
                        PatternLoopInitialValue = 0;
                        PatternLoopInitialValue = PatternLoop.Count();

                    // Search for final tag into Pattern File
                    while ((CurrentLine != "// StructuredFileLoopEnd") && (iCurrentLine <= PatternFile.GetSize()))
                        if (PatternLoop == null)
                            PatternLoop = new List <string>();

                        if (LoopToCheck == null)
                            LoopToCheck = new List <string>();

                        // Check equivalent line into _File
                        TestLine = _File.GetLine(iCurrentLine);

                        // Add lines into the loop checker (if TestLine is valid)
                        if (TestLine != "// StructuredFileLoopEnd")
                            if (CurrentLine != "// LoopID = 'LOOPID'")   // This line is not included into the pattern

                            // Remove added line (for current file)
                        // Remove added line (for pattern file)

                        CurrentLine = PatternFile.GetLine(iCurrentLine);

                    iterator    = PatternLoopInitialValue + 1; // Initial value is computed before adding the first LoopPattern value
                    CurrentLine = _File.GetLine(iCurrentLine);

                    // Search for final tag into current File
                    while ((CurrentLine != "// StructuredFileLoopEnd") && (iCurrentLine <= _File.GetSize()))
                        // Add lines to the loop checker

                        // Remove added lines

                        CurrentLine = _File.GetLine(iCurrentLine);

                        if (iterator > PatternLoopInitialValue + PatternLen)
                            iterator = PatternLoopInitialValue + 1;

            // Clear unchanged line between the Pattern File and currentFile
            for (int i = 1; i <= _File.GetSize(); i++)
                if (PatternFile.GetLine(i) != _File.GetLine(i))
                    if (PatternLine == null)
                        PatternLine = new List <string>();

                    if (LineToCheck == null)
                        LineToCheck = new List <string>();

                    // Add line we have to compare

            // Create the result list for non-loop values
            if (PatternLine != null)
                if (_Items == null)
                    _Items = new List <StructuredFileKey>();

                // Lecture ligne a ligne et sauvegarde des infos
                for (iCurrentLine = 0; iCurrentLine < PatternLine.Count(); iCurrentLine++)
                    int iCurrentPatternChar = 0, iCurrentValueChar = 0;
                    // Traitement de la ligne en cours
                    for (iCurrentValueChar = 0; iCurrentValueChar < LineToCheck[iCurrentLine].Length; iCurrentValueChar++)
                        // Si nous n'avons pas d'overflow
                        if (iCurrentPatternChar < PatternLine[iCurrentLine].Length)
                            if (PatternLine[iCurrentLine].Substring(iCurrentPatternChar, 1) != LineToCheck[iCurrentLine].Substring(iCurrentValueChar, 1))

                                int iStartPatternChar = iCurrentPatternChar;
                                // Des que nous voyons une difference dans les lignes
                                // On recherche la fin du pattern
                                while ((iCurrentPatternChar < PatternLine[iCurrentLine].Length) && (PatternLine[iCurrentLine].Substring(iCurrentPatternChar, 1) != "'"))

                                ResultPattern = PatternLine[iCurrentLine].Substring(iStartPatternChar, iCurrentPatternChar - iStartPatternChar);

                                // Read the next char to get the end of pattern block

                                if (iCurrentPatternChar < PatternLine[iCurrentLine].Length)
                                    int    iFirstChar = iCurrentValueChar - 1;
                                    string sLastChar  = PatternLine[iCurrentLine].Substring(iCurrentPatternChar, 1);

                                    // Lecture de la valeur reelle dans la liste LineToCheck
                                    while ((iCurrentValueChar < LineToCheck[iCurrentLine].Length) && (LineToCheck[iCurrentLine].Substring(iCurrentValueChar, 1) != sLastChar))

                                    // if the correct kay has been found
                                    if (LineToCheck[iCurrentLine].Substring(iCurrentValueChar, 1) == sLastChar)
                                        ResultValue = LineToCheck[iCurrentLine].Substring(iFirstChar, iCurrentValueChar - iFirstChar);
                                        _Items.Add(new StructuredFileKey(-1, iCurrentLine, ResultPattern, ResultValue));

                        // Incremente la valeur pour suivre iCurrentValueChar

            // Create result list for loop values
            if (PatternLoop != null)
                int CurrentLoopID = -1;

                if (_Items == null)
                    _Items = new List <StructuredFileKey>();

                // Lecture ligne a ligne et sauvegarde des infos
                for (iCurrentLine = 0; iCurrentLine < PatternLoop.Count(); iCurrentLine++)
                    if (PatternLoop[iCurrentLine] == "// LoopID = 'LOOPID'")
                        CurrentLoopID = int.Parse(LoopToCheck[iCurrentLine].Substring("// LoopID = ".Length));
                    else if (PatternLoop[iCurrentLine] == "// StructuredFileLoopEnd")
                        CurrentLoopID = -1;
                        int iCurrentPatternChar = 0, iCurrentValueChar = 0;
                        // Traitement de la ligne en cours
                        for (iCurrentValueChar = 0; iCurrentValueChar < LoopToCheck[iCurrentLine].Length; iCurrentValueChar++)
                            // Si nous n'avons pas d'overflow
                            if (iCurrentPatternChar < PatternLoop[iCurrentLine].Length)
                                if (PatternLoop[iCurrentLine].Substring(iCurrentPatternChar, 1) != LoopToCheck[iCurrentLine].Substring(iCurrentValueChar, 1))

                                    int iStartPatternChar = iCurrentPatternChar;
                                    // Des que nous voyons une difference dans les lignes
                                    // On recherche la fin du pattern
                                    while ((iCurrentPatternChar < PatternLoop[iCurrentLine].Length) && (PatternLoop[iCurrentLine].Substring(iCurrentPatternChar, 1) != "'"))

                                    ResultPattern = PatternLoop[iCurrentLine].Substring(iStartPatternChar, iCurrentPatternChar - iStartPatternChar);

                                    // Read the next char to get the end of pattern block

                                    if (iCurrentPatternChar < PatternLoop[iCurrentLine].Length)
                                        int    iFirstChar = iCurrentValueChar - 1;
                                        string sLastChar  = PatternLoop[iCurrentLine].Substring(iCurrentPatternChar, 1);

                                        // Lecture de la valeur reelle dans la liste LineToCheck
                                        while ((iCurrentValueChar < LoopToCheck[iCurrentLine].Length) && (LoopToCheck[iCurrentLine].Substring(iCurrentValueChar, 1) != sLastChar))

                                        if (iCurrentValueChar < LoopToCheck[iCurrentLine].Length)
                                            // if the correct key has been found
                                            if (LoopToCheck[iCurrentLine].Substring(iCurrentValueChar, 1) == sLastChar)
                                                ResultValue = LoopToCheck[iCurrentLine].Substring(iFirstChar, iCurrentValueChar - iFirstChar);
                                                _Items.Add(new StructuredFileKey(CurrentLoopID, iCurrentLine, ResultPattern, ResultValue));
                                            _Items.Add(new StructuredFileKey(CurrentLoopID, iCurrentLine, ResultPattern, "\t"));

                            // Incremente la valeur pour suivre iCurrentValueChar

 /// <summary>
 /// Open an existing Structured file by using the filename
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Pathname"></param>
 public StructuredFile(String Pathname)
     _File = new TextFile(Pathname);
 // Constructeur ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 /// <summary>
 /// Open an existing Structured file by openning a dialog box
 /// </summary>
 public StructuredFile()
     _File = new TextFile();