Beispiel #1
        public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime, Frame frame)
            var ir = new ImperativeRenderer(frame, Materials);
            ir.AutoIncrementLayer = true;

            ir.Clear(color: ClearColor);

            var rect1 = new Rectangle(0, 0, 32, 32);
            var rect2 = new Rectangle(1, 1, 30, 30);

            var drawSet = (Action<Rectangle, float>)((r, y) => {
                DrawRow(ref ir, 0f, y + 0f, SamplerState.PointClamp, r);
                DrawRow(ref ir, 0.5f, y + 1 + 64f, SamplerState.PointClamp, r);
                DrawRow(ref ir, 0f, (y + 3 + 128) + 0.5f, SamplerState.PointClamp, r);

                DrawRow(ref ir, 0f, y + 5 + 192f, SamplerState.LinearClamp, r);
                DrawRow(ref ir, 0.5f, y + 7 + 256f, SamplerState.LinearClamp, r);
                DrawRow(ref ir, 0f, (y + 9 + 320) + 0.5f, SamplerState.LinearClamp, r);

            drawSet(rect1, 0f);

            drawSet(rect2, (70f*6));

            var cornerSamplers = SamplerState.LinearClamp;
            ir.Draw(TestTexture, new Vector2(Graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth - 1, Graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight - 1), origin: new Vector2(1, 1), samplerState: cornerSamplers);
            ir.Draw(TestTexture, new Vector2(0, Graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight - 1), origin: new Vector2(0, 1), samplerState: cornerSamplers);
            ir.Draw(TestTexture, new Vector2(Graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth - 1, 0), origin: new Vector2(1, 0), samplerState: cornerSamplers);
        private void DrawRow(ref ImperativeRenderer ir, float x, float y, SamplerState samplerState)
            var sourceRect = new Rectangle(1, 1, 30, 30);

            ir.Draw(TestTexture, x, y, sourceRect, samplerState: samplerState);
            x += 64f;
            ir.Draw(TestTexture, x, y, sourceRect, scaleX: 2f, scaleY: 2f, samplerState: samplerState);
            x += 96f;

            for (float r = 0.1f; r < Math.PI / 2f; r += 0.2f) {
                ir.Draw(TestTexture, x, y, sourceRect, rotation: r, samplerState: samplerState);

                x += 64f;
Beispiel #3
        public void Draw(Frame frame, ref ImperativeRenderer renderer)
            renderer.FillRectangle(Bounds.Expand(4, 4), Color.Black * 0.9f);
            renderer.Layer += 1;
            renderer.OutlineRectangle(Bounds.Expand(4, 4), Color.White);
            renderer.Layer += 1;

            int charactersLeft = DisplayedCharacterCount;

            foreach (var s in Strings) {
                int charactersToDraw = Math.Min(charactersLeft, s.Layout.Count);
                if (s.IsMu) {
                    var offset = new Vector2((float)BlippyRNG.NextDouble(-1, 1), (float)BlippyRNG.NextDouble(-1, 1));
                    var scale = (float)BlippyRNG.NextDouble(0.95f, 1.05f);
                    var rotation = (float)BlippyRNG.NextDouble(-0.04f, 0.04f);

                    var dc = s.Layout.DrawCalls.Array[s.Layout.DrawCalls.Offset];
                    dc.Position += offset;
                    dc.ScaleF = scale;
                    dc.Rotation = rotation;
                    dc.MultiplyColor *= (float)BlippyRNG.NextDouble(0.7f, 1.1f);

                    renderer.Draw(ref dc);
                } else {
                    renderer.DrawMultiple(s.Layout.Slice(0, charactersToDraw));
                charactersLeft -= s.Length;

            renderer.Layer += 1;

            if (AdvancePromptVisible) {
                var advancePromptPosition = Bounds.BottomRight;
                advancePromptPosition.Y -= Squared.Util.Arithmetic.PulseSine((float)(Squared.Util.Time.Seconds * 0.66), 0f, 24f);
                renderer.Draw(AdvancePromptIcon, advancePromptPosition, origin: new Vector2(0.85f, 0.8f));

            renderer.Layer += 1;
Beispiel #4
        private void DrawHud(Frame frame)
            Rectangle titleSafeArea = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea;
            Vector2 hudLocation = new Vector2(titleSafeArea.X, titleSafeArea.Y);
            Vector2 center = new Vector2(titleSafeArea.X + titleSafeArea.Width / 2.0f,
                                         titleSafeArea.Y + titleSafeArea.Height / 2.0f);

            // Draw time remaining. Uses modulo division to cause blinking when the
            // player is running out of time.
            string timeString = "TIME: " + level.TimeRemaining.Minutes.ToString("00") + ":" + level.TimeRemaining.Seconds.ToString("00");
            Color timeColor;
            if (level.TimeRemaining > WarningTime ||
                level.ReachedExit ||
                (int)level.TimeRemaining.TotalSeconds % 2 == 0) {
                timeColor = Color.Yellow;
            } else {
                timeColor = Color.Red;

            var renderer = new ImperativeRenderer(frame, materials, 100, blendState: BlendState.AlphaBlend);

            renderer.DrawString(hudFont, timeString, hudLocation, timeColor, sortKey: 1);
            renderer.DrawString(hudFont, timeString, hudLocation + Vector2.One, Color.Black, sortKey: 0);

            var timeHeight = hudFont.MeasureString(timeString).Y;
            hudLocation.Y = (float)Math.Floor(hudLocation.Y + (timeHeight * 1.2f));

            var scoreText = "SCORE: " + level.Score;
            renderer.DrawString(hudFont, scoreText, hudLocation, Color.Yellow, sortKey: 1);
            renderer.DrawString(hudFont, scoreText, hudLocation + Vector2.One, Color.Black, sortKey: 0);

            // Determine the status overlay message to show.
            Texture2D status = null;
            if (level.TimeRemaining == TimeSpan.Zero) {
                if (level.ReachedExit) {
                    status = winOverlay;
                } else {
                    status = loseOverlay;
            } else if (!level.Player.IsAlive) {
                status = diedOverlay;

            if (status != null) {
                // Draw status message.
                Vector2 statusSize = new Vector2(status.Width, status.Height);
                renderer.Draw(status, center - statusSize / 2);
Beispiel #5
        public static void DrawCursor(Game game, ref ImperativeRenderer renderer, Vector2 itemPosition, Vector2 menuSize, Vector2 itemSize)
            var time = (float)Time.Seconds;
            var scale = Vector2.One;
            var offset = Arithmetic.Pulse(time, 0.6f, 0.75f);
            var origin = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f);
            var bounds = new Bounds(Vector2.Zero, Vector2.One);

            itemPosition.X -= (game.Cursor.Width * offset);
            itemPosition.Y += (itemSize.Y / 2.0f);
            var drawCall = new Squared.Render.BitmapDrawCall(
                game.Cursor, itemPosition, bounds, Color.White, scale, origin

            renderer.Draw(ref drawCall);

            itemPosition.X += menuSize.X + (game.Cursor.Width * offset * 2.0f);
            drawCall.Position = itemPosition;
            drawCall.Mirror(true, false);

            renderer.Draw(ref drawCall);
Beispiel #6
        public void Draw(Frame frame, ref ImperativeRenderer renderer)
            var now = Time.Ticks;
            float alpha = (float)(TimeSpan.FromTicks(now - ShownWhen).TotalSeconds / FadeInTime);
            var color = new Color(
                alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha

            renderer.Draw(new Squared.Render.BitmapDrawCall(
                Image, Center, new Bounds(Vector2.Zero, Vector2.One), color,
                Vector2.One, new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)
Beispiel #7
        private void DrawRow(ref ImperativeRenderer ir, float x, float y, SamplerState samplerState, Rectangle sourceRect)
            var tlState = samplerState;
            if ((x == 0) && (y == 0))
                tlState = SamplerState.LinearClamp;

            ir.Draw(TestTexture, x, y, sourceRect, samplerState: tlState);
            x += 64f;
            ir.Draw(TestTexture, x, y, sourceRect, scaleX: 2f, scaleY: 2f, samplerState: samplerState);
            x += 96f;

            for (float r = 0.1f; r < Math.PI / 2f; r += 0.2f) {
                ir.Draw(TestTexture, x, y, sourceRect, rotation: r, samplerState: samplerState);

                x += 64f;