//Use ExpressionEngine to evaluate cell's text value and set its Value
        public void EvaluateCell(Cell cell)
            //typecast cell into Instance cell so we can change its value
            CellInstance instance = cell as CellInstance;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cell.Text))
                //just make value the empty string
                //fire off the property changed event for "Value"
                CellPropertyChanged(cell, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Value"));

            //if it is an equation and not just equals sign evaluate it
            else if (cell.Text[0] == '=' && cell.Text.Length > 1)
                bool error = false;

                //create instance of expression
                Expression exp = new Expression();

                //set string expression
                exp.stringExpression = cell.Text.Substring(1);

                //get variables so we can set them in the spreadsheet dictionary

                List<string> expressionVariables = exp.getVariables();

                //go through each variable and add it to the spreadsheet variables
                foreach (string variable in expressionVariables)
                    //check for errors
                    //check if self ref
                    if(variable == cell.Name)
                        instance.SetValue("!(self reference)");
                        error = true;

                    //check if cell exists
                    if(GetCell(variable) == null)
                        instance.SetValue("!(bad reference)");
                        error = true;

                    //check if circular ref
                    if(IsCircularReference(variable, cell.Name))
                        //just set current cell to show error message (design choice)
                        instance.SetValue("!(circular reference)");
                        error = true;

                    Cell variableCell = GetCell(variable);
                    //variable to store value if one exists
                    double variableValue;

                    //if cell value is null set to zero in expression
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(variableCell.Value))
                        exp.setVariable(variable, 0);
                    else if (!double.TryParse(variableCell.Value, out variableValue))
                        //this cell isnt a value
                        exp.setVariable(variable, 0);
                        //is a value so set it normal
                        exp.setVariable(variable, variableValue);

                if (error)
                    CellPropertyChanged(cell, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Value"));

                //now variables are set
                //evaluate expression and set the cells value to the result
                //fire off the cell changed event for cell value
                CellPropertyChanged(cell, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Value"));
                // this means its not an expression so just set it to the value of the text
                CellPropertyChanged(cell, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Value"));

            //now need to evaluate all cells that this cell references (recursively)
            if (_references.ContainsKey(instance.Name))
                foreach (string cellName in _references[instance.Name])
Beispiel #2
        private bool hasCircularRef(Cell cell, string cell_name)
            List<bool> falses = new List<bool>();

            if (cell.dependents.Count == 0)
                return false;
                foreach (string dependent in cell.dependents)
                    int col = dependent[0] - 'A';//col of dependent cell
                    int row = Convert.ToInt32(dependent.Substring(1)) - 1;//row of dependent cell

                    if (dependent != cell_name)
                        falses.Add(hasCircularRef(this.getCell(row, col), cell_name));
                    else//the original cell depends on this cell

                        //SSCell dependent_cell = this.getCell(row, col) as SSCell;
                        //.setValueNoTrigger("circ ref");
                        return true;

                foreach (bool f in falses)
                    if(f == true)
                        return true;

                return false;
Beispiel #3
        protected void OnCellPropertyChanged(Cell c, string text)
            PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = CellPropertyChanged;

            if (handler != null)
                handler(c, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(text));
Beispiel #4
                public UndoRedoCollection(string Input, Cell InputCell, int OldColor)
                    //copy data to our native cell
                    m_cell = InputCell;

                    //copy data to native variables
                    m_text = Input;
                    OrigColor = OldColor;
Beispiel #5
                public UndoRedoCollection(string Input, Cell InputCell, string OldData)
                    //copy data to our native cell
                    m_cell = InputCell;

                    //copy data to our native variables
                    m_text = Input;
                    OrigText = OldData;
Beispiel #6
        private void CheckErr(SpreadsheetCell cell, ErrType err, string root)
            /* This function will check the passed error and update the cell accordingly
             * This function will also update cells referencing an error with the location
               where the error is occuring (exluding Circular references)
             * Reinitializes cell delegate */
            if (cell.Text == "") // Skips cells that have been reset
            if (err == ErrType.BadRef) // BAD REFERENCES
                if (CellToString(cell) == root)
                    cell = new Cell(cell, "=<BAD_REF::SRC>"); // Plants the source of the error
                    cell = new Cell(cell, "=<BAD_REF::AT[" + root + "]"); // Updates the cell's value with the location of the error
            else if (err == ErrType.SelfRef) // SELF REFERENCES
                if (CellToString(cell) == root)
                    cell = new Cell(cell, "=<SELF_REF::SRC>");
                    cell = new Cell(cell, "=<SELF_REF::AT[" + root + "]");
            else if (err == ErrType.CircRef) // CIRCULAR REFERENCES
                cell = new Cell(cell, "=<CIRC_REF>");
            else if (err == ErrType.DivZero) // DIVISION BY ZERO
                if (CellToString(cell) == root)
                    cell = new Cell(cell, "=<DIV_ZERO::SRC>");
                    cell = new Cell(cell, "=<DIV_ZERO::AT[" + root + "]");
            else if (err == ErrType.InvExp) // INVALID EXPRESSIONS
                if (CellToString(cell) == root)
                    cell = new Cell(cell, "=<INV_EXP::SRC>");
                    cell = new Cell(cell, "=<INV::EXP::AT[" + root + "]");

            if (err != ErrType.None)
                cellArr[cell.RowIndex, cell.ColumnIndex] = new Cell(cell, cell.Value);
                cellArr[cell.RowIndex, cell.ColumnIndex].PropertyChanged += detect_PropertyChanged; // Reassigns the the detect_property function to the cell's delegate

                CellPropertyChanged(cellArr[cell.RowIndex, cell.ColumnIndex], new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Value")); // fires the event that notifies the GUI of a change
Beispiel #7
        private Stack<CmdCollection> RedoStack; // Will store all redo commands

        public Spreadsheet(int numRows, int numColumns, int DefaultCellColor)
            cellArr = new Cell[numRows, numColumns];
            width = numColumns;
            height = numRows;

            for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) // Initializes Rows
                for (int j = 0; j < numColumns; j++) // Initializes Columns
                    cellArr[i, j] = new Cell(i, j, DefaultCellColor); // Creates a new cell with it specific row and column indicies
                    cellArr[i, j].PropertyChanged += detect_PropertyChanged; // Subscribes the detect_PropertyChanged to each cell contained

            UndoStack = new Stack<CmdCollection>();
            RedoStack = new Stack<CmdCollection>();

            StartCellColor = DefaultCellColor; // Tells the cells which color to initially be