Beispiel #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Join 3 table ExhibitionGameStats, ExhibitionGameStatsHeaders,TeamIconMSTs
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="gameType">Game type </param>
 /// <returns>List of ranking information</returns>
 private NpbOrderViewModel GetExhibitionGameStats(int gameType)
     NpbEntities npb = new NpbEntities();
     var firstHeader = from header in npb.ExhibitionGameStatsHeader
                        select header;
     if (firstHeader == null || !firstHeader.Any())
         return null;
     var query = from egs in npb.ExhibitionGameStats
                 join egsHeader in npb.ExhibitionGameStatsHeader on egs.ExhibitionGameStatsHeaderId equals egsHeader.ExhibitionGameStatsHeaderId
                 join ti in npb.TeamIconNpb on egs.TeamCD equals ti.TeamCD
                 select new NpbOfficialStatsViewModel
                     TeamID = egs.TeamCD,
                     GameAssortment = egsHeader.GameAssortment,
                     TeamIcon = ti.TeamIcon,
                     Ranking = egs.Ranking,
                     ShortNameTeam = egs.ShortNameTeam,
                     Game = egs.Game,
                     Win = egs.Win,
                     Lose = egs.Lose,
                     Draw = egs.Draw,
                     WinningPercentage = egs.WinningPercentage,
                     CreatedDate = egs.CreatedDate,
                     GameBehind = egs.GameBehind
                 } into exhibitionGameStats
                 where (exhibitionGameStats.GameAssortment == gameType)
                 orderby exhibitionGameStats.Ranking
                 select exhibitionGameStats;
     NpbOrderViewModel orderViewModel = new NpbOrderViewModel();
     orderViewModel.GameAssortment = 0;
     orderViewModel.Matchday = firstHeader.First().Matchday;
     orderViewModel.officialStatsViewModels = query;
     return orderViewModel;
Beispiel #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Join 3 table OfficialStatsHeaders, OfficialStatsHeaders,TeamIconMSTs
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="gameType">Game type (1-セ・リーグ/2-パ・リーグ/26-交流戦)</param>
 /// <returns>List of ranking information</returns>
 private NpbOrderViewModel GetOfficialStats(int gameType)
     NpbEntities npb = new NpbEntities();
     var firstHeader = from header in npb.OfficialStatsHeaderNpb
                       where(header.GameAssortment == gameType)
                       select header;
     if (firstHeader == null || !firstHeader.Any())
         return null;
     var query = from os in npb.OfficialStatsNpb
                 join osHeader in npb.OfficialStatsHeaderNpb on os.OfficialStatsHeaderNpbId equals osHeader.OfficialStatsHeaderNpbId
                 join ti in npb.TeamIconNpb on os.TeamCD equals ti.TeamCD
                 select new NpbOfficialStatsViewModel
                     TeamID = os.TeamCD,
                     GameAssortment = osHeader.GameAssortment,
                     TeamIcon = ti.TeamIcon,
                     Ranking = os.Ranking,
                     ShortNameTeam = os.ShortNameTeam,
                     Game = os.Game,
                     Win = os.Win,
                     Lose = os.Lose,
                     Draw = os.Draw,
                     WinningPercentage = os.WinningPercentage,
                     GameBehind = os.GameBehind,
                     CreatedDate = os.CreatedDate,
                     RestGame = os.RestGame
                 } into officialStats
                 where (officialStats.GameAssortment == gameType)
                 orderby officialStats.Ranking
                 select officialStats;
     NpbOrderViewModel orderViewModel = new NpbOrderViewModel();
     orderViewModel.GameAssortment = gameType;
     orderViewModel.Matchday = firstHeader.First().Matchday;
     orderViewModel.officialStatsViewModels = query;
     return orderViewModel;