/// <summary> Returns the string which contains the metadata links and basic information about the types of metadata</summary>
        /// <returns> Sttring with the metadata links and basic information about the types of metadata</returns>
        protected string Metadata_String( Custom_Tracer Tracer )
            // Get the links for the METS and GSA
            string greenstoneLocation = CurrentItem.Web.Source_URL + "/";
            string complete_mets = greenstoneLocation + CurrentItem.BibID + "_" + CurrentItem.VID + ".mets.xml";
            string marc_xml = greenstoneLocation + "marc.xml";

            // MAKE THIS USE THE FILES.ASPX WEB PAGE if this is restricted (or dark)
            if ((CurrentItem.Behaviors.Dark_Flag) || (CurrentItem.Behaviors.IP_Restriction_Membership > 0))
                complete_mets = CurrentMode.Base_URL + "files/" + CurrentItem.BibID + "/" + CurrentItem.VID + "/" + CurrentItem.BibID + "_" + CurrentItem.VID + ".mets.xml";
                marc_xml = CurrentMode.Base_URL + "files/" + CurrentItem.BibID + "/" + CurrentItem.VID + "/marc.xml";

            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(3000);
            builder.AppendLine("<br />");

            builder.AppendLine("<blockquote>The data (or metadata) about this digital resource is available in a variety of metadata formats. For more information about these formats, see the <a href=\"http://ufdc.ufl.edu/sobekcm/metadata\">Metadata Section</a> of the <a href=\"http://ufdc.ufl.edu/sobekcm/\">Technical Aspects</a> information.</blockquote>");
            builder.AppendLine("<br />");

            builder.AppendLine("<a href=\"" + complete_mets + "\" target=\"_blank\">View Complete METS/MODS</a>");
            builder.AppendLine("<blockquote>This metadata file is the source metadata file submitted along with all the digital resource files. This contains all of the citation and processing information used to build this resource. This file follows the established <a href=\"http://www.loc.gov/standards/mets/\">Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard</a> (METS) and <a href=\"http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/\">Metadata Object Description Schema</a> (MODS). This METS/MODS file was just read when this item was loaded into memory and used to display all the information in the standard view and marc view within the citation.</blockquote>");

            builder.AppendLine("<br />");
            builder.AppendLine("<a href=\"" + marc_xml + "\" target=\"_blank\">View MARC XML File</a>");
            builder.AppendLine("<blockquote>The entered metadata is also converted to MARC XML format, for interoperability with other library catalog systems.  This represents the same data available in the <a href=\"" + SobekCM_Library_Settings.Base_SobekCM_Location_Relative + CurrentMode.Redirect_URL("FC2") + "\">MARC VIEW</a> except this is a static XML file.  This file follows the <a href=\"http://www.loc.gov/standards/marcxml/\">MarcXML Schema</a>.</blockquote>");

            // Should the TEI be added here?

            if (CurrentItem.Behaviors.Has_Viewer_Type(View_Enum.TEI))
                // Does a TEI file exist?
                string error_message = String.Empty;
                string tei_filename = CurrentItem.Source_Directory + "\\" + CurrentItem.BibID + "_" + CurrentItem.VID + ".tei.xml";

                if (!System.IO.File.Exists(tei_filename))

                    if (Tracer != null)
                        Tracer.Add_Trace("Citation_ItemViewer.Metadata_String", "Building default TEI file");

                    SobekCM.Resource_Object.Metadata_File_ReaderWriters.TEI_File_ReaderWriter writer = new TEI_File_ReaderWriter();

                    Dictionary<string, object> Options = new Dictionary<string, object>();

                    writer.Write_Metadata(tei_filename, CurrentItem, Options, out error_message);

                // Add the HTML for this
                builder.AppendLine("<br />");
                builder.AppendLine("<a href=\"" + greenstoneLocation + CurrentItem.BibID + "_" + CurrentItem.VID + ".tei.xml\" target=\"_blank\">View TEI/Text File</a>");
                builder.AppendLine("<blockquote>The full-text of this item is also available in the established standard <a href=\"http://www.tei-c.org/index.xml\">Text Encoding Initiative</a> (TEI) downloadable file.</blockquote>");


            builder.AppendLine("<br />");

            return builder.ToString();
        /// <summary> Returns the string which contains the metadata links and basic information about the types of metadata</summary>
        /// <returns> Sttring with the metadata links and basic information about the types of metadata</returns>
        protected string Metadata_String( Custom_Tracer Tracer )
            // Get the links for the METS and GSA
            string resourceURL = CurrentItem.Web.Source_URL + "/";
            string complete_mets = resourceURL + CurrentItem.BibID + "_" + CurrentItem.VID + ".mets.xml";
            string marc_xml = resourceURL + "marc.xml";

            // MAKE THIS USE THE FILES.ASPX WEB PAGE if this is restricted (or dark)
            if ((CurrentItem.Behaviors.Dark_Flag) || (CurrentItem.Behaviors.IP_Restriction_Membership > 0))
                resourceURL = CurrentMode.Base_URL + "files/" + CurrentItem.BibID + "/" + CurrentItem.VID + "/";
                complete_mets = resourceURL + CurrentItem.BibID + "_" + CurrentItem.VID + ".mets.xml";
                marc_xml = resourceURL + "marc.xml";

            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(3000);

            builder.AppendLine("<p>The data (or metadata) about this digital resource is available in a variety of metadata formats. For more information about these formats, see the <a href=\"http://ufdc.ufl.edu/sobekcm/metadata\">Metadata Section</a> of the <a href=\"http://ufdc.ufl.edu/sobekcm/\">Technical Aspects</a> information.</p>");
            builder.AppendLine("<br />");

            if (CurrentItem.Bib_Info.SobekCM_Type == TypeOfResource_SobekCM_Enum.EAD)
                string ead_file = String.Empty;
                List<abstract_TreeNode> downloadPages = CurrentItem.Divisions.Download_Tree.Pages_PreOrder;
                foreach (Page_TreeNode downloadPage in downloadPages)
                    // Was this an EAD page?
                    if ((downloadPage.Label == "EAD") && (downloadPage.Files.Count == 1))
                        if (downloadPage.Files[0].System_Name.ToLower().IndexOf(".xml") > 0)
                            ead_file = downloadPage.Files[0].System_Name;

                if (ead_file.Length > 0)
                    builder.AppendLine("<div id=\"sbkCiv_EadDownload\" class=\"sbCiv_DownloadSection\">");
                    builder.AppendLine("  <a href=\"" + resourceURL + ead_file + "\" target=\"_blank\">View Finding Aid (EAD)</a>");
                    builder.AppendLine("  <p>This archival collection is described with an electronic finding aid.   This metadata file contains all of the archival description and container list for this archival material.  This file follows the established <a href=\"http://www.loc.gov/ead/\">Encoded Archival Description</a> (EAD) standard.</p>");

            builder.AppendLine("<div id=\"sbkCiv_MetsDownload\" class=\"sbCiv_DownloadSection\">");
            builder.AppendLine("  <a href=\"" + complete_mets + "\" target=\"_blank\">View Complete METS/MODS</a>");
            builder.AppendLine("  <p>This metadata file is the source metadata file submitted along with all the digital resource files. This contains all of the citation and processing information used to build this resource. This file follows the established <a href=\"http://www.loc.gov/standards/mets/\">Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard</a> (METS) and <a href=\"http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/\">Metadata Object Description Schema</a> (MODS). This METS/MODS file was just read when this item was loaded into memory and used to display all the information in the standard view and marc view within the citation.</p>");

            builder.AppendLine("<div id=\"sbkCiv_MarcXmlDownload\" class=\"sbCiv_DownloadSection\">");
            builder.AppendLine("  <a href=\"" + marc_xml + "\" target=\"_blank\">View MARC XML File</a>");
            builder.AppendLine("  <p>The entered metadata is also converted to MARC XML format, for interoperability with other library catalog systems.  This represents the same data available in the <a href=\"" + UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Base_SobekCM_Location_Relative + UrlWriterHelper.Redirect_URL(CurrentMode, "FC2") + "\">MARC VIEW</a> except this is a static XML file.  This file follows the <a href=\"http://www.loc.gov/standards/marcxml/\">MarcXML Schema</a>.</p>");

            // Should the TEI be added here?

            if (CurrentItem.Behaviors.Has_Viewer_Type(View_Enum.TEI))
                // Does a TEI file exist?
                string tei_filename = CurrentItem.Source_Directory + "\\" + CurrentItem.BibID + "_" + CurrentItem.VID + ".tei.xml";

                if (!File.Exists(tei_filename))

                    if (Tracer != null)
                        Tracer.Add_Trace("Citation_ItemViewer.Metadata_String", "Building default TEI file");

                    TEI_File_ReaderWriter writer = new TEI_File_ReaderWriter();

                    Dictionary<string, object> options = new Dictionary<string, object>();

                    string error_message;
                    writer.Write_Metadata(tei_filename, CurrentItem, options, out error_message);

                // Add the HTML for this
                builder.AppendLine("<div id=\"sbkCiv_TeiDownload\" class=\"sbCiv_DownloadSection\">");
                builder.AppendLine("  <a href=\"" + resourceURL + CurrentItem.BibID + "_" + CurrentItem.VID + ".tei.xml\" target=\"_blank\">View TEI/Text File</a>");
                builder.AppendLine("  <p>The full-text of this item is also available in the established standard <a href=\"http://www.tei-c.org/index.xml\">Text Encoding Initiative</a> (TEI) downloadable file.</p>");


            builder.AppendLine("</blockquote><br />");

            return builder.ToString();