Beispiel #1
        public bool Format()
            if (!diskDevice.CanWrite)

            BinaryFormat masterboot = new BinaryFormat(new byte[512]);

            masterboot.SetUInt(MasterBootRecord.DiskSignature, diskSignature);
            masterboot.SetUShort(MasterBootRecord.MBRSignature, MasterBootConstants.MBRSignature);

            if (code != null)
                for (uint index = 0; index < MasterBootConstants.CodeAreaSize; index++)
                    masterboot.SetByte(index, code[index]);

            //TODO: write partitions

            diskDevice.WriteBlock(0, 1, masterboot.Data);

Beispiel #2
        private bool ReadMasterBootBlock()
            valid = false;

            if (diskDevice.BlockSize != 512)                    // only going to work with 512 sector sizes

            BinaryFormat masterboot = new BinaryFormat(diskDevice.ReadBlock(0, 1));

            ushort mbrsignature = masterboot.GetUShort(MasterBootRecord.MBRSignature);

            diskSignature = masterboot.GetUInt(MasterBootRecord.DiskSignature);

            valid = (mbrsignature == MasterBootConstants.MBRSignature);

            if (valid)
                for (uint index = 0; index < MaxMBRPartitions; index++)
                    uint offset = MasterBootRecord.PrimaryPartitions + (index * 16);

                    GenericPartition partition = new GenericPartition(index);

                    partition.Bootable      = masterboot.GetByte(offset + PartitionRecord.Status) == 0x80;
                    partition.PartitionType = masterboot.GetByte(offset + PartitionRecord.PartitionType);
                    partition.StartLBA      = masterboot.GetUInt(offset + PartitionRecord.LBA);
                    partition.TotalBlocks   = masterboot.GetUInt(offset + PartitionRecord.Sectors);

                    partitions[index] = partition;

                //TODO: Extended Partitions

            code = new byte[MasterBootConstants.CodeAreaSize];
            for (uint index = 0; index < MasterBootConstants.CodeAreaSize; index++)
                code[index] = masterboot.GetByte(index);

Beispiel #3
		// doesn't work since uint should be uint64
		//protected bool ReadLBA48 (SectorOperation operation, uint drive, uint lba, MemoryBlock memory)
		//    FeaturePort.Write8 (0);
		//    FeaturePort.Write8 (0);

		//    SectorCountPort.Write8 (0);
		//    SectorCountPort.Write8 (1);

		//    LBALowPort.Write8 ((byte)((lba >> 24) & 0xFF));
		//    LBALowPort.Write8 ((byte)(lba & 0xFF));

		//    LBAMidPort.Write8 ((byte)((lba >> 32) & 0xFF));
		//    LBAMidPort.Write8 ((byte)((lba >> 8) & 0xFF));

		//    LBAHighPort.Write8 ((byte)((lba >> 40) & 0xFF));
		//    LBAHighPort.Write8 ((byte)((lba >> 16) & 0xFF));

		//    DeviceHeadPort.Write8 ((byte)(0x40 | (drive << 4)));

		//    if (operation == SectorOperation.Write)
		//        CommandPort.Write8 (0x34);
		//    else
		//        CommandPort.Write8 (0x24);

		//    if (!WaitForReqisterReady ())
		//        return false;

		//    //TODO: Don't use PIO
		//    if (operation == SectorOperation.Read) {
		//        for (uint index = 0; index < 256; index++)
		//            memory.SetUShort (index * 2, DataPort.Read16 ());
		//    }
		//    else {
		//        for (uint index = 0; index < 256; index++)
		//            DataPort.WriteUShort (memory.GetUShort (index * 2));
		//    }

		//    return true;

		public bool Open (uint driveNbr)
			if (driveNbr == 0)
				DeviceHeadPort.Write8 (0xA0);
				if (driveNbr == 1)
					DeviceHeadPort.Write8 (0xB0);
					return false;

			CommandPort.Write8 (IDECommand.IdentifyDrive);

			if (!WaitForReqisterReady ())
				return false;

			BinaryFormat info = new BinaryFormat (new byte[512]);

			for (uint index = 0; index < 256; index++)
				info.SetUShort (index * 2, DataPort.Read16 ());

			driveInfo[driveNbr].MaxLBA = info.GetUInt (IdentifyDrive.MaxLBA28);

			// legacy info
			driveInfo[driveNbr].Heads = info.GetUShort (IdentifyDrive.LogicalHeads);
			driveInfo[driveNbr].Cylinders = info.GetUShort (IdentifyDrive.LogicalCylinders);
			driveInfo[driveNbr].SectorsPerTrack = info.GetUShort (IdentifyDrive.LogicalSectors);

			return true;
Beispiel #4
		protected bool PerformLBA28 (SectorOperation operation, uint driveNbr, uint lba, byte[] data, uint offset)
			FeaturePort.Write8 (0);
			SectorCountPort.Write8 (1);

			LBALowPort.Write8 ((byte)(lba & 0xFF));
			LBAMidPort.Write8 ((byte)((lba >> 8) & 0xFF));
			LBAHighPort.Write8 ((byte)((lba >> 16) & 0xFF));

			DeviceHeadPort.Write8 ((byte)(0xE0 | (driveNbr << 4) | ((lba >> 24) & 0x0F)));

			if (operation == SectorOperation.Write)
				CommandPort.Write8 (IDECommand.WriteSectorsWithRetry);
				CommandPort.Write8 (IDECommand.ReadSectorsWithRetry);

			if (!WaitForReqisterReady ())
				return false;

			BinaryFormat sector = new BinaryFormat (data);

			//TODO: Don't use PIO
			if (operation == SectorOperation.Read) {
				for (uint index = 0; index < 256; index++)
					sector.SetUShort (offset + (index * 2), DataPort.Read16 ());
			else {
				for (uint index = 0; index < 256; index++)
					DataPort.Write16 (sector.GetUShort (offset + (index * 2)));

			return true;
Beispiel #5
			public bool Compare (byte[] data, uint offset, FATType type)
				BinaryFormat entry = new BinaryFormat (data);

				byte first = entry.GetByte (offset + Entry.DOSName);

				if (first == FileNameAttribute.LastEntry)
					return false;

				if ((first == FileNameAttribute.Deleted) | (first == FileNameAttribute.Dot))
					return false;

				if (first == FileNameAttribute.Escape)
					return false;

				uint startcluster = FAT.GetClusterEntry (data, offset, type);

				if (startcluster == cluster)
					return true;

				return false;
Beispiel #6
		public void Delete (uint childBlock, uint parentBlock, uint parentBlockIndex)
			BinaryFormat entry = new BinaryFormat (partition.ReadBlock (parentBlock, 1));

			entry.SetByte ((parentBlockIndex * Entry.EntrySize) + Entry.DOSName, (byte)FileNameAttribute.Deleted);

			partition.WriteBlock (parentBlock, 1, entry.Data);

			if (!FreeClusterChain (childBlock))
				throw new System.ArgumentException ();	//throw new IOException ("Unable to free all cluster allocations in fat");
Beispiel #7
		public uint GetFileSize (uint directoryBlock, uint index)
			BinaryFormat directory = new BinaryFormat (partition.ReadBlock (directoryBlock, 1));

			return directory.GetUInt ((index * Entry.EntrySize) + Entry.FileSize);
Beispiel #8
		public DirectoryEntryLocation FindEntry (FAT.ICompare compare, uint startCluster)
			uint activeSector = (startCluster == 0) ? firstRootDirectorySector : (startCluster * this.sectorsPerCluster);
			uint increment = 0;

			for (; ; ) {
				BinaryFormat directory = new BinaryFormat (partition.ReadBlock (activeSector, 1));

				for (uint index = 0; index < entriesPerSector; index++) {
					if (directory.GetByte ((index * Entry.EntrySize) + Entry.DOSName) == FileNameAttribute.LastEntry)
						return new DirectoryEntryLocation ();

					FileAttributes attribute = (FileAttributes)directory.GetByte ((index * Entry.EntrySize) + Entry.FileAttributes);

					if (compare.Compare (directory.Data, index * 32, fatType))
						return new DirectoryEntryLocation (GetClusterEntry (directory.Data, index, fatType), activeSector, index, (attribute & FileAttributes.SubDirectory) != 0);


				if (startCluster == 0) {
					// root directory
					if (increment >= rootDirSectors)
						return new DirectoryEntryLocation ();

					activeSector = startCluster + increment;
				else {
					// subdirectory
					if (increment < sectorsPerCluster) {
						// still within cluster
						activeSector = startCluster + increment;
					// exiting cluster

					// goto next cluster (if any)
					uint cluster = GetClusterBySector (startCluster);

					if (cluster == 0)
						return new DirectoryEntryLocation ();

					uint nextCluster = GetClusterEntryValue (cluster);

					if ((IsClusterLast (nextCluster)) || (IsClusterBad (nextCluster)) || (IsClusterFree (nextCluster)) || (IsClusterReserved (nextCluster)))
						return new DirectoryEntryLocation ();

					activeSector = (uint)(dataAreaStart + (nextCluster - 1 * sectorsPerCluster));

Beispiel #9
		public static string ExtractFileName (byte[] directory, uint index)
			BinaryFormat entry = new BinaryFormat (directory);

			char[] name = new char[12];

			for (uint i = 0; i < 8; i++)
				name[i] = (char)entry.GetByte (index + i + Entry.DOSName);

			int len = 8;

			for (int i = 7; i > 0; i--)
				if (name[i] == ' ')

			// special case where real character is same as the delete
			if ((len >= 1) && (name[0] == (char)FileNameAttribute.Escape))
				name[0] = (char)FileNameAttribute.Deleted;

			name[len] = '.';


			for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++)
				name[len + i] = (char)entry.GetByte (index + i + Entry.DOSExtension);

			len = len + 3;

			int spaces = 0;
			for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--)
				if (name[i] == ' ')

			if (spaces == 3)
				spaces = 4;

			len = len - spaces;

			string result = SharpOS.Kernel.Foundation.Convert.ToString (name, 0, len);

			//Runtime.Free (name);

			return result;
Beispiel #10
		protected bool SetClusterEntryValue (uint cluster, uint nextcluster)
			uint fatOffset = 0;

			if (fatType == FATType.FAT12)
				fatOffset = (cluster + (cluster / 2));
			else if (fatType == FATType.FAT16)
				fatOffset = cluster * 2;
			else //if (type == FatType.FAT32)
				fatOffset = cluster * 4;

			uint sector = fatStart + (fatOffset / bytesPerSector);
			uint sectorOffset = fatOffset % bytesPerSector;
			uint nbrSectors = 1;

			if ((fatType == FATType.FAT12) && (sectorOffset == bytesPerSector - 1))
				nbrSectors = 2;

			BinaryFormat fat = new BinaryFormat (partition.ReadBlock (sector, nbrSectors));

			if (fatType == FATType.FAT12) {
				uint clustervalue = fat.GetUShort (sectorOffset);

				if (cluster % 2 == 1)
					clustervalue = ((clustervalue & 0xF) | (nextcluster << 4));
					clustervalue = ((clustervalue & 0xf000) | (nextcluster));

				fat.SetUShort (sectorOffset, (ushort)clustervalue);
			else if (fatType == FATType.FAT16)
				fat.SetUShort (sectorOffset, (ushort)nextcluster);
			else //if (type == FatType.FAT32)
				fat.SetUInt (sectorOffset, nextcluster);

			partition.WriteBlock (sector, nbrSectors, fat.Data);

			return true;
Beispiel #11
		//protected uint ClusterToFirstSector (uint cluster)
		//    return ((cluster - 2) * sectorspercluster) + firstdatasector;

		protected uint GetClusterEntryValue (uint cluster)
			uint fatoffset = 0;

			if (fatType == FATType.FAT12)
				fatoffset = (cluster + (cluster / 2));
			else if (fatType == FATType.FAT16)
				fatoffset = cluster * 2;
			else //if (type == FatType.FAT32)
				fatoffset = cluster * 4;

			uint sector = fatStart + (fatoffset / bytesPerSector);
			uint sectorOffset = fatoffset % bytesPerSector;
			uint nbrSectors = 1;

			if ((fatType == FATType.FAT12) && (sectorOffset == bytesPerSector - 1))
				nbrSectors = 2;

			BinaryFormat fat = new BinaryFormat (partition.ReadBlock (sector, nbrSectors));

			uint clusterValue;

			if (fatType == FATType.FAT12) {
				clusterValue = fat.GetUShort (sectorOffset);
				if (cluster % 2 == 1)
					clusterValue = clusterValue >> 4;
					clusterValue = clusterValue & 0x0fff;
			else if (fatType == FATType.FAT16)
				clusterValue = fat.GetUShort (sectorOffset);
			else //if (type == FatType.FAT32)
				clusterValue = fat.GetUInt (sectorOffset) & 0x0fffffff;

			return clusterValue;
Beispiel #12
		public bool Format (FATSettings fatSettings)
			if (!partition.CanWrite)
				return false;

			this.fatType = fatSettings.FatType;
			bytesPerSector = 512;

			totalSectors = partition.BlockCount;

			sectorsPerCluster = GetSectorsPerClusterByTotalSectors (fatType, totalSectors);
			nbrFats = 2;

			if (fatType == FATType.FAT32) {
				reservedSectors = 32;
				rootEntries = 0;
			else {
				reservedSectors = 1;
				rootEntries = 512;

			rootDirSectors = (((rootEntries * 32) + (bytesPerSector - 1)) / bytesPerSector);
			fatStart = reservedSectors;

			uint val1 = totalSectors - (reservedSectors + rootDirSectors);
			uint val2 = (uint)((256 * sectorsPerCluster) + nbrFats);

			if (fatType == FATType.FAT32)
				val2 = val2 / 2;

			uint sectorsperfat = (val1 + (val2 - 1)) / val2;

			BinaryFormat bootSector = new BinaryFormat (512);

			bootSector.SetUInt (BootSector.JumpInstruction, 0);
			bootSector.SetString (BootSector.EOMName, "MSWIN4.1");
			bootSector.SetUShort (BootSector.BytesPerSector, (ushort)bytesPerSector);
			bootSector.SetByte (BootSector.SectorsPerCluster, (byte)sectorsPerCluster);
			bootSector.SetUShort (BootSector.ReservedSectors, (ushort)reservedSectors);
			bootSector.SetByte (BootSector.FatAllocationTables, nbrFats);
			bootSector.SetUShort (BootSector.MaxRootDirEntries, (ushort)rootEntries);

			if (totalSectors > 0xFFFF) {
				bootSector.SetUShort (BootSector.TotalSectors, 0);
				bootSector.SetUInt (BootSector.FAT32_TotalSectors, totalClusters);
			else {
				bootSector.SetUShort (BootSector.TotalSectors, (ushort)totalSectors);
				bootSector.SetUInt (BootSector.FAT32_TotalSectors, 0);

			bootSector.SetByte (BootSector.MediaDescriptor, 0xF8);

			if (fatType == FATType.FAT32)
				bootSector.SetUShort (BootSector.SectorsPerFAT, 0);
				bootSector.SetUShort (BootSector.SectorsPerFAT, (ushort)sectorsperfat);

			bootSector.SetUShort (BootSector.SectorsPerTrack, 0); ////FIXME
			bootSector.SetUInt (BootSector.HiddenSectors, 0);

			if (fatType != FATType.FAT32) {
				bootSector.SetByte (BootSector.PhysicalDriveNbr, 0x80);
				bootSector.SetByte (BootSector.ReservedCurrentHead, 0);
				bootSector.SetByte (BootSector.ExtendedBootSignature, 0x29);
				bootSector.SetBytes (BootSector.IDSerialNumber, fatSettings.SerialID, 0, (uint)(fatSettings.SerialID.Length <= 4 ? fatSettings.SerialID.Length : 4));
				bootSector.SetString (BootSector.VolumeLabel, "            ");  // 12 blank spaces
				bootSector.SetString (BootSector.VolumeLabel, fatSettings.VolumeLabel, (uint)(fatSettings.VolumeLabel.Length <= 12 ? fatSettings.VolumeLabel.Length : 12));
				bootSector.SetUShort (BootSector.BootSectorSignature, 0x55AA);
				//BootSector.OSBootCode // TODO

			if (fatType == FATType.FAT12)
				bootSector.SetString (BootSector.FATType, "FAT12   ");
			else if (fatType == FATType.FAT16)
				bootSector.SetString (BootSector.FATType, "FAT16   ");
			else // if (type == FatType.FAT32)
				bootSector.SetString (BootSector.FATType, "FAT32   ");

			if (fatType == FATType.FAT32) {
				bootSector.SetUInt (BootSector.FAT32_SectorPerFAT, sectorsperfat);
				bootSector.SetByte (BootSector.FAT32_Flags, 0);
				bootSector.SetUShort (BootSector.FAT32_Version, 0);
				bootSector.SetUInt (BootSector.FAT32_ClusterNumberOfRoot, 2);
				bootSector.SetUShort (BootSector.FAT32_SectorFSInformation, 1);
				bootSector.SetUShort (BootSector.FAT32_SecondBootSector, 6);
				bootSector.SetByte (BootSector.FAT32_PhysicalDriveNbr, 0x80);
				bootSector.SetByte (BootSector.FAT32_Reserved2, 0);
				bootSector.SetByte (BootSector.FAT32_ExtendedBootSignature, 0x29);
				bootSector.SetBytes (BootSector.FAT32_IDSerialNumber, fatSettings.SerialID, 0, (uint)(fatSettings.SerialID.Length <= 4 ? fatSettings.SerialID.Length : 4));
				bootSector.SetString (BootSector.FAT32_VolumeLabel, "            ");  // 12 blank spaces
				bootSector.SetString (BootSector.FAT32_VolumeLabel, fatSettings.VolumeLabel, (uint)(fatSettings.VolumeLabel.Length <= 12 ? fatSettings.VolumeLabel.Length : 12));
				bootSector.SetString (BootSector.FAT32_FATType, "FAT32   ");
				//BootSector.OSBootCode // TODO

			// Write Boot Sector
			partition.WriteBlock (0, 1, bootSector.Data);

			// Write backup Boot Sector
			if (fatType == FATType.FAT32) {
				partition.WriteBlock (0, 1, bootSector.Data);	// FIXME: wrong block #

			// create FSInfo Structure
			if (fatType == FATType.FAT32) {
				BinaryFormat infoSector = new BinaryFormat (512);

				infoSector.SetUInt (FSInfo.FSI_LeadSignature, 0x41615252);
				infoSector.SetUInt (FSInfo.FSI_StructureSigature, 0x61417272);
				infoSector.SetUInt (FSInfo.FSI_FreeCount, 0xFFFFFFFF);
				infoSector.SetUInt (FSInfo.FSI_NextFree, 0xFFFFFFFF);
				bootSector.SetUInt (FSInfo.FSI_TrailSignature, 0xAA550000);

				partition.WriteBlock (1, 1, infoSector.Data);
				partition.WriteBlock (7, 1, infoSector.Data);

				// create 2nd sector
				BinaryFormat secondSector = new BinaryFormat (512);

				secondSector.SetUInt ((ushort)FSInfo.FSI_TrailSignature2, 0xAA55);

				partition.WriteBlock (2, 1, secondSector.Data);
				partition.WriteBlock (8, 1, secondSector.Data);

			// create fats
			/// TODO: incomplete
			BinaryFormat emptyFat = new BinaryFormat (512);

			// clear primary & secondary fats entries
			for (uint i = fatStart; i < fatStart + 1; i++) {	//FIXME
				partition.WriteBlock (i, 1, emptyFat.Data);

			// first block is special
			BinaryFormat firstFat = new BinaryFormat (512);
			// TODO: incomplete
			partition.WriteBlock (reservedSectors, 1, emptyFat.Data);

			return ReadBootSector ();
Beispiel #13
		protected bool ReadBootSector ()
			valid = false;

			if (blockSize != 512)	// only going to work with 512 sector sizes (for now)
				return false;

			BinaryFormat bootSector = new BinaryFormat (partition.ReadBlock (0, 1));

			byte bootSignature = bootSector.GetByte (BootSector.ExtendedBootSignature);

			if ((bootSignature != 0x29) && (bootSignature != 0x28))
				return false;

			//TextMode.Write ("EOM NAME: ");

			//for (uint i = 0; i < 8; i++)
			//    TextMode.WriteChar (bootsector.GetByte (BootSector.EOMName + i));

			//TextMode.WriteLine ();

			bytesPerSector = bootSector.GetUShort (BootSector.BytesPerSector);
			sectorsPerCluster = bootSector.GetByte (BootSector.SectorsPerCluster);
			reservedSectors = bootSector.GetByte (BootSector.ReservedSectors);
			nbrFats = bootSector.GetByte (BootSector.FatAllocationTables);
			rootEntries = bootSector.GetUShort (BootSector.MaxRootDirEntries);

			uint sectorsPerFat16 = bootSector.GetUShort (BootSector.SectorsPerFAT);
			uint sectorsPerFat32 = bootSector.GetUInt (BootSector.FAT32_SectorPerFAT);
			uint totalSectors16 = bootSector.GetUShort (BootSector.TotalSectors);
			uint totalSectors32 = bootSector.GetUInt (BootSector.FAT32_TotalSectors);
			uint sectorsPerFat = (sectorsPerFat16 != 0) ? sectorsPerFat16 : sectorsPerFat32;
			uint fatSectors = nbrFats * sectorsPerFat;

			clusterSizeInBytes = sectorsPerCluster * blockSize;
			rootDirSectors = (((rootEntries * 32) + (bytesPerSector - 1)) / bytesPerSector);
			firstDataSector = reservedSectors + (nbrFats * sectorsPerFat) + rootDirSectors;

			if (totalSectors16 != 0)
				totalSectors = totalSectors16;
				totalSectors = totalSectors32;

			dataSectors = totalSectors - (reservedSectors + (nbrFats * sectorsPerFat) + rootDirSectors);
			totalClusters = dataSectors / sectorsPerCluster;
			entriesPerSector = (bytesPerSector / 32);
			firstRootDirectorySector = reservedSectors + fatSectors;
			dataAreaStart = firstRootDirectorySector + rootDirSectors;
			fatStart = reservedSectors;

			if (totalClusters < 4085)
				fatType = FATType.FAT12;
			else if (totalClusters < 65525)
				fatType = FATType.FAT16;
				fatType = FATType.FAT32;

			if (fatType == FATType.FAT12) {
				reserved = 0xFF0;
				last = 0x0FF8;
				bad = 0x0FF7;
				fatMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
				fatEntries = sectorsPerFat * 3 * blockSize / 2;
			else if (fatType == FATType.FAT16) {
				reserved = 0xFFF0;
				last = 0xFFF8;
				bad = 0xFFF7;
				fatMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
				fatEntries = sectorsPerFat * blockSize / 2;
			else { //  if (type == FatType.FAT32) {
				reserved = 0xFFF0;
				last = 0x0FFFFFF8;
				bad = 0x0FFFFFF7;
				fatMask = 0x0FFFFFFF;
				fatEntries = sectorsPerFat * blockSize / 4;

			// some basic checks 

			if ((nbrFats == 0) || (nbrFats > 2))
				valid = false;
			else if (totalSectors == 0)
				valid = false;
			else if (sectorsPerFat == 0)
				valid = false;
			else if (!((fatType == FATType.FAT12) || (fatType == FATType.FAT16))) // no support for Fat32 yet
				valid = false;
				valid = true;

			if (valid) {
				base.volumeLabel = bootSector.GetString (fatType != FATType.FAT32 ? BootSector.VolumeLabel : BootSector.FAT32_VolumeLabel, 11);
				base.serialNbr = bootSector.GetBytes (fatType != FATType.FAT32 ? BootSector.IDSerialNumber : BootSector.FAT32_IDSerialNumber, 4);

			return valid;
Beispiel #14
			public bool Compare (byte[] data, uint offset, FATType type)
				BinaryFormat entry = new BinaryFormat (data);

				byte first = entry.GetByte (offset + Entry.DOSName);

				if (first == FileNameAttribute.LastEntry)
					return false;

				if ((first == FileNameAttribute.Deleted) | (first == FileNameAttribute.Dot))
					return false;

				if (first == FileNameAttribute.Escape)
					return false;

				string entryname = FAT.ExtractFileName (data, offset);

				if (entryname == name)
					return true;

				return false;
Beispiel #15
		public bool Format ()
			if (!diskDevice.CanWrite)
				return false;

			BinaryFormat masterboot = new BinaryFormat (new byte[512]);

			masterboot.SetUInt (MasterBootRecord.DiskSignature, diskSignature);
			masterboot.SetUShort (MasterBootRecord.MBRSignature, MasterBootConstants.MBRSignature);

			if (code != null)
				for (uint index = 0; index < MasterBootConstants.CodeAreaSize; index++)
					masterboot.SetByte (index, code[index]);

			//TODO: write partitions

			diskDevice.WriteBlock (0, 1, masterboot.Data);

			return true;
Beispiel #16
		private bool ReadMasterBootBlock ()
			valid = false;

			if (diskDevice.BlockSize != 512)	// only going to work with 512 sector sizes
				return false;

			BinaryFormat masterboot = new BinaryFormat (diskDevice.ReadBlock (0, 1));

			ushort mbrsignature = masterboot.GetUShort (MasterBootRecord.MBRSignature);
			diskSignature = masterboot.GetUInt (MasterBootRecord.DiskSignature);

			valid = (mbrsignature == MasterBootConstants.MBRSignature);

			if (valid) {
				for (uint index = 0; index < MaxMBRPartitions; index++) {

					uint offset = MasterBootRecord.PrimaryPartitions + (index * 16);

					GenericPartition partition = new GenericPartition (index);

					partition.Bootable = masterboot.GetByte (offset + PartitionRecord.Status) == 0x80;
					partition.PartitionType = masterboot.GetByte (offset + PartitionRecord.PartitionType);
					partition.StartLBA = masterboot.GetUInt (offset + PartitionRecord.LBA);
					partition.TotalBlocks = masterboot.GetUInt (offset + PartitionRecord.Sectors);

					partitions[index] = partition;

				//TODO: Extended Partitions

			code = new byte[MasterBootConstants.CodeAreaSize];
			for (uint index = 0; index < MasterBootConstants.CodeAreaSize; index++)
				code[index] = masterboot.GetByte (index);

			return valid;
Beispiel #17
		static public uint GetClusterEntry (byte[] data, uint index, FATType type)
			BinaryFormat entry = new BinaryFormat (data);

			uint cluster = entry.GetUShort ((index * Entry.EntrySize) + Entry.FirstCluster);

			if (type == FATType.FAT32) {
				uint clusterhi = ((uint)entry.GetUShort ((index * Entry.EntrySize) + Entry.EAIndex)) << 16;
				cluster = cluster | clusterhi;

			return cluster;