Beispiel #1
 public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Loc parentLoc, Dir8 dir, int locHeight, float sizeRatio)
     foreach (MultiAnimSprite sprite in Sprites)
         DirSheet sheet = GraphicsManager.GetAttackSheet(sprite.AnimIndex);
         sheet.DrawDir(spriteBatch, new Vector2(parentLoc.X, parentLoc.Y - locHeight) + sprite.Position.ToVector2() * sizeRatio, sprite.Frame, DirExt.AddAngles(dir, sprite.AnimDir), Color.White * ((float)sprite.Alpha / 255));
Beispiel #2
        public Rect GetFrameRect()
            Rect rect = new Rect();

            foreach (MultiAnimSprite sprite in Sprites)
                rect = Rect.Union(rect, new Rect(sprite.Position, new Loc(GraphicsManager.GetAttackSheet(sprite.AnimIndex).Width, GraphicsManager.GetAttackSheet(sprite.AnimIndex).Height)));

Beispiel #3
        public override void Update(BaseScene scene, FrameTick elapsedTime)
            base.Update(scene, elapsedTime);

            if (Finished && ResultAnim.AnimIndex != "")
                int totalTime = ResultAnim.FrameTime * ResultAnim.GetTotalFrames(GraphicsManager.GetAttackSheet(ResultAnim.AnimIndex).TotalFrames);
                WrappedRainAnim anim = new WrappedRainAnim(ResultAnim, totalTime);
                anim.SetupEmitted(MapLoc, 0, Dir8.None);
Beispiel #4
        public override void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Loc offset)
            if (Finished)

            Loc drawLoc = GetDrawLoc(offset);

            DirSheet sheet = GraphicsManager.GetAttackSheet(Anim.AnimIndex);

            sheet.DrawDir(spriteBatch, new Vector2(drawLoc.X, drawLoc.Y - LocHeight), Anim.GetCurrentFrame(ActionTime + FrameOffset, GraphicsManager.GetAttackSheet(Anim.AnimIndex).TotalFrames), Anim.GetDrawDir(Direction), Color.White * ((float)Anim.Alpha / 255));
Beispiel #5
        public override void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Loc offset)
            if (Finished)

            Loc drawLoc = GetDrawLoc(offset);
            Loc modOffset = new Loc(GraphicsManager.ScreenWidth - offset.X % GraphicsManager.ScreenWidth, GraphicsManager.ScreenHeight - offset.Y % GraphicsManager.ScreenHeight);
            drawLoc = drawLoc + modOffset;
            Vector2 drawDest = new Vector2(drawLoc.X % GraphicsManager.ScreenWidth, (drawLoc.Y - LocHeight) % GraphicsManager.ScreenHeight);

            DirSheet sheet = GraphicsManager.GetAttackSheet(Anim.AnimIndex);
            sheet.DrawDir(spriteBatch, drawDest, Anim.GetCurrentFrame(ActionTime, GraphicsManager.GetAttackSheet(Anim.AnimIndex).TotalFrames), DirExt.AddAngles(Direction, Anim.AnimDir), Color.White * ((float)Anim.Alpha / 255));

Beispiel #6
        public override void Update(BaseScene scene, FrameTick elapsedTime)
            CurrentBurstTime += elapsedTime;
            while (CurrentBurstTime >= Math.Max(1, BurstTime))
                CurrentBurstTime -= Math.Max(1, BurstTime);
                for (int ii = 0; ii < ParticlesPerBurst; ii++)
                    if (Anims.Count > 0)
                        List <int> openDirs  = getOpenDirs();
                        int        openIndex = openDirs[MathUtils.Rand.Next(openDirs.Count)];
                        Coverages[openIndex] = true;

                        double angle = (openIndex + MathUtils.Rand.NextDouble()) * Math.PI / 4;

                        int dist       = StartDistance + MathUtils.Rand.Next(StartVariance + 1);
                        Loc startDelta = new Loc((int)Math.Round(Math.Cos(angle) * dist), (int)Math.Round(Math.Sin(angle) * dist));

                        double endAngle = MathUtils.Rand.NextDouble() * Math.PI * 2;
                        int    endDist  = MathUtils.Rand.Next(EndDistance + 1);
                        Loc    endDelta = new Loc((int)Math.Round(Math.Cos(endAngle) * endDist), (int)Math.Round(Math.Sin(endAngle) * endDist));

                        Loc particleSpeed = ((UseDest ? Destination : Origin) + endDelta - (Origin + startDelta)) * GraphicsManager.MAX_FPS / TravelTime;

                        Loc startLoc = Origin + startDelta;
                            AnimData animData   = Anims[MathUtils.Rand.Next(Anims.Count)];
                            AnimData scaledAnim = new AnimData(animData);
                            DirSheet fxSheet    = GraphicsManager.GetAttackSheet(animData.AnimIndex);
                            scaledAnim.FrameTime = (int)Math.Round((float)TravelTime / scaledAnim.GetTotalFrames(fxSheet.TotalFrames) / Math.Max(1, Cycles));
                            scaledAnim.FrameTime = Math.Max(1, scaledAnim.FrameTime);
                            ParticleAnim anim = new ParticleAnim(scaledAnim, 0, TravelTime);
                            anim.SetupEmitted(startLoc, particleSpeed, Loc.Zero, 0, 0, 0, particleSpeed.ApproximateDir8());

                if (CurrentBursts >= Math.Max(1, Bursts))
Beispiel #7
 public void SetUp()
     TotalTime = Cycles > 0 ? Anim.FrameTime * Anim.GetTotalFrames(GraphicsManager.GetAttackSheet(Anim.AnimIndex).TotalFrames) * Math.Max(1, Cycles) : TotalTime;
Beispiel #8
 public override Loc GetDrawSize()
     return(new Loc(GraphicsManager.GetAttackSheet(Anim.AnimIndex).TileWidth, GraphicsManager.GetAttackSheet(Anim.AnimIndex).TileHeight));
Beispiel #9
 public override Loc GetDrawLoc(Loc offset)//TODO: transfer this offset out of the draw call and into the call of whatever emitter created it (or the creator of that emitter)
     return(new Loc(MapLoc.X + GraphicsManager.TileSize / 2 - GraphicsManager.GetAttackSheet(Anim.AnimIndex).TileWidth / 2,
                    MapLoc.Y + GraphicsManager.TileSize / 2 - GraphicsManager.GetAttackSheet(Anim.AnimIndex).TileHeight / 2) - offset);
 public override Loc GetDrawLoc(Loc offset)
     return(new Loc(MapLoc.X - GraphicsManager.GetAttackSheet(Anim.AnimIndex).TileWidth / 2, MapLoc.Y));
Beispiel #11
 public override Loc GetDrawLoc(Loc offset)
     return(new Loc(MapLoc.X + GraphicsManager.TileSize / 2 - GraphicsManager.GetAttackSheet(Anim.AnimIndex).TileWidth / 2,
                    MapLoc.Y + GraphicsManager.TileSize / 2 - GraphicsManager.GetAttackSheet(Anim.AnimIndex).TileHeight / 2) - offset);
Beispiel #12
 public Emote(AnimData anim, int height, int cycles)
     Anim      = anim;
     locHeight = height;
     TotalTime = anim.FrameTime * anim.GetTotalFrames(GraphicsManager.GetAttackSheet(anim.AnimIndex).TotalFrames) * cycles;