Beispiel #1
        private async Task <PrepareResult> PrepareResourceAsync(
            string label, Resource res, bool custom, bool remote,
            ResourceArgs args, ResourceOptions options)
            // Before we can proceed, all our dependencies must be finished.
            var type = res.GetResourceType();
            var name = res.GetResourceName();

            LogExcessive($"Gathering explicit dependencies: t={type}, name={name}, custom={custom}, remote={remote}");
            var explicitDirectDependencies = new HashSet <Resource>(
                await GatherExplicitDependenciesAsync(options.DependsOn).ConfigureAwait(false));

            LogExcessive($"Gathered explicit dependencies: t={type}, name={name}, custom={custom}, remote={remote}");

            // Serialize out all our props to their final values.  In doing so, we'll also collect all
            // the Resources pointed to by any Dependency objects we encounter, adding them to 'propertyDependencies'.
            LogExcessive($"Serializing properties: t={type}, name={name}, custom={custom}, remote={remote}");
            var dictionary = await args.ToDictionaryAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            var(serializedProps, propertyToDirectDependencies) =
                await SerializeResourcePropertiesAsync(
                    await this.MonitorSupportsResourceReferences().ConfigureAwait(false),
                    keepOutputValues : remote && await MonitorSupportsOutputValues().ConfigureAwait(false)).ConfigureAwait(false);

            LogExcessive($"Serialized properties: t={type}, name={name}, custom={custom}, remote={remote}");

            // Wait for the parent to complete.
            // If no parent was provided, parent to the root resource.
            LogExcessive($"Getting parent urn: t={type}, name={name}, custom={custom}, remote={remote}");
            var parentUrn = options.Parent != null
                ? await options.Parent.Urn.GetValueAsync(whenUnknown : default !).ConfigureAwait(false)
        private async Task <(string urn, string id, Struct data)> RegisterResourceAsync(
            Resource resource, ResourceArgs args, ResourceOptions options)
            var name   = resource.GetResourceName();
            var type   = resource.GetResourceType();
            var custom = resource is CustomResource;

            var label = $"resource:{name}[{type}]";

            Log.Debug($"Registering resource start: t={type}, name={name}, custom={custom}");

            var request = CreateRegisterResourceRequest(type, name, custom, options);

            Log.Debug($"Preparing resource: t={type}, name={name}, custom={custom}");
            var prepareResult = await PrepareResourceAsync(label, resource, custom, args, options).ConfigureAwait(false);

            Log.Debug($"Prepared resource: t={type}, name={name}, custom={custom}");

            PopulateRequest(request, prepareResult);

            Log.Debug($"Registering resource monitor start: t={type}, name={name}, custom={custom}");
            var result = await this.Monitor.RegisterResourceAsync(request);

            Log.Debug($"Registering resource monitor end: t={type}, name={name}, custom={custom}");
            return(result.Urn, result.Id, result.Object);
 void IDeploymentInternal.RegisterResourceOutputs(Resource resource, Output <IDictionary <string, object?> > outputs)
     // RegisterResourceOutputs is called in a fire-and-forget manner.  Make sure we keep track of
     // this task so that the application will not quit until this async work completes.
         $"{nameof(IDeploymentInternal.RegisterResourceOutputs)}: {resource.GetResourceType()}-{resource.GetResourceName()}",
         RegisterResourceOutputsAsync(resource, outputs));
 void IDeploymentInternal.ReadOrRegisterResource(
     Resource resource, bool remote, Func<string, Resource> newDependency, ResourceArgs args,
     ResourceOptions options)
     // ReadOrRegisterResource is called in a fire-and-forget manner.  Make sure we keep
     // track of this task so that the application will not quit until this async work
     // completes.
     // Also, we can only do our work once the constructor for the resource has actually
     // finished.  Otherwise, we might actually read and get the result back *prior* to the
     // object finishing initializing.  Note: this is not a speculative concern. This is
     // something that does happen and has to be accounted for.
         $"{nameof(IDeploymentInternal.ReadOrRegisterResource)}: {resource.GetResourceType()}-{resource.GetResourceName()}",
         CompleteResourceAsync(resource, remote, newDependency, args, options, resource.CompletionSources));
Beispiel #5
        private async Task <(string urn, string id, Struct data, ImmutableDictionary <string, ImmutableHashSet <Resource> > dependencies)> RegisterResourceAsync(
            Resource resource, bool remote, Func <string, Resource> newDependency, ResourceArgs args,
            ResourceOptions options)
            var name   = resource.GetResourceName();
            var type   = resource.GetResourceType();
            var custom = resource is CustomResource;

            var label = $"resource:{name}[{type}]";

            Log.Debug($"Registering resource start: t={type}, name={name}, custom={custom}, remote={remote}");

            var request = CreateRegisterResourceRequest(type, name, custom, remote, options);

            Log.Debug($"Preparing resource: t={type}, name={name}, custom={custom}, remote={remote}");
            var prepareResult = await PrepareResourceAsync(label, resource, custom, remote, args, options).ConfigureAwait(false);

            Log.Debug($"Prepared resource: t={type}, name={name}, custom={custom}, remote={remote}");

            PopulateRequest(request, prepareResult);

            Log.Debug($"Registering resource monitor start: t={type}, name={name}, custom={custom}, remote={remote}");
            var result = await this.Monitor.RegisterResourceAsync(resource, request);

            Log.Debug($"Registering resource monitor end: t={type}, name={name}, custom={custom}, remote={remote}");

            var dependencies = ImmutableDictionary.CreateBuilder <string, ImmutableHashSet <Resource> >();

            foreach (var(key, propertyDependencies) in result.PropertyDependencies)
                var urns = ImmutableHashSet.CreateBuilder <Resource>();
                foreach (var urn in propertyDependencies.Urns)
                dependencies[key] = urns.ToImmutable();

            return(result.Urn, result.Id, result.Object, dependencies.ToImmutable());
        private async Task <(string urn, string id, Struct data, ImmutableDictionary <string, ImmutableHashSet <Resource> > dependencies)> ReadResourceAsync(
            Resource resource, string id, ResourceArgs args, ResourceOptions options)
            var name  = resource.GetResourceName();
            var type  = resource.GetResourceType();
            var label = $"resource:{name}[{type}]#...";

            Log.Debug($"Reading resource: id={id}, t=${type}, name=${name}");

            var prepareResult = await this.PrepareResourceAsync(
                label, resource, custom : true, remote : false, args, options).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var serializer = new Serializer(_excessiveDebugOutput);

            Log.Debug($"ReadResource RPC prepared: id={id}, t={type}, name={name}" +
                      (_excessiveDebugOutput ? $", obj={prepareResult.SerializedProps}" : ""));

            // Create a resource request and do the RPC.
            var request = new ReadResourceRequest
                Type            = type,
                Name            = name,
                Id              = id,
                Parent          = prepareResult.ParentUrn,
                Provider        = prepareResult.ProviderRef,
                Properties      = prepareResult.SerializedProps,
                Version         = options?.Version ?? "",
                AcceptSecrets   = true,
                AcceptResources = !_disableResourceReferences,


            // Now run the operation, serializing the invocation if necessary.
            var response = await this.Monitor.ReadResourceAsync(resource, request);

            return(response.Urn, id, response.Properties, ImmutableDictionary <string, ImmutableHashSet <Resource> > .Empty);
Beispiel #7
        void IDeploymentInternal.ReadOrRegisterResource(
            Resource resource, ResourceArgs args, ResourceOptions options)
            // ReadOrRegisterResource is called in a fire-and-forget manner.  Make sure we keep
            // track of this task so that the application will not quit until this async work
            // completes.
            // Also, we can only do our work once the constructor for the resource has actually
            // finished.  Otherwise, we might actually read and get the result back *prior* to the
            // object finishing initializing.  Note: this is not a speculative concern. This is
            // something that does happen and has to be accounted for.
            // IMPORTANT! We have to make sure we run 'OutputCompletionSource.InitializeOutputs'
            // synchronously directly when `resource`'s constructor runs since this will set all of
            // the `[Output(...)] Output<T>` properties.  We need those properties assigned by the
            // time the base 'Resource' constructor finishes so that both derived classes and
            // external consumers can use the Output properties of `resource`.
            var completionSources = OutputCompletionSource.InitializeOutputs(resource);

                $"{nameof(IDeploymentInternal.ReadOrRegisterResource)}: {resource.GetResourceType()}-{resource.GetResourceName()}",
                CompleteResourceAsync(resource, args, options, completionSources));
Beispiel #8
        private async Task <PrepareResult> PrepareResourceAsync(
            string label, Resource res, bool custom, bool remote,
            ResourceArgs args, ResourceOptions options)
            /* IMPORTANT!  We should never await prior to this line, otherwise the Resource will be partly uninitialized. */

            // Before we can proceed, all our dependencies must be finished.
            var type = res.GetResourceType();
            var name = res.GetResourceName();

            LogExcessive($"Gathering explicit dependencies: t={type}, name={name}, custom={custom}, remote={remote}");
            var explicitDirectDependencies = new HashSet <Resource>(
                await GatherExplicitDependenciesAsync(options.DependsOn).ConfigureAwait(false));

            LogExcessive($"Gathered explicit dependencies: t={type}, name={name}, custom={custom}, remote={remote}");

            // Serialize out all our props to their final values.  In doing so, we'll also collect all
            // the Resources pointed to by any Dependency objects we encounter, adding them to 'propertyDependencies'.
            LogExcessive($"Serializing properties: t={type}, name={name}, custom={custom}, remote={remote}");
            var dictionary = await args.ToDictionaryAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            var(serializedProps, propertyToDirectDependencies) =
                await SerializeResourcePropertiesAsync(
                    await this.MonitorSupportsResourceReferences().ConfigureAwait(false)).ConfigureAwait(false);

            LogExcessive($"Serialized properties: t={type}, name={name}, custom={custom}, remote={remote}");

            // Wait for the parent to complete.
            // If no parent was provided, parent to the root resource.
            LogExcessive($"Getting parent urn: t={type}, name={name}, custom={custom}, remote={remote}");
            var parentUrn = options.Parent != null
                ? await options.Parent.Urn.GetValueAsync().ConfigureAwait(false)
                : await GetRootResourceAsync(type).ConfigureAwait(false);

            LogExcessive($"Got parent urn: t={type}, name={name}, custom={custom}, remote={remote}");

            string?providerRef = null;

            if (custom)
                var customOpts = options as CustomResourceOptions;
                providerRef = await ProviderResource.RegisterAsync(customOpts?.Provider).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var providerRefs = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            if (remote && options is ComponentResourceOptions componentOpts)
                // If only the Provider opt is set, move it to the Providers list for further processing.
                if (componentOpts.Provider != null && componentOpts.Providers.Count == 0)
                    componentOpts.Provider = null;

                foreach (var provider in componentOpts.Providers)
                    var pref = await ProviderResource.RegisterAsync(provider).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    if (pref != null)
                        providerRefs.Add(provider.Package, pref);

            // Collect the URNs for explicit/implicit dependencies for the engine so that it can understand
            // the dependency graph and optimize operations accordingly.

            // The list of all dependencies (implicit or explicit).
            var allDirectDependencies = new HashSet <Resource>(explicitDirectDependencies);

            var allDirectDependencyUrns = await GetAllTransitivelyReferencedResourceUrnsAsync(explicitDirectDependencies).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var propertyToDirectDependencyUrns = new Dictionary <string, HashSet <string> >();

            foreach (var(propertyName, directDependencies) in propertyToDirectDependencies)

                var urns = await GetAllTransitivelyReferencedResourceUrnsAsync(directDependencies).ConfigureAwait(false);

                propertyToDirectDependencyUrns[propertyName] = urns;

            // Wait for all aliases. Note that we use 'res._aliases' instead of 'options.aliases' as
            // the former has been processed in the Resource constructor prior to calling
            // 'registerResource' - both adding new inherited aliases and simplifying aliases down
            // to URNs.
            var aliases       = new List <string>();
            var uniqueAliases = new HashSet <string>();

            foreach (var alias in res._aliases)
                var aliasVal = await alias.ToOutput().GetValueAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (uniqueAliases.Add(aliasVal))

            return(new PrepareResult(
                       parentUrn ?? "",
                       providerRef ?? "",

            void LogExcessive(string message)
                if (_excessiveDebugOutput)