Beispiel #1
            private void Refresh(sbyte pos, Characters character)
                Contents[pos] = new Tuple <Characters, Characters>(character, character);
                float     yoff  = 39;
                Rectangle rbak  = SIZE[pos];
                Rectangle r     = rbak;
                Color     color = new Color(74.5f / 100, 12.5f / 100, 11.8f / 100, .9f);

                ITEM[pos, 0] = new IGMDataItem_String(Memory.Strings.GetName(character), rbak);
                CURSOR[pos]  = new Point(rbak.X, (int)(rbak.Y + (6 * TextScale.Y)));

                r.Offset(7, yoff);
                ITEM[pos, 1] = new IGMDataItem_Icon(Icons.ID.Lv, r, 13);

                r = rbak;
                r.Offset((49), yoff);
                ITEM[pos, 2] = new IGMDataItem_Int(Memory.State.Characters[character].Level, r, 2, 0, 1, 3);

                r = rbak;
                r.Offset(126, yoff);
                ITEM[pos, 3] = new IGMDataItem_Icon(Icons.ID.HP2, r, 13);

                r.Offset(0, 28);
                r.Width      = 118;
                r.Height     = 1;
                ITEM[pos, 4] = new IGMDataItem_Texture(_red_pixel, r)
                    Color = Color.Black
                r.Width      = (int)(r.Width * Memory.State.Characters[character].PercentFullHP());
                ITEM[pos, 5] = new IGMDataItem_Texture(_red_pixel, r)
                    Color = color

                r.Width = 118;
                r.Offset(0, 2);
                ITEM[pos, 6] = new IGMDataItem_Texture(_red_pixel, r)
                    Color = Color.Black
                r.Width      = (int)(r.Width * Memory.State.Characters[character].PercentFullHP());
                ITEM[pos, 7] = new IGMDataItem_Texture(_red_pixel, r)
                    Color = color
                //TODO red bar resizes based on current/max hp

                r = rbak;
                r.Offset((166), yoff);
                ITEM[pos, 8] = new IGMDataItem_Int(Memory.State.Characters[character].CurrentHP(), r, 2, 0, 1, 4);
Beispiel #2
            public override void Refresh()
                if (Memory.State?.Characters != null)
                    List <KeyValuePair <int, Characters> > party = Memory.State.Party.Select((element, index) => new { element, index }).ToDictionary(m => m.index, m => m.element).Where(m => !m.Value.Equals(Characters.Blank)).ToList();
                    byte pos = (byte)party.FindIndex(x => x.Value == VisableCharacter);
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Characters> pm in party.Where(x => x.Value == VisableCharacter))
                        Saves.CharacterData c    = Memory.State.Characters[Memory.State.PartyData[pm.Key]];
                        FF8String           name = Memory.Strings.GetName(pm.Value);
                        int HP = c.CurrentHP(pm.Value);
                        //int MaxHP = c.MaxHP(pm.Value);
                        //float HPpercent = c.PercentFullHP(pm.Value);
                        int          CriticalHP = c.CriticalHP(pm.Value);
                        Font.ColorID colorid    = Font.ColorID.White;
                        byte         palette    = 2;
                        if (HP < CriticalHP)
                            colorid = Font.ColorID.Yellow;
                            palette = 6;
                        if (HP <= 0)
                            colorid = Font.ColorID.Red;
                            palette = 5;
                        byte?        fadedpalette = null;
                        Font.ColorID?fadedcolorid = null;
                        bool         blink        = false;
                        if (mode == Mode.YourTurn)
                            blink        = true;
                            fadedpalette = 7;
                            fadedcolorid = Font.ColorID.Grey;
                            ITEM[pos, 2] = new IGMDataItem_Texture(dot, new Rectangle(SIZE[pos].X + 230, SIZE[pos].Y + 12, 150, 15), Color.LightYellow * .8f, new Color(125, 125, 0, 255) * .8f)
                                Blink = blink
                        else if (mode == Mode.ATB_Charged)
                            ITEM[pos, 2] = new IGMDataItem_Texture(dot, new Rectangle(SIZE[pos].X + 230, SIZE[pos].Y + 12, 150, 15), Color.Yellow * .8f);
                        // insert gradient atb bar here. Though this probably belongs in the update
                        // method as it'll be in constant flux.
                            ITEM[pos, 2] = null;

                        // TODO: make a font render that can draw right to left from a point. For Right aligning the names.
                        ITEM[pos, 0] = new IGMDataItem_String(name, new Rectangle(SIZE[pos].X, SIZE[pos].Y, 0, 0), colorid, faded_fontcolor: fadedcolorid)
                            Blink = blink
                        ITEM[pos, 1] = new IGMDataItem_Int(HP, new Rectangle(SIZE[pos].X + 128, SIZE[pos].Y, 0, 0), palette: palette, faded_palette: fadedpalette, spaces: 4, numtype: Icons.NumType.Num_8x16_1)
                            Blink = blink

                        ITEM[pos, 3] = new IGMDataItem_Icon(Icons.ID.Size_08x64_Bar, new Rectangle(SIZE[pos].X + 230, SIZE[pos].Y + 12, 150, 15), 0);