Beispiel #1
        void ApplyBrush(DisplaceableSurface origin, RaycastHit rayHit, List <DisplaceableSurface> canvases)
            // draw strokes
            foreach (var canvas in canvases)
                Vector2 uv = rayHit.textureCoord;

                // adjust texture coordinates
                if (origin != canvas)
                    Vector3 dv = canvas.bounds.min - origin.bounds.min;
                    uv.x -= dv.x / sliceSize.x;
                    uv.y -= dv.z / sliceSize.y;

                // actual brush drawing
                canvas.ApplyBrush(uv, brushMaterial, brushSize);

            // DEBUG:
            // Leave this instead of foreach to test edges stitching
            //origin.ApplyBrush(rayHit.textureCoord, brushMaterial, brushSize);

            // stitch the edges
Beispiel #2
        // Update is called once per frame
        void Update()
            // listen for mouse press
            if (!Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Mouse0))

            // ray casting towards mesh
            RaycastHit rayHit;

            if (!Physics.Raycast(Camera.allCameras[0].ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition), out rayHit))

            // origin
            DisplaceableSurface origin = rayHit.transform.gameObject.GetComponent <DisplaceableSurface>();

            if (null == origin)

            // distance check to add neighboring surfaces
            float checkDistance = brushSize * brushSize;
            List <DisplaceableSurface> toDraw = new List <DisplaceableSurface>();


            foreach (var surface in surfaces)
                if (surface == origin)

                var distance = surface.bounds.SqrDistance(rayHit.point);
                if (distance <= checkDistance)

            // draw
            ApplyBrush(origin, rayHit, toDraw);
Beispiel #3
        void OnWizardCreate()
            // pre-compute some data
            int xTextures = Mathf.CeilToInt(totalWidth * texelsPerWorldUnit / textureSize);
            int zTextures = Mathf.CeilToInt(totalLength * texelsPerWorldUnit / textureSize);

            float segmentWidth         = totalWidth / xTextures;
            float segmentLength        = totalLength / zTextures;
            int   xVerticiesPerSegment = Math.Max(2, Mathf.CeilToInt(segmentWidth / geometryResolution));
            int   zVerticiesPerSegment = Math.Max(2, Mathf.CeilToInt(segmentLength / geometryResolution));

            // root object
            GameObject surfaceChain = new GameObject();

            surfaceChain.transform.position =;

            string surfaceName = optionalName;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(surfaceName))
                surfaceName = "Surface Chain";
            surfaceName      += " (" + xTextures + " x " + zTextures + " )";
   = surfaceName;

            // prepare mesh
            Mesh mesh = CreateBaseMesh("Plane", xVerticiesPerSegment, zVerticiesPerSegment, segmentWidth, segmentLength);

            // make grid
            var grid = new DisplaceableSurface[xTextures, zTextures];

            for (int z = 0; z < zTextures; ++z)
                for (int x = 0; x < xTextures; ++x)
                    GameObject slice = new GameObject();
               = "Slice (" + x.ToString() + ", " + z.ToString() + ")";
                    slice.isStatic = staticSlices;

                    // add mesh and renderer
                    var meshFilter = slice.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();
                    meshFilter.sharedMesh = mesh;

                    var renderer = slice.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();
                    renderer.material = surfaceMaterial;

                    // surface
                    var script = slice.AddComponent <DisplaceableSurface>();
                    script.textureFormat      = textureFormat;
                    script.maximumTextureSize = textureSize;

                    // collider
                    var collider = slice.AddComponent <MeshCollider>();

                    // save item and push to the parent
                    grid[x, z] = script;

                    slice.transform.parent        = surfaceChain.transform;
                    slice.transform.position      =;
                    slice.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(x * mesh.bounds.size.x, 0, z * mesh.bounds.size.z);

            // link items on the grid
            for (int z = 0; z < zTextures - 1; ++z)
                for (int x = 1; x < xTextures; ++x)
                    var current = grid[x, z];
                    var left    = grid[x - 1, z];
                    var top     = grid[x, z + 1];

                    current.leftNeighbour = left;
                    current.topNeighbour  = top;

            // manager
            var manager = surfaceChain.AddComponent <SurfaceChainManager>();

            // done
            Selection.activeObject = surfaceChain;