Beispiel #1
        public async Task AllSrvrMdls(IUserMessage imsg, PermissionAction action)
            var channel = (ITextChannel)imsg.Channel;

            using (var uow = DbHandler.UnitOfWork())
                var newPerm = new Permission
                    PrimaryTarget = PrimaryPermissionType.Server,
                    PrimaryTargetId = 0,
                    SecondaryTarget = SecondaryPermissionType.AllModules,
                    SecondaryTargetName = "*",
                    State = action.Value,
                uow.GuildConfigs.SetNewRootPermission(channel.Guild.Id, newPerm);

                var allowUser = new Permission
                    PrimaryTarget = PrimaryPermissionType.User,
                    PrimaryTargetId = imsg.Author.Id,
                    SecondaryTarget = SecondaryPermissionType.AllModules,
                    SecondaryTargetName = "*",
                    State = true,

                var config = uow.GuildConfigs.SetNewRootPermission(channel.Guild.Id, allowUser);
                Cache.AddOrUpdate(channel.Guild.Id, new PermissionCache()
                    PermRole = config.PermissionRole,
                    RootPermission = config.RootPermission,
                    Verbose = config.VerbosePermissions
                }, (id, old) => { old.RootPermission = config.RootPermission; return old; });
                await uow.CompleteAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            await channel.SendMessageAsync($"{(action.Value ? "✅ Allowed" : "🆗 Denied")} usage of `ALL MODULES` on this server.").ConfigureAwait(false);
Beispiel #2
        public async Task SrvrCmd(IUserMessage imsg, Command command, PermissionAction action)
            var channel = (ITextChannel)imsg.Channel;

            using (var uow = DbHandler.UnitOfWork())
                var newPerm = new Permission
                    PrimaryTarget = PrimaryPermissionType.Server,
                    PrimaryTargetId = 0,
                    SecondaryTarget = SecondaryPermissionType.Command,
                    SecondaryTargetName = command.Text.ToLowerInvariant(),
                    State = action.Value,
                var config = uow.GuildConfigs.SetNewRootPermission(channel.Guild.Id, newPerm);
                Cache.AddOrUpdate(channel.Guild.Id, new PermissionCache()
                    PermRole = config.PermissionRole,
                    RootPermission = config.RootPermission,
                    Verbose = config.VerbosePermissions
                }, (id, old) => { old.RootPermission = config.RootPermission; return old; });

                await uow.CompleteAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            await channel.SendMessageAsync($"{(action.Value ? "✅ Allowed" : "🆗 Denied")} usage of `{command.Text}` command on this server.").ConfigureAwait(false);
Beispiel #3
        public async Task ChnlMdl(IUserMessage imsg, Module module, PermissionAction action, [Remainder] ITextChannel chnl)
            var channel = (ITextChannel)imsg.Channel;

            using (var uow = DbHandler.UnitOfWork())
                var newPerm = new Permission
                    PrimaryTarget = PrimaryPermissionType.Channel,
                    PrimaryTargetId = chnl.Id,
                    SecondaryTarget = SecondaryPermissionType.Module,
                    SecondaryTargetName = module.Name.ToLowerInvariant(),
                    State = action.Value,
                var config = uow.GuildConfigs.SetNewRootPermission(channel.Guild.Id, newPerm);
                Cache.AddOrUpdate(channel.Guild.Id, new PermissionCache()
                    PermRole = config.PermissionRole,
                    RootPermission = config.RootPermission,
                    Verbose = config.VerbosePermissions
                }, (id, old) => { old.RootPermission = config.RootPermission; return old; });
                await uow.CompleteAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            await channel.SendMessageAsync($"{(action.Value ? "✅ Allowed" : "🆗 Denied")} usage of `{module.Name}` module for `{chnl}` channel.").ConfigureAwait(false);
        public static void Prepend(this Permission perm, Permission toAdd)
            perm = perm.GetRoot();

            perm.Previous = toAdd;
            toAdd.Next = perm;