protected override void SetUp()
     Matcher = new LessThanOrEqualConstraint(5);
     GoodValues = new object[] { 4 , 5 };
     BadValues = new object[] { 6 };
     Description = "less than or equal to 5";
        protected virtual NUnitCtr.Constraint BuildChildConstraint(AbstractComparerXml xml)
            NUnitCtr.Constraint ctr = null;
            if (xml is LessThanXml)
                if (((LessThanXml)xml).OrEqual)
                    ctr = new NUnitCtr.LessThanOrEqualConstraint(xml.Value);
                    ctr = new NUnitCtr.LessThanConstraint(xml.Value);
            else if (xml is MoreThanXml)
                if (((MoreThanXml)xml).OrEqual)
                    ctr = new NUnitCtr.GreaterThanOrEqualConstraint(xml.Value);
                    ctr = new NUnitCtr.GreaterThanConstraint(xml.Value);
            else if (xml is EqualXml)
                ctr = new NUnitCtr.EqualConstraint(xml.Value);

            if (ctr == null)
                throw new ArgumentException();

            return ctr;
        protected virtual NUnitCtr.Constraint BuildChildConstraint(AbstractComparerXml xml)
            NUnitCtr.Constraint ctr = null;
            if (xml is LessThanXml)
                if (((LessThanXml)xml).OrEqual)
                    ctr = new NUnitCtr.LessThanOrEqualConstraint(xml.Value);
                    ctr = new NUnitCtr.LessThanConstraint(xml.Value);
            else if (xml is MoreThanXml)
                if (((MoreThanXml)xml).OrEqual)
                    ctr = new NUnitCtr.GreaterThanOrEqualConstraint(xml.Value);
                    ctr = new NUnitCtr.GreaterThanConstraint(xml.Value);
            else if (xml is EqualXml)
                ctr = new NUnitCtr.EqualConstraint(xml.Value);

            if (ctr == null)
                throw new ArgumentException();

 public void SetUp()
     TheConstraint        = ComparisonConstraint = new LessThanOrEqualConstraint(5);
     ExpectedDescription  = "less than or equal to 5";
     StringRepresentation = "<lessthanorequal 5>";
 public void SetUp()
     theConstraint = comparisonConstraint = new LessThanOrEqualConstraint(5);
     expectedDescription = "less than or equal to 5";
     stringRepresentation = "<lessthanorequal 5>";
Beispiel #6
        protected virtual NUnitCtr.Constraint BuildChildConstraint(AbstractComparerXml xml)
            var value = xml.Value.Replace(" ", "");

            object numericValue;

                if (value.EndsWith("%"))
                    numericValue = Decimal.Parse(xml.Value.Substring(0, xml.Value.Length - 1)) / new Decimal(100);
                    numericValue = Int32.Parse(xml.Value);
            catch (Exception ex)
                var exception = new ArgumentException
                    String.Format("The assertion row-count is expecting an integer or percentage value for comparison. The provided value '{0}' is not a integer or percentage value.", value)
                    , ex
                throw exception;

            NUnitCtr.Constraint ctr = null;
            if (xml is LessThanXml)
                if (((LessThanXml)xml).OrEqual)
                    ctr = new NUnitCtr.LessThanOrEqualConstraint(numericValue);
                    ctr = new NUnitCtr.LessThanConstraint(numericValue);
            else if (xml is MoreThanXml)
                if (((MoreThanXml)xml).OrEqual)
                    ctr = new NUnitCtr.GreaterThanOrEqualConstraint(numericValue);
                    ctr = new NUnitCtr.GreaterThanConstraint(numericValue);
            else if (xml is EqualXml)
                ctr = new NUnitCtr.EqualConstraint(numericValue);

            if (ctr == null)
                throw new ArgumentException();
