Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Selling of young stock
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentDay"></param>
        /// <param name="curEnt"></param>
        protected void manageSelling(int currentDay, TEnterpriseInfo curEnt)
            int g;
            int groups;
            int number;
            bool saleDatesInRange;

            if (curEnt.getYoungSaleWeight(1) <= 0.0)  //if sell on a fixed date
                if (curEnt.getYoungSaleFirstDay(1) == currentDay)
                    switch (curEnt.EntTypeFromName(curEnt.EntClass))
                        case TEnterpriseInfo.TStockEnterprise.entEweWether:
                            //self replacing
                            //not self replacing
                        case TEnterpriseInfo.TStockEnterprise.entWether:
                        case TEnterpriseInfo.TStockEnterprise.entSteer:
                            g = 1;
                            groups = Count();                     //store this count
                            while (g <= groups)                       //for each group
                                if (curEnt.ContainsTag(getTag(g)))        //if this group belongs to this ent
                                    //if this group is old enough
                                    if (At(g).AgeDays >= (365.25 * curEnt.getYoungSaleFirstYears(1)))
                                        //SplitAge(g, 365 * curEnt.YoungSaleFirstYears[1]); //split this group based on age
                                        number = At(g).NoAnimals;
                                        Sell(g, number); //sell the animals
                            }  //next group
                if (curEnt.getYoungSaleWtGain(1) > TEnterpriseInfo.INVALID_WTGAIN)
                    //sell by weight gain
                    //for each young animal (?)
                    //calc d_wt
                    //calc ave weight change
                    //for each animal group
                    //if animal group is young
                    //sell group
                    //next animal group
                    //sell by weight within a period
                    switch (curEnt.EntTypeFromName(curEnt.EntClass))
                        case TEnterpriseInfo.TStockEnterprise.entEweWether:
                            //self replacing
                            //not self replacing
                        case TEnterpriseInfo.TStockEnterprise.entWether:
                        case TEnterpriseInfo.TStockEnterprise.entSteer:

                            //check if today is in the selling date range
                            if ((curEnt.getYoungSaleFirstDay(1) <= curEnt.getYoungSaleLastDay(1)))
                                saleDatesInRange = ((curEnt.getYoungSaleFirstDay(1) <= currentDay) && (currentDay <= curEnt.getYoungSaleLastDay(1)));
                                saleDatesInRange = ((curEnt.getYoungSaleFirstDay(1) <= currentDay) || (currentDay <= curEnt.getYoungSaleLastDay(1)));

                            if (saleDatesInRange)
                                g = 1;
                                groups = Count();
                                while (g <= groups)                      //for each group
                                    if (curEnt.ContainsTag(getTag(g)))        //if this group belongs to this ent
                                        //if this group is old enough
                                        if (At(g).AgeDays >= (365.25 * curEnt.getYoungSaleFirstYears(1)))
                                            //check for sale condition
                                            if ((At(g).LiveWeight >= curEnt.getYoungSaleWeight(1)) || (currentDay == curEnt.getYoungSaleLastDay(1)))
                                                number = At(g).NoAnimals;
                                                Sell(g, number); //sell the animals
                            }  //in date range
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Manage the replacement of adults by purchasing or ageing the existing stock.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentDay"></param>
        /// <param name="curEnt"></param>
        protected void manageReplacement(int currentDay, TEnterpriseInfo curEnt)
            double area;
            int numToBuy;
            int totalStock;
            int g, groups;
            int groupIdx;
            TPurchaseInfo AnimalInfo = new TPurchaseInfo();
            int yrs;
            TAnimalParamSet genoprms;
            TEnterpriseInfo.TStockEnterprise stockEnt;

            if (curEnt.ReplacementDay == currentDay)
                area = calcStockArea(curEnt);
                if (area > 0)
                    totalStock = 0;
                    g = 1;
                    groups = Count();
                    while (g <= groups)                       //for each group
                        if (curEnt.ContainsTag(getTag(g)))        //if this group belongs to this ent
                            totalStock = totalStock + At(g).NoAnimals;
                    numToBuy = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Truncate(curEnt.StockRateFemale * area) - totalStock);  //calc how many to purchase to maintain stocking rate
                    if (!curEnt.getPurchase(1))       //if self replacing
                        // tag enough young ewes as replacements
                        // sell excess young ewes
                        stockEnt = curEnt.EntTypeFromName(curEnt.EntClass);
                        genoprms = getGenotype(curEnt.BaseGenoType);
                        switch (stockEnt)
                            case TEnterpriseInfo.TStockEnterprise.entLamb:
                            case TEnterpriseInfo.TStockEnterprise.entWether:
                            case TEnterpriseInfo.TStockEnterprise.entSteer:
                                AnimalInfo.sGenotype = curEnt.BaseGenoType;
                                AnimalInfo.Number = numToBuy;
                                AnimalInfo.Repro = GrazType.ReproType.Castrated;
                                AnimalInfo.AgeDays = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Truncate(MONTH2DAY * curEnt.ReplaceAge + 0.5));
                                AnimalInfo.LiveWt = curEnt.ReplaceWeight;
                                AnimalInfo.GFW = 0;
                                AnimalInfo.fCondScore = TAnimalParamSet.Condition2CondScore(curEnt.ReplaceCond);
                                AnimalInfo.sMatedTo = "";
                                AnimalInfo.Preg = 0;
                                AnimalInfo.Lact = 0;
                                AnimalInfo.NYoung = 0;
                                AnimalInfo.NYoung = 0;
                                AnimalInfo.YoungWt = 0;
                                AnimalInfo.YoungGFW = 0;
                                if ((stockEnt == TEnterpriseInfo.TStockEnterprise.entWether) || (stockEnt == TEnterpriseInfo.TStockEnterprise.entLamb))
                                    AnimalInfo.GFW = genoprms.PotentialGFW * DaysFromDOY(curEnt.ShearingDate, currentDay) / 365.0;
                                if (AnimalInfo.Number > 0)
                                    groupIdx = Buy(AnimalInfo);
                                    yrs = AnimalInfo.AgeDays / 365;
                                    TagGroup(curEnt, groupIdx, 1);        //tag the group

                                    // {TODO: before drafting, a request of forages should be done}

                                    DraftToOpenPaddocks(curEnt, area);
                                    //find the first paddock to be stocked for this enterprise
                                    p = 0;
                                    while (p <= paddocks.Count - 1) do
                                      if curEnt.StockedPaddock[p+1]    //if paddock to be stocked
                                        InPadd[groupIdx] = paddocks.byIndex(p).sName;  //move into correct paddock
                                        p = paddocks.Count; //terminate loop
                                    //if none found default to the first paddock
                                    if p = paddocks.Count
                                      InPadd[groupIdx] = paddocks.byIndex(0).sName;

Beispiel #3
        //management events described by the livestock dialog
        /// <summary>
        /// If the stock are to be managed by this component then there are tasks to
        /// do such as ageing animals and re-tagging them if required.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentDay"></param>
        /// <param name="curEnt"></param>
        protected void manageDailyTasks(int currentDay, TEnterpriseInfo curEnt)
            int g;
            int mob;

            if (curEnt.TagUpdateDay == currentDay)      //if this is a re-tagging day
                //only work on the groups in this enterprise
                g = 1;
                while (g <= Count())                       //for each group
                    if (curEnt.ContainsTag(getTag(g)))        //if this group belongs to this ent
                        //modify the tag value for this age group
                        for (mob = 0; mob <= MOBS - 1; mob++)
                            if (ENTMOBS[(int)curEnt.EntTypeFromName(curEnt.EntClass), mob].MobName != "")  //for each mob in this enterprise type
                                TagGroup(curEnt, g, mob);        //tag the group
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Manage the initialisation of the animal groups for the enterprise.
        /// Called at the end of evtINITSTEP
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentDay"></param>
        /// <param name="curEnt"></param>
        /// <param name="latitude"></param>
        protected void manageInitialiseStock(int currentDay, TEnterpriseInfo curEnt, double latitude)
            double area;
            int numToBuy;
            TCohortsInfo CohortsInfo = new TCohortsInfo();
            int birthDay;
            int replaceAge;
            int ageOffset;
            int yngYrs = 0, oldYrs = 0;
            int i;
            TAnimalParamSet genoprms;
            int iBuyYears;
            int dtBuy;
            List<int> newGroups;
            int groupIdx;
            TEnterpriseInfo.TStockEnterprise stockEnt;
            double survivalRate;

            area = calcStockArea(curEnt);
            if (area > 0)
                newGroups = new List<int>();
                numToBuy = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Truncate(curEnt.StockRateFemale * area));
                stockEnt = curEnt.EntTypeFromName(curEnt.EntClass);

                //calc the birth date based on age at replacement
                replaceAge = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Truncate(MONTH2DAY * curEnt.ReplaceAge + 0.5));
                ageOffset = (replaceAge + DaysFromDOY(curEnt.ReplacementDay, currentDay)) % 366;

                //get age range - from calc'd birth to CFA age
                GetAgeRange(curEnt.ReplacementDay, replaceAge, curEnt.getFirstSaleYears(1), curEnt.getFirstSaleDay(1), currentDay, ref yngYrs, ref oldYrs);
                genoprms = getGenotype(curEnt.BaseGenoType);
                if (curEnt.getPurchase(1))
                    iBuyYears = curEnt.ReplaceAge / 12;
                    dtBuy = StdDate.DateVal(StdDate.DayOf(curEnt.ReplacementDay), StdDate.MonthOf(curEnt.ReplacementDay), 1900 + (iBuyYears + 1));
                    birthDay = StdDate.DateShift(dtBuy, 0, -curEnt.ReplaceAge, 0) & 0xFFFF;
                    birthDay = 1 + (curEnt.MateDay + 12 + genoprms.Gestation) % 365;

                survivalRate = Math.Min(1.0 - genoprms.AnnualDeaths(false), 0.999999);

                CohortsInfo.sGenotype = curEnt.BaseGenoType;
                CohortsInfo.iNumber = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Truncate(numToBuy * Math.Pow(survivalRate, ((currentDay - curEnt.ReplacementDay + 365) % 365) / 365)));
                CohortsInfo.iMinYears = yngYrs;
                CohortsInfo.iMaxYears = oldYrs;
                CohortsInfo.iAgeOffsetDays = StdDate.Interval(birthDay, currentDay);
                CohortsInfo.fMeanLiveWt = curEnt.ReplaceWeight;
                CohortsInfo.fCondScore = curEnt.ReplaceCond;

                switch (stockEnt)
                    case TEnterpriseInfo.TStockEnterprise.entEweWether:

                        //setup cohorts for the females
                        CohortsInfo.ReproClass = GrazType.ReproType.Empty;   // or preg
                        CohortsInfo.fMeanGFW = genoprms.PotentialGFW * DaysFromDOY(curEnt.ShearingDate, currentDay) / 365.0;
                        CohortsInfo.iFleeceDays = DaysFromDOY365(curEnt.ShearingDate, currentDay);
                        if (curEnt.ManageReproduction)
                            CohortsInfo.sMatedTo = curEnt.MateWith;
                            CohortsInfo.sMatedTo = curEnt.BaseGenoType;
                        //        CohortsInfo.iDaysPreg =
                        /*          CohortsInfo.fFoetuses = eventData.member("foetuses").asDouble();
                                  CohortsInfo.iDaysLact = eventData.member("lactating").asInteger();
                                  CohortsInfo.fOffspring = eventData.member("offspring").asDouble();
                                  CohortsInfo.fOffspringWt = eventData.member("young_wt").asDouble();
                                  CohortsInfo.fOffspringCS = eventData.member("young_cond_score").asDouble();
                                  CohortsInfo.fLambGFW = eventData.member("young_fleece_wt").asDouble();
                        if (CohortsInfo.iNumber > 0)
                            AddCohorts(CohortsInfo, 1 + DaysFromDOY365(1, currentDay), latitude, null);

                        //tag the groups
                        for (i = 0; i <= newGroups.Count - 1; i++)
                            groupIdx = newGroups[i];
                            TagGroup(curEnt, groupIdx, 1);          //tag the group
                        DraftToOpenPaddocks(curEnt, area);        //move the groups to paddocks

                        //setup wether cohorts
                    case TEnterpriseInfo.TStockEnterprise.entLamb:
                    case TEnterpriseInfo.TStockEnterprise.entWether:
                    case TEnterpriseInfo.TStockEnterprise.entSteer:
                        CohortsInfo.ReproClass = GrazType.ReproType.Castrated;
                        //birthday offset from the current date
                        CohortsInfo.fMeanGFW = 0;
                        CohortsInfo.iFleeceDays = 0;
                        CohortsInfo.sMatedTo = "";
                        CohortsInfo.iDaysPreg = 0;
                        CohortsInfo.fFoetuses = 0;
                        CohortsInfo.iDaysLact = 0;
                        CohortsInfo.fOffspring = 0;
                        CohortsInfo.fOffspringWt = 0;
                        CohortsInfo.fOffspringCS = 0;
                        CohortsInfo.fLambGFW = 0;
                        if ((stockEnt == TEnterpriseInfo.TStockEnterprise.entWether) || (stockEnt == TEnterpriseInfo.TStockEnterprise.entLamb))
                            CohortsInfo.fMeanGFW = genoprms.PotentialGFW * DaysFromDOY(curEnt.ShearingDate, currentDay) / 365.0;
                        if (CohortsInfo.iNumber > 0)
                            AddCohorts(CohortsInfo, currentDay, latitude, newGroups);
                        //tag the groups
                        for (i = 0; i <= newGroups.Count - 1; i++)
                            groupIdx = newGroups[i];
                            TagGroup(curEnt, groupIdx, 1);          //tag the group
                        DraftToOpenPaddocks(curEnt, area);        //move the groups to paddocks
                    case TEnterpriseInfo.TStockEnterprise.entBeefCow:
                newGroups = null;
Beispiel #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Apply the tag to the group based on the age group and mob specified for this enterprise.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="curEnt"></param>
 /// <param name="groupIdx"></param>
 /// <param name="mob"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public int TagGroup(TEnterpriseInfo curEnt, int groupIdx, int mob)
     int age;
     bool tagChanged;
     //TODO: revise this code. Mobs need to be able to merge by assigning the same tag
     tagChanged = false;
     age = AGEGRPS - 1;
     while (!tagChanged && (age >= 0))  //for each tagged age group for this enterprise
         //if the new group is in this range
         if (At(groupIdx).AgeDays >= (ENTAGEGRPS[(int)curEnt.EntTypeFromName(curEnt.EntClass), age].age * 365.25))
             if (curEnt.getTag(mob, age + 1) > 0)
                 setTag(groupIdx, curEnt.getTag(mob, age + 1));  //tag it
                 setPriority(groupIdx, AGEGRPS - age);      //set priority (for drafting)
                 tagChanged = true;
     return getTag(groupIdx);