internal void UpdateContextHierarchyIfContainsDocument(IVsHierarchy sharedHierarchy, DocumentId documentId)
            // TODO: This is a very roundabout way to update the context

            // The sharedHierarchy passed in has a new context, but we don't know what it is.
            // The documentId passed in is associated with this sharedHierarchy, and this method
            // will be called once for each such documentId. During this process, one of these
            // documentIds will actually belong to the new SharedItemContextHierarchy. Once we
            // find that one, we can map back to the open buffer and set its active context to
            // the appropriate project.

            var contextHierarchy = LinkedFileUtilities.GetSharedItemContextHierarchy(sharedHierarchy);

            // TODO: linear search
            var matchingProject = CurrentSolution.Projects.FirstOrDefault(p => GetHostProject(p.Id).Hierarchy == contextHierarchy);

            if (matchingProject == null)
                // How?

            if (!matchingProject.ContainsDocument(documentId))
                // While this documentId is associated with one of the head projects for this
                // sharedHierarchy, it is not associated with the new context hierarchy. Another
                // documentId will be passed to this method and update the context.

            // This documentId belongs to the new SharedItemContextHierarchy. Update the associated
            // buffer.
Beispiel #2
        public VisualStudioProjectTracker(IThreadingContext threadingContext, IServiceProvider serviceProvider, Workspace workspace, LinkedFileUtilities linkedFileUtilities)
            : base(threadingContext, assertIsForeground: true)
            _projectMap         = new Dictionary <ProjectId, AbstractProject>();
            _projectPathToIdMap = new Dictionary <string, ProjectId>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            _serviceProvider     = serviceProvider;
            _workspace           = workspace;
            WorkspaceServices    = workspace.Services;
            _linkedFileUtilities = linkedFileUtilities;

            _vsSolution           = (IVsSolution)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsSolution));
            _runningDocumentTable = (IVsRunningDocumentTable4)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsRunningDocumentTable));

            // It's possible that we're loading after the solution has already fully loaded, so see if we missed the event
            var shellMonitorSelection = (IVsMonitorSelection)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsShellMonitorSelection));

            if (ErrorHandler.Succeeded(shellMonitorSelection.GetCmdUIContextCookie(VSConstants.UICONTEXT.SolutionExistsAndFullyLoaded_guid, out var fullyLoadedContextCookie)))
                if (ErrorHandler.Succeeded(shellMonitorSelection.IsCmdUIContextActive(fullyLoadedContextCookie, out var fActive)) && fActive != 0)
                    _solutionLoadComplete = true;
        internal override void SetDocumentContext(DocumentId documentId)
            var hostDocument = GetHostDocument(documentId);
            var hierarchy    = hostDocument.Project.Hierarchy;
            var itemId       = hostDocument.GetItemId();

            if (itemId == (uint)VSConstants.VSITEMID.Nil)
                // the document has been removed from the solution

            var sharedHierarchy = LinkedFileUtilities.GetSharedHierarchyForItem(hierarchy, itemId);

            if (sharedHierarchy != null)
                // Universal Project shared files
                //     Change the SharedItemContextHierarchy of the project's parent hierarchy, then
                //     hierarchy events will trigger the workspace to update.
                var hr = sharedHierarchy.SetProperty((uint)VSConstants.VSITEMID.Root, (int)__VSHPROPID7.VSHPROPID_SharedItemContextHierarchy, hierarchy);
                // Regular linked files
                //     Transfer the item (open buffer) to the new hierarchy, and then hierarchy events
                //     will trigger the workspace to update.
                var vsproj = hierarchy as IVsProject3;
                var hr     = vsproj.TransferItem(hostDocument.FilePath, hostDocument.FilePath, punkWindowFrame: null);
            private void SubscribeToSharedHierarchyEvents(DocumentId documentId)
                // Todo: maybe avoid double alerts.
                var hostDocument = _workspace.GetHostDocument(documentId);

                if (hostDocument == null)

                var hierarchy = hostDocument.Project.Hierarchy;

                var itemId = hostDocument.GetItemId();

                if (itemId == (uint)VSConstants.VSITEMID.Nil)
                    // the document has been removed from the solution

                var sharedHierarchy = LinkedFileUtilities.GetSharedHierarchyForItem(hierarchy, itemId);

                if (sharedHierarchy != null)
                    uint cookie;
                    var  eventSink = new HierarchyEventsSink(_workspace, sharedHierarchy, documentId);
                    var  hr        = sharedHierarchy.AdviseHierarchyEvents(eventSink, out cookie);

                    if (hr == VSConstants.S_OK && !_documentIdToHierarchyEventsCookieMap.ContainsKey(documentId))
                        _documentIdToHierarchyEventsCookieMap.Add(documentId, cookie);
            private void UnsubscribeFromSharedHierarchyEvents(DocumentId documentId)
                var hostDocument = _workspace.GetHostDocument(documentId);
                var hierarchy    = hostDocument.Project.Hierarchy;

                var itemId = hostDocument.GetItemId();

                if (itemId == (uint)VSConstants.VSITEMID.Nil)
                    // the document has been removed from the solution

                var sharedHierarchy = LinkedFileUtilities.GetSharedHierarchyForItem(hierarchy, itemId);

                if (sharedHierarchy != null)
                    uint cookie;
                    if (_documentIdToHierarchyEventsCookieMap.TryGetValue(documentId, out cookie))
                        var hr = sharedHierarchy.UnadviseHierarchyEvents(cookie);
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a document provider.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serviceProvider">Service provider</param>
        /// <param name="documentTrackingService">An optional <see cref="VisualStudioDocumentTrackingService"/> to track active and visible documents.</param>
        public DocumentProvider(
            VisualStudioProjectTracker projectTracker,
            IServiceProvider serviceProvider,
            VisualStudioDocumentTrackingService documentTrackingService,
            LinkedFileUtilities linkedFileUtilities)
            : base(projectTracker.ThreadingContext)
            var componentModel = (IComponentModel)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(SComponentModel));

            _projectTracker = projectTracker;
            this._documentTrackingServiceOpt   = documentTrackingService;
            this._runningDocumentTable         = (IVsRunningDocumentTable4)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsRunningDocumentTable));
            this._editorAdaptersFactoryService = componentModel.GetService <IVsEditorAdaptersFactoryService>();
            this._contentTypeRegistryService   = componentModel.GetService <IContentTypeRegistryService>();
            _linkedFileUtilities = linkedFileUtilities;
            _textManager         = (IVsTextManager)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsTextManager));

            _fileChangeService = (IVsFileChangeEx)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsFileChangeEx));

            var shell = (IVsShell)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsShell));

            if (shell == null)
                // This can happen only in tests, bail out.

            var runningDocumentTableForEvents = (IVsRunningDocumentTable)_runningDocumentTable;

            Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(runningDocumentTableForEvents.AdviseRunningDocTableEvents(new RunningDocTableEventsSink(this), out _runningDocumentTableEventCookie));
Beispiel #7
        private bool IsCurrentContext(DocumentKey documentKey)
            var document = documentKey.HostProject.GetCurrentDocumentFromPath(documentKey.Moniker);

            return(document != null && LinkedFileUtilities.IsCurrentContextHierarchy(document, _runningDocumentTable));
Beispiel #8
        internal void UpdateDocumentContextIfContainsDocument(IVsHierarchy sharedHierarchy, DocumentId documentId)
            // TODO: This is a very roundabout way to update the context

            // The sharedHierarchy passed in has a new context, but we don't know what it is.
            // The documentId passed in is associated with this sharedHierarchy, and this method
            // will be called once for each such documentId. During this process, one of these
            // documentIds will actually belong to the new SharedItemContextHierarchy. Once we
            // find that one, we can map back to the open buffer and set its active context to
            // the appropriate project.

            // Note that if there is a single head project and it's in the process of being unloaded
            // there might not be a host project.
            var hostProject = LinkedFileUtilities.GetContextHostProject(sharedHierarchy, DeferredState.ProjectTracker);

            if (hostProject?.Hierarchy == sharedHierarchy)

            if (hostProject.Id != documentId.ProjectId)
                // While this documentId is associated with one of the head projects for this
                // sharedHierarchy, it is not associated with the new context hierarchy. Another
                // documentId will be passed to this method and update the context.

            // This documentId belongs to the new SharedItemContextHierarchy. Update the associated
            // buffer.
        private bool IsCurrentContext(uint docCookie, DocumentKey documentKey)
            _runningDocumentTable.GetDocumentHierarchyItem(docCookie, out var hierarchy, out var itemid);

            // If it belongs to a Shared Code or ASP.NET 5 project, then find the correct host project
            var hostProject = LinkedFileUtilities.GetContextHostProject(hierarchy, _projectContainer);

            return(documentKey.HostProject == hostProject);
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the <see cref="DocumentId"/> related to the given <see cref="DocumentId"/> that
        /// is in the current context. For regular files (non-shared and non-linked) and closed
        /// linked files, this is always the provided <see cref="DocumentId"/>. For open linked
        /// files and open shared files, the active context is already tracked by the
        /// <see cref="Workspace"/> and can be looked up directly. For closed shared files, the
        /// document in the shared project's <see cref="__VSHPROPID7.VSHPROPID_SharedItemContextHierarchy"/>
        /// is preferred.
        /// </summary>
        internal override DocumentId GetDocumentIdInCurrentContext(DocumentId documentId)
            // If the document is open, then the Workspace knows the current context for both
            // linked and shared files
            if (IsDocumentOpen(documentId))

            var hostDocument = GetHostDocument(documentId);

            if (hostDocument == null)
                // This can happen if the document was temporary and has since been closed/deleted.

            var itemId = hostDocument.GetItemId();

            if (itemId == (uint)VSConstants.VSITEMID.Nil)
                // An itemid is required to determine whether the file belongs to a Shared Project

            // If this is a regular document or a closed linked (non-shared) document, then use the
            // default logic for determining current context.
            var sharedHierarchy = LinkedFileUtilities.GetSharedHierarchyForItem(hostDocument.Project.Hierarchy, itemId);

            if (sharedHierarchy == null)

            // This is a closed shared document, so we must determine the correct context.
            var hostProject     = LinkedFileUtilities.GetContextHostProject(sharedHierarchy, DeferredState.ProjectTracker);
            var matchingProject = CurrentSolution.GetProject(hostProject.Id);

            if (matchingProject == null || hostProject.Hierarchy == sharedHierarchy)

            if (matchingProject.ContainsDocument(documentId))
                // The provided documentId is in the current context project

            // The current context document is from another project.
            var linkedDocumentIds  = CurrentSolution.GetDocument(documentId).GetLinkedDocumentIds();
            var matchingDocumentId = linkedDocumentIds.FirstOrDefault(id => id.ProjectId == matchingProject.Id);

            return(matchingDocumentId ?? base.GetDocumentIdInCurrentContext(documentId));
        public void AddAdditionalFile(string additionalFilePath)
            var document = this.DocumentProvider.TryGetDocumentForFile(this, (uint)VSConstants.VSITEMID.Nil, filePath: additionalFilePath, sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Regular, canUseTextBuffer: (b) => true);

            if (document == null)

                                  isCurrentContext: document.Project.Hierarchy == LinkedFileUtilities.GetContextHierarchy(document, RunningDocumentTable));
Beispiel #12
        private bool IsCurrentContext(uint docCookie, DocumentKey documentKey)
            IVsHierarchy hierarchy;
            uint         itemid;

            RunningDocumentTable.GetDocumentHierarchyItem(docCookie, out hierarchy, out itemid);

            // If it belongs to a Shared Code project, then the current context is determined
            // by the SharedItemContextHierarchy.
            var hierarchyOwningDocument = LinkedFileUtilities.GetSharedItemContextHierarchy(hierarchy) ?? hierarchy;

            return(documentKey.HostProject.Hierarchy == hierarchyOwningDocument);
Beispiel #13
            public StandardTextDocument(
                DocumentProvider documentProvider,
                IVisualStudioHostProject project,
                DocumentKey documentKey,
                uint itemId,
                SourceCodeKind sourceCodeKind,
                ITextBufferFactoryService textBufferFactoryService,
                ITextUndoHistoryRegistry textUndoHistoryRegistry,
                IVsFileChangeEx fileChangeService,
                ITextBuffer openTextBuffer,
                DocumentId id)

                this.Project = project;
                this.Id      = id ?? DocumentId.CreateNewId(project.Id, documentKey.Moniker);
                this.Folders = project.GetFolderNames(itemId);

                // TODO:
                // this one doesn't work for asynchronous project load situation where shared projects is loaded after one uses shared file.
                // we need to figure out what to do on those case. but this works for project k case.
                // opened an issue to track this issue -
                this.SharedHierarchy = project.Hierarchy == null ? null : LinkedFileUtilities.GetSharedHierarchyForItem(project.Hierarchy, itemId);
                _documentProvider    = documentProvider;

                this.Key                          = documentKey;
                this.SourceCodeKind               = sourceCodeKind;
                _itemMoniker                      = documentKey.Moniker;
                _textBufferFactoryService         = textBufferFactoryService;
                _textUndoHistoryRegistry          = textUndoHistoryRegistry;
                _fileChangeTracker                = new FileChangeTracker(fileChangeService, this.FilePath);
                _fileChangeTracker.UpdatedOnDisk += OnUpdatedOnDisk;

                _openTextBuffer  = openTextBuffer;
                _snapshotTracker = new ReiteratedVersionSnapshotTracker(openTextBuffer);

                // The project system does not tell us the CodePage specified in the proj file, so
                // we use null to auto-detect.
                _doNotAccessDirectlyLoader = new FileTextLoader(documentKey.Moniker, defaultEncoding: null);

                // If we aren't already open in the editor, then we should create a file change notification
                if (openTextBuffer == null)
Beispiel #14
            public StandardTextDocument(
                DocumentProvider documentProvider,
                IVisualStudioHostProject project,
                DocumentKey documentKey,
                uint itemId,
                SourceCodeKind sourceCodeKind,
                ITextBufferFactoryService textBufferFactoryService,
                ITextUndoHistoryRegistry textUndoHistoryRegistry,
                IVsFileChangeEx fileChangeService,
                ITextBuffer openTextBuffer,
                DocumentId id)

                this.Project = project;
                this.Id      = id ?? DocumentId.CreateNewId(project.Id, documentKey.Moniker);
                this.Folders = project.GetFolderNames(itemId);

                this.SharedHierarchy = project.Hierarchy == null ? null : LinkedFileUtilities.GetSharedHierarchyForItem(project.Hierarchy, itemId);
                _documentProvider    = documentProvider;

                this.Key                          = documentKey;
                this.SourceCodeKind               = sourceCodeKind;
                _itemMoniker                      = documentKey.Moniker;
                _textBufferFactoryService         = textBufferFactoryService;
                _textUndoHistoryRegistry          = textUndoHistoryRegistry;
                _fileChangeTracker                = new FileChangeTracker(fileChangeService, this.FilePath);
                _fileChangeTracker.UpdatedOnDisk += OnUpdatedOnDisk;

                _openTextBuffer  = openTextBuffer;
                _snapshotTracker = new ReiteratedVersionSnapshotTracker(openTextBuffer);

                // The project system does not tell us the CodePage specified in the proj file, so
                // we use null to auto-detect.
                _doNotAccessDirectlyLoader = new FileTextLoader(documentKey.Moniker, defaultEncoding: null);

                // If we aren't already open in the editor, then we should create a file change notification
                if (openTextBuffer == null)
Beispiel #15
            internal void StartPushingToWorkspaceAndNotifyOfOpenDocuments(
                IEnumerable <AbstractProject> projects)

                // If the workspace host isn't actually ready yet, we shouldn't do anything.
                // Also, if the solution is closing we shouldn't do anything either, because all of our state is
                // in the process of going away. This can happen if we receive notification that a document has
                // opened in the middle of the solution close operation.
                if (!this.HostReadyForEvents || _tracker._solutionIsClosing)

                // We need to push these projects and any project dependencies we already know about. Therefore, compute the
                // transitive closure of the projects that haven't already been pushed, keeping them in appropriate order.
                var visited       = new HashSet <AbstractProject>();
                var inOrderToPush = new List <AbstractProject>();

                foreach (var project in projects)
                    AddToPushListIfNeeded(project, inOrderToPush, visited);

                var projectInfos = inOrderToPush.Select(p => p.CreateProjectInfoForCurrentState()).ToImmutableArray();

                // We need to enable projects to start pushing changes to workspace hosts even before we add the solution/project to the host.
                // This is required because between the point we capture the project info for current state and the point where we start pushing to workspace hosts,
                // project system may send new events on the AbstractProject on a background thread, and these won't get pushed over to the workspace hosts as we didn't set the _pushingChangesToWorkspaceHost flag on the AbstractProject.
                // By invoking StartPushingToWorkspaceHosts upfront, any project state changes on the background thread will enqueue notifications to workspace hosts on foreground scheduled tasks.
                foreach (var project in inOrderToPush)

                if (!_solutionAdded)
                    string       solutionFilePath = null;
                    VersionStamp?version          = default(VersionStamp?);
                    // Figure out the solution version
                    if (ErrorHandler.Succeeded(_tracker._vsSolution.GetSolutionInfo(out var solutionDirectory, out var solutionFileName, out var userOptsFile)) && solutionFileName != null)
                        solutionFilePath = Path.Combine(solutionDirectory, solutionFileName);
                        if (File.Exists(solutionFilePath))
                            version = VersionStamp.Create(File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(solutionFilePath));

                    if (version == null)
                        version = VersionStamp.Create();

                    var id = SolutionId.CreateNewId(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(solutionFileName) ? null : solutionFileName);

                    var solutionInfo = SolutionInfo.Create(id, version.Value, solutionFilePath, projects: projectInfos);


                    _solutionAdded = true;
                    // The solution is already added, so we'll just do project added notifications from here
                    foreach (var projectInfo in projectInfos)

                foreach (var project in inOrderToPush)

                    foreach (var document in project.GetCurrentDocuments())
                        if (document.IsOpen)
                                isCurrentContext: LinkedFileUtilities.IsCurrentContextHierarchy(document, _tracker._runningDocumentTable));
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts pushing events from the given projects to the workspace hosts and notifies about open documents.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>This method must be called on the foreground thread.</remarks>
        internal void StartPushingToWorkspaceAndNotifyOfOpenDocuments(IEnumerable <AbstractProject> projects)

            // If the solution is closing we shouldn't do anything, because all of our state is
            // in the process of going away. This can happen if we receive notification that a document has
            // opened in the middle of the solution close operation.
            if (_solutionIsClosing)

            // We need to push these projects and any project dependencies we already know about. Therefore, compute the
            // transitive closure of the projects that haven't already been pushed, keeping them in appropriate order.
            var visited       = new HashSet <AbstractProject>();
            var inOrderToPush = new List <AbstractProject>();

            void addToInOrderToPush(AbstractProject project)

                // Bail out if any of the following is true:
                //  1. We have already started pushing changes for this project OR
                //  2. We have already visited this project in a prior recursive call
                if (_pushedProjects.Contains(project) || !visited.Add(project))

                foreach (var projectReference in project.GetCurrentProjectReferences())


            foreach (var project in projects)

            var projectInfos = inOrderToPush.Select(p => p.CreateProjectInfoForCurrentState()).ToImmutableArray();

            // We need to enable projects to start pushing changes to the workspace even before we add the solution/project to the host.
            // This is required because between the point we capture the project info for current state and the point where we start pushing to the workspace,
            // project system may send new events on the AbstractProject on a background thread, and these won't get pushed over to the workspace hosts as we didn't set the _pushingChangesToWorkspaceHost flag on the AbstractProject.
            // By invoking StartPushingToWorkspaceHosts upfront, any project state changes on the background thread will enqueue notifications to workspace hosts on foreground scheduled tasks.
            foreach (var project in inOrderToPush)
                project.PushingChangesToWorkspace = true;

                           KeyValueLogMessage.Create(LogType.Trace, m =>
                    m[AbstractProject.ProjectGuidPropertyName] = project.Guid;

            using (WorkspaceServices.GetService <IGlobalOperationNotificationService>()?.Start("Add Project to Workspace"))
                if (!_solutionAdded)
                    string       solutionFilePath = null;
                    VersionStamp?version          = default;
                    // Figure out the solution version
                    if (ErrorHandler.Succeeded(_vsSolution.GetSolutionInfo(out var solutionDirectory, out var solutionFileName, out var userOptsFile)) && solutionFileName != null)
                        solutionFilePath = Path.Combine(solutionDirectory, solutionFileName);
                        if (File.Exists(solutionFilePath))
                            version = VersionStamp.Create(File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(solutionFilePath));

                    if (version == null)
                        version = VersionStamp.Create();

                    var id = SolutionId.CreateNewId(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(solutionFileName) ? null : solutionFileName);

                    var solutionInfo = SolutionInfo.Create(id, version.Value, solutionFilePath, projects: projectInfos);

                    NotifyWorkspace(workspace => workspace.OnSolutionAdded(solutionInfo));

                    _solutionAdded = true;

                    var persistenceService = WorkspaceServices.GetRequiredService <IPersistentStorageLocationService>() as VisualStudioPersistentStorageLocationService;
                    // The solution is already added, so we'll just do project added notifications from here
                    foreach (var projectInfo in projectInfos)
                        NotifyWorkspace(workspace => workspace.OnProjectAdded(projectInfo));

                foreach (var project in inOrderToPush)

                    foreach (var document in project.GetCurrentDocuments())
                        if (document.IsOpen)
                            NotifyWorkspace(workspace =>
                                    isCurrentContext: LinkedFileUtilities.IsCurrentContextHierarchy(document, _runningDocumentTable));
                                (workspace as VisualStudioWorkspaceImpl)?.ConnectToSharedHierarchyEvents(document);
Beispiel #17
            public DeferredInitializationState(IThreadingContext threadingContext, VisualStudioWorkspaceImpl workspace, IServiceProvider serviceProvider, LinkedFileUtilities linkedFileUtilities)
                : base(threadingContext, assertIsForeground: true)
                ServiceProvider          = serviceProvider;
                ShellOpenDocumentService = (IVsUIShellOpenDocument)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsUIShellOpenDocument));
                ProjectTracker           = new VisualStudioProjectTracker(threadingContext, serviceProvider, workspace, linkedFileUtilities);

                // Ensure the document tracking service is initialized on the UI thread
                var documentTrackingService   = (VisualStudioDocumentTrackingService)workspace.Services.GetService <IDocumentTrackingService>();
                var documentProvider          = new DocumentProvider(ProjectTracker, serviceProvider, documentTrackingService, linkedFileUtilities);
                var metadataReferenceProvider = workspace.Services.GetService <VisualStudioMetadataReferenceManager>();
                var ruleSetFileProvider       = workspace.Services.GetService <VisualStudioRuleSetManager>();

                ProjectTracker.InitializeProviders(documentProvider, metadataReferenceProvider, ruleSetFileProvider);

                var componentModel    = (IComponentModel)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(SComponentModel));
                var saveEventsService = componentModel.GetService <SaveEventsService>();


                VisualStudioProjectCacheHostServiceFactory.ConnectProjectCacheServiceToDocumentTracking(workspace.Services, (ProjectCacheService)workspace.CurrentSolution.Services.CacheService);

                // Ensure the options factory services are initialized on the UI thread
                workspace.Services.GetService <IOptionService>();