public TridentExecutor(TridentManager manager)
            this.registryConnection = manager.registryConnection;
            this.user = manager.User;

            //// Initializing the trident api object
            tridentApi = new InstanceAPI(registryConnection);
 public TridentModelBuilder(SR.Connection registryConn, SR.User user)
     this.registryConnection = registryConn;
     activityComposer = new ActivityComposer(registryConnection, false);
     this.user = user;
        /// <summary>
        /// TODO: Throw the exception up one level...
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeRegistry()
                //NOTE HERE!!!
                //It is very important for the project folder to have the dlls taken directly
                //from the trident installation directory ("Program files\Scientific workflow\etc.dll
                //And yes... the project folder is MQuter-eLabApp.web's bin
                //right now i am referencing to another project's bin as it worked
                //previously. i will need to add the references to the project folder or change
                //the alternateproviderlocation to this (Tridentconnetor) proj folder

                //SR.ConnectionManager.AlternateProviderLocation = "C:\\Users\\Tendious\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2010\\Projects\\MQuter-eLaboratory\\MQuter-eLaboratory.Web\\bin\\";
                SR.ConnectionManager.AlternateProviderLocation = System.Web.HttpRuntime.BinDirectory; //provider; //System.Web.HttpRuntime.BinDirectory;

                connMgr = SR.ConnectionManager

                registryConnection = connMgr.PickConnection(SR.ConnectionManagerBase.ConnectionUI.NeverShowUI);
            catch (Exception e)